


于易水送人 骆宾王

Sending off a Warrior by the YishuiRiver    LuoBinwang
此地别燕丹,Taking leave of Prince Dan of Yan,
壮士发重冠.The warrior’s hair stood on end.
昔时人已没,Out hero never did come back;
今日水犹寒.But Yishui has remained ice cold.


This poem is based on the historical tale of how Prince Dan ofthe State of Yan engaged a warrior to assassinate the ruler of Qin(Who later unified China and became Qin Shi Huang Di, the firstEmperor of China) during the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.).Here, the warrior was taking leave to get rid of the despot. Theattempt failed, but the warrior was remembered for his fidelity andfearlessness (he knew he was going to certain death).

Yishui: The River Yishui (in Hebei Province)


杂诗 (其二) 王维

Miscellaneous Poems (Second in aSeries)  Wang Wei
君自故乡来,You said you had just come from my hometown.
应知故乡事.You should know what’s happening down there.
来日绮窗前,The winter-plums on my decked-out window-sill,
寒梅著花未?Were they in flower yet? A few^^^^ or nil?


白雪歌送武判官归京 岑参

Snow ( For Chief of Secretarial Staff Wu, who was Being CalledBack to the Capital) Cen Shen
北风卷地百草折,The north wind swooped down and the White Grasssnapped.
胡天八月即飞雪.Out here, snowfall begins in the month of August.
忽如一夜春风来,It was as if a spring breeze had blown overnight,
千树万树梨花开.Bringing millions of pear blossoms to the bare boughs oftrees.
散入珠帘湿罗幕,The moisture seeped through the door and bedcurtains:
狐裘不暖锦衾薄.Fur coats and heavy quilts no longer gave warmth.
将军角弓不得控,The general had a hard time opening his horn-rimmedbow;
都护铁衣冷难着.We had a tough job helping put on the governor’s suit ofarmor.
瀚海阑干百丈冰,The vast desert was criss-crossed with miles oficicles,
愁云惨淡万里凝.And baleful grey clouds filled the leaden sky.
中军置酒饮归客,Food and wine had been laid out for the send-offparty.
胡琴琵琶与羌笛.For music there were fiddles, pipa, and the Qiangflute.
纷纷暮雪下辕门,At dusk heavy snowflakes whirled round the campgateway.
风掣红旗冻不翻.Frozen stiff, the red flags no longer fluttered ingale.
轮台东门送君去,I saw you off at the east gate of Luntai.
去时雪满天山路.Nothing else but snow filled the Tianshan Road.
山回路转不见君,At a turn in the road you disappeared from view.
雪上空留马行处.Only a line of hoof-prints was left in the newly-fallensnow.

Out here: The far north of China; that is, Xinjiang.
Fiddles, pipa, and the Qiang flute: Musical instruments introducedinto China proper from the ethnic border peoples.
Luntai: Now Luntai Country in today’s Xinjiang.
Tianshan: Major mountain range in Xinjiang.

城东早春 杨巨源

Early Spring in EastCity    Yang Juyuan
诗家清景在新春,Poets favor the more delicate early spring scene:
绿柳才黄半未匀.The willow tops are ducky yellow mixed with a palegreen.
若待上林花似锦,Don’t wait till everything’s in bloom in the RoyalGarden.
出门俱是看花人.Then you’ll see hordes of flower-gazers, who say: oh,pardon!

秋浦歌 李白

Autumn Waterside Songs
白发三千丈,My white hair streams back many miles long;
缘愁似箇长?As long as my pensiveness is deep and strong.
不知明镜里,I’ve often looked at myself in the mirror embossed.
何处得秋霜!When and where did I take on this hoary frost!

马诗 李贺

A horse poem Li He
大漠沙如雪,The sands in the vast desert look like snow.
燕山月似钩.The moon over Yanshan is a mere hook.
何当金络脑,When will that horse take on a golden bridle
快走踏清秋.And, treading on a limpid autumn, gallop?

