



1.— Let me introduce myself.I’m Albert.


   A.Whatpleasure                  B.It’s my pleasure

   C.Pleased to meetyou            D.I’m very pleased

2.—How’s the young man?


   A.He’stwenty    B.He’sa doctor   C.He’s muchbetter    D.He’sDavid

3. —Do you think it’s going to rain over weekend?


   A.I don’tbelieve              B.I don’t believe

   C.I believe notso              D.I believe not

4. —Hi,haven’t seen you for ages!You 1ook fine.

    .You 1ook well,too.

  A.Great      B.Thanks    C.Oh,no     D.Not at all

5.—Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow.


   A.Idon’t    B.IWon’t   C.Ican’t    D.Ihaven’t

6.—I’ll be away on a business trip.Could you mind 1ooking aftermy cat?

  —Not atall.    

  A.I’ve notime    B.I’drather not   C.I’d like it   D.I’d be happy to

7.—I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s


   A.0h.that’s very nice ofyou      B.Congratulations

   C.It’s apleasure                 D.0h,I’m glad to hear that



—I can’t eat this.It’s too salty.

  A.Yes,sir?      B.What?      C.Allright?      D.Pardon?

9.—I believe we’ve met somewhere before.


  A.it isn’t thesame            B.it can’t be true

C.I don’t thinkso             D.I’d rather not

10.—I just heard that the tickets for tonight’s show have beensold out.


   A.I was looking forward tothat            B.Itdoesn’t matter

   C.I knew italready                      D.It’snot all interesting

11.—Shall I help you with that suitcase?


    A.It’sallright,thanks                  B.Yes,go ahead please

    C.I don’twant to trouble you toomuch     D.No,please don’t do it

12.—You’ve given us a wonderful Chinese dinner,Mrs.Wang.


    A.0h,I’mafraid I didn’t cook very well   B.I’m gladyou enjoyed it

    C.Comeagain when you arefree          D.It’s not necessary for you to say so

13.—Do you mind if I keep pets in this building?



    A.I’drather you didn’t.actually        B.0fcourse not,it’s not allowed here

    C.Great!Ilovepets                   D.No,you can’t

14.—Do you have any more sheep year stamps?


    A.Sorry,alittle   B.Yes,please   C.What a pity   D.I’m afraid not

15.—I didn’t know this was a one-way street,officer.


    A.That’sallright.          B.I don’t believe you.

    C.Howdare you saythat?       D.Sorry.but that’s no excuse.

16.—Don’t forget to join in our game tomorrow.


    A.Yes,Idon’t    B.No,Idon’t    C.No,Iwon’t    D.Yes,Iwon’t

17.——It has been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much.

——       .

    A.Mypleasure   B.I’m glad to hearthat   C.No.thanks   D.It’s ok

18.—Luch,you wash thedishes,    ?

—Mom,can’t Lily do it? It’s her turn.

    A.don’tyou     B.canyou     C.shallyou      D.will you

19.—Shall I buy this book for Tim?

     .He might already have it.

   A.I don’tagree    B.Noproblem    C.Youcan’t do that   D.You’d better not

20.Be sure to write tous,      ?

    A.willyou    B.aren’tyou    C.canyou    D.mustn’tyou


1.I enjoyed the movie very much.I wishI    the book from which it was made.

   A.haveread    B.hadread    C.shouldhave read   D.am reading

2.You are late.Ifyou    a few minutesearlier,you    him.

   A.came;Would meetB.hadcome;Would have met

   C.come;Will meet D.hadcome;would meet

3.I can’t stand him.He always talks as thoughhe    everything·

  A.knew      B.knows      C.hasknow      D.had known

4.His doctor suggested thathe    short trip abroad.

   A.willtake    B.wouldtake    C.take    D.took

5.We might have failed ifyou      us a helping hand.

   A.have notgiven    B.wouldnot give   C.had notgiven    D.didnot give

6.The law requires thateveryrone    his car checked at least once a month.

  A.has       B.have       C.had           D.will have

7.He was busy yesterday,otherwisehe    to the meeting.

   A.wouldcome    B.wouldhave been   C.could havebeen    D.wouldbe

8.If there were no subjunctivemood,English    much easier.

   A.willbe    B.wouldhave been   C.could havebeen    D.wouldbe

9.    the fog,we should have reached our schoo1.

    A.Becauseof    B.In spiteof    C.In caseof    D.Butfor

10.—What will you do during winter vacation?

   —I don’t know,but it’sabouttime    something·

   A.Idecided   B.I’ll decide   C.I’d decided   D.I’m deciding

11.He was very busyyesterday,otherwise,he    to your birthday party.

    A.wouldcome   B.came   C.would havecome    D.shouldcome

12.The two strangers talked as ifthey    friends for years.

    A.shouldbe    B.hadbeen    C.havebeen    D.were

13.Look!  What you’vedone!You    have been more careful.

   A.should       B.may         C.ought        D.would

14.Withoutelectricity,what    ?

    A.willthe world belike      B.would the world be like

    C.theworld will be like      D.theWorld Would be like

15.With yourability,you    out the puzzle within a few minutes.

A. could haveworked          B.need have worked 

B. C.ought haveworked       D.must have worked

16.My suggestion is that the sickboy    to hospital as soon as possible.

    A.istaken    B.mustbe taken    C.betaken    D.hasto be taken

17.If we had not missed thebus,we    lunch at home now.

    A.wouldhave had   B.would have   C.must behaving   D.would be having

18.    here yesterday,he would attend the lecture with us today.

    A.Had hebeen    B.If hewere    C.Werehe    D.Shouldbe he

19.His tired face suggested that he    really tired after the 1ong walk.

    A.hadbeen      B.was      C.be      D.should be

20.Do you feel thatI    the problem in a different way the other day?

