


Partha S. Saha, Simon J. Newkirk, Changfeng Yao, Wenfeng An

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, South Dakota State University






图1. LINE-1逆转录转座的模型[1]

LINE-1的RNA由位于其5'端非编码区的启动子转录。其RNA被导出至胞质,并在胞质中进行翻译。LINE-1编码的蛋白ORF1p和ORF2p通过称为顺势优先的过程结合至LINE-1编码的RNA上,形成胞质复合体。这一复合体的组分(至少ORF2p和LINE-1的RNA)可以进入细胞核,此时,ORF2p内切核酸酶(endonuclease,EN)在共有序列(例如,5'-TTTT/A-3')处切开染色体DNA双螺旋的一条链,暴露3'端羟基。ORF2p逆转录酶使用此基团复制LINE-1的RNA并将其整合入染色体新位置。现在还不知道插入位点处的第二条DNA链是如何被切割,以及LINE-1 DNA的第二条链如何合成,但ORF2蛋白可能介导了这些过程。非自主RNA,如细胞内(生成已加工假基因的)mRNA、SVA 的RNA及Alu的RNA,其逆转录转座也需要ORF2蛋白。ORF1蛋白可能辅助SVA和Alu的逆转录转座。RNP表示核糖核蛋白颗粒。本示意图改编自Richardson等人的论文。



图2. 一名A型血友病男童的LINE-1逆转录转座[1]




科学家们在生殖细胞系LINE-1插入的发生时间问题上仍然争吵不休。理论上,生殖细胞系插入可以发生在生殖细胞发育的任何阶段(图3)。在人和啮齿动物中,生殖细胞系起源于胚胎发育早期的一小群原始生殖细胞(primordial germ cells,PGC)。这些PGC会迁移到生殖嵴,增殖、分化成四倍体精母细胞或卵母细胞,并最终通过减数分裂,成熟为单倍体精子或卵细胞。


图3. LINE-1在生殖细胞系插入的时间。



为了便于检测插入频率,早期研究利用了经过基因工程改造的LINE-1转基因模型,以帮助研究者定量鼠类发育过程中的逆转座频率[5-7]。令人惊讶的是,在使用天然LINE-1启动子调控LINE-1转基因的模型中,在早期胚胎中观察到了频繁的插入[7]。同时,在这类模型鼠类子代中未发现可遗传的插入[7]。这与使用组成型启动子(constitutive promoter)调控LINE-1转基因的小鼠模型形成了鲜明的对比[5,6]。这些结果表明,可能有一种机制保护原始生殖细胞及其前体不受逆转座的过度影响。尽管其可能性尚未被试验验证,但极有可能的是,此类转基因在这些细胞中被转录沉默了。




为了保护基因组的完整性,生物体进化出了多重防护机制以限制逆转座活动。男性生殖细胞中最重要的两个保护神是DNA甲基化和与PIWI家族蛋白相互作用的RNA(PIWI-interacting RNA,piRNA)通路[9]。一方面,逆转座子的新甲基化需要DNMT3L (DNA methyltransferase 3-like)蛋白。Dnmt3l缺陷小鼠患有雄性特异性减数分裂阻滞和不育[10]。另一方面,piRNA是生殖细胞中大量表达的小型非编码RNA。在胚胎雄性生殖细胞中,两种PIWI蛋白(MILI和MIWI2)与逆转座子来源的piRNA相互作用,致使逆转座子发生转录沉默(通过将DNA甲基化和H3K9me3靶向至逆转座序列)和转录后沉默[9]。在小鼠敲除模型中,piRNA通路的突变体必然导致雄性不育,并伴有逆转座抑制解除和精子发生阻滞。正如综述中所述,我们需要进一步研究解除逆转座表达的抑制是否引起减数分裂灾难(meiotic catastrophe)或导致逆转座子数目的增加。然而,最近发表的两篇论文为这些问题提供了重要的见解[11,12]。


