


1. 题目:语法教学试讲

2. 内 容 :While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your recent statement calling my present activities 'unwise and untimely.' Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas. If I sought to answer all the criticisms that cross my desk, my secretaries would have little time for anything other than such correspondence in the course of the day, and I would have no time for constructive work. But since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your statement in what I hope will be patient and reasonableterms.

3. 基本要求:

(1) 配合教学内容适当板书;

(2) 针对所给材料的划线部分,设计操练该语法项目的教学活动;

(3) 用英文试讲;

(4) 试讲时间 10分钟。


I TeachingAims

1. Knowledgeaims

Students can recognize the inversion patterns, and get to know of its grammar meaning of emphasizing.

Students can identify different situations where inversions need to be adopted.

2. Ability aims

Students will be able to use inversions in their own spoken English to make their ideas much clearer.

Students will be able to write their own articles with inversions to make their work more diversified in expressions.

3. Emotionalaim

Students will see group work means efficiency after the brainstorm activity.

Students will get satisfaction by their practice to apply the new knowledge and form a stronger interest in English learning.

II TeachingKey &DifficultPoints

Key point:

The key point for my students is to identify different inversions in different situations, such as expressions with not, negative adverbs, here and there, and soon.

Difficult point:

The difficult point is to use inversions in their own speeches and writings.

III Teachingprocedures:

Step 1: Warming up

Set up a competition among them and ask them working in groups of 4 to write down all the negative adverbs and phrases that they can ever think of in two minutes. They should come out of different answers as many as possible. Then check their answers(never,seldom,few,little, barely, hardly,scarcely,rarely, nowhere, by no means, under no circumstances, in no way, at no time, in no case, in vain, not until) and decide which group is doing the best job and give compliments accordingly.

Justification: Brain storming is the best way to get the students into thinking by themselves, as they are supposed to learn actively other than passively. And this also serves as a good foundation for the further study of inversions.

Step 2 : Presentation

Ask them to observe the sentences showing on the PPT and to tell the class what can they find is same between these sentences.

Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas. Scarcely had I got back when it started to rain.

Under no circumstances shall I betray my country.

Then make a conclusion that in formal styles, when we use an adverb or a phrase with negative meaning in front position for emphasis, we invert the subject and auxiliary/modal verb.

Show them another two sentences, and ask them to tell the difference between them and the sentences showed on the last PPT.

Here comes the bus!

I opened the door and there stood Michael, all covered in mud.

Then make a conclusion that inversion can also happen after here, and after there when it is as an adverb of place. After here and there, we can use a main verb without an auxiliary verb or modalverb.

Justification: Leading the students to find out the rules by giving related examples makes sure that the students keep focusing on the grammar class, which will make the class more productive.

Step 3: Practice

Ask them to finish the exercises I have prepared for them.

Then they will be asked to deal with a task which is a little bit harder----to rewrite the sentences using the inversions. And invite some of them to share their answers.

Justification: The first task is to make sure that students can actually know how to use inversions. And the second task is to help students understand that sometimes it is better to adopt inversion in our expressions.

Step 4: Production

Play a game named “Speaking No Truth”. Explain the rules:

Inversions are needed. Things stated can not be true. Example:

Never have I visited Beijing in my life.

Justification: The game can make the grammar class more interesting for the students. Also it provides them the chances to speak with inversions.

Step 5: Summary and homework

Invite 1 student to summarize what we have learned today, and another one to add up.

Ask students to write down a short paragraph under any topics (3 sentences at least) with inversions.

Justification: This is to help my students have a bigger picture of what have learned today and help them to write with inversions purposely.

IV Blackboard design


1. 如何对待差生?如何发现“差生”身上的闪光点?

1. How do you think of the so-called “bad students”? What will you do to help them to make progress instudy?


首先, 应该公正,平等地对待差生,尊重他们的人格,听取他们的意见,从而对他们产生一种激励作用。对差生,要多几分尊重,多几分理解。

其次,必须大力进行感情投资。学生对老师有感情,才会听取老师的教诲。否则,老师的苦 口婆心的教育只是徒劳。

再次,帮助挖掘以及发展他们的闪光点,帮助后进生在学生心目中占有一席之地,为他 们不断创造成功的机遇。


活动中,特意鼓励差生积极参与,发挥他们各自的爱好和专长,为他们创造成功的条件的机 遇。

【Suggested version】

First, all students are equal. Even some students may not be so good at class, I will treat them with no preference but total respect. Yet at the same time, I will pay more attention to their studies, so I can offer timely encouragements for them to make constant progress.

Second, I will be emotionally devoted to every one of them. Because when they feel your love and care towards them, they will give them back by following your instructions. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

Third, I will try to find out their hobbies and strengths to help them to earn respect among the classmates.

Also, I will provide more chances to build up their confidence by encouraging them to take part in class activities which involve their advantages.

2. 你认为一名优秀的教师应该具备什么样的品质?

2. What do you think makes a great teacher?



首先要有爱岗敬业,甘为人梯,甘当蜡烛的精神,要爱护学生,热爱科学;其次专业水 平高,要有渊博的知识和过硬的教学能; 此外科研和创新能力很重要,只有刻苦钻研,不断创新,才能够全面实施素质教育;最后我个人认为,最重要的是教师的人格魅力,思想品德 高尚,有修养,有道德。

【Suggested version】

Great teachers may have various reasons to be great. Generally, I believe as a teacher he should have the following qualities.

First, he loves his job and his students. He is willing to make every effort to help his students grow both academically and mentally.

Second, he is equipped with solid and professional knowledge in his area so that he can teach.

Third, it’s also very important for him to be innovative. As it is the foundation of the overall quality-oriented education project.

Fourth, for me, what matters most is that he has his own personality charm to win the students over, such as he is kind, moral and with strong integrity.

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