    A.shouldcome    B.shouldhave solved   C.have solved   D.solved

21.0ur chairman hasn’t come yet.Ifhe    on time,we would have to put off the meeting.

    A.shouldcome    B.wouldcome   C.shouldn’tcome   D.doesn’t come

22.He insisted thathe    really very tried and thathe    to have a rest.

    A.was;beallowed                B.was;must be allowed

    C.shouldbe;must beallowed     D.should be;be allowed

23.He did his best ineverything;    he would not have been what he was.

   A.and      B.but     C.otherwise     D.but that

24.Ido    I could give you a hand.

   A.hope     B.wish    C.expect        D.think

25.I Would rathershe    tomorrow than today.

   A.come     B.came    C.should        D.hascome

26.The guard at the gate insisted thateverybody    the rules.

   A.obeys    B.obey    C.willobey     D.Would obey

27.I    her if I thought she would understand.

    A.wouldtell    B.willtell    C.Wouldhave to1d   D.told

28.The teacher requiresRose    by heart 15 English words each day.

   A.1earn        B.tolearn    C.mustlearn        D.1earning

29.—Ifhe     ,he    that food.

    —Luckilyhe was sent to the hospita1 immediate1y.

    A.Waswarmed;would nottake       B.had been warmed;wou1d not have taken

    C.wouldbe warmed;had nottaken    D.wouldhave been warmed;had not taken

30.Without electricity humanlife    quite different today.

   A.is     B.willbe     C.would havebeen     D.Would be


1.If Bob’s wife doesn’t agree to sign thepapers,      .

   A.neither hewill   B.neither won’tbe  C.neither willbe    D.he Won’tneither

2.Hardly    the people ran toward it.

   A.had the plane landedwhen      B.had the plane 1anded than

   C.the plane had landedwhen      D.the plane Was landing than

3.Not until Mr.Smith came toChina    what kind of country she is.

   A.did heknow    B.heknew    C.he didknow    D.didn’t he realize

4.0nly by practising a few hours everyday    be able to master the language.

   A.youcan       B.can you   C.youwill       D.will you

5.Jenny is a beautiful girl and she likes dancing verymuch,     

   A.so isMary    B.sodoes Mary   C.so Marydoes    D.so itis with Mary

6.Neverbefore    ourcountry    as strong as it is today.

  A.has;been   B.不填;has been   C.has been;不填   D.is;不填

7.0nly by taking ataxi    on time.

   A.you can arrivethere            B.arrive there you can

   C.can you arrivethere            D.therer you can arrive

8.Notonly    pollutedbut    crowded.

   A.was the city;were thestreets    B.the city was;were the streets

   C.was the city;the streetswere    D.the city was;the streets were

9.    got into theroom    telephone rang.

A. He hardlyhad;than            B.Hardly had he;when

C.He hadnot;than               D.Not had he;when

10.Notuntil    over    back to his lab.

    A.Was thewar;the scientistwent    B.the war was;  went the scientist

    C.was thewar;did the scientist go   D.the war was;did the scientist go



    A.goesthe bell;itgoes            B.goesthe bell;goes it

    C.thebell goes;itgoes            D.thebell goes;goes it

12.    then he wouldn’t have made such a mistake.

    A.If hefollowed youradvice       B.Were he to follow your advice

    C.Had hefollowed youradvice      D.He had followed your advice

13.Onlyafter     setfree       able to go on with his research work.

    A.hewas;was he   B.was he;washe   C.was he;hewas    D.hewas;he was

14.    do we go for picnics.

   A.Sometimes   B.Certainly     C.Seldom     D.0nce

15.No sooner had she seen herfather    she ran to him.

   A.than        B.when      C.as   D.that

l6.Nowhere else in theWorld    cheaper tailoring than in Hong Kong.

    A.atourist canfind          B.can a tourist find

    C.atourist willfind        D.a tourist has found

17.    ,the football game has been decided not to be put off.

    A.Heavilyas did itrain    B.As it rained heavily

    C.Heavilyas itrained      D.As heavily as it could

18.Now here else in thiscity     

    A.cansuch cheap things befound     B.Can find so cheap a thing

    C.suchcheap things can befound     D.you can find sucn cheap things

19.Not theparents    theirdaughter    to marry a rich merchant.

   A.and;want   B.but;wants   C.but;want   D.yet;want

20.—Can you tell me where my uncle is?


    A.hereyour unclecomes       B.here comes your uncle

    C.comesyour unclehere       D.your uncle here comes

21.So1oudly    that even people in the street could hear him.

    A.hespoke    B.didhe speak    C.hedid speak   D.spoke he

22.The door burst openand    ,shouting with anger.

    A.inrushed thecrowd          B.rushed in the crowd

    C.thecrowd inrushed          D.in the crowed rushed

23.On the top of thehill    where the old man once lived.

    A.atemple standsthere        B.a temple standing

    C.does atemplestand          D.stands a temple

24.The soil is a part of theearth,    is the atmosphere.

   A.that      B.such      C.so      D.it

25.Not until I shouted at the top of myvoice     his head.

    A.that heturned    B.hehad turned   C.he didn’tturn    D.did heturn


1.It wasnot    she took off herglasses    I realized she was a famous film star.

  A.when;that   B.until;that   C.until;when   D.when;then

2.It was about 600 yearsago    the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

  A.that         B.until         C.before        D.when

3.It was not until eleveno’clock    he went to bed.

   A.inwhich     B.atwhich      C.when        D.that

4.Was it at the schoolgate    the girl picked up the purse?

  A.which        B.atwhich      C.that        D.when

5.    to travel by boat on a hot summer night!

  A.Sopleasant                 B.How pleasant it is!

C.Such apleasant             D.How pleasant is it

6.It was in thepark    I met his uncle the day before yesterday.

