

干货 | 写作暴涨40 的高大上同义替换词,忘了good和bad吧!



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1.hypothesis [ha??p?θ?s?s] 

【例句】Their hypothesis is that watching excessive amounts of television reduces a person's ability to concentrate.


2.speculation [?spekju?le??n]

【例句】The book is just a lot of idle speculation about the future.


3.assumption [??s?mp?n] 

【例句】Her plan is based on the underlying assumption that the economy will improve in the near future.




1.proposal [pr??p??zl] 

【例句】This proposal would be a less restrictive way of obtaining the same information.


2.recommendation [?rek?men?de??n]

【例句】The president, according to a White House statement last week, has decided to accept our recommendation.


3.proposition [?pr?p??z??n]  

【例句】Right now, a significant minority (some 40 percent) of African-American voters already agrees with that proposition.



三、 动机、动力(motivation)

1.impetus [??mp?t?s]

【例句】This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.


2.momentum [m??ment?m]

【例句】They are each anxious to maintain the momentum of the search for a solution.


3.incentive [?n?sent?v]

【例句】She alone had not only the incentive, but the necessary opportunity.


4.encouragement [?n?k?r?d?m?nt]

【例句】He's so invested in this dream of becoming a writer that any encouragement sends him flying.



四、评估,估计 (evaluation)

1.assessment [??sesm?nt]

【例句】This was an uncharitable assessment of the reasons for the failure.


2.appraisal [??pre?zl]

【例句】What is needed in such cases is a calm appraisal of the situation.


3.estimate [?est?m?t]

【例句】At least one estimate puts the total tab at $7 million.


4.judgment [?d??d?m?nt]

【例句】Our judgment as to the cause of his failure must rest on the evidence.


 五、混乱 (disorder)

1.disorganization [d?s??:ɡ?na?'ze??n]

【例句】May beth is is just another manifestation of Democratic disorganization.


2.chaos [?ke??s]

【例句】Whatever troubles arise, we'll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.


3.turbulence [?t?:bj?l?ns]

【例句】Theworld situation is characterized by turbulence and intranquility.


4.turmoil [?t?:m??l]

【例句】My emotional turmoil had drained me.



1.appliance [??pla??ns]

【例句】He could also learn to use the vacuum cleaner, the washing machine and otherhousehold appliances.


2.equipment [??kw?pm?nt]

【例句】The photographer came early to set up his equipment.


3.device [d??va?s]

【例句】The device can discriminate between the cancerous and the normal cells.


4.apparatus [??p??re?t?s]

【例句】They lacked the scientific personnel to develop the technical apparatus much further.


5.instrument [??nstr?m?nt]

【例句】The veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries.



 七、同盟联盟  league

1.coalition [?k????l??n]

【例句】The Liberal leader has announced his party's withdrawal from the ruling coalition.



【例句】Yet now he was here, in extremis, to seek an alliance.


3.ally [??la?]

【例句】He isa close ally of the Prime Minister.


4.union [?ju:ni?n]

【例句】Inunion there is strength.



1.pastime [?pɑ:sta?m]

【例句】Readingalways been an important part of learning and enjoyable pastime .一直以来


2.recreation [?rekri?e??n]

【例句】Allthe family members need to have their own interests and recreations.


3.diversion [da??v?:?n]

【例句】Fingerpainting is very messy but an excellent diversion.




1.manner [?m?n?(r)]

【例句】For now, we need to interpret the law and its guidelines as accurately as we can and to act in a fair manner.


2.fashion [?f??n]

【例句】So 'conscious business' might mean, engaging in an occupation, work, ortrade in a mindful, awake fashion.


3.approach [??pr??t?]

【例句】We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.


4.tactic [?t?kt?k]

【例句】The giant oilcorporations are earning fabulous profits by cunning tactics.


5.means [mi:nz]

【例句】According tosocial learning theories, social interaction is a means by which people acquireattitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.


6.channel [?t??nl]

【例句】The Americansrecognise that the UN can be the channel for greater diplomatic activity.




1.criteria [kra?'t??r??]

【例句】At the moment candidates are selected on a fairly narrow set of criteria such as prior academic and career performance, and analytical and problem solvingabilities.


2.norm [n?:m]

【例句】We conform to norms so readily that we are hardly aware they exist.




1.advance [?d?vɑ:ns]

【例句】Medical technology has advanced considerably...


2.headway ['hedwe?]

【例句】She has made remarkable headway in her writing skills.



1.desire [d??za??(r)]

【例句】They seem to regain their desire for life.


2.eagerness ['i:g?n?s]

【例句】He began to explain with the most considerable eagerness.


3.urge [?:d?]

【例句】He had an urge to open a shop of his own...


4.hunger [?h??g?(r)]

【例句】I can't understand why he seems to have no hunger for knowledge.【翻译】我不明白为什么他看上去对知识毫无兴趣。

5.yearning [?j?:n??]

【例句】He has always a yearning to be a schoolteacher




1.consciousness [?k?n??sn?s]

【例句】He is acutely conscious that this transition will bring with it the risk of socialunrest.