在这项研究中,我们也开发了一种高灵敏度的微滴式数字PCR(droplet digital PCR),用来对LINE-1转基因插入定量。使用这项方法,我们发现,直到出生后第14天,第一群雄性生殖细胞开始减数分裂成为精母细胞时,在Mov10l1敲除的小鼠睾丸中的逆转座活性才发生了改变。这时,插入数目比对照组野生型小鼠提高了70倍。这种增高的插入水平会保持到成年期。我们分选了成体睾丸中的细胞组分,确定逆转座增加特异性发生于精母细胞的细线期和偶线期(比野生型高144倍)[11]。因此,我们的研究确定,解除逆转座子表达的抑制的确会导致piRNA缺陷的生殖细胞中逆转座的增加。






A review on “Mobile DNA and Human Disease” was published on the July 27 issue of NEJM [1]. It is a very timely piece given the increased recognition of the contribution of mobile DNA elements in a variety of human diseases.

In the review, Drs. Kazazian and Moran covered many important topics, including (1) classes of mobile DNA elements in the human genome, (2) retrotransposons as mutagens, (3) mechanism of retrotransposition, (4) retrotransposon-mediated genomic rearrangements, (5) retrotransposition events in somatic cells and cancer, and (6) host defense mechanisms against mobile elements. In this commentary, we wish to further highlight the activities of mobile DNA during development, especially its connection to male infertility, by discussing recent findings in this specific area. 

LINE-1 insertions can be categorized as either somatic or germline events depending on the timing and cell specificity of the retrotransposition process. Insertions found in cancer biopsies are mostly somatic and specific to the cancer cells [2]. As shown in a recent study of colorectal cancer patients, somatic insertions typically originate from donor LINE-1 elements that have escaped transcriptional silencing by DNA methylation [3]. In contrast to somatic events, germline insertions are heritable and can be passed from generation to generation, causing the risk of various heritable disorders [4]. Most notably, as discussed in the review, hemophilia A was the first disease identified to be caused by a mutagenic LINE-1 insertion in the factor VIII gene. 

The timing of germline insertions remains controversial. In theory, germline insertions can arise at any stage during germ cell development (Figure 3). In both humans and rodents, the germ cell lineage is specified as a small cohort of primordial germ cells (PGCs) at an early stage in the developing embryo. These PGCs migrate to the future gonads, proliferate, differentiate and become tetraploid spermatocytes or oocytes, and eventually mature into haploid sperm or eggs through meiosis. Thus, for males, germline insertions can occur in either PGCs, spermatocytes, sperm, or any stages in between. In these cases, the insertions are only present in germ cells. However, germline insertions may also take place prior to PGC specification. This scenario is possible if a retrotransposition event occurs in the progenitor cells that later differentiate into PGCs. In this case, the same insertion may also be present in some somatic cells if some daughter cells of the progenitor cells form somatic lineages. 

The timing of germline insertions has been difficult to study. The relatively low frequency of de novo endogenous insertions poses a significant challenge for detection against the genomic background of abundant preexisting LINE-1s. As a result, earlier studies took advantage of genetically engineered LINE-1 transgenes, which facilitate the quantification of retrotransposition frequencies during rodent development [5-7]. Strikingly, in models using LINE-1 transgenes regulated by the native LINE-1 promoter, insertions were frequently detected in early embryos [7]. On the other hand, no heritable insertions were found in the progeny [7], which is in sharp contrast to mouse models using LINE-1 transgenes that are regulated by constitutive promoters [5,6]. These results suggest that PGCs and progenitors of PGCs may be protected from excessive retrotransposition activities. Most likely, the transgenes are transcriptionally silenced in these cells, although this possibility has yet to be experimentally verified.