  A.that      B.where      C.when      D,in which

7.It’s her verycleverness    makes it difficult for her to work with others.

   A.what    B.forthat    C.which     D.that

8.Itwasn’t    him in.

   A.me whomlet    B.I wholet    C.I whatlet    D.I whichlet

9.It was during the Second WorldWar    be died.

   A.when         B.after       C.before       D.that

10.Itis    who    wrong.

   A.me;an      B.me;is      C.I;am       D.I;is

11.Who isit    is waiting outside the room?

   A.who        B.whom         C.which       D.that

12.    good time they are having at the party now!

   A.What       B.Whata       C.How         D.How a

13.    progress you have made!

    A.Whatgreat    B.Whata great    C.Howgreat    D.Howgreat a

l4.    terrible weather we’ve been having these days!

    A.Howa        B.Whata         C.How         D.What

15.     from Beijing to London!

    A.Howlong away itis            B.What a 1ong way is it

C.How long way isit             D.What a long way it is

(十七)  综合运用

1. —How do you like your new house ?

            .It’s really big and comfortable .

      A.I like it very much                             B.Haven’t  you seen it ?

      C.My parents bought it for me               D.I chose it from one hundred

2. The teachers in our school have a meeting every Wednesday,         there is nothing to discuss .

      A.when               B.if                     C.unless              D.since

3. What a shame for me when someone          nextto me heard a flute in the distance and I heard nothing .

      A.stood               B.to stand            C.stand                D.standing

4. The rain is plentiful in the southeast of the country,         yearly .

      A.as much as seventy inches                 B.as seventy inches much as

      C.seventy inches as much as                 D.as much seventy inches as

5. If you go for a long ride in a friend’s car , it’s the customto offer to          someof the expenses .

      A.pay                  B.pay off             C.pay for             D.pay back

6. —John saw a three-year-old child walking alone in a shoppingmall , so he took the child home immediately and called the police.

    —But he          havewaited with the child until the parents returned .

      A.shouldn’t          B.could                C.would              D.might

7. A large crowd          wildlyas the pilot          herplane safely in California .

      A.had cheered ; was landing                  B.had cheered ; landed

      C.was cheering ; had landed                  D.was cheering ; landed

8. She had no money to buy a plane ticket and,          , she didn’t have the courageto tell her parents her present situation .

      A.even worse       B.however           C.otherwise         D.or

9. I often think of the great effort and courage it          forthe man to come back to apologize .

      A.made                B.spared              C.took                 D.found

10.When you listen to people talk or read something without atitle , try to invent          __________title that summarizes          mainidea .

      A.the ; a              B.the ; the            C.a ; a                 D.a ; the

11.If you’re looking for an exciting place with lots of streetlife,         moving to this city , where the streets arefilled all day , bars and night clubs are open until 4 am ., andthe buses and subways run all night .

      A.enjoy                B.consider           C.you’d better      D.be sure

12.Carmen Ferreira          uphope of finding her pet parrot , Raquel , who          fromthe back garden of her house two years ago .

      A.has given ;disappeared                       B.had given ; had disappeared

      C.had given ; was disappeared               D.has given ;was disappearing

13.—I wonder          Bobis so dressed up today .

    —He mustbe going to a job interview .

      A.whether            B.why                 C.what                D.how

14.I’ve been working for over twenty years and seldom          sotired as now .

      A.I have felt         B.I had felt           C.have I felt         D.had I felt

15.The problem of over fishing is spreading . Since          canfish,         people do .

      A.anyone ; many    B.no one ;some    C.someone ; most   D.anyone ; any

16.—What do you think of Andrew ?

    —Thereare some things that are not easy to         ,and his coldness is one .

      A.put aside           B.put up with       C.think of            D.get along with

17.—What happened to you on your way back to the hotel lastnight ?

    —I lostmy way in complete darkness and ,        thingsworse , it began to pour .

      A.making             B.to make            C.having made     D.made

18.—So can I ask you a few fairly straightforward questionsabout yourself ?

    —Noproblem . I like        whenpeople are open and direct .

      A.that                  B.this                  C.it                     D.them

19.—Would you tellme        you want your tea , with sugaror milk ?

    —Sugar ,please .

      A.whether            B.when                C.what                D.how

20.Why is he always forcing his daughter to practise playing thepiano if she is not        fora pianist ?

      A.meant               B.intended            C.trained              D.asked

21.—Jack called to say that he would not accept the job .

    —I hadtalked him into taking it up many times.       since he still refuses .

      A.I’ll come to his help                          B.I can’t help it

      C.I’ll talk it over with him                     D.I’ll phone him up

22.—Was it there        youwere away to see your friend off ?

    —I’m notsure . But when I got back , it was gone .

      A.that                  B.which               C.while                D.where

23.—Do you think an advertisement is        helpwhen you look for a new job ?

    —Well ,it all depends . Anyway , it gives me more of        chanceto try .

      A.a;a                    B.不填;不填        C.the ; the            D.a; the

24.—George is a wise person .

    —But inmy opinion , he is        thanwise .

      A.cleverer            B.braver              C.more brave       D.less brave

25.—Is David a man with good manners ?

    —I don’tthink so . As a matter of fact , he is        butpolite .

      A.something         B.everything         C.nothing             D.anything

26.How come you stepped into the lab with your shoes on ? You’re        totake them off before you enter it . I told you so !

      A.expected           B.supposed          C.forbidden          D.permitted

27.It rained nonstop for ten days , completely        ourholiday.

      A.to ruin              B.ruined               C.having ruined    D.ruining

28.       , most teenagers now listen to rock music .However , Jonah prefers classical music .

      A.In a word         B.In general         C.In particular      D.In total

29.—This returned Chinese scholar has become one of the topexperts in this field .

    —Yes , Iknow him very well . He        inAfrica with wild animals for eight years .

