


I have 4 books and 2 magazines to check out.我有4本书和2本杂志要借。

I have a good idea! 我有一个好主意。

I have a headache, and she has a stomachache.我头疼,她胃疼。

I have a large collection of CDs. 我收集了很多唱片。

I have a lot in common with my sister. 我和我姐姐有很多相同之处。

I have a surprise for you. 我有一个意想不到的东西给你看。

I have been putting on weight. 我开始发胖了。

I have had several conversations with him.我已经和他谈过几次了。

I have just finished the book. 我刚刚读完这本书。

I have just heard from my sister, Mary. 我刚收到我妹妹玛丽的一封信。

I have my hair cut every month. 我每个月都理发。

I have never seen the movie. 我从未看过那部电影。

I have no choice. 我别无选择。

I have no idea. 我没有头绪。

I have something to tell you. 我有事要告诉你。

I have the right to know. 我有权知道。

I have to catch a plane. Could you hurry? 你能快点吗?我好久没有她的消息了。

I have two cats. One is white, the other is black.我有两只猫,一只是白猫,另一只是黑猫。

I haven't even touched your tooth yet. 我还没有碰到你的牙齿呢。

I haven't heard from her for a long time. 我好久没有她的消息了。

I haven't seen you for ages. 我好久没见到你了。

I heard some one laughing. 我听见有人在笑。

I hope we can see each other again some time.希望还能有相见的机会。

I hope you enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在这儿过的愉快。

I just made it! 我做到了!

I know all about it. 我知道有关它的一切。

I learnt that I had passed the test. 我获悉我测验及格了。

I left at 6:00 so that I could catch the train.我六点钟出门,以便赶上火车。

I like all kinds of fruit. 我喜欢各种各样的水果。

I like ice-cream. 我喜欢吃冰淇淋。

I lost the door key about here. 我在这附近掉了门钥匙。

I love this game. 我钟爱这项运动。

I love you! 我爱你!

I meet the boss himself. 我见到了老板本人。

I owe you for my dinner. 我欠你晚餐的钱。

I promise. 我保证。

I quit! 我不干了!