Additional insights about the timing of LINE-1 retrotransposition came from a recent study by the Faulkner group [8]. A total of 11 de novo full-length LINE-1 insertions were identified by using a NextGen sequencing approach. Endogenous retrotransposition was confirmed to take place in early embryogenesis, likely more frequently in female embryos (5 out of 11 insertions) than in male embryos (1 out of 11). Four of these six early embryonic insertions were also found in the germline. Three other insertions appeared to arise in the early PGCs of male embryos. One insertion was determined to be a late germline event in either parent. The developmental origin of the eleventh insertion was not clear. Taken together, the Faulkner study furnished compelling evidence that new LINE-1 insertions could occur in a broad developmental time range, from early embryos, to early PGCs, to late-stage germ cells, as well as in both males and females [8]. However, limited by the small sample size, no definitive conclusions can be drawn as to which developmental stage(s) supports the most retrotransposition events. 

To protect genomic integrity, multiple defense mechanisms have evolved to restrict retrotransposition activities. In male germ cells, the two most important defense mechanisms are DNA methylation and the PIWI-interacting RNA (piRNA) pathway [9]. De novo methylation of retrotransposons requires the DNA methyltransferase 3-like (DNMT3L). Dnmt3l-deficient mice suffer from male-specific meiotic arrest and infertility [10]. piRNAs are small non-coding RNAs abundantly expressed in germ cells. In fetal male germ cells, two PIWI proteins (MILI and MIWI2) interact with retrotransposon-derived piRNAs, acting to transcriptionally (via targeting DNA methylation and H3K9me3 to retrotransposon sequences) and post-transcriptionally silence retrotransposons 9. In mouse knockout models, mutants of the piRNA pathway invariably exhibit male infertility, which is accompanied by derepression of retrotransposons and spermatogenic arrest. As mentioned in the review, whether the derepression of retrotransposon expression causes meiotic catastrophe or leads to increased retrotransposition requires further study. However, two very recent publications provided important insights with regards to these questions [11,12].

In one study, we introduced a novel single-copy LINE-1 transgene into a piRNA-deficient genetic background (e.g., Mov10l1 knockout) [11]. The advantage of this new LINE-1 reporter transgene over previous transgenic models is that the LINE-1 transgene is controlled by an endogenous mouse LINE-1 promoter. We confirmed that this promoter was regulated by the piRNA pathway, as evidenced by the lack of remethylation in the Mov10l1-deficient germ cells. In this work, we also developed a highly sensitive Droplet Digital PCR based approach to quantify insertions by the LINE-1 transgene. Using this approach, we found that retrotransposition did not change in the knockout testes until postnatal day 14 when the first cohort of male germ cells has commenced meiosis and become spermatocytes. At this time point, insertions increased 70-fold relative to the control wild-type mice. The elevated level of insertions persisted into the adult stage. Using sorted cell fractions, we determined that the increase in retrotransposition occurred specifically in leptotene and zygotene spermatocytes from the adult testes (144-fold higher than that of the wild type counterpart) [11]. Therefore, our study established that the derepression of retrotransposon expression does lead to increased retrotransposition in piRNA-deficient germ cells.

The dramatic increase in retrotransposition immediately precedes germ cell death in the Mov10l1 knockout testes [11]. Is this observation an indication that the derepression of retrotransposon expression causes meiotic catastrophe and male infertility in piRNA-deficient animals? Thus far, the answer to this question is not conclusive but several lines of evidence suggest the meiotic phenotype is not the result of insertional mutagenesis. First, there was a lack of phenotypic rescue when mice were treated with a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor, which was effective in reducing LINE-1 retrotransposition [11]. Second, using our transgenic model, we extrapolated the frequency of endogenous retrotransposition. The insertion frequency was estimated to be 2.3 per cell. We concluded that this level of insertional mutagenesis was too low to be the cause of death of spermatocytes [11]. Third, a separate study by Dr. Bourc’his and colleagues attempted to directly quantify the change in retrotransposition from endogenous LINE-1s [12]. Typically, assays quantifying new endogenous LINE-1 insertions do not have sufficient sensitivity due to the overwhelming number of genomic copies. Nevertheless, in agreement with our results, these authors did not find massive retrotransposition in Dnmt3l-deficient germ cells [12]. 