      A.has worked       B.had worked       C.worked            D.has been working

30.—Henry has been teaching English in Beijing University formany years .

    —It’s no        hecan speak Chinese so well and idiomatically .

      A.matter              B.doubt               C.problem            D.wonder

31.Nowadays,        mobile phone is        popularmeans of communication.

      A.the;a                 B.a;不填              C.the;the              D.a; the

32.—How come you are late for class again?


      A.Because I missed thebus                     B.By bus and then on foot

      C.Please excuseme                                D.It’s quite wrongs

33.—Excuse me. Did you notice whether the No.108 bus had goneby?

      —Not         I’vebeen standing here.

      A.as                      B.when                 C.since                  D.while

34.I have never dined with you, sir; and I see noreason        .

      A.how can Iknow                                 B.how I ought to know

      C.why shall Iknow                                D.why I should know

35.Ask         Americanwhich city has the worst air pollution, and the answer is sure tobe Los Angeles.

      A.some                 B.every                 C.any                    D.all

36.—The English exam is not difficult, is it?

              . EvenTom        to the top students failed in it.

      A.yes;belonged      B.No;belonged      C.Yes;belonging    D.No; belonging

37.Mrs. Black took the police back to         place         shewitnessed the robbery.

      A.the same;as       B.the same; where   C.the same;that     D.as the same; as

38.Among the films being nominated(提名)         directedby Zhang Yimou.

      A.is a popular film                                B.is as popular

      C.a popularfilm                                     D.one is popular

39.        sometimes keeps her awake at night         Tomis getting more and more quiet at home.

      A.That;which        B.It;that                C.Whether;what    D.What; that

40.—What is the man, do you know?

      —I don’t know exactly. But I think he canbe        but a teacher.

      A.anybody             B.something           C.anything             D.everybody

41.—Can we get everything ready by the weekend?

    —It alldepends on _______ we can get Mr. Green’s co-operation.

      A.that                    B.what                  C.whether             D.if

42._________ as the “First Lady of Speech”, Dr Lillian Glass isrecognized as one of the world’s leading experts on communicationskills.

      A.Knowing            B.Havingknown     C.Known               D.To be known

43.Miss Langham arm in arm with Mr. Peabody ——________sight!

      A.how astonishinga                                                              B.so an astonishing

      C.what astonishinga                              D.such an astonishing

44.At the shop, they wanted to show me all the dresses, but Iwas interested only in ________ in the window.

      A.this                    B.that                    C.it                       D.the one

45.—Has the little boy passed _______ P.E. test?

—He has tried twice, and the teacher will allow him to have_______ third try.

      A.the;不填           B.a;the                 C.the;a                 D.the; the

46.—Where _______ Margaret have put the empty bottles?

      —She ______ them away. They must be somewhere.

      A.can; can’t havethrown                       B.must; needn’t

      C.must; must havethrown                      D.can; must throw

47.Just after putting the baby onto bed, Mrs White suddenlycaught sight of the pet cat and didn’t know how long it ________ onthe table ________ for the family dinner.

      A.had been laying,lying                          B.had been lying, laid

      C.had been laid,laid                               D.had lain, laying

48.—Have a nice trip!

      —Thanks. I’ll telephone you from ______ I get to by tomorrowevening.

      A.wherever            B.everyplace         C.whenever           D.no matter where

49.At the computer operation test, one is supposed to stay athis own machine, keep his eyes on his screen, _______ toanyone.

      A.and not tospeak                                 B.but could not speak

      C.instead ofspeaking                             D.or rather speak

50.No sooner _________ themselves in their seats in the theatre_______ the curtain went up.

      A.they have settled;before                      B.had they settled; than

      C.have they settled; when                     D.they had settled; than

51.—How are things going?

      —The disabled _________ no relatives in Guangzhou ________ by thevolunteers, who will graduate from Zhongshan University nextyear.

      A.with; are taking careof                       B.have; will be taken care of

      C.with; are being taken careof                D.have; are being taken care of

52.As time ________ on, Sally began to wonder if Bruce ________Bilk’s new poem called Tabled’ Hute.

      A.has gone; hadread                              B.went; has read

      C.goes; hasread                                    D.went; had read

53.—Daddy, which of these smart hats do you like best in the hatshop?

—__________. They are both expensive and less warm-keeping.

      A.Either                 B.Nothing              C.Neither               D.None

54.It is fashionable to drive a car, but to drive a car is notnearly as difficult as it is imagined on condition that you________ the specialized rules.

      A.giveup               B.stickto               C.insiston             D.connect to

55.—Do you think David will fail in the maths exam again?


      A.No, I don’t believeit                           B.I hope not

      C.I expectnot                                       D.I don’t suppose it

56.I wonder what it feels like to be one of         reallyrich . The Blacks already have three Rolls Royce and now they arebuying         forth.

      A.the ; a              B./; a                   C.the ; the            D./; the

57.——May I use your phone ?

   ——        .I’m expecting a call .

      A.I’m afraid not    B.That’s OK         C.With pleasure    D.No , thanks

58.——You missed a good chance .

    ——Yes , I         thatjob when it was offered .

      A.should take                                       B.should have taken                       

      C.must have taken                                D.would take

59.——Would you like to wait here for         ?

    ——No, Ihave been here that long .

      A.other ten minutes                              B.the other ten minutes

      C.another ten minutes                           D.more than ten minutes

66.——Did you write to Grace last summer ?

    ——No, butI’ll         herover Christmas vacation .

      A.be seen             B.be seeing          C.have seen         D.have been seeing

61.I have had enough cake . Would you like         ?

      A.any more          B.one more          C.some more       D.another one

62.——Why couldn’t they catch the 6:30 train ?

    ——Becausethey were delayed by         .