夜宿山寺 李白

Staying overnight in a mountain Temple
危楼高百尺,Its tower is one hundred feet high.
手可摘星辰.You could reach out and pluck a star.
不敢高声语,We all spoke in hushed voices,
恐惊天上人.Lest we disturb the folks up above.

凉州词 王之涣

Liangzhou Song  WangZhihuan
黄河远上白云间,The Yellow River goes all the way up to the sky.
一片孤城万仞山.A lone fort sits amid numerous mountain tops.
羌笛何须怨杨柳,The Qiang flute need not envy the willow trees.
春风不度玉门关.The spring breeze never sweeps beyond Gate Yumen.

Liangzhou: A set music piece for words to be filled in to become asong or poem to be sung or read, originating in Liangzhou.
A lone fort: Refers to Liangzhou Town.
The Qiang flute: Musical instrument introduced into the centrallands from the Qiang people-a minority group.
Fort Yumen: An important outpost situated to the west of Dunhuang,Gansu province.

竹枝词 刘禹锡

竹枝词      刘禹锡
The BambooSong    LiuYuxi

The willows are green; The river is swollen.

The songs you sing float down the rippling water.

The east side is clear, the west side showery.

You say there is no sun in the sky:
                Oh, but thereis!                
                Oh, but there is!

This is a play on words: The words (sunshiny) and (lovingfeelings)have the same pronunciation, so there is no sun means there is nolove. Note that the last line can be turned round to mean theopposite

送元二使安西 王维

Sending off a Friend, who Has Benn Appointed Envoy to the WestLands   Wang wei
渭城朝雨邑轻尘,The early morning shower in Weicheng has kept downdust.
客舍青青柳色新.The guesthouse looks trim and the willows fresh andgreen.
劝君更尽一杯酒,I would urge you to have one more for the road.
西出阳关无故人.Out west, beyond Fort Yangguan, you have no one to turnto.

The West Lands: Refers to territories straddling China’s far North,West and Northwest where a number of ethnic peoples lived.
Weicheng: Called Xiangyang in Qin Dynasty.
Fort Yangguan: A fortified town to the southwest of Dunhuang, GansuProvince.

题破山寺后禅院 常建

Meditation Rooms at the Back of the Cleft-Boulder HillTemple   Chang Jian
清晨入古寺,I went into the ancient temple early one morning.
初日照高林.The first rays of the sun were among the tree tops.
竹径通幽处,A winding footpath led me to greener places.
禅房花木深.The meditation rooms sat deep among flowering bushes.
山光悦鸟性,Lights from the hills delighted the birds.
潭影空人心.Shades over the pool soothed my whole being.
万籁此俱寂,The entire universe seemed devoid of all noises,
惟闻钟磬声.Only the Buddhist prayer music could be heard.

Cleft-Boulder Hill Temple: A Buddhist temple in Changshu, Jiangsuprovince.

滁州西涧 韦应物

Chuzhou’s West Brook   WeiYingwu
独怜幽草涧边生,I like the green, green grass growing by the brook.
上有黄鹂深树鸣.Up in the trees the orioles sing in every nook.
春潮带雨晚来急,The spring morning torrents at nightfall heavy showersbring.
野渡无人舟自横.A ferry boat drifts athwart at the deserted crossing.

Chuzhou: A town in Anhui province.




宿建德江 孟浩然

Staying Overnight on JiandeRiver   Meng Haoran
移舟泊烟渚,Moving the boat and mooring it by a misty isle,
日暮客愁新.The traveler now faced a new sadness by the sunset.
野旷天低树,In that wild area: The sky was not much higher than the treetops,
江清月近人.And the moon in limpid water looked easy to reach for.

Jiande River: A waterway of Zhejiang Province, now known as Xin’anRiver.