I really enjoyed myself. 我玩得很开心。

I really need to lose some weight. 我真的需要减肥了。

I really think a little exercise would do you good.我真的觉得做点运动对你有好处。

I received an invitation, but I did not accept it.我收到-份请帖,但没有接受。

I saw him playing football on the playground.我看见他在操场上踢足球。

I saw it with my own eyes. 我亲眼所见。

I smelled a smell of cooking. 我闻到了烧菜做饭的味道。

I suppose you dance much. 我想你常常跳舞吧。

I think I've caught a cold. 我想我得了感冒。

I think I've filled in everything correctly.我想各项都填对了。

I think so. 我也这么想。

I think you have the Wrong number. 我想你打错号码了。

I walked across the park. 我穿过了公园。

I want to have a part-time job. 我想有一份兼职工作。

I want to see the film again. 我真想再看一遍。

I was alone,but not lonely. 我独自一人,但并不觉得寂寞。

I was late for work yesterday, 我昨天上班迟到了。

I was taking care of Sally. 我在照顾萨莉。

I went there three days ago. 我三天前去过那儿。

I will arrange everything. 我会安排一切的。

I will be back by the end of next month. 我下个月底会回来。

I will be more careful. 我会小心一些的,

I will never forget it. 我会记着的。

I will never forget the days that I spent with you.我永远都不会忘记和你一起度过的日子。

I will seek from my doctor's advice. 我将请教医生的意见。

I will speak against anything I know to be wrong.我会对所有我认为不对的事情直言不讳。

I wish I knew my neighbor. 我很想认识我的邻居。

I wish I lived in New York. 我希望住在纽约。

I won't be able to see him today. 今天我不可能去看他。

I would like to check out. 我想结帐。

I would like to wash the clothes for you. 我愿意帮你洗这些衣服。

I would rather stay at home alone. 我宁愿独自呆在家。

I'd like to cash a traveler's check please.我想兑换旅行支票。

I'd like to get this film developed. 我要冲洗这卷胶卷。

I'd like to look at some sweaters. 我想看看毛衣。

I'd like to pick sea shells this afternoon.今天下午我想去捡贝壳。

I'd like to-repair our differences. 我愿意消除一下我们之间的分歧。

I'll be back soon. 我马上回来。

I'll be right there. 我马上就到。

I'll call a taxi in case of need. 如果需要的话,我会叫出租车的。

I'll check it out. 我去查查看。

I'll fix you up. 我会帮你打点的。

I'll furnish my house with furniture. 我要为我的房子置办家具。

I'll have to try that. 我得试试这么做。

I'll just play it by ear. 我到时随机应变。

I'll see to it 我会留意的。

I'll see you at six. 我六点钟见你。

I'll still love her even if she doesn't love me.即使她不爱我,我还仍然爱她。

I'll try my best. 我尽力而为。

I'm On your side. 我全力支持你。

I'm afraid I have some rather bad news for you.我恐怕有些很坏的消息要告诉你。

I'm fed up with my work! 我对工作烦死了!

I'm full. 我饱了。

I'm good at freestyle and breast stroke. 我擅长自由泳和蛙泳。

I'm his fan. 我是他的影迷。

I'm home. 我回来了。

I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时间!

I'm looking forward to a prompt reply. 盼迅速答复。

I'm lost. 我迷路了。

I'm not guessing,I really know. 我不是在猜想,我真的知道。

I'm not sure I can do it. 恐怕这事我干不了。

I'm not sure whether I have locked the door.我没把握是否锁了门。

I'm not used to drinking. 我不习惯喝酒。

I'm on a diet. 我在节食。

I'm single. 我是单身贵族。

I'm sorry to have bothered you. 对不起,打扰你了。

I'm sorry, these 2 books are 3 days overdue.小姐,对不起,这两本书已经过期3天了。

I'm thinking of hanging the lamp from the ceiling.我打算把灯吊在天花板上。

I'm very glad to hear that. 很高兴听你这样说。

I'm very proud of you. 我为你感到非常骄傲。

I'm your lucky fellow then. 我就是你的幸运舞伴啦!

I've got to start working out. 我必须开始做健身运动了。

I've got too much work to do. 我要做的工作太多了。

IS it true or false? 这是对的还是错的?

Ice cream is popular among children. 冰淇淋深受孩子们的欢迎。

If I were you, I would not be bothered by English.如果我是你,就不会为英语烦恼了。

If Tom cannot keep his promise, he'll lose face.如果汤姆不能信守诺言,他就会丢面子。

If only I could fly. 要是我能飞就好了。

If you don't work, you will fail to pass the exam.如果你不学习,你考试就会不及格。

If you would only try, you could do it. 只要你肯尝试,你一定能做这件事。

In a word,I am tired of everything. 总之,我对一切都很厌倦。

In spite of the heavy rain, she went to the shop.尽管下着大雨,她还是去了商店。

Is it yours? 这是你的吗?

Is the cut still painful? 伤口还在痛吗?

Is there any sugar in the bottle? 瓶子里还有糖吗?

Is this the fight bus for the Capital Library?这辆车到首都图书馆吗?

It appears to be a true story. 这故事似乎是真的。

It doesn't make sense. 这没有意义(不合常理)。

It has be come much cooler. 天气变得凉爽多了。

It is Just what I need. 这正是我所需要的。

It is an excellent novel in every way. 无论从哪方面来看,这都是一本优秀的小说。

It is clear that the cat has eaten it! 很明显,是猫偷吃的!

It is growing cool. 天气渐渐凉爽起来。

It is more important to be healthy than bony slim.健康永远比皮包骨头好。

It is no use learning without thinking. 学而不思则惘。

It is not so easy as you think. 这事没有你想象的那么简单。

It is the best film that I have ever seen.这是我所看过的最好的电影。

It is tomorrow that they will have a meeting.就在明天(而不是在别的某一天)他们要开会。

It rather surprised me. 那事使我颇感惊讶。

It really takes time. 这样太耽误时间了。

It seemed as if there was no way out. 看情形似乎没有出路了。

It seems all right. 看来这没问题。

It sounds great!. 听起来很不错。

It took him a little time to fix that watch.他很快就把表修理好了。

It was a lazy, breezy autumn afternoon. 这是一个懒散的,起风的秋日下午。

It was your turn to wash them yesterday. 昨天轮到你把它们洗干净。

It's a fine day。 今天是个好天。

It's a friendly competition. 这是一场友谊赛。

It's a secret between you and me. 这是你我之间的秘密。

It's against the law. 这是违法的。

It's going too far. 太离谱了。

It's her field. 这是她的本行。

It's no use complaining. 发牢骚没什么用。

It's none of your business! 这不关你的事儿!