      A.some heavy traffics                           B.heavy traffic

      C.a heavy traffic                                  D.any heavy traffic

63.The cost was         muchfor me .

      A.so much           B.too much          C.very much        D.much too

64.I knew nothing about the accident except         Iread in the newspaper .

      A.that                  B.what                C.which              D.whether

65.My mother hasn’t been to Beijing,        my father         .

      A.so ; has            B.neither ; hasn’t    C.nor ;hasn’t       D.but ; has

66.At present robots are commonin      industry and perhaps they will soon be common in


      A.the;不填           B.the;a                 C.不填;the            D.an; 不填

67.—       .

—OK. I sometimes have no sense of direction.

      A.Let me helpyou                                  B.This way, please

      C.Here itis                                            D.No hurry

68.—Jack, how didit      that you made so many mistakes in your homework?

      —I myself haven’t figured it out yet!

      A.comeabout        B.bringabout         C.turndown          D.get down

69.Although Mr. Wang sometimes loses his temper, his studentslikehim    for it.

      A.not somuch       B.not solittle          C.nomore             D.no less

70.Be tough-minded, but tender-hearted,       ?

      A.isn’tit                B.areyou               C.aren’tyou          D.will you

71.I’m no painter, and to me, one painting is muchlike      .

      A.theother            B.others                C.another              D.one

72.Mr. White works as a lawyer now, buthe     in a company for several years.

      A.worked              B.hasworked         C.hadworked        D.has been working

73.Silver is the best conductor of electricity,copper      it closely.

      A.followed             B.tofollow            C.following            D.being followed

74.—     John      this week?

      —No. He’s on holiday.

      A.Does,work        B.Didwork            C.Has,worked       D.Is, working

75.I’ll be away for a few days. If anything happens, telephoneme     email me to save money.

      A.and                    B.or                      C.but                    D.then

76.To pay to see that movie will befoolish     you can see it on TV for nothing.

      A.where                B.when                 C.however             D.that

77.As teachers we should concern with what is said, not what wethink     .

      A.have to besaid    B.mustsay            C.ought to be said   D.need tosay

78.It is your ownfault    you are so tired. You oughtn’t to have stayed up so late.

      A.when                 B.how                   C.where                D.why

79.—How wide is the Yellow River?

      —That      from where to where.

      A.depends             B.changes              C.refers                 D.lies

80.Although Tom agreed with her on most points, here wasone     he was unwilling to give in.

      A.onwhich            B.inwhich             C.towhich            D.with which

81.As_______ mountains beyond our village are becoming greenerand greener, they have become _________ home to a large amount ofwild life.

      A.the;不填           B.the;a                 C.不填;a              D.the; the

82.Paul is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; __________,I can’t speak too highly of him.

      A.as aresult           B.in aword            C.by theway         D.on the contrary

83.My friends, after they heard what had happened to me, _______said it sounded like an adventure.

      A.all                      B.that                    C.which                D.who

84.—Where is our English teacher?

    —She isin the classroom, ________ the exercises _________ the studentshave done at home.

      A.explaining;/                                       B.explaining; for

      C.explained;to                                       D.explained; from

85.—Are you going to the football game this weekend?

    —Probablynot. The tickets are __________ for me.

      A.terribleexpensive                                B.so much expensive

      C.far tooexpensive                                D.highly expensive

86.Yassin’s death was not _________ to stop Hamas’ ability to________ terror attack.

      A.hoped; goon                                      B.decided; hold out

      C.intended; breakout                             D.expected; carry out

87.I was advised to arrange for insurance(保险) __________ Ineeded medical treatment.

      A.nevertheless        B.although             C.incase               D.so that

88.—I’m sorry I broke your teapot.


      A.Forgetit.            B.Badluck.            C.Oh, is thatso?    D.Really?

89.Our school is no longer _________ is was 10 years ago,_________ it was not well equipped.

      A.what;which       B.that;which         C.what;when        D.that; where

90.Then ________ we had been looking forward to.

      A.came thehour                                  B.the hour came

        C.comes thehour                                 D.the hour is coming

91.For many seniors in some universities, the final year can bean unpleasant experience, ______ that ends the campus romance.

        A.which              B./                        C.or                      D.one

92. —_______ John this week?


—Where _______ him?

—In the library.

        A.Did you see; did yousee                    B.Have you seen; did you see

        C.Do you see; have youseen                 D.Have you seen; have you seen

93.I should very much like to have gone to the party but I_________.

        A.am notinvited                                   B.am not being invited

        C.shall not beinvited                            D.was not invited

94. —Has your father got up?

    —Sorry, I’m not sure. He__________ got up. Please go and see for yourself.

        A.musthave         B.can’thave          C.wouldhave         D.might have

95.Will the colors ______ if the dress is washed?

    A.drop                 B.walk                  C.pass                   D.run

96.He seems too tired today, and I wonder           hegot a good sleep last night.

        A.when               B.that                    C.if                       D.where

97.When I go out in the evening I use the bike           thecar if I can.

        A.ratherthan        B.otherthan           C.betterthan          D.more than

98.She had a tense expression on her face,           shewere expecting trouble.

        A.eventhough      B.asthough           C.evenas              D.now that

99.I hear that           applejuice is           healthydrink.

        A.不填;a           B.不填;不填        C.an;a                  D.the; 不填

100.I think John will           agood monitor, so I’d like to vote for him.

A.turn                 B.change               C.elect                  D.make

101.The article suggests that when a person           underunusual stress he should be especially careful to have awell-balanced diet.

        A.be                    B.is                       C.were                  D.was

102.           Iadmire David as a poet, I do not like him as a man.

        A.Onlyif             B.Ifonly                C.Asmuch            D.Much as

103.Though small, the ant is as much a creature as           allother animals on earth.

        A.are                   B.is                       C.do                     D.have

104.—Why aren’t they here yet?