悯农二首 Sympathy for the peasants (II)

锄禾日当午,Hoeing millet in mid-day heat,
汗滴禾下土.Sweat dripping to the earth beneath:
谁知盘中餐,Do you know the food on your plate,
粒粒皆辛苦.Each grain was hard-earned, mate?


Sympathy for the peasants (I)
李绅 Li Shen
春种一粒粟,A seed is sown in spring;
秋收万颗子.A harvest is reaped in autumn.
四海无闲田,No land has been lying fallow.
农夫犹饿死.Yet peasants still have to borrow, or starve.

绝句 杜甫

A Heptasyllabic Quatrain   DuFu

Two yellow orioles sing in the green willows;

A flock of white egrets surge up the blue sky.

In my window is framed the snow-capped peak of Mount West.

Close by my door are moored boats from faraway Wu.

Wu: Suzhou and surrounding areas in Jiangsu Province in theprosperous lower Yangtse Valley, which is thousands of miles awayfrom Chengdu where Du Fu lived.


静夜思 李白

Musing on a Quiet Night Li Bai
床前明月光The bright moonlight near my cot,
疑是地上霜Seemed to me like white ground frost.
举头望明月I looked up to gaze at the moon,
低头思故乡I looked down to think of home..



淮上与友人别 郑谷

Parting from a Friend atYangZhou   Zheng Gu
扬子江头杨柳春,On the banks of Yangtse River willows celebratespring.
杨花愁杀渡江人.But their catkins sadden those waiting by the ferrycrossing.
数声风笛离亭晚,At the Yangzhou stage coach inn, where we now part, a fluteplays.
君向潇湘我向秦.You heading for Bamboo Country, while I for LoessLand.
Yangzhou: On the north bank of the Yangtse River in JiangsuProvince is historically a town of wealth and culture.
Catkins: In old Chinese literature, willow catkins were said to bethe tears of those being parted.
Bamboo Country: Hunan Province in China’s South.
Loess Land: Shanxi Province in China’s Northwest.


Seeing off a friend at AncientPlain  Bai Juyi
离离原上草,The grass has grown thick on the Plain.
一岁一枯荣.Each year it turns yellow, then green.
野火烧不尽,Bushfires cannot wipe it out;
春风吹又生.In the spring breeze it grows back again.
远芳侵古道,It has invaded the Ancient Pavement,
晴翠接荒城.Stretching all the way to Ruined Town.
又送王孙去,Where I’m saying adieu to you, my friend,
萋萋满别情.As my sadness and the pricky feel of grass blend.

春夜喜雨 杜甫

Propitious Rain Falling atMidnight   Du Fu
好雨知时节,Propitious rain is timely rain;
当春乃发生.It occurs mostly in spring.
随风潜入夜,Borne on the wind, it sneaks in by night.
润物细无声.And gives vital moisture to all things.
野径云俱黑,The clouds over the footpath are dark;
江船火独明.The lights from the lone boat are bright.
晓看红湿处,Tomorrow, look for those red dewy patches.
花重锦官城.The Brocade City will be loaded with flowers.

Brocade City: Chengdu (Sichuan), known for the brocade it wove.

春晓 孟浩然

Spring morn  Meng Haoran
春眠不觉晓,Spring slumber goes on and on.
处处闻啼鸟.Everywhere you hear the birds’ song.
夜来风雨声,Last night there was wind and rain.
花落知多少?How many flowers in mud have lain!

白石滩 王维

White Stone Beach  WangWei
清浅白石滩,Crystal clear is the water at White Stone Beach.
绿蒲向堪把.Green Cattails can be gathered by the bunch.
家住水东西,We’ve made our homes to its east and to its west.
浣纱明月下.By the moonlight women rinse their silk-gauzeskirt-n-vest.

