

  • 标题:How Does a Movie Critic Critique a Movie? | eHowcom
  • 来源:http://www.ehow.com
  • 推荐者: Wooden
  • 原文作者: eHow Contributing Writer
  • 影评家是如何评判影片的?

    Investigate the Movie


    Seems like a dream job, doesn't it? Free movies, probably even free popcorn. But before a movie critic goes to an advance screening of a movie or watches the complimentary DVD, he needs the facts. Who produced the movie, directed it, starred in it? Who wrote the screenplay? Was it adapted from a novel, and if so, who wrote the novel? What is the movie's genre--mystery, comedy, drama?


    Understand the movie


    First, the movie critic watches the movie for pure understanding. He wants to be able to sum up its message or overall theme in a sentence or two, such as, "This is a coming-of-age movie set in the South during the Civil Rights movement, portraying racial tension of the time." This condensed review may be the only thing some potential viewers read. Think of Roger Ebert's One Minute Movie Reviews.


    Experience the Movie


    A good movie critic reviews the movie on its own terms. If it is a comical farce, and even if he hates comical farces, the critic needs to review it as it compares to others in that genre, and as it will be appreciated by fans of the genre. He looks at the performances as representative of comical farce performances, not those found in Shakespearean dramas.


    Analyze the Movie's Fine Points


    When it comes to technical excellence, a movie critic may notice different things than you or I do. He looks for excellence in direction, lighting, editing and special effects and how those elements helped or hurt the movie. He is critical of costuming, makeup and historical accuracy. He sees many more movies than the average moviegoer, so he has a vast database of comparisons. He is paid to be knowledgeable about all areas of movie-making expertise.

    关于影片技术性上是否杰出,影评家们有可能关注的是和你我不同的事物. 他关心的是影片的角度,灯光,编辑,特效以及这些元素对影片造成的影响是好还是坏.他对服装,造型和历史准确性是挑剔苛刻的.他比任何一个普通影迷看的电影都要多,所以他有丰富的数据库用来对比影片.他靠在所有和电影制作相关的专业知识上的渊博学识吃饭.

    Rate the Movie


    What the critic thinks and what the public wants can be wildly different. He may look for cutting-edge drama, jarring film techniques, shocking world views. Let's face it, if it's bizarre and outlandish, he'll have something new to say. He does not want to able to predict the outcome, especially if it's a happy ending. The public, on the other hand, votes at the box office, and proves again and again that it likes wholesome, enjoyable, family friendly entertainment.

    影评家的想法可能和大众所需大相径庭. 他寻找的可能是创新的故事片,刺激的电影技术,又或者是令人震惊的世界观.让我们面对现实吧,如果影片滑稽又古怪,他就能有点新说头.他不愿意预知事态发展,尤其是当结局是大团圆的情况下.然而票房一次又一次的证明,大众喜欢的是有益身心健康的,令人愉快的,适合家庭观看的友好娱乐.

    Critics have to guard against promoting dark, somber or violent movies just because they're different. Moviegoers don't want to shell out $40 for the family to be terrorized or depressed. Whether it's stars or thumbs, movie ratings are there to help the public find the movies they'll enjoy.


    Respect the Moviegoer


    Roger Ebert, the noted movie critic, says his job is to respect the moviegoer's time and money. And he might have added, respect her intelligence. In his blog post, Roger's Little Rule Book, he talks about freebies and perks critics get--and should refuse--and says critics should "advise the readers well," and "provide a sense of the experience."


    How Does a Movie Critic Critique a Movie?

    1. Investigate the Movie

      • Seems like a dream job, doesn't it? Free movies, probably even free popcorn. But before a movie critic goes to an advance screening of a movie or watches the complimentary DVD, he needs the facts. Who produced the movie, directed it, starred in it? Who wrote the screenplay? Was it adapted from a novel, and if so, who wrote the novel? What is the movie's genre--mystery, comedy, drama?

      Understand the movie

      • First, the movie critic watches the movie for pure understanding. He wants to be able to sum up its message or overall theme in a sentence or two, such as, "This is a coming-of-age movie set in the South during the Civil Rights movement, portraying racial tension of the time." This condensed review may be the only thing some potential viewers read. Think of Roger Ebert's One Minute Movie Reviews.

      Experience the Movie

      • A good movie critic reviews the movie on its own terms. If it is a comical farce, and even if he hates comical farces, the critic needs to review it as it compares to others in that genre, and as it will be appreciated by fans of the genre. He looks at the performances as representative of comical farce performances, not those found in Shakespearean dramas.

      Analyze the Movie's Fine Points

      • When it comes to technical excellence, a movie critic may notice different things than you or I do. He looks for excellence in direction, lighting, editing and special effects and how those elements helped or hurt the movie. He is critical of costuming, makeup and historical accuracy. He sees many more movies than the average moviegoer, so he has a vast database of comparisons. He is paid to be knowledgeable about all areas of movie-making expertise.

      Rate the Movie

      • What the critic thinks and what the public wants can be wildly different. He may look for cutting-edge drama, jarring film techniques, shocking world views. Let's face it, if it's bizarre and outlandish, he'll have something new to say. He does not want to able to predict the outcome, especially if it's a happy ending. The public, on the other hand, votes at the box office, and proves again and again that it likes wholesome, enjoyable, family friendly entertainment.

        Critics have to guard against promoting dark, somber or violent movies just because they're different. Moviegoers don't want to shell out $40 for the family to be terrorized or depressed. Whether it's stars or thumbs, movie ratings are there to help the public find the movies they'll enjoy.

      Respect the Moviegoer

      • Roger Ebert, the noted movie critic, says his job is to respect the moviegoer's time and money. And he might have added, respect her intelligence. In his blog post, Roger's Little Rule Book, he talks about freebies and perks critics get--and should refuse--and says critics should "advise the readers well," and "provide a sense of the experience."

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