



  1. package com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.cache.EhCacheController;
  2. import java.net.URL;
  3. import java.util.Properties;
  4. import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;
  5. import net.sf.ehcache.CacheManager;
  6. import net.sf.ehcache.Element;
  7. import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.cache.CacheController;
  8. import com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.cache.CacheModel;
  9. /**
  10. * EhCache Implementation of the {@link com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.cache.CacheController} interface to be able to use
  11. * EhCache as a cache implementation in iBatis. You can configure your cache model as follows, by example, in your
  12. * sqlMapping files:
  13. * <cacheModel id="myCache" type="nl.rabobank.springproject.ibatis.EhCacheController" readOnly="true" serialize="false">
  14. *    <property name="configFile" value="/path-to-ehcache.xml"/>
  15. * </cacheModel>
  16. * Alternatively, you can use a type alias in your type attribute and defining the class with a
  17. * <TypeAlias> declaration, see iBatis documentation on how to do this.
  18. */
  19. public class EhCacheController implements CacheController {
  20.     /** The EhCache CacheManager. */
  21.     private CacheManager cacheManager;
  22.     /**
  23.       * Flush a cache model.
  24.       * @param cacheModel - the model to flush.
  25.       */
  26.     public void flush(CacheModel cacheModel) {
  27.          getCache(cacheModel).removeAll();
  28.      }
  29.     /**
  30.       * Get an object from a cache model.
  31.       * @param cacheModel - the model.
  32.       * @param key         - the key to the object.
  33.       * @return the object if in the cache, or null(?).
  34.       */
  35.     public Object getObject(CacheModel cacheModel, Object key) {
  36.          Object result = null;
  37.          Element element = getCache(cacheModel).get(key);
  38.         if (element != null) {
  39.              result = element.getObjectValue();
  40.          }
  41.         return result;
  42.      }
  43.     /**
  44.       * Put an object into a cache model.
  45.       * @param cacheModel - the model to add the object to.
  46.       * @param key         - the key to the object.
  47.       * @param object      - the object to add.
  48.       */
  49.     public void putObject(CacheModel cacheModel, Object key, Object object) {
  50.          getCache(cacheModel).put(new Element(key, object));
  51.      }
  52.     /**
  53.       * Remove an object from a cache model.
  54.       * @param cacheModel - the model to remove the object from.
  55.       * @param key         - the key to the object.
  56.       * @return the removed object(?).
  57.       */
  58.     public Object removeObject(CacheModel cacheModel, Object key) {
  59.          Object result = this.getObject(cacheModel, key);
  60.          getCache(cacheModel).remove(key);
  61.         return result;
  62.      }
  63.     /**
  64.       * Configure a cache controller. Initialize the EH Cache Manager as a singleton.
  65.       * @param props - the properties object continaing configuration information.
  66.       */
  67.     public void setProperties(Properties props) {
  68.          URL url = getClass().getResource(props.getProperty("configFile"));
  69.          cacheManager = CacheManager.create(url);
  70.      }
  71.     /**
  72.       * Gets an EH Cache based on an iBatis cache Model.
  73.       * @param cacheModel - the cache model.
  74.       * @return the EH Cache.
  75.       */
  76.     private Cache getCache(CacheModel cacheModel) {
  77.          String cacheName = cacheModel.getId();
  78.          Cache cache = cacheManager.getCache(cacheName);
  79.         return cache;
  80.      }
  81.     /**
  82.       * Shut down the EH Cache CacheManager.
  83.       */
  84.     public void finalize() {
  85.         if (cacheManager != null) {
  86.              cacheManager.shutdown();
  87.          }
  88.      }
  89. }

接下来一个sql Mapping config的例子

  1. <>xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  2.      PUBLIC "-//ibatis.apache.org//DTD SQL Map 2.0//EN"
  3.      "http://ibatis.apache.org/dtd/sql-map-2.dtd">
  4. <sqlMap namespace="myNamespace">
  6.   <typeAlias alias="MyPojo" type="nl.myproject.MyPojo"/>
  7.   <typeAlias alias="MapCacheController" type="com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.cache.EhCacheController"/>
  8.   <cacheModel id="MyPojoCache" type="MapCacheController" readOnly="true" serialize="false">
  9.     <property name="configFile" value="/ehcache.xml"/>
  10.   < span="">cacheModel>
  11.   <resultMap id="ResultQueryMap" class="MyPojo">
  12.      ...property mappings go here...
  13.   < span="">resultMap>
  14.   <select id="getMyPojoList" resultMap="ResultQueryMap" cacheModel="MyPojoCache">
  15.      ...select query to get your pojo from the database goes here...
  16.   < span="">select>
  17. < span="">sqlMap>


  1. <ehcache>
  2.    ...put your default cache here...
  3.   <cache
  4.     name="myNamespace.MyPojoCache"
  5.     maxElementsInMemory="5"
  6.     eternal="false"
  7.     timeToLiveSeconds="60"
  8.     overflowToDisk="false"
  9.     memoryStoreEvictionPolicy="LRU"/>
  10. < span="">ehcache>






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Ehcache 缓存组件
BATIS 2.0 开发指南
ibatis 缓存 (cacheModel)详解
IBatis.net 缓存
java ehcache 分布式缓存配置实例 .
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