It's nothing to be surprised about. 这事不值得大惊小怪。

It's odd that they didn't reply our letter.他们没有给我们回信,这真奇怪。

It's only a party in honor of my birthday.这只是为了庆祝我的生日而举行的晚会。

It's rude to stare at other people. 盯着别人看是不礼貌的。

It's the hottest day I've had so far. 这是迄今为止我经历的最热的一天。

It's time to tell her the truth. 是该告诉她真相的时候了。

It's time you went to bed. 你早就该睡觉了。

It's too good to be true! 好得难以置信。

It's up to you. 由你决定。

It's very kind of you to help me. 你帮助我真是太好了。

It's very thoughtful of you. 你想得真周到。

Its origin is still a mystery now. 它的起源至今仍是个谜。

It’s Sunday today. 今天是星期天。

It’s a long story. 说来话长。

Jack is the strongest boy in the class. 杰克是全班最强壮的男孩。

Jalu has forgotten falling off his bicycle.詹露早忘掉他从白行车上摔下来这件事了

Japan is to the east of China. 日本在中国的东部。

Jean is a blue-eyed girl. 珍是个蓝眼睛的女孩。

John asked Grace to marry him, 约翰向格雷斯求婚。

John seldom gets together with his friends.约翰很少与朋友聚在一起。

Just around the comer. 就在附近。

Just for entertainment. 只是为了消遣一下。

Just read it for me. 就读给我听好了。

Just wait and see! 等着瞧!

Just wonderful! 简直太棒了!

Keep in Touch. 保持联络。

Keep it up! 坚持下去!

Keep your temper under control. 不要发脾气。 .

Knowledge is power. 知识就是力量。

Learn to say the fight thing at the fight time.学会在适当的时候说适当的话。

Learning English is like building a house.学英语象盖房子。

Let bygones be bygones. 过去的,就让它过去吧。

Let go! 放手!

Let me see your driver's license, please. 请让我看看你的驾驶执照。

Let me see.让我想想。

Let me tell you some details about clearance.让我告诉你一些通关的细节。

Let us do it by ourselves,will you? 我们自己做这件事,可以吗?

Let's divide the cake into three. 我们将蛋糕分成三份吧。

Let's go for a walk,shall we? 咱们出去走走,好吗?

Let's go out to have a dinner, shall we? 咱们出去吃饭吧,好吗?

Let's not waste our time. 咱们别浪费时间了。

Let's take a short break for lunch. 让我们休息一会儿,去吃午饭。

Let's watch TV with a candle on. 咱们点上蜡烛看电视吧。

Linda speaks as if she were a boss. 琳达说话总好象她是老板。

Listening with your heart is good for you.专心聆听别人说话对你有好处。

Long ago, people believed that the world was flat.很久以前人们相信地球是平的。

Long time no see! 好久不见!

Love me,love my dog. (谚语)爱屋及乌。

Lying and stealing are immoral. 说谎和偷窃都是不道德的。

Make up your mind. 做个决定吧。

Make yourself at home. 请不要拘礼。

Many people have been out of work recently.最近有许多人失业。

Many young girls dream of being a fashion model.许多年轻女孩梦想成为时装模特儿。

May I ask some questions? 我可以问几个问题吗?

May I know the quantity you require? 请问你们需要多少数量的货物?

May I speak to Lora,please? 我能和劳拉说话吗?

May I use your pen? 我可以用你的笔吗?

Me too. 我也是。

Money is no more than our servant. 金钱不过是我们的仆人。

Money is not everything. 金钱不是一切。

Most games cost about that much. 大部分游戏差不多都是这个价钱。

Most of the earth's surface is covered by water.大部分的地球表面被水覆盖着。

Mother doesn't make up. 妈妈不化妆。

Move out of my way! 让开!

Mr. Smith is in charge of this class. 史密斯老师负责该班。

Mr. Smith taught English at a school. 史密斯先生在一所学校教英语。

Mr.Wang is fixing his bike. 王先生在修他的自行车。

My brother is see king a job. 我弟弟正在找工作。

My car needs washing. 我的车需要洗一洗。

My efforts resulted in nothing. 我的努力毫无结果。

My false teeth are stuck to it. 我的假牙还在上边呢!

My father is at home looking for the ticket.我爸爸正在家里找票呢!