子夜四时歌 秋歌   李白

子夜四时歌 秋歌 A Song Of An Autumn Midnight
长安一片月,A glimpse of the moon shines over the capital ofChang'an;
万户捣衣声,as the sounds of washing-mallets beating against the clothsresonate amidst the ten thousands families.
秋风吹不尽,The wind of autumn never ceased to howl,
总是玉关情,and the affection of the Jade Passage consumes the hearts forall eternity.
何日平胡虏,Oh, when, when is the Tartar army to be conquered(defeated),
良人罢远征, and my husband (或lover) shall come back from the longjourney (或battle)!

子夜四时歌 夏歌   李白
Ballads Of Four Seasons: Summer
镜湖三百里Mirror Lake outspreads for miles and miles,
菡萏发荷花The lotus lilies in full blossom teem.
五月西施采XiShi gathers them with smiles in May,
人看隘若耶Watchers overwhelm the bank of Ruoye Stream.
回舟不待月Her boat turns back without waiting moonrise,
归去越王家Return to royal house amid amorous sighs.

子夜四时歌 春歌  李白

Ballads Of Four Seasons: Spring

秦地罗敷女The lovely LuoFu of the western land
采桑绿水边Plucks mulberry leaves by the green waterside.
素手青条上Across the green boughs stretches out her white hand;
红妆白日鲜In golden sunshine her rosy robe is dyed.
蚕饥妾欲去"my silkworms are hungry, I cannot stay.
五马莫留连Tarry not with your five-horse cab, I pray."

关山月  李白

The Moon At The Fortified Pass
明月出天山The bright moon lifts from the Mountain of Heaven
苍茫云海间In an infinite haze of cloud and sea,
长风几万里And the wind, that has come a thousand miles,
吹度玉门关Beats at the Jade Pass battlements....
汉下白登道China marches its men down Baideng Road
胡窥青海湾While Tartar troops peer across blue waters of thebay....
由来征战地And since not one battle famous in history
不见有人还Sent all its fighters back again,
戍客望边色The soldiers turn round, looking toward the border,
思归多苦颜And think of home, with wistful eyes,
高楼当此夜And of those tonight in the upper chambers
叹息未应闲Who toss and sigh and cannot rest.

枫桥夜泊  张继

A Night-Mooring Near Maple Bridge

月落乌啼霜满天Moon going down, Crow cawing, frost filling all over thesky,
江枫渔火对愁眠Maple-trees near the river and torch in the fisher oppositethe sleeping anxiety.
姑苏城外寒山寺From the temple on Cold Mountain out of Suzhou,
夜半钟声到客船The midnight ding touches my boat.

九月九日忆山东兄弟   王维

Thinking Of My Brothers On Mountain-climbing Day.
独在异乡为异客All alone in a foreign land,
每逢佳节倍思亲I am twice as homesick on this day
遥知兄弟登高处When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain,
遍插茱萸少一人Each of them a branch but my branch missing.

凉州词   王翰

A Song of LiangZhou

葡萄美酒夜光杯Enjoying beautiful grape wine of moonlight cups,
欲饮琵琶马上催Want to drink lute but hurried on the horseback.
醉卧沙场君莫笑Don't laugh when fall asleep drunk on the battlefield
古来征战几人回How many soldiers ever come back home?



逢入京使   岑参

On Meeting A Messenger to The Capital

故园东望路漫漫It's a long way home, a long way east.
双袖龙钟泪不干I am old and my sleeve is wet with tears.
马上相逢无纸笔Meeting on horseback,no means of writing.
凭君传语报平安Tell them three words: "He is safe."




A Message to Han Cho the Yangzhou Magistrate

青山隐隐水迢迢There are faint green mountains and far green waters,
秋尽江南草未凋And grasses in this river region not yet faded byautumn;
二十四桥明月夜And clear in the moon on the Twenty-Four Bridges,
玉人何处教吹箫Girls white as jade are teaching flute-music.


泊秦淮 A Mooring on the Qin HuaiRiver   杜牧


烟笼寒水月笼沙Mist veils the cold stream, and moonlight the sand,
夜泊秦淮近酒家As I moor in the shadow of a river-tavern,
商女不知亡国恨Where girls, with no thought of a perished kingdom,
隔江犹唱《后庭花》Gaily echo A Song of Courtyard Flowers.