2.awareness [??we?n?s]

【例句】.He introduced radio to the school to increase the children's awareness.


3.perception [p?r?sep?n]

【例句】Another interesting issue deals with certain cultures' perception of beauty.



1.disposition [?d?sp??z??n]

【例句】Hewas a man of decisive action and an adventurous disposition.


2.personality [?p?:s??n?l?ti]

【例句】Intoday’s personality stakes, nothing is more highly valued than the sense of humor.


3.temperament [?tempr?m?nt]

【例句】His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulties...


4.nature [?ne?t??(r)]

【例句】She feels that her ambitious nature made her unsuitable for an arranged  marriage.



1.commitment [k??m?tm?nt]

【例句】Theymade a commitment to peace.


2.pledge [pled?]

【例句】Inthe treaty both sides pledge to respect human rights.


3.engagement [?n?ge?d?m?nt]

【例句】Allhis time seems to be taken up with social engagements.




1.mood [mu:d]

【例句】People who struggle with excessive Internet use maybe depressed or have other mooddisorder.


2.emotion [??m???n] 

【例句】A tide of emotion rose and clouded his judgement.


3.sentiment [?sent?m?nt]

【例句】He found growing sentiment for military action.


十七、吸引力 ( attraction )

1.appeal [??pi:l]

【例句】The game has lost its appeal.


2.fascination [?f?s??ne??n]

【例句】Water holds a fascination for most children.


3.charm [t?ɑ:m] 

【例句】'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs', the 1937 Disney classic, has lost none of its original charm.


4.lure [l??(r)] 

【例句】The lure of rural life is proving as strong as ever.


5.allurement [?'lj??m?nt] 

【例句】Money is a kind of allurement for us.


6.temptation [temp?te??n] 

【例句】Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.





1.responsibility [r??sp?ns??b?l?ti] 

【例句】Responsibility and moderation were to be the keynotes of their foreign policy.


2.obligation [??bl??ge??n] 

【例句】Co-operation was more than just an attractive option, it was an obligation.


3.accountability [??ka?nt?'b?l?t?] 

【例句】Good management in the police cannot be divorced from accountability.




1.option [??p?n] 

【例句】The menu changes weekly and usually includes a vegan option.


2.alternative [?:l?t?:n?t?v]

【例句】You have the alternative of riding or walking.


3.preference [?prefr?ns] 

【例句】Parents can express a preference for the school their child attends...


4.selection [s??lek?n] 

【例句】There is a wide selection of food available.




1.contract [?k?ntr?kt] 

【例句】A formal contract is signed which is renewable annually.


2.pact [p?kt] 

【例句】A non-aggression pact will be signed between the two countries.


3.treaty [?tri:ti]

【例句】The treaty binds them to respect their neighbour's independence.




1.payment [?pe?m?nt] 

【例句】Thousands of its customers are in arrears with loans and mortgage payments.


2.cost [k?st]

【例句】Companiesare moving jobs to towns with a lower cost of living.


3.spending [?spend??]

【例句】He'sa staunch supporter of controls on government spending.


4.expense [?k?spens]

【例句】Theywant to cut down their utility expenses


5.expenditure [?k?spend?t??(r)] 

【例句】.Itis questionable whether the expenditure on this project is really justified.


6.toll [t??l] 

【例句】Allvehicles travelling across the bridge have to pay a toll.




1.distinction [d??st??k?n] 

【例句】Many people make a sharp distinction between humans and other animals.


2.divergence [da?'v?:d??ns] 

【例句】A minimal error or deviation may result in wide divergence.


3.discrepancy [d?s?krep?nsi] 

【例句】The discrepancy in their ages seemed not to matter.





1.paradox [?p?r?d?ks] 

【例句】“More haste, less speed.”is a paradox.


2.contradiction [?k?ntr??d?k?n] 

【例句】Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.

【翻译】一旦抓住了主要矛盾, 一切问题就迎刃而解.

3.controversy [?k?ntr?v?:si] 

【例句】They had a bitter controversy over the question.


4.dispute [d??spju:t] 

【例句】They agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation.





1.tendency [?tend?nsi] 

【例句】Matters have taken a new tendency to〔towards〕peace.



【例句】He did not show the slightest inclination to leave.




一、几乎不(hardly )

1.barely [?be?li]

【例句】We could barely see the other cars because of the fog.


2.scarcely [?ske?sli] 

【例句】His style could scarcely be further removed from that of his predecessor.



二、立即,马上(immediately )

1.promptly [?pr?mptli]

【例句】Responding promptly to accidents and other emergencies is important, but it is their smallest job.


2.instantly [??nst?ntli] 

【例句】I recognized her instantly she entered the room.




1.prior to [?pra??(r)]

【例句】Prior to that time, buffalo had roamed the Great Plains in tremendous numbers.


2.previously ['pri:v??sl?] 

【例句】The device had been used operationally some months previously.


3.in advance [?d?vɑ:ns]

【例句】Clients normally pay fees in advance, monthly, quarterly, or yearly.






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