从2000年开始到如今的2009年,kX改版驱动已经走过了9个年头,做为一项不图任何盈利,只凭个人爱好,追求,kX工程开发小组的成员们和广大用户一道度过了风风雨雨的9年。9年,如果是算作事业的话其实并不算长,但如果是没有回报,只是爱好的话,那能坚持9年而且还要一直走下去就显得着实不易,或许对于kX工程开发小组的成员们来说,kX驱动早已不是最初的爱好,而已经做为一种事业来对待。最新发布的5.10.0.3548版驱动具体更新包括:1、修正了一个电源管理方面的问题(在从休眠模式恢复后,ASIO通道不能重建的问题)。2、解决在Vista/Windows7系统中,10k1声卡的主混音器不可用的问题。3、增强对E-DSP声卡的支持。4、修正与Windows 7系统的兼容性问题。对于广大Soundblaster Live用户来说,官方驱动早已不更新,其它的改版驱动也都不在支持Live,只有KX驱动还在继续支持,而且最新的KX驱动还支持Windows 7,那对于想要安装Win7的Live用户可说是一大福音啊!KX驱动完整产品支持列表:10k1芯片:Emu Creation Studio、Emu Audio Production Studio、Soundblaster PCI 512、Soundblaster Live! Value、Soundblaster Live! Value OEM、、Soundblaster Live!、Soundblaster Live! 5.1、Soundblaster Live! 5.1 Platinum;10k2芯片:Soundblaster Audigy、Soundblaster Audigy Platinum、Soundblaster Audigy ES (OEM)、Soundblaster Audigy 2、Soundblaster Audigy 2 Platinum、Soundblaster Audigy 2 Platinum EX、Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS、Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum。EMU Pro Cards (0404/1212/1820)。不被支持产品列表:Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Dell OEM、Soundblaster Live! 24 Bit、Soundblaster Audigy LS、Soundblaster Audigy SE、Soundblaster Audigy Value、Soundblaster USB(所有型号)、Soundblaster X-Fi(所有型号)

a new version is out, build 3549
* (an attempt) to fix problem with more than 2Gb of RAM
* (an attempt) to fix 'beeping' problem with a2zsnb and similar
(to enable 'beeping' fix: in kxctrl set 'extended options' hw param 15 bit 0x4000 (KX_HW_ALT_CHN_ALLOCATION))
kxctrl -shw 15 0x4000

3548 is out
There are two versions: x86 and x64. Please only install the one which fits for your OS.
* Fixed a bug with power management (ASIO channels were not restored properly after sleep/hibernation)
* Fixed a bug 'Master Mixer unusable" on 10k1 cards under Vista/Windows7
* Fixed support for multiple E-DSP cards
* Fixed a compatibility issue with Windows 7

x86 version (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7): kxdrv3549-x86-full.exe
x64 version (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7): kxdrv3549-x64-full.exe
x86 version (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7): kxdrv3548-x86-full.exe
x64 version (Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7): kxdrv3548-x64-full.exe


Bug reports:
Please use two different threads for reporting bugs.
x86 version: here
x64 version: here