




杨朝湘  06:01


杨朝湘  06:01

遗传代谢性脑病虽然罹患人群多为儿童,但远不限于儿童;虽然为少见病,但影像和临床工作中又似乎感觉如影随形,常常要面临对该病的诊断与鉴别诊断,如很多脑炎MRI看上去很像遗传代谢性脑病,而有时一些遗传代谢性脑病看上去又像脑炎。加上遗传代谢性脑病种类繁多, “异病同影”和临床表现重叠严重,因此让我们对它的感觉是既熟悉,又陌生。是综合医院和专科医院相关科室都需要面对的诊断难题。

杨朝湘  06:01

作为儿科影像经典的Caffey在书中辟出专章“Inherited metabolic brain disorders”对遗传代谢性脑病做了较为详细的分类讲解,包括其遗传学、临床表现和以MRI为主的影像学。当然,由于该病种类数以百计,专章虽然洋洋数万言,仍难以一一涵盖。我们不过籍此专章为基础,在主题月期间,学习其中的病例影像和相关知识,以达到提高、扩大和丰富对遗传代谢性脑病MRI的认识的目的。

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杨朝湘  06:02

Case 1

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2岁男孩。A图为T2 FLAIR,B图为TE=35ms MRS,C图为TE=288ms MRS

杨朝湘  06:02

Case 2

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7岁男孩。A图为T2WI,B图为T2 FLAIR,C图为短TE MRS,D图为长TE MRS

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Case 3

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4岁女孩。A图为T2WI,B图为T2 FLAIR,C图为ADC图,D图为TE=35ms MRS,E图为TE=144ms MRS

杨朝湘  06:04


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书中图注:Abnormal hyperintense T2 and FLAIR signals are noted within the centrum semiovale with sparing of the subcortical U fibers and posterior limbs of the internal capsules. Relatively increased diffusion is seen in the periatrial and parietal white matter. The spectra demonstrate significant elevations of lactate, choline, and myo-inositol, with diminished N-acetylaspartate reflecting neuroaxonal loss, demyelination, and glial activation

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Globoid cell leukodystrophy (Krabbe disease) arises from a deficiency in the enzyme β-galactocerebrosidase, leading to the accumulation of cerebroside and galactosylsphingosine, which induces apoptosis in the oligodendrocyte cell lines.

杨朝湘  18:53

Globoid cell leukodystrophy, an autosomal-recessive disorder, has a frequency of 2 in 100,000 in a series reported from Sweden. It is seen predominantly in young children; however, the infantile form is the most common. Onset of symptoms usually begins between 3 and 5 months after birth with irritability.

杨朝湘  18:53

The disease continues to progress, with development of symptoms mimicking encephalitis with motor deterioration and atypical seizures. At the end stage of the disease, the child is in a vegetative state with decerebrate posturing. Elevated CSF protein has been reported, to a larger extent in adult phenotypes than in phenotypes affecting younger people. Positional ocular flutter has been reported in one patient with infantile Krabbe disease. In nerve conduction studies, the severity of abnormalities appears to correlate with the severity of clinical symptoms.

杨朝湘  18:53

The disease involves predominantly the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, and spinal cord. Pathologic changes include a marked toxic reduction in the number of oligodendrocytes. Multinucleated cells that appear to be globoid, as well as reactive macrophages, are scattered throughout the white matter region. Hypomyelination may be extensive and eventually leads to gliosis and scarring in the white matter region. Gray matter involvement in the basal ganglia region also can be found with punctate calcification.

杨朝湘  18:53

Delayed myelination may be the first finding noted on MRI in infants with this disorder. In infantile Krabbe disease, MRI findings may be normal, but as the disease progresses, classic Krabbe features emerge; this phenomenon is probably related to the immature myelination. The appearance of Krabbe disease on MRI is featured as one of either two patterns. A patchy hyperintense periventricular signal on T2-weighted images, consistent with hypomyelination, eventually may evolve into a more diffuse pattern in the white matter. In this form, involvement of the thalami with a hyperintense T2 signal often is present as well. A second pattern is a patchy low signal on T2-weighted images in a similar distribution to the hyperdense regions seen on CT, which is suspected to represent a paramagnetic effect from calcium deposition in the region.

杨朝湘  18:54

Additional early changes include increased density in the distribution of the thalami, cerebellum, caudate heads, and brainstem that may precede the abnormally low attenuation of white matter in the centrum semiovale. Symmetric enlargement of the optic nerves also has been described in persons with Krabbe disease. The distal optic nerves are primarily involved; however, a case has been described with proximal prechiasmatic enlargement of the nerves. At times, changes within the cerebellar white matter also have been reported, with hyperintensity on T2-weighted images. The findings within the spinal cord are visualized as atrophic changes.

杨朝湘  18:54

Proton MRS demonstrates the reduced NAA expected with neuroaxonal loss but also has revealed disturbances in glial cell metabolism associated with hypomyelination. In addition to a reduced NAA level, elevated levels of choline and mI also have been reported in this condition, which is consistent with the general neurodegenerative pattern as seen on proton spectroscopy. DWI also has been applied in a limited number of patients with Krabbe disease.

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图注:An abnormal hyperintense signal in the periventricular white matter throughout the cerebrum, sparing the subcortical U fibers. The signal has a “tigroid” appearance on T2-weighted images. The spectra demonstrate significant elevations of choline and myo-inositol with diminished N-acetylaspartate reflecting neuroaxonal loss, demyelination, and glial activation

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In persons with MLD, the primary metabolic defect is a deficiency in the enzyme arylsulfatase A, resulting in the accumulation of cerebroside sulfate within the lysosome. MLD has four subtypes: congenital, late infantile, juvenile, and adult.

