



利奈唑胺是恶唑烷酮类新型抗生素中第一种药物。恶唑烷酮类抑制蛋白合成,主要作用于革兰氏阳性细菌。利奈唑胺最常见的药物副反应包括恶心,头痛和腹泻4。严重副作用如可逆性骨髓抑制已有报道4,5。利奈唑胺在与五羟色胺能的药物合用时会增加五羟色胺综合征(血清素综合症)的发生风险4,6。在儿童药品说明书中,癫痫已列为利奈唑胺的副作用4;但是,无医学相关文献报道利奈唑胺诱发癫痫的病例。我们报道一例既往具有癫痫的患者在接受利奈唑胺治疗时出现了复杂部分性发作持续状态(complex partial status epilepticus, CPSE)。

Case report    病例报道


Discussion  讨  论



中英 对照部分

Neurology 72 January 27,2009

Bassel F. Shneker, MD   Peggy D. Baylin, PharmD  Michael E. Nakhla, PharmD

Many antibiotics can worsen seizures in patients with epilepsy and provoke seizures in patients without epilepsy. The agents most commonly associated with this adverse effect include penicillin and other ß -lactams, imipenem-cilastatin, and quinolones.1 The mechanism by which antibiotics can induce seizures can be related to lowering seizure threshold by affecting neurotransmitters or by decreasing the efficacy of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs).2,3


Linezolid (Zyvox) is the first agent in a new class of antibiotics known as oxazolidinones. Oxazolidinones act primarily against Gram-positive bacteria by inhibiting protein synthesis. The most common side effects from linezolid are nausea, headache, and diarrhea.4 Serious adverse effects such as reversible myelosuppression have been reported.4,5 Linezolid may increase the risk of serotonin syndrome when taken with other serotonergic agents.4,6 Seizures have been reported as side effects in the package insert in children4;however,no case reports of linezolid-induced seizures exist in the medical literature. We report a patient with epilepsy who experienced complex partial status epilepticus(CPSE) upon receiving linezolid.

利奈唑胺是恶唑烷酮类新型抗生素中第一种药物。恶唑烷酮类抑制蛋白合成,主要作用于革兰氏阳性细菌。利奈唑胺最常见的药物副反应包括恶心,头痛和腹泻4。严重副作用如可逆性骨髓抑制已有报道4,5。利奈唑胺在与五羟色胺能的药物合用时会增加五羟色胺综合征(血清素综合症)的发生风险4,6。在儿童药品说明书中,癫痫已列为利奈唑胺的副作用4;但是,无医学相关文献报道利奈唑胺诱发癫痫的病例。我们报道一例既往具有癫痫的患者在接受利奈唑胺治疗时出现了复杂部分性发作持续状态(complex partial status epilepticus, CPSE)。

Case report    病例报道

The patient is a 45-year-old lefthanded woman with a history of epilepsy since childhood. She has been followed in the Epilepsy Clini cat The Ohio State University (OSU) for more than 10 years. She has rare tonic-clonic seizures, frequent (3 per day) simple partial (right-sided dystonic posture for a few seconds), and frequent (2 per day) complex partial seizures (extension of both legs and clonic movements of right side lasting for less than a minute). Her seizures have been intractable despite trying all approved AEDs, vagus nerve stimulator, and two resective brain surgeries (left frontal lobe) that resulted in right-sided weakness. Her past medicalcal history is significant for postictal psychosis and depression. Her medications included zonisamide, clonazepam, acetazolamide, aripiprazole, and lorazepam as needed. She had no history of unusual reaction to any medication.


On April 10, 2008, she underwent an excision of a painful wart-like growth on her right knee. Her wound did not heal well and a wound infection was suspected. Wound cultures on April 22, 2008, were consistent with nonpathologic skin flora. On April 24, 2008, she underwent debridement of her wound and was placed on IV vancomycin, then switched to IV linezolid on April 25, 2008, receiving one dose. She was discharged home on April 26, 2008, on oral linezolid. Two doses were taken. In the evening of April 26, 2008, her habitual complex partial seizures became more frequent and longer in duration. Oral lorazepam did not help. The seizures became almost constant. She was admitted to OSU Medical Center with a diagnosis of CPSE. She was intubated, placed on a propofol drip, and given IV levetiracetam in addition to her home AEDs. IV vancomycin was started in place of linezolid. Continuous EEG monitoring showed initially frequent seizures of left fronto-central onset that subsided with treatment. On the morning of April 28, 2008, propofol was stopped and she was successfully extubated. Her seizures were back to baseline (few daily seizures). Her workup ruled out any acute systemic or neurologic process. She was febrile at presentation; however, no source of infection was found. On April 29,2008, all IV medications were switched to oral formulations with plans to complete a 7-day course of antibiotics. Oral linezolid was restarted on April 30, 2008. Late that morning, she started to have prolonged and frequent seizures. She received benzodiazepines and her levetiracetam was increased. Seizures became more frequent. On the morning of May 1, 2008, linezolid was stopped after a total of three doses. She was loaded with IV fosphenytoin. Within 18 hours, the patient’s seizure frequency improved dramatically and she seemed to be at her baseline. She was discharged home on May 2, 2008.


Discussion  讨  论

Our patient developed CPSE and had worsening of her seizures. The patient had no acute neurologic or systemic illness to explain the worsening of her seizures. She has no history of status epilepticus in the past. Historically, she is a very compliant patient. Although we cannot be definite about the exact cause, the chronological correlation suggests that linezolid was the cause. Our patient was given linezolid on two separate occasions. On each occasion, within less than 24 hours of starting linezolid, she had significant worsening of her seizures. Seizures improved dramatically within 24 hours of stopping linezolid.


The mechanism by which linezolid worsened our patient’s seizures is not clear. A review of thepatient’s concomitant medication list did not reveal any possible drug–drug interactions with linezolid. Unfortunately, the levels of zonisamide and clonazepam were not checked to determine if linezolid affected either one. Linezolid should be administered cautiously in patients with a history of epilepsy.



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