常建 A Buddhist Retreat Behind Broken-Mountain Temple


清晨入古寺In the early morning, near the old temple,
初日照高林Where early sunlight enlightens the tree-tops,
曲径通幽处My path has wound(wrapped), through a sheltered hollow
禅房花木深Of boughs and flowers, to a Buddhist retreat.
山光悦鸟性Here birds are alive with mountain-light,
潭影空人心And the mind of man touches peace in a pool,
万籁此俱寂And a thousand sounds are all quieted
惟馀钟磬音By the breathing of a temple-bell.




金陵酒肆留别Parting At A Wine-Shop In NanJing

风吹柳花满店香A wind, blowing willow-cotton, sweetens the shop,
吴姬压酒唤客尝And a Wu girl, pouring wine, urges me to share it
金陵子弟来相送With my comrades from NanJing to see me off;
欲行不行各尽觞And as each of them drains his cup, I hesitantly say to themin parting,
请君试问东流水Oh, go and try to ask the water running to the east
别意与之谁短长If it can travel farther than a friend's departure!



洛阳女儿对门居There's a girl from Loyang in the door across thestreet,
才可容颜十五馀She looks fifteen, she may be a little older.
良人玉勒乘骢马...While her master rides his rapid horse with jade bit anbridle,
侍女金盘脍鲤鱼Her handmaid brings her cod-fish in a golden plate.
画阁朱楼尽相望On her painted pavilions, facing red towers,
红桃绿柳垂檐向Cornices are pink and green with peach-bloom and withwillow,
罗帷送上七香车Canopies of silk awn her seven-scented chair,
宝扇迎归九华帐And rare fans shade her, home to her nine-floweredcurtains.
狂夫富贵在青春Her lord, with rank and wealth and in the bud of life,
意气骄奢剧季伦Exceeds in munificence the richest men of old.
自怜碧玉亲教舞He favours this girl of lowly birth, he has her taught todance;
不惜珊瑚持与人And he gives away his coral-trees to almost anyone.
春窗曙灭九微火The wind of dawn just stirs when his nine soft lights goout,
九微片片飞花琐Those nine soft lights like petals in a flying chain offlowers.
戏罢曾无理曲时Between dances she has barely time for singing over thesongs;
妆成只是薰香坐No sooner is she dressed again than incense burns beforeher.
城中相识尽繁华Those she knows in town are only the rich and thelavish,
日夜经过赵李家And day and night she is visiting the hosts of the gayestmansions.
谁怜越女颜如玉...Who notices the girl from Yue with a face of whitejade,
贫贱江头自浣纱Humble, poor, alone, by the river, washing silk?


Looking At The Moon And Thinking Of One Far Away

海上生明月The moon, grown full now over the sea,
天涯共此时Brightening the whole of heaven,
情人怨遥夜Brings to separated hearts
竟夕起相思The long thoughtfulness of night....
灭烛怜光满It is no darker though I blow out my candle.
披衣觉露滋It is no warmer though I put on my coat.
不堪盈手赠So I leave my message with the moon
还寝梦佳期And turn to my bed, hoping for dreams.