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The late infantile subtype is the most common and presents from around 14 months to 4 years of age. The early presentations are an unsteady gait that progresses to severe ataxia and flaccid paralysis, dysarthria(构音障碍), mental retardation, and decerebrate posturing. Gallbladder involvement has been reported, possibly appearing before the onset of neurologic symptoms. Intestinal involvement also has been reported, specifically polypoid masses in one patient.

杨朝湘  19:00

Histologic analysis of the abnormal nervous tissue demonstrates a complete loss of myelin (demyelination) followed by axonal degeneration. Metachromatic granules are reported within engorged lysosomes in white matter and neurons and on peripheral nerve biopsies. Oligodendrocytes are reduced in number, and areas of demyelination predominate throughout the deep white matter region. Early sparing of the subcortical arcuate white matter fibers (“U” fibers) occurs until late in the disease process.

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An inflammatory response typically is absent, which accounts for a lack of enhancement in this disorder, but eventually, even myelinated white matter is replaced by astrogliosis and scarring. The corpus callosum is involved before significant progression; atrophy is a late sign.

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Demyelination also can be seen in the posterior limbs of the internal capsule, descending pyramidal tracts, and the cerebellar white matter. Thalamic changes may be common in primary MLD, and isolated cerebellar atrophy may be seen in some atypical later-onset variants.

杨朝湘  19:01

On T2-weighted images, there is marked hyperintensity of the white matter fiber tracts involving the cerebral hemispheres that may extend to the cerebellum, brainstem, and spinal cord. The findings further demonstrate diffuse deep white matter involvement with relative sparing of subcortical white matter. The findings initially are focal and patchy, but later, a diffuse, hyperintense T2 signal of the centrum semiovale develops. Two distinct white matter appearances have been noted that mimic what was previously considered to be pathognomonic of Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD). Punctate areas of hypointensity (“leopard skin” appearance) and radiating patterns of linear tubular structures of T2 hypointensity (“tigroid” appearance/虎斑征) are seen, with areas of relatively normal-appearing white matter within the areas of demyelination.

杨朝湘  19:01

Proton MRS studies have demonstrated reduced NAA, which is expected with neuroaxonal loss, but they also have revealed disturbances in glial cell metabolism associated with elevated mI and choline. The levels of NAA in white matter have been found to correlate with motor function in children with MLD

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图注:Prominent perivascular spaces are demonstrated with a diffuse, abnormal, hyperintense signal throughout the periventricular and subcortical white matter. The spectra demonstrate diminished N-acetylaspartate levels with elevated lactate, which may reflect histiocytic cell infiltration of the perivascular spaces and brain parenchyma

杨朝湘  19:04

The mucopolysaccharidoses are the best known of the lysosomal abnormalities affecting predominately gray matter. The primary metabolic defect in this group of disorders is a failure to break down sulfates (dermatan, heparan, and keratan); thus mucopolysaccharides fill up and overburden the lysosomes within histiocytes of the brain, bone, skin, and other organs.
Eight subtypes have been defined; however, six distinct forms are now recognized within this classification scheme, based on which metabolite is involved. The six are referred to as Hurler (IH), Hunter (II), Sanfilippo (III), Morquio (IV), Maroteaux-Lamy (VI), and Sly (VII),
粘多糖病有8个亚型。其中的6个较为明确,分别为:Hurler (IH型)、Hunter (II型)、Sanfilippo (III型)、Morquio (IV型)、Maroteaux-Lamy (VI型),和Sly (VII型)综合征。
All of these diseases are autosomal recessive except type II, Hunter, which is an X-linked recessive condition. Hydrocephalus is common, probably as a result of plugging of the pacchionian granulation.

光光同学'jiao  19:07

杨老师 那这病例跟肾上腺脑白质营养不良在影像上有区别嘛?

杨朝湘  19:10


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mhj  19:19

@杨朝湘  广东省妇幼保健院放射科 杨老师 豹纹征能不能明示一下

杨朝湘  19:20

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The lysosomes are intracellular organelles responsible for degrading lipids, proteins, and complex carbohydrates. In most lysosomal disorders, the genetic mutation resulting in the absence or partial deficiency of an enzyme or protein is known and functionally understood. For most of the lysosomal diseases, the substrate for the defective enzyme builds up, leading to intralysosomal storage. Although the diseases are complex, mechanical disruption of the cell as a result of the storage of nondegradable material leads to cellular dysfunction.

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In general, the pathology primarily involves neuronal dysfunction rather than loss, with the exception of differential loss of Purkinje cells that characterize several storage diseases, including Niemann-Pick disease type C and the massive cell loss that occurs in the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCLs).

杨朝湘  19:26

Lysosomal disorders typically are inherited as autosomal-recessive traits; they usually afflict infants and young children. However, adult-onset forms exist. The collective frequency of lysosomal storage diseases is estimated to be approximately 1 in 8000 live births,.
Lysosomal disorders primarily affecting gray matter include the gangliosidoses(神经节苷脂贮积病), mucopolysaccharidoses(MPS), and NCLs. Two of the more common lysosomal disorders, metachromatic leukodystrophy (MLD) and Krabbe disease, demonstrate abnormalities in white matter. However, broader involvement of gray and white matter often occurs in later stages of lysosomal disease progression

杨朝湘  20:00


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