

                  15分钟的大脑扫描“能够诊断自闭症”译者: newkiwi 原作者:Alok Jha 发表时间:2010-08-11

供图:《时代周刊》杂志(Time Magazine)

Study shows 90% success rate in detecting adult males with ASD, and researches hope the simple technique will rapidly identify children at risk


A simple 15-minute brain scan could help doctors diagnose people with autism by identifying structural differences in their brains. Scientists say the scans would speed up what is currently a long and emotional diagnostic procedure and allow the identification of at-risk children more rapidly.


"We know already that people with autism have differences in brain anatomy and some regions are just bigger and smaller or just different in shape," said Christine Ecker of King's College Institute of Psychiatry in London. "Our technique can use this information to identify someone with autism."

“我们已经知道,自闭症患者在大脑解剖结构上与一般人存在差异,一些大脑脑区要么大一点要么小一点,或者在形状上存在差异,”英国伦敦国王学院精神病学研究所(King's College Institute of Psychiatry)的克莉斯汀·艾克尔(Christine Ecker)说。“我们的技术能够通过这些差异信息来识别自闭症患者。”

Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is a lifelong condition caused by abnormalities in the development of the brain that affects around half a million people in the UK. The vast majority of these are male, and diagnosis usually involves a lengthy process of interviews and personal accounts from family and friends close to the patient.


Medical researchers at the IoP compared the brain scans of 20 adults with autism against those of 20 adults without. They found significant differences in the thickness of tissue in parts of the grey matter in areas of the frontal and parietal lobes which are responsible for functions including behaviour and language.


In the experiment, Ecker showed that her imaging technique was able to detect which people in her group had autism, with 90% accuracy. "If we get a new case, we will also hopefully be 90% accurate," she said. The research, supported by the Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust and National Institute for Health Research, is published today in the Journal of Neuroscience.

在这个实验中,艾克尔表明,她的成像技术能够以高达90%的准确率检测出参与她实验的人中哪些人患有自闭症。“如果给我们一个新的病例,我们也非常有希望达到90%的准确率,”她说。这项研究由英国医学研究委员会(MRC)、维康信托基金会(Wellcome Trust)与英国国家健康研究所(National Institute for Health Research)资助,研究报告于昨天发表在《神经科学杂志》(Journal of Neuroscience)上。

Declan Murphy, professor of psychiatry and brain maturation at the IoP said the new method would help people with ASD to be diagnosed more quickly and cost effectively. "Most importantly, their diagnosis will be based on an objective "biomarker" and not simply on the opinion of a clinician, which is formed after an interview. Simply being diagnosed means patients can take the next steps to get help and improve their quality of life."

国王学院精神病学研究所精神病学与大脑成熟专业教授德克兰·墨菲(Declan Murphy)说,这项新方法将帮助泛自闭症障碍患者更快速更实惠地得到诊断。“最重要的是,他们得到的诊断将基于一种客观的‘生物指标’,而不是简单地基于面谈后临床医生形成的个人意见。通过大脑扫描进行简便的诊断,意味着患者能够尽早地去寻求帮助,并提高他们的生活质量。”

Uta Frith, emeritus professor of cognitive development at University College London's Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, said: "This study shows that the subtle brain abnormalities associated with autism show a distinctive pattern. However, it will need many more studies before the technique used in this study can be used for diagnosis. It is crucial that we learn more about what the brain abnormalities mean. The authors in the paper itself say their results are preliminary and serve as 'proof of concept' rather than a definitive means of diagnosis."

英国伦敦大学学院(UCL)认知神经研究所(Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience)认知发展专业荣誉教授弗里斯(Uta Frith)说:“这项研究表明,与自闭症相关的细微的大脑异常显现出了一种独特的模式。不过,在这项研究采用的技术能够被用于临床诊断之前,还需要进行更多的研究。重要的是,对于大脑异常意味着什么,通过这项研究我们了解的更多了。这篇论文的作者自己也说,他们的结论还只是初步的,起到的是‘概念验证’的作用,而不是诊断的确切方法。”

Ecker found there was a correlation between the severity of a person's autism and the amount of structural difference observed in their brain scans, compared with the control group. "We can see that, on the basis of the brain scan, some brains are simply located quite far away from the 'control' brain, whereas some are more like the controls, so the autism wouldn't be that severe."


The IoP team scanned the brains of 20 healthy men and 20 men with ASD, aged between 20 and 68 years. The men with ASD had already been diagnosed by traditional methods, which includes IQ tests, a psychiatric interview, physical examinations and a blood test. Once all the brains had been imaged using a standard clinical MRI scanner, the pictures were analysed for differences using a technique called pattern classification, which is widely used in facial recognition technology but has not, until now, been used on brain scans.


So far, Ecker's team has only looked at men but there are plans to extend the work to women and children. "We think this approach will work even better with kids because the brain abnormalities you see in autism develop over the life span and they're most prominent during childhood," she said. "If we can get up to 90% accuracy in adults, we think it'll be even better in kids."


Carol Povey, director of the National Autistic Society's Centre for Autism, said the study gave a valuable insight into the way people with autism process and understand the world around them. "Eventually, the researchers hope that brain scans might also be a useful diagnostic tool. While further testing is still required, any tools which could help identify autism at an earlier stage, have the potential to improve a person's quality of life by allowing the right support to be put in place as soon as possible."

英国国家自闭症学会(National Autistic Society)自闭症中心(Centre for Autism)主任卡罗尔·波维(Carol Povey)说,这项研究为深入了解自闭症患者如何加工与理解他们周围的世界提供了极有价值的信息。“最后,研究人员还希望大脑扫描的方法成为一种有用的诊断工具。虽然仍然还需要进行更深入的研究,不过任何能够帮助在更早的年龄段识别自闭症的工具,都将具有提高一个人生活质量的潜力,只要合适的支持能尽快到位。”

She added: "However, diagnosis is only the first step. At the National Autistic Society, we frequently receive calls from people who have struggled to get support, leaving them anxious, frustrated and in some cases depressed or even suicidal. Research that improves our understanding of autism, is therefore part of a wider struggle to enable people with autism to access appropriate support at every stage of their life."


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