


Information technology


Indian outsourcing specialists must upgrade their strategies




COMPUTERS slow as they age, and before long must be replaced by newer models. Something similar is true of the business models of Indian IT firms. Specialised in running global companies’ outsourcedback-offices, the likes of Infosys, Wipro and Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) used to be national champions growing at double-digit rates. Their prospects have dimmed of late[小词活用]; an entire industry built on the back of globalisation is frettingabout[别老worry]the incoming American president. But Donald Trump is merely the latest[越晚越新,课上讲过]threat to their operating systems.


Over three decades, Indian IT has become a $140bn industry built on a simple proposition: rich-country companies could trim[别老decrease] costs by getting tedious behind-the-scenes IT work done by cheap engineers in India. The Indian firms hoovered up bright graduates—the big three have over 700,000 employees in total—paying them starting salaries of $5,000 or so, a decent local wage. After gaining some experience, tens of thousands were dispatched to client sites in Europe or America, along with a few expensive local staff. The rest ensured their clients’ computer systems kept ticking over[小词活用] from cosy cubicles in Bangalore, Hyderabad and elsewhere.


Growth spurts and stalls are nothing new for the trio, the most international of dozens of Indian IT firms (American and European companies such as IBM, Accenture and Capgemini have large Indian presences, too). Their prospects are ultimately tied to the sluggish rich-world economies of their clients: America makes up over half of Indian IT sales, Europe a quarter. Banks and insurance companies, the biggest customers, have been in penny-pinching

[词汇翻译] mode of late; ditto同上/同前 energy companies struck by falling oil prices.


But what felt like cyclical softness looks increasingly like it is being compounded by structural decline. Dollar-denominated growth rates have oscillated but clearly trended downwards and are now firmly in the single digits (see chart). Margins of over 20% are coming under pressure, even after a sustained fall in the rupee against the dollar increased the cost advantage of earning in America and paying staff in India.


There is still plenty of the $900bn global IT services budget for them to capture. But some headwinds now look like they will endure. Mr Trump’s swearing-in is the most immediate concern. The incoming president has railed against certain visas for skilled workers, many of which are gobbled up by Indian IT firms to send staff on stints to America. A proposal to hike the minimum salaries to qualify for such schemes from $60,000 to $100,000 would make many postingsuneconomical.


That would mean replacing Indian expats to America with locals, especially if the cap for the number of new visas is lowered from the existing 65,000 a year. Add in higher visa-application fees for large-scale labour importers, and that might trim up to five percentage points from IT companies’ margins, analysts think. Fuzzy talk of an “outsourcing tax” will in any case hardly encourage[视角转换] IT procurement managers to look overseas.


Changes in how clients think about technology is a bigger worry[写作句型]for Indian IT firms. Budgets globally are growing steadily, at about 3% a year reckons Gartner, a research outfit. But an increasing amount of the money is spent on trendy stuff like analytics or the internet of things. Such new “digital” services will rise from a tenth of total IT spending in 2014 to over a third in 2020 according to McKinsey, a consultancy.


IT managers at big firms think they can finance the development of snazzy big-data projects and mobile apps by trimming spending in their existing IT infrastructure, for example by replacing their own data centres (which they pay Indian firms to maintain) with cloud storage (which they do not). And some of the tasks which engineers used to do, such as tailoring software for a client, can now be done by machines. It seems that workers in India’s vast code-writing centres are as much at risk of being made obsolescent by automation as those in factories making cars or shoes.


Indian firms want to get in on the new digital action, which they think is less likely to be commoditised. But they specialise in fixing problems cheaply, not driving innovation. Devising a mobile-banking app for millennials, say, is a far cry from[别老different]parsing lines of code for bugs.The IT firms know they need to adapt. “We will not survive if we remain in the constricted space of doing as we are told, depending solely on cost arbitrage,” Vishal Sikka, the boss at Infosys, wrote in a recent letter urging staff to shape up.[别老adapt] “If we don’t we will be made obsolete by the tidal wave of automation and technology-fuelled transformation that is almost upon us.”

印度公司希望打入这股数字化新潮流,认为相比之下它不大会变得大宗商品化。但它们的专长在于以低成本解决问题,而非推动创新。举例来说,为千禧一代设计移动银行应用跟分析代码查找错误完全是两码事。这些IT公司知道它们需要适应新趋势。“假如我们还局限于听命他人,只依赖成本优势,我们将无法生存。” 印孚瑟斯的老板史维学(Vishal Sikka)在最近一封敦促员工升级的信中写道。“在自动化和科技的推动下,变革浪潮滚滚而来,我们不去适应就会被淘汰。”

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Others have a head start in the race to the sunlit digital uplands. Accenture has digital-services revenue per employee around four times its Indian rivals, points out Vaibhav Dhasmana of Jefferies, a bank. It derives more than a fifth of its revenues from such work. Most Indian firms don’t break out this figure, somewhat tellingly, but it is thought to be in the 10-17% range.


数字化高地阳光灿烂,在奔往那里的竞赛中,其他人领先一步。杰富瑞银行(Jefferies)的瓦伊巴夫·达斯马纳(Vaibhav Dhasmana)指出,埃森哲员工的数字服务人均销售额约为其印度竞争对手的四倍。该公司有超过五分之一的收入来自这类工作。比较显而易见的是大部分印度公司都达不到这一水平,不过估计它们的占比处于10%到17%的范围之间。

European and American rivals have heftier consulting arms that can shape companies’ spending. They are eager acquirers of companies, often boutiques that give them skills they cannot develop internally. They spend more on research and development, too: 2% of revenues for Accenture, compared with a mere 0.5-1% of revenues at Indian firms. All this reduces profits: Accenture has margins on earnings before interest and tax of around 15%, not much more than half what Indian firms have traditionally secured.


The Indian firms are moving in this direction. All have invested in “platforms” they can sell to more than one client—for example, to analyse social media. But by their own admission progress has been limited. Pivoting towards higher-value offerings requires an overhaul of Indian companies’ past models, not a tweak. The focus must now be on the quality, not the quantity, of employees. Hiring has slowed: in the nine months to end-December 2016, Infosys added 5,700 new staff, compared with 17,000 in the same period a year ago. There are fewer junior engineers—able only to carry out the most routine tasks—and more relatively senior staff as a result (see chart). This middle-age bulge in staffers increases staff costs by 5-7%, says Anantha Narayan of Credit Suisse, a bank.

这一切发生时,印孚瑟斯和维布络正在适应新一代的管理者,这些职业经理从公司创始人的手上接管了企业。同时,1月12日,塔塔咨询服务公司备受尊敬的老板陈哲(Natarajan Chandrasekaran)离任,出任母公司董事长。将印度IT业塑造成诱人事业的经济模式正在褪色,而不是完全消失。但和计算机一样,最好在旧机器意外崩溃前就把它换掉。

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