四月南风大麦黄In the Fourth-month the south wind blows plains of yellowbarley,
枣花未落桐叶长Date-flowers have not faded yet and lakka-leaves arelong.
青山朝别暮还见The green peak that we left at dawn we still can see atevening,
嘶马出门思故乡While our horses whinny on the road, eager to turnhomeward.
陈侯立身何坦荡...Chen, my friend, you have always been a great and goodman,
虬须虎眉仍大颡With your dragon's moustache, tiger's eyebrows and yourmassive forehead.
腹中贮书一万卷In your bosom you have shelved away ten thousandvolumes.
不肯低头在草莽 You have held your head high, never bowed it in thedust.
东门酤酒饮我曹...After buying us wine and pledging us, here at the easterngate,
心轻万事皆鸿毛And taking things as lightly as a wildgoose feather,
醉卧不知白日暮Flat you lie, tipsy, forgetting the white sun;
有时空望孤云高But now and then you open your eyes and gaze at a high lonecloud.
长河浪头连天黑...The tide-head of the lone river joins the darkeningsky.
津口停舟渡不得The ferryman beaches his boat. It has grown too late tosail.
郑国游人未及家And people on their way from Zheng cannot go home,
洛阳行子空叹息And people from Loyang sigh with disappointment.
闻道故林相识多...I have heard about the many friends around your wood landdwelling.
罢官昨日今如何Yesterday you were dismissed. Are they your friendstoday?

李颀 古意

古意An Old Air
男儿事长征There once was a man, sent on military missions,
少小幽燕客A wanderer, from youth, on the You and Yan frontiers.
赌胜马蹄下Under the horses' hoofs he would meet his foes
由来轻七尺And, recklessly risking his seven-foot body,
杀人莫敢前Would slay whoever dared confront
须如猬毛磔Those moustaches that bristled like porcupinequills.
黄云陇底白雪飞...There were dark clouds below the hills, there were whiteclouds above them,
未得报恩不能归But before a man has served full time, how can he goback?
辽东小妇年十五In eastern Liao a girl was waiting, a girl of fifteenyears,
惯弹琵琶解歌舞Deft with a guitar, expert in dance and song.
今为羌笛出塞声...She seems to be fluting, even now, a reed-song ofhome,
使我三军泪如雨Filling every soldier's eyes with homesick tears.


With twilight shadows in my heart
I have driven up among the Leyou Tombs
To see the sun, for all his glory,
Buried by the coming night.


王维 Wang Wei 送别

日暮掩柴扉Till now in the dark I close my thatch door....
春草明年绿Grasses return again green in the spring,
王孙归不归But O my Prince of Friends, do you?

王维 Wang Wei 竹里馆

独坐幽篁里Leaning alone in the close bamboos,
弹琴复长啸I am playing my lute and humming a song
深林人不知Too softly for anyone to hear --
明月来相照Except my comrade, the bright moon

柳宗元 江雪

千山鸟飞绝A hundred mountains and no bird,
万径人踪灭A thousand paths without a footprint;
孤舟蓑笠翁A little boat, a bamboo cloak,
独钓寒江雪An old man fishing in the cold river-snow.


Farewell To Vice-Prefect Du Setting Out For His Official Post InShu

城阙辅三秦By this wall that surrounds the three Qin districts,
风烟望五津Through a mist that makes five rivers one,
与君离别意We bid each other a sad farewell,
同是宦游人We two officials going opposite ways....
海内存知己And yet, while China holds our friendship,
天涯若比邻And heaven remains our neighbourhood,
无为在歧路Why should you linger at the fork of the road,
儿女共沾巾Wiping your eyes like a heart-broken child?


鹫翎金仆姑His golden arrow is tipped with hawk's feathers,
燕尾绣蝥弧His embroidered silk flag has a tail like a swallow.
独立扬新令One man, arising, gives a new order
千营共一呼To the answering shout of a thousand tents.


月黑雁飞高High in the faint moonlight, wild geese are soaring.
单于夜遁逃Tartar chieftains are fleeing through the dark --
欲将轻骑逐And we chase them, with horses lightly burdened
大雪满弓刀And a burden of snow on our bows and our swords.


