


A friend of mine has been taking an online career planning course these days. He told me the other day he has learned a lot from it. He recommended me to subscribe to it. What do you say?

I think it is good if we know enough about career planning. We will make wiser choices. What else did he tell you about it?

Well, just something in general, like several key steps in planning career and how to set specific and tenable goals.

Sounds practical! To be honest, sometimes I feel puzzled about my future career. I am not sure if this job suits me the best though I work very hard on it and enjoy being a hard worker. I have always wanted to try something else and learn some new skills.

Making a decision to start over is not an easy thing to do. It seems that you need this course more than I do. I love my current job. If  I take this course, I hope to learn some tricks to get myself more organized at work. If they can give suggestions about how to boost work relationships, that will be great. I need these to improve my current work performance.

Ok, then we can sign up for it together.

范例二:Write down your plans

How long have you been in this company?

I came two years ago after I graduated from college. This is my first job.

You must have found much difference between working in company and studying in college.

Of course! Everyday, there is a deadline to meet. Bosses watching and testing me all the time, not liking in college, handed in paper months later and tested on schedule. It is so busy. But anyway, I have trying my best to be a good employee.

Well, you’ve adapted yourself very well. Everyone in our office thinks you’ve made a great progress in the past two years. What is your secret?

It is so encouraging to hear this remark. The secret is to make plans. Write down your goals, short-term and long-term and make detail plans for a week or a month. Then just work hard.

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