        —They           thebus.

        A.can have missed  B.must be late for C.may havemissed         D.might be late for

105.He traveled to many mountain villages and saw many poorchildren out of school. This experience           hislife.

        A.wouldchange    B.hadchanged    C.was tochange    D.waschanging

106.Comparison may make something appear more beautiful than itis when           alone.

      A.tosee                 B.seeing                C.isseen                   D.seen

107.—Good morning. Room Reservations. May I help you, sir?

        —Yes, I’d like to book a room.

                   Whichdate would that be?

      A.Thank you,sir.                                   B.That’s all right, sir.

      C.You are welcome,sir.                          D.No trouble,sir.

108.There was a big rock on the road, which           thetraffic.

      A.setback             B.stood back        C.keptdown          D.held up

109.—Do you have the New Chinese-English Dictionary?

        —Yes, but no more than one copy. Would you like to take           ?

        A.some                B.them                  C.it                       D.one

110.—Did you enjoy the movie last night?

        —Yes, I didn’t expect it           wonderful.

        A.more                B.as                      C.most                  D.much

111.—I’d like to play football with you, but I have an importantthing to attend to.

    —If you don’t go, __________.

      A.neither do I     B.so will I            C.nor will I          D.so do I

112.—You shouldn’t have gone there alone last night.

        —But I __________ , because Xiao Wang went there, too.

        A.didn’t             B.hadto                C.did                     D.should

113.________ about their table manners, the guests decided to doeverything that the president did.

        A.Worried                                           B.Being worrying

        C.Havingworried                                 D.Having been worried

114.Joe _______ a lot of Italian by playing with the localchildren.

      A.keptup             B.pickedup           C.drewup             D.caught up

115.If you are able to talk to a friend over the telephone, youfeel that you are close ______ the actual distance is notshortened.

        A.evenif              B.asif                   C.so longas           D.as

116.Although they are very busy, our parents still _______ a lotof time to us.

        A.devote              B.offer                  C.spend                 D.provide

117.He works as an engineer now, but he _______ on a farm forthree years.

        A.hasworked       B.worked              C.wasworking      D.had worked

118.In Japan when we spent the night at a small country inn, we________ so low on the floor before.

        A.haven’t everslept                                                             B.wouldn’t have slept

        C.hadn’t everslept                               D.couldn’t have slept

119.All these changes will lead to ________ strong and powerfulChina, _______ country that can surprise and enrich our planet.

        A.a;a                  B.the;a                 C.the;the              D.a; the

120.Albert Einstein, ________ life had once been very hard, wasgiven the Nobel Prize for physics in 1921

        A.ofwhom          B.forwhom           C.forwhose          D.in whom

121.—Will you go shopping now?

      —Not until I ________ my experiment.

        A.havefinished     B.willfinish           C.finished              D.had finished

122.Reportedly yesterday a group of American soldiers werewalking along the road in Iraq when a bomb was ________ , three ofwhom were killed.

        A.setabout          B.setout                C.setup                D.set off

123.—It cost me 30 yuan to get here.

      —Well, it was crazy of you to take a taxi _______ you could come bybus as well.

        A.while                B.if                       C.when                 D.because

124.—I telephoned him twice and I couldn’t get through to hishome.

        —I think the line might have been out of order, ________?

        A.don’tyou         B.wasn’tit             C.doyou               D.hadn’t it

125.I don’t think Peter is too young to take care of the pet dog________.

        A.properly           B.correctly            C.exactly               D.actively

126.—I’m entering for the 100—meter race.


          A.Congratulations                                                              B.Enjoy yourself   

          C.Goodluck                                      D.Wonderful

127.—Tom came to work last Friday ,but no one has seen himsince.

                 he have had an accident ?

A.Should          B.Must                  C.Might               D.Could

128.Going out for a trip with friends           popularin the last few years .

        A.is                   B.was                  C.hasbeen             D.had been

129.—Did you have a good sleep last night ?

        —Yes ,never sleep          .

        A.badly              B.better                 C.worse              D.best

130.I have no idea how it         thatthe man met with trouble again.

        A.cameabout                                      B.came out          

        C.cameup                                           D.came across

131.They happen to be of          age,and they all go in for          Americanfootball.

        A.the same ;the                                  B.不填;不填        

        C.an;不填                                           D.an;the

132.Whenever you are to walk on the ice ,          thatit is solid and safe enough.

        A.examine            B.check               C.try                   D.make

133.—I thought you were proud of the workI         .

—I’m afraid not .You’d better change it for another.

        A.do                    B.haddone            C.did                   D.would

134.—I’m going to the stadium ,but I’m afraid I’m not in theright         .

          .Go ahead.

        A.way ;No          B.distance;No       C.side ;Yes           D.direction; Yes

135.Human beings are different from animals         theycan use language as a tool to


        A.in that             B.for that             C.in which           D.for which

136.There are several editions of English-English dictionarieshere. I wonder if you want to buy


        A.it                    B.one                  C.another              D.them

137.Well,         I think you’ve helped me .I must thank you allthe same.

        A.now that         B.however           C.since                  D.anyhow

138.The president’s speech was          boring;it is ,in fact ,rather inspiring and interesting.

        A.anything but   B.nothing but     C.nomore      D.all but

139.With all the magazines I needed           ,Ileft the post office.

        A.buying              B.to buy              C.bought             D.to be bought

140.—The paint on the door           hasto dry for another two days.

    —Yes. I doubt if the paintershave read thedirections      .

        A.also; still     B.yet; already    C.still;yet       D.even;yet

141.It is your own fault           youare so tired . You oughtn’t to have stayed up so late .

        A.when              B.how                 C.where              D.why

142.—Thank you so much for helping me with my English .


