

Amazon.com: ZOLO Halo Bluetooth and Wi
Frequent wireless disconnects, doesn't integrate well into a preexisting Echo/Alexa infrastructure.

The Zolo Halo worked ok as a standalone device, was *very* loud - but it did not integrate at all well into my Amazon Echo home. I have an Echo Dot in every room of my house, and replaced one of them with the Zolo for some better sound quality. One thing that was very nice with the Echos is that if more than one hears you, one of them takes precedence and the others stop listening. This was not the case with the Halo, it would fight for control with one of the other Echos, executing commands after the Dot in my kitchen had already done them, or sitting there spinning its wheels for a minute or two then executing a command long after I requested it. The Halo also disconnected from my house wireless very frequently, which is odd because it sits approximately 12 feet from an Ubiquiti UAP-AC-Pro access point. I wound up returning this device - I could live with the "fighting" with my other echo devices if the wireless wouldn't keep disconnecting. It would make a *great* garage hands-free smart boombox, but again, it doesn't integrate well with other Alexa devices.

Update 02/07/2018 - I just got a call from Anker, I was pleasantly surprised that they reached out both via comments here and via phone to make sure I was happy. I've ordered several Anker devices here as myself, and a BAJILLION (roughly) cables via my work account for the college I work at. Every Anker product I have used has been great (their lightning cables are insane, the ends won't split where everyone else's will - they hold up to constant use by college students no problem). This product was a bit of a miss for me, but I don't know if I could say unequivocally that it's Anker's fault, or Amazon API limitations. Some of the lack of integration (the Zolo doesn't work with multi room music, it doesn't seem to talk to my echo dot's to negotiate which one listen's to a command) is probably an Amazon limitation, but I don't know for sure. I'm adding stars for the effort Anker put in to reaching out to make sure I was happy. I've bookmarked the product and I'll keep an eye out to see if some of my frustrations get resolved , because the speaker really is a LOT better than the echo dot's.

I did *not* receive any compensation for updating my review, my change of rating from 2 to 4 stars is based solely on them going above and beyond to make sure I was happy.
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