A Poem for Each & Every Day

May you have...你可拥有^^
Enough happiness to keep you sweet,足够的幸福保持甜蜜
Enough trials to keep you strong,足够的考验保持坚强
Enough sorrow to keep you human,足够的悲伤保持人性
Enough hope to keep you happy,足够的希望保持快乐
Enough failure to keep you humble,足够的失败保持谦逊
Enough success to keep you eager,足够的成功保持渴望
Enough friends to give you comfort,足够的朋友给你安慰
Enough wealth to meet your needs,足够的财富满足需求
Enough enthusiasm to look forward,足够的热情展望
Enough faith to banish depression,足够的信仰驱除消沉
Enough determination to make each day better than yesterday!
- Anonymous


An Angel Kiss

An Angel kissed my tearsaway      当我感到悲伤的时候,
today when I wassad.              天使拭去我的泪水;
I wasn't feeling quietmyself      我心神不宁;
my day had been sobad.            我的生活是如此不幸;

I felt a warmth brush byme        我感觉到一丝温暖的拂拭;
that quickly dried mytears;        迅速地风干我的泪水;
A gentle, kind, and lovingtouch    温和,亲切,钟情的抚摸
that seemed to hold menear.        好似亲密的拥抱

Immediately, I felt so muchbetter  突然,我感到神清气爽;
and the day seemed brighter,too.   天空似乎变得更加明亮;
I guess that's just the way you feel我想那就是当天使安慰你时
when an Angel comfortsyou.        所感觉到的方式.



Towards the Sea, With Spring flowers Blossoming


From tomorrow on, I will be a happyperson;  
Grooming, chopping, and traveling all over the world.
From tomorrow on, I will care foodstuff and vegetables,
I have a house,towards the sea, with spring flowersblossoming.

From tomorrow on, I will write to each of my dear ones,
Telling them of my happiness,
What the lightening of blessedness has told me,
I will spread it to each of them.
And give a warm name for every river and every mountain.

Strangers, I will also give you my well-wishing.
May you have a brilliant future!
May you lovers eventually becomespouse!  
May you enjoy happiness in this earthly world!
I only wish to face the sea, with spring flowers blossoming.

groom:feed the horse 喂马
chop:To cut by striking with a heavy, sharp tool, such as anax:




You ask me when I'm coming.Alas, not just yet...
How the rain filled the pools on that night when we met!
Ah,when shall we ever snulf candles again,
And recall the glad hours of that evening of rain?


渔家傲 范仲淹


Tune: Pride of Fishermen
When autumn comes to the frontier, the scene looks drear,
South-bound wild geese won’t stay even for a day.
Uproar rises with horns blowing far and near.
Walled in by peaks, smoke rises straight at sunset over isolatedtown with fastened gate.

I hold a cup of wine, yet home is faraway.
The northwest is not won and I’m obliged to stay.
At the flutes’ doleful sound over frost-covered ground,
None fall asleep,
The general’s hair turns white and soldiers weep.


苏幕遮 范仲淹


Tune: Screened by Southern Curtain
Emerald clouds above and yellow leaves below,
Over autumn-tinted waves, cold, green mists grow.
The sun slants over the hills, the waves blend with the sky,
Unfeeling grass grows sweet beyond the mountains high.

A homesick heart lost in thoughts deep,
Only sweet dreams each night can retain me in sleep.
Don’t lean alone on the rails when the bright moon appears!
Wine in sad bowels would turn into nostalgic tears.

卜算子送鲍浩然之浙东 王观



Tune: Song of Divination
Parting with Bao Haoran  WangGuan
A stretch of rippling water is the beaming eye;
The arched brows around are mountains high.
If you ask where the wayfarer is bound,
Just see where beaming eyes and arched brows are found.

I’ve just seen spring depart.
And now again with you I’ll part.
If in the South you overtake the spring day,
Be sure not to let it slip away.


如梦令 李清照


Tune: Like a Dream

Last night the wind was strong and rain was fine,
Sound sleep did not dispel the taste of wine.
I ask the maid who’s rolling up the screen.
“The same crab-apple tree,” she says, “ is seen.”
“Don’t you know,
Don’t you know
The red should languish and the green must grow?”


定风波 苏轼




Tune: Calming the Waves  SuShi
On the 7th day of the 3rd month we were caught in rain on our wayto the Sandy Lake. The umbrellas had gone ahead, my companies werequite downhearted, but I took no notice. It soon cleared, and Iwrote this.