        A.With pleasure                                  B.A pleasure         

        C.I’m glad to hear that                        D.No thanks

143.As           unemploymentis very high nowadays , it’s very difficult for people to find


        A.the;不填         B.the ; a               C.不填;不填      D.an; the

144.The more one is           theEnglish-speaking environment , the better he or she will learn thelanguage .

        A.exposed to      B.filled in             C.caught on         D.kept up

145.It’s too late to go shopping at this hour;          ,it’s beginning to rain .

        A.except            B.and                  C.besides             D.but


146.They have just formed a car pool ,so today it is Mrs Smith’sturn to           thechildren from school in the community .

        A.collect            B.take                  C.receive             D.accept

147.On stepping into his room he was astonished to find thefloor covered with             

looked like tiny insects .

        A.that                B.something         C.what                D.anything

148.          happened to be out that day , so you didn’t findme .

        A.It                   B.This                 C.You                  D.I

149.His behavior at the party last night seemed rather           .Manyof us were quite surprised .

        A.out of practice                                B.out of place

        C.out of politeness                                                             D.out of pity

150.I supported him in time , otherwise he           offthe bike .

        A.mightfall                                         B.would fall

        C.would have fallen                            D.should have fallen

151.The Sinai Peninsula , which was returned to Egypt in 1982,is           .

        A.as three times large as Israel             B.three times large than Israel

        C.three times Israel’ssize                      D.the size of Israel’s three times

152.We must prepare ourselves for the worst           weare at a loss when meeting with difficulties .

        A.after               B.before              C.as                    D.since

153.If you are not yet           ,you are forbidden to visit this site .

        A.eighteen years                                 B.at age of eighteen

        C.eighteen – year-old                          D.eighteen years of age

154.—Be careful not to drop the Tang Dynasty vase .

    —Yes , we can’t be           .

        A.too careful      B.very careful      C.too careless      D.careless enough

155.The two presidents agree with each other on the whole , butmuch remains           atthe following meeting .

        A.discussing       B.discussed          C.to discuss         D.to be discussed

156.Afterwatching    TV, sheplayed      violin for an hour.

        A.不填;不填      B.the;the           C.the;不填          D.不填; the

157.Hehas    change, so you can ask him for an exchange.

        A.little                 B.not alittle           C.few                   D.not a few

158.His son learnspiano     guitar.

        A.also                  B.as wellas           C.too                    D.as good as

159.It’s so hot. Can you help me to wipe thesweat     my back?

        A.from                B.outof                 C.offfrom             D.away

160.It is when theplane    that you’d better find out at the book office.

        A.will takeoff                                      B.is going to take off

        C.is takingoff                                      D.takes off


161.—You look so upset. What’s wrong with you?

        —Thedoor      . Can you help me?

        A.won’topen                                      B.won’t be opened

        C.can’topen                                        D.can’t be opened

162.He raised his gun, pointed it to a deerand      aim, shot at it.

        A.tookcareful                                      B.taking careful

        C.to takecareful                                  D.taken careful

163.Ifhe     thathe     to work there, everything would be OK now.

        A.insisted, besent                                B.insisted, was sent

        C.had insisted, besent                          D.had insisted, was sent

164.Do youknow     he could have dealt with, if he had not passed the test.

        A.what                B.how                   C.where                D.why

165.Mr. Reed made up his mind to devote all he hadto     some schools for poor children.

        A.setup               B.settingup           C.have setup         D.has set up

166.—What a fine day, isn’tit—       .

        A.Is thatso                                         B.I like the weather

        C.Yes, isn’tit                                       D.But it’s not

167.—Is thishotel    are going to stay?

    —Yes, it is.

        A.where              B.which                C.inthat                D.in which

168.It seems difficultto     hurt from injure in meaning.

        A.judge                B.tell                     C.divide                 D.separate

169.I didn’t know the girlyou     the sheep.

        A.hadfed             B.had herfed         C.hadfeed             D.had to feed

170.—I’m afraid I can’t finish the book within this week.


        A.Please goahead                                B.That’s right

        C.Not atall                                          D.Take your time

171.Our ancestors celebrated          birthof          childby giving away red eggs .

        A.the ; a             B.the ; the            C.不填; a             D.不填; the

172.It is hard for me to imagine what I would be doing today ifI          inlove , at the age of seven , with the library in my hometown .

        A.wouldn’t have fallen                        B.should not fall

        C.had not fallen                                  D.were not to fall

173.The brake of your bicycle has come loose . You’d better          it.

        A.settle              B.fix                    C.pick                 D.correct

174.The door          .Better have it repaired .

        A.isn’t shut                                        B.hasn’t been shut

        C.won’t be shut                                 D.won’t shut

175.If we can          ourpresent difficulties , then everything should be all right .

        A.get away         B.get over            C.get off              D.get on

176.The women carrying babies , come in first,         ?

      A.will you          B.will they           C.do you             D.don’t you

177.Not that I’m unwilling to lend you a hand,         I’m too busy for the moment .

        A.because          B.but that             C.but                   D.however

178.—Mark broke his leg when he was playing football .

             was that ?

        A.Since when     B.Since when ago   C.How long         D.How long ago



179.—I really don’t know how to thank you enough .


        A.No problem                                    B.Think nothing of it                     

        C.Not atall                                          D.It doesn’t matter

180.At the seventh International Ballet Competitions , FernandoBujones won the first gold medal ever          toan American male dancer .

        A.awarded         B.to be award       C.being awarded    D.should beawarding

181.Only          accordingto the directions can the medicine be quite effective .

        A.taking             B.taken                C.being taken       D.having been taken

182.John waited at the bus-stop for nearly half an hour          thebus finally arrived .

        A.when              B.as                    C.before              D.while

183.—Is there a fog in the evening ?

    —There          be. I’ll make a phone call to find it out .

        A.must              B.would               C.will                    D.might

184.All of the guests          by9 o’clock , but the host          until15 minutes later .