My god! 天哪!

My grandpa died of hunger in the old days. 我爷爷在旧社会死于饥饿。

My mouth is watering. 我要流口水了。

My parents want me to go abroad. 我父母想让我出国。

My treat. 我请客。

My watch is faster than yours. 我的表比你的表快。

Nancy will retire next year. 南希明年就退休了。

Neither of the men spoke. 两个人都没说过话。

Neither you nor he is wrong. 你没错,他也没错。

Never mind.不要紧。

New China was founded in l1949年新中国成立。

No littering on the campus. 在校园内不准乱丢废物。

No matter what happened, he would not say a word.不管发生什么事,他也不会说一句话。

No one knows . 没有人知道。

No one knows the location of the hidden treasure.谁也不知道藏宝地点在哪里。

No pain,no gain. 不劳无获。

No problem! 没问题!

No spitting on the street. 禁止在大街上吐痰。

No way! 不行!

No wonder you can't sleep when you eat so much.你吃这么多难怪睡不着。

Nobody has ever solved this problem. 没有人曾解决过这个问题。

None of us is afraid of difficulties. 我们当中没有一个人害怕困难。

None of your business! 与你无关!

Not a sound was heard. 一点声音也没有。

Not bad. 还不错。

Not until last week did I get a work permit.直到上周我才拿到工作许可证

Not yet. 还没。

Nothing but death can part the couple. 除了死之外,什么也拆不散这一对。

Now she looks pale as if she were ill. 现在她脸色难看,好像病了一样。

Of course! 当然了!

Oh,you are kidding me. 哦,你别拿我开玩笑了。

Old tunes are sweetest and old friends are surest.老调最甜美,老友最可*。

Once you begin,you must continue. 一旦开始,你就得继续。

One third of this area is covered with forest.这一地区三分之一的地方都是森林。

Opportunity knocks but once. 机不可失,时不再来。

Our school covers 1000 square meters. 我们学校占地面积平方米。

Our school is in the east of Beijing. 我们学校在北京的东部。

Patience is a mark of confidence. 耐心是自信心的一种表现。

People enjoyed the stamps very much. 人们非常喜爱这些邮票。

Please ask her to call me back when she's back.她回来时请让她给我回个电话。

Please fetch a chair from another room. 请到别的房间取一把椅子。

Please give my best regards to your family.请代我向你们全家致以最诚挚的问候。

Please let me check the bill. 请让我核对一下帐单。

Please push the ladder against the wall. 请把梯子靠在墙壁上。

Plenty of sleep is healthful. 充足的睡眠有益于健康。

See you. 再见。

She became more and more beautiful. 她变得越来越漂亮了。

She dressed herself hastily. 她匆忙穿上衣服。

She feared staying alone in the farmhouse. 她害怕一个人留在农舍里。

She goes to work every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,他每天去上班。

She guided the tourists around the castle.她引导旅游者参观了这座城堡。

She had a bad cold. 她患了重感冒。

She has been collecting stamps. 她一直收集邮票。

She has been to school. 她上学去了。

She hired a car by the hour. 她租了一辆按钟点计费的汽车。

She intends to make teaching her profession.她想以教书为职业。

She is a composer for the harp. 她是位写竖琴曲的作曲家

She is a good-looking girl. 她是一个漂亮女孩。

She is poor but quite respectable. 她虽穷,人品却很端正。

She is standing in the front of the bus. 她站在公共汽车的前部。

She makes it clear that she doesn't like swimming.她明确地表示她不喜欢游泳。

She mended the broken doll. 她修补了破了的洋娃娃。

She really wishes her clock had rung. 她真希望今天早上她的闹钟响了。

She runs everyday in order to lose weight.她每天都跑步是为了减肥。

She sang perfectly in the hall last night.她昨晚在大厅唱得非常好。

She spent a lot of money on books. 她花了很多钱来买书。

She teaches foreign students Chinese. 她教外国学生汉语。

She was injured badly in the accident. 她在这次意外中受到重伤。

She was totally exhausted. 她累垮了。

She's under the weather. 她心情·不好。

Show your tickets,please. 请出示你的票。

Shut up! 闭嘴!

Skating is interesting. 滑冰很有趣。

Slow down! 慢点!

So I just take what I want. 那么我只拿我所需要的东西。

So do I. 我也一样。

So far, so good. 目前还不错。

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