

Every one suggested me to read newspaper to improv...
There really is no way around it. You will inevitably bump into words you don't recognize, but if you keep at it long enough, you do get better. The... show more There really is no way around it. You will inevitably bump into words you don't recognize, but if you keep at it long enough, you do get better. The first step is always the hardest. Try reading things that interest you personally. If you are a fan of business magazines, then try to read those instead of a newspaper. You can even start out with comics or children's books, which have easier words because they usually target a younger audience. When reading something in English, keep a piece of paper handy to write down any words or phrases you don't understand or find interesting. That way you can keep track of your progress and have a list of new words that you can practice using.
annely · 6 years ago
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I understand the problem. You have written that you lost interest in reading News paper and novels as you need to check the meaning of many words. Yes, here... show more I understand the problem. You have written that you lost interest in reading News paper and novels as you need to check the meaning of many words. Yes, here lies the problem. You will learn - if you seriously dedicate yourself towards the aim. I explain this as 'A B C ' factor - A = attitude, B = be brave to learn and C = continuity in learning. You are lacking this 'A B C factor'. Friend, you can't get any thing easily or ready made. Further You need working English, not literary English, so reading novel can't help much. Better I suggest, (1) procure a book which contains example of office communication etc. It is available in a good book stall. (2) increase your stock of word. whenever you get a new word , remember and use the word in your daily writing, drafts etc. . Official letter are always written in simple words (working English) . But mind it seriously, if you lose interest your efforts will fetch no result. Enjoy the learning. Have a promise in yourself that 'yes, I will achieve it' I am sure you will achieve. This is called 'attitude'. Don't be frustrated .........
Amitava ?????? · 6 years ago
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Practise makes the man perfect. When i was in school , once i picked up the daily THE HINDU and started reading the editorial. I was surprised to find... show more Practise makes the man perfect. When i was in school , once i picked up the daily THE HINDU and started reading the editorial. I was surprised to find myself unable to understand even one para. I looked into a simple dictionary, but got no results. Then i asked a proffesor of litrature who happens to be my relative. He give a priceless advice dat i'l b sharing with you. After 2 months , i made a high command in language and now i m fully confident. You must practise reading newspapers especialy the editorials and read latest best seller novels. Initialy u wont b able to under that easily. Underline the hard words and phrases and look into the dictionary. Please dont use any other dictionary just use cambridge advanced learner dictionary only. It also contain latest slangs and latest phrases which cant be found in any other simple dictionary. After practising like this you will yourself feel the change with time. Do read a book called 'Word Power made easy'. It will make to strengthen your language as well. Read as many best seller novels as you can along with advanced learner dictionary. I used to read thriller-suspense novels cos these were fun to read as wells. For command in speaking you just need to practise it with others. Initialy you will feel problem but with practise you will become perfect.
Anne · 1 year ago
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I think the trick would be to find material that YOU do find interesting. This could be a certain kind of movies (with good subtitles in a language you... show more I think the trick would be to find material that YOU do find interesting. This could be a certain kind of movies (with good subtitles in a language you master well), childrens books, even comics. Or find people who speak the language fluent in your neighbourhood, or a group that sings texts.
I know the BBC used to have a program in which they explained very meticulously what a song was about.

The more exercise you've had, the more material becomes interesting..
Source(s): dutch
zirp · 6 years ago
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