        A.arrived ; didn’t turn up                     B.had arrived ; didn’t turn up

        C.arrived ; hadn’t turned up                 D.had arrived; hadn’t turned up

185.There is not one of us          wishesto help you . We are doing our best .

        A.who                 B.that                  C.as                    D.but

186.It’s so surprising to hear from my school teacheragain.           ,we last met more than twenty years ago.

        A.That’s tosay     B.What’smore       C.Believe it ornot    D.Inother words

187.Cathy earns 8 dollars           houras           ofthe books I’ve ever read.

        A.an;不填         B.不填;a             C.the;不填          D.an;a

188.—What do you think of the book?

        —Wonderful, I think. It’s just betterthan        of the books I’ve ever read.

        A.any                  B.some                  C.another              D.one

189.Some people complain that itusually           so long to buy train tickets during the SpringFestival.

        A.spares              B.spends               C.takes                  D.costs

190.In the evening the car broke down suddenly and the heavyrain           thehelplessness of the girl driver on the country road.

        A.resultedfrom    B.madeup             C.turnedout          D.added to

191.China launched its first manned spacecraft, Shenzhou V, onOctober 15,           Chinathe third country to successfully send a person into space.

        A.making             B.tomake              C.made                 D.make

192.US President George Bush           thewar in Iraq on March 20, 2003. But internationally, the US war inIraq           asone country misusing its power over a weaker nation.

        A.started, has beencriticized                 B.has started, had been criticized

        C.started,  hascriticized                      D.had started, was criticized

193.I can’t think why he           that;it was my fault.

        A.would havesaid                                B.should have said

        C.ought to havesaid                             D.might have said

194.He had to be called two or three times           hewould come to his dinner.

        A.before              B.when                 C.until                   D.as

195.Can you think of some cases           driversobviously knew the traffic rules but didn’t obey them?

        A.why                 B.where                C.as                      D.which



196.His brain was just           theirs.

        A.as full of knowledgeas                      B.full of as knowledge

        C.so full of knowledgeas                      D.full of so much knowledge as

197.—I suppose all the students went to the museum thisafternoon.

        —I’m afraid not. They           wentto the net bar instead.

        A.almost              B.nearly                 C.mostly               D.most

198.Often, when he           somethingthat           him,he wasted his time drawing little pictures.

        A.should be doing,gave                        B.should have been doing, was given

        C.should do, wasgiven                         D.should have been doing, had given

199.          into many languages, Harry Potter is popular withchildren and adults as well all over the world.

        A.Beingtranslated.                               B.Having translated

        C.To betranslated.                               D.Having been translated

200.The plane was            toarrive 9:30, but was an hour late.

        A.certain              B.likely                  C.supposed            D.about






1-5 BDABC  6-10 ADCCA  11-15CADDD  16-20 DCBBA  21-25BABAD  26-30 DBAC

31-35 ABDDC  36-40 DDCCA  41B


l-5 CBDCB  6-10 ACCDC  11-15BACDA  16-20 DCCBA  2l-25BDDCC  26-30 BCDBB

3l-35 DBADA  36-40 CCDDD 41-42 AB


1-5 ACDAB  6-10 ABCCA  11-15DDCBC  16-20 DDADC 21-25 BAACB 26-30 BABDA

31-35 BDABA


1-5 BACAD  6-10 BACBB  11-15AADCD  16-20 CDDCC


1-5 CABCA  6-10 DBAAD  11-15BDDAC  16-20 AABBA


1-5 BACCC  6-10 ACCBA  11-15AABBA  16-20 DAACC


1-5 BDDCA  6-10 AACBA  11-15BDDDA  16-20 BCBAB 21-22 CC


1-5 ACABC  6-10 CDCBD  11-15ADDBC  16-20 BBACC 21-25 BDBDB 26-30 ABCAC

31-35 BDABB 36-38 AAB


l-5 CADAD  6-10 CBDAC  11-15ADACD  16-20 CAABC 21-25 DAADC 26-30 CACDB

31-35 CDBAD 36-40 BCADB  41-45 CBADC


1-5 DDDCA  6-10 CAABC  11-15BCCCC  16-20 BDAAA 21-25 ACABC 26-29 ABCB


1-5 DBDDB  6-10 ADDAC  11-15DDBDC  16-20 CDAAA 21-25 AACBB


1-5 DABDB  6-10 CBBDB  1l-15ACDAC


l-5 CCDBB   6-10 DDACA  11-15 ABADD  16-20CADDA


l-5 BBACC   6-10 BBDDA  11-15 CBABA  16-20CDABBD 21-25 CACBB  26-30BCBBD 


l-5 CAABD  6-l0 ACCBD  11-15ACACA  16-20 BCABB  21-25BADCD   


l-5 BACDB  6-10 ADBDC  11-15DBADD 


1-5    ACDAA    6-10    BDACD      11-15  BABCA     16-20   BBCDA

21-25  BCACD    26-30   BDBCD      31-35  AADDC     36-40   CBABC

41-45  CCADC     46-50  ABAAB      51-55  CDDBB      56-60   AABCB

61-65  CBDBD    66-70  CBADD      71-75  CACDB      76-80  BCDAA     

81-85  ABAAC    86-90  DCACA      91-95  DBDDD     96-100  CABAD   

101-105  BDACC    106-110 DADCB     111-115 CAABA    116-120   ABCAB  

121-125 ADCBA   126-130 CDCBA     131-135 CBADA    136-140  BDACC   

141-145  DBCAC  146-150  ACDBC     151-155 CBDAD    156-160  DBBCD   

161-165 ABCAB   166-170 CABCD     171-175 ACBDB    176-180  ABDBA   

181-185 BCDBD   186-190 CDACD      191-195 AABAB    196-200   ACBDC

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