

5个关键词,测试你的幸福指数丨PERMA: The 5 Pillars Of Wellbeing
Ask a hundred people 'what happiness and well-being means', and you will probably get many different responses. Some people believe that happiness is about 'having' – having wealth, freedom, friends and family, and goals; while others think that happiness should be 'without' – without disease, worries and troubles. However, it seems that these answers can only explain happiness subjectively. Are there any guidelines for happiness and well-being? How can we achieve long-lasting and sustainable happiness? Is our happiness more influenced by the environment, our circumstances, or acquired abilities? It turns out that many psychologists have tried to answer these questions through various studies. 

享乐并不等于真快乐,因为享乐是即时的感官满足,无须太多的能力和思考要求,所以通过享乐得到的快乐并不能长久。(《真实的快乐》 - 马丁·塞利格曼)
Feelings of pleasure do not equal authentic happiness since such pleasures come from sensory gratification. It does not require excessive effort and thinking, and does not last for long. (Seligman, Authentic happiness)

正向心理学之父Martin Seligman 在他的著作《真实的快乐》(Authentic Happiness, 2004) 中指出,主观的快乐经验起码可分为两大类

第一类称为欢乐 (Pleasure),直接官能感觉中摄取,例如享受美味食品、影视娱乐、运动刺激等。这种快乐通常不需要我们付出太大的努力就能获取,但不能长久,当活动结束,那种愉快感很快就会消失。

第二类快乐是满足感 (Gratification),与第一种快乐不同,满足感代表你有意识地付出,为所制定的目标努力,付出的过程中或达标时所获取的愉快感和满足感,就是Seligman所指的第二种快乐 (又称之为内心的喜悦)。


在其另一本著作《Flourish》(2011)中,Martin Seligman提出“幸福理论”(PERMA)来取代单纯的快乐理论,他认为幸福有五个元素,即正面情绪(Positive Emotion)、全心投入(Engagement)、正面关系(Positive Relationships)、意义(Meaning)和成就感(Accomplishment)。

想了解自己的幸福感,可以根据以下资料做自我评估在空格中填上1-10的分数 (1是最低满意度的得分,10是最高满意度的得分,每一项10分是满分)。


  • 多感恩,发现身边值得快乐的事

  • 为自己制定小目标,如培养一个喜好,享受活动时的快乐

  • 主动联系好友,保持良好社交

  • 在生活中找到意义,如做义工,帮助有需要的人

  • 挑战自己,在能力范围内走出舒适区









In his book 'Authentic Happiness' (2004), Dr. Martin Seligman, who is often referred to as the father of positive psychology, pointed out that subjective happiness can be classified into at least two kinds:

The first type is called Pleasure, which is perceived directly by the senses, such as enjoying delicious food, film, television entertainment, sports, etc. This kind of happiness usually does not require us to exert excessive effort to obtain, but at the same time, does not last a long time. When the engagement in such an activity is over, the pleasant feeling ceases.

The second type of happiness is Gratification, which Dr. Martin Seligman states, is different from the first kind of happiness. Gratification comes when you consciously put in effort, work hard for a set goal, and feel delight and satisfaction during the process of achieving of that final goal. It is the second type of happiness (also known as inner joy).

The pursuit of pleasures only produces a momentary and fleeting happiness, while the pursuit of gratification, although requiring more effort and hard work, will eventually bring us to truly nourishing happiness.

In his other book, 'Flourish' (2011), Dr. Martin Seligman proposed the 'PERMA™ theory of well-being' as an alternative to the simple happiness theory. The PERMA model has five core elements in which Seligman believes are fundamental pillars of human well-being, namely Positive Emotion, Engagement, Positive Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.

If you want to assess your level of happiness in these areas, you can take this self-assessment below. Fill in each blank with a score of 1-10 (with 1 being the lowest satisfaction and 10 being the highest satisfaction).

High and low scores in this self-assessment only reflect the current situation and can be altered by setting and implementing life goals. When you find some pillars with relatively low scores, you can:

  • Remind yourself to be thankful, actively look for things that make you happy

  • Set small goals for yourself, such as develop a new hobby and engage with activities that your like

  • Connect with friends, maintain good social relationships with people

  • Search for your meaning in life, such as joining voluntary work and helping those in need

  • Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone

Long-lasting and authentic happiness can only be achieved through making the right choices and consistent practice.

Jasmin Fong


Jasmin Fong is a registered counselling psychologist and an associate fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society.

Jasmin is also a certified mental health first aid trainer, hypnotherapy trainer and has published several award-winning books in psychology in both Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Jasmin worked as a counselling psychologist with over 10 years of clinical experience in private practice. Her expertise includes working with individuals struggling with a range of life challenges, including depression, anxiety, insomnia, relationship issues, low self-esteem, work and school-related stress, and in career counselling.

With over 12 years of experience, as a part-time lecturer and instructor in higher education, Jasmin is skilled in public psychoeducation and training, and has delivered numerous talks in the areas of positive psychology, cinematherapy, expressive arts in counselling and hypnotherapy.

As a psychologist at ELG, Jasmin delivers client-centered and high-impact interventions to improve client mental and emotional health. Jasmin strives to promote wellbeing and help people lead a better life.



Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Authentic happiness: using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfilment. Atria Books
Seligman, M. E. P. (2011). Flourish: A visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being. Free Press.
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