Then, how might derepression of retrotransposons contribute to the meiotic phenotype and male infertility? The study from Dr. Bourc’his and colleagues provided some intriguing evidence that supports a potential role of LINE-1 activation at the chromatin level [12]. As compared to the wild-type control, Dnmt3l-deficient germ cells manifest an altered chromatin landscape: the loss of repressive H3K9me2 modification and the gain of activating H3K4me3 modification at retrotransposon sequences. These changes in germ cell chromatin landscape are correlated with the formation of meiotic double-strand breaks in retrotransposons. Normally, retrotransposons are not present in meiotic recombination sites. This abnormal distribution may be responsible for synaptic failure and subsequent interruption of meiotic progression in Dnmt3l-deficient spermatocytes [12]. 

Clearly, additional studies are required to further define the role of retrotransposons during meiotic progression in piRNA knockouts. One of the unexplored areas is how the overexpression of LINE-1 ORF2 protein, which has an endonuclease activity with known cytotoxicity, affects germ cell development [9]. On the other hand, our recent study also suggests that the relationship between mobile DNA and male fertility is analogous to a two-way street. Simply put, too much retrotransposition can be detrimental to germ cells and leads to infertility. Conversely, in order to propagate to the next generation, retrotransposition must be modest and the host needs to be fertile. Based on our results, we predict that many germline insertions originate from individuals who have partially compromised retrotransposon control but remain fertile or subfertile [11]. These individuals may be presented as those with a history of cryptorchidism, oligozoospermia, or testicular carcinoma in situ, which are frequently associated with genetic variants or reduced expression of piRNA-pathway genes. If these predictions are borne out, our understanding of the developmental timing of LINE-1 retrotransposition as well as the origin and impact of LINE-1 mediated genetic variation will be significantly revised. De novo insertions in spermatocytes or spermatids, the late stages of male germ cell development, may not have an immediate impact on the fitness of the germ cells themselves. However, such insertions can be harmful if propagated to progeny, causing heritable disorders. Therefore, germline de novo retrotransposition events can be a substantial source for rare, harmful genetic variants that are present in the human population.


安文锋,现任美国南达科塔州立大学药学院副教授,兼该学院首席Markl癌症研究学者。长期从事逆转座子分子生物学及遗产学方面的研究。在北京医科大学(现北京大学医学部)获医学学士和流行病学硕士学位,从密西根大学获微生物及免疫学博士学位,曾在约翰霍普金斯大学医学院的Jef Boeke实验室从事博士后研究,研究核心为LINE-1逆转座子遗传学和表观遗传学调控及其在生殖细胞发育和癌变过程中的功能。详细研究方向可查实验室网址:https://www.sdstate.edu/pharmacy-allied-health-professions/laboratory-wenfeng-1









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[2] Burns KH. Transposable elements in cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 2017;17:415-24.

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[4] Hancks DC, Kazazian HH, Jr. Roles for retrotransposon insertions in human disease. Mob DNA 2016;7:9.

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[8] Richardson SR, Gerdes P, Gerhardt DJ, et al. Heritable L1 retrotransposition in the mouse primordial germline and early embryo. Genome Res 2017;27:1395-405.

[9] Newkirk SJ, An W. L1 Regulation in Mouse and Human Germ Cells. In: Cristofari G, ed. Human Retrotransposons in Health and Disease: Springer International Publishing; 2017:29-61.

[10] Bourc'his D, Bestor TH. Meiotic catastrophe and retrotransposon reactivation in male germ cells lacking Dnmt3L. Nature 2004;431:96-9.

[11] Newkirk SJ, Lee S, Grandi FC, et al. Intact piRNA pathway prevents L1 mobilization in male meiosis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2017;114:E5635-E44.

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