Listen to the rain beating against the trees.
Why don’t you slowly walk and chant at ease?
Better than a saddle I like sandals and cane.
I’d fain.
In a straw cloak, spend my life in mist and rain.

Drunken, I am sobered by the vernal wind shrill and ratherchill.
In front, I see the slanting sun atop the hill;
Turning my head, I see the dreary beaten track.
Let me go back!
Impervious to rain or shine, I’ll have my own will.


醉花阴九日 李清照



Tune: Tipsy in the Flower’s Shade
The double ninth Festival

In thin mist and thick cloud of incense, sad I stay.
The animal-shaped censer I see all day.
The Double Ninth Festival comes again.
Still alone I remain in the curtain of gauze, on a pillow of jade,which the midnight chills begins to invade.

After dusk I drink wine by East Hedge in full bloom,
My sleeves filled with fragrance and gloom.
Say not my soul is not consumed!
Should the west wind uproll the curtain of my bower,
I would show a thinner face than yellow flower.


江城子乙卯正月二十日夜记梦 苏轼



Tune: A Riverside Town
Dreaming of My Deceased Wife On the night of the 20th Day of the1st Month
Su Shi
For ten years the living of the dead knows nought.
Though to my mind not brought,
Could the dead be forgotten?
Her lonely grave is far, a thousand miles away.
To whom can I my grief convey?
Revived, even if she be, could she know me?
My face is worn with care and frosted is my fair.

Last night I dreamed of coming to my native place:
She’s making up her face
Before her mirror with grace.
Each saw the other hushed,
But from our eyes tears gushed.
When I am woken, I fancy her heart-broken each night when the moonshines over her grave clad with pines.


念奴娇赤壁怀古 苏轼



Tune:: Charm of a Maiden Singer
Memories of the Past at RedCliff  Su Shi

The great river eastward flows, with its waves are gone all thosegallant heroes of bygone years.
West of the ancient fortress appears the Red Cliff.
Here General Zhou won his early fame when the Three Kingdoms wereall aflame.
Jagged rocks tower in the air, swashing waves beat on the shore,rolling up a thousand heaps of snow.
To match the hills and the river so fair,
How many heroes brave of yore made a great show!

I fancy General Zhou at the height of his success, with a plume fanin hand,
In a silk hood, so brave and bright, laughing and jesting with hisbride so fair,
While enemy ships were destroyed as planned like shadowy castles inthe air.
Should their souls revisit this land, sentimental, his wife wouldlaugh to say,
Younger than they, I have my hair all turned gray.
Life is but like a passing dream,
I’d drink to the moon which once saw them on the stream.


声声慢 李清照



Tune: Slow, Slow Tune

I look for what I miss,
I know not what it is:
I feel so sad, so drear,
So lonely, without cheer.
How hard is it to keep me fit in this lingering cold!
Hardly warmed up by cup on cup of wine so dry.
Oh! How could I endure at dusk the drift of wind so swift?
It breaks my heart, alas!
To see the wild geese pass, for they are my acquaintances ofold.

The ground is covered with yellow flowers faded and fallen inshowers.
Who will pick them up now?
Sitting alone at the window how could I but quicken the pace ofdarkness which won’t thicken?
On parasol-trees a fine rain drizzles as twilight grizzles.
Oh! What can I do with a grief beyond belief!!



长相思 白居易

Tune: “Everlasting Longing”
汴水流,泗水流,See the Bian River flow And the Si River flow!
流到瓜州古渡头.By Ancient Ferry, mingling waves, they go,
吴山点点愁.The Southern hills reflect my woe.

思悠悠,恨悠悠,My thoughts stretch endlessly, My grief wretchesendlessly,
恨到归时方始休.So thus until my husband comes to me,
月明人倚楼.Alone on moon-lit balcony.


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