

  slant,slope,incline,lean,tip,tilt : These words are comparable when they mean to diverge or cause to diverge from a vertical or horizontal line.这几个词均指从垂直、水平或不偏不倚的位置(使)歪斜一定角度。
Slant carries the sharpest and clearest implication of such divergence of any of these terms but it carries no explicit implication of how great or how little the divergence is.slant是个较笼统的词,常用于固定不动的东西,表示明显的倾斜,如倾斜地放置或处于歪斜的位置,但不侧重于倾斜的程度。可作比喻用,表示偏向于赞成两个对立事物中的一方。That picture~s to the left.那幅画向左歪斜。/Your handwriting ~s when your letters go more toward one direction than the other.如果你书写的字母偏向某个方向,你的字迹就是歪斜的。/The roof of a barn~s.谷仓的屋顶是斜的。/Your mind~s when it favours one thing more than another.你心里对某事比对另一事更加喜爱,那么你便有偏爱。
Slope is especially likely to be chosen when the reference is to a surface or a side of an elevation and there is an intent to suggest a gradual divergence from a vertical or horizontal line.slope多用于静态的事物,常可代替slant,但在指地势上的倾斜时,则多用slope。它倾向于指有一定坡度,但坡度较小的倾斜。Does your handwriting~(或slant) forward or backward?你的书法是向前倾还是向后斜?/Sometimes a street will~toward the curb.有时街道会向路边倾斜。/The fields~ up to the foothills.这些田地往上倾斜直到大山麓下的小丘。/The land ~s toward the sea.陆地向海成坡形。
Incline carries a stronger implication of bending or tipping or of being bent or tipped; it is therefore especially appropriate not only when human or similar agency is implied but when what is bent or tipped is an immaterial thing.incline为正式用词,含义较广,多用于动态事物,较侧重于倾斜、弄斜或使倾斜等意思。既可以指人,表示俯首、弯身;也可以指物。此外,该词常用于比喻,如表示倾向或使倾向于某种思想、打算;或表示性情、体质上有某种倾向。He~d towards the speaker to hear more clearly.他把身体俯向发言人以便听得更清楚些。/~the head in prayer低下头祈祷/The boy~d his head to the right.那个男孩把头侧向右面。/The old man~d the post against the wall.老人把柱子靠墙斜立着。/We~d toward the second choice.我们倾向于第二种办法。/I strongly~to the view that we go by train.我很倾向于坐火车去这种意见。/He~s to leanners.他体质属瘦弱型。/She~s towards melancholia.她有忧郁的倾向。
Lean carries either a stronger implication of a definite directing of the inclination by a human agent or by some shaping or molding force or of a resting or an in tent to rest either literally or figuratively against a support.lean指人或物从直立的位置斜于某一方位或斜倚在某个支撑物上。一般来说倾斜角度很小,而且物体(包括人)本身并未弯曲,仍然是直的,或只是稍有弯曲而已。它既可用于动态之物,也可用于静态之物;不仅可指实际地斜倚于某个支撑物上,也可用于比喻用法,表示倾向于某种思想(多接用介词to,towards),或表示依靠、依赖(多接用介词on或 upon)。trees that~over in the wind被风吹斜的树 / the Leaning Tower of Pisa比萨斜塔/Lean your head on my shoulder.把头靠在我肩上吧。/He~ed against the wall.他斜靠在墙上。/Lean the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠在墙上。/Don`t always~on others for help. 不要老是依赖别人的帮助。/I rather~to your view.我倒比较倾向你的见解。/Do some oriental philosophies~towards fatalism?有些东方哲学家倾向于宿命论吗?
Tip suggests a slight,momentary or accidental movement away from a balanced position.It is often applied to something turned downwards thrown out of balance or turned over.tip可用于人,指轻微地倾斜,但更多用于物,表示短时间失去平衡而产生倾斜。这种倾斜往往是无意识或意外产生的。它也可以指故意地倾倒容器,把里面的东西倒出来。The boy~ped his head to one side.那个男孩把头歪向一边。/He sat with his chair~ped up.他翘起椅子坐着。/The car~ped up and nearly fell over.汽车倾斜了,差点儿翻了。/She~ped the jug to pour out the milk.她把瓶侧倾倒出牛奶。/Tip the barrel up and empty it.把那只空桶倒空吧。
Tilt suggests a more decided or more stable alteration of balance— a marked,permanent or deliberate positioning at an angle.tilt与tip的词义相近,常可互换使用。但它侧重于表示比较确实、比较稳定地改变平衡,常指长久或故意地倾斜放置一件物体。强调倾斜的状态,而不象tip 那样强调一时倾斜某物的动作。When the restaurant was closed,the chairs were ~ed forwards against the tables.餐馆关门时,椅子都倾靠在桌边。/Don`t~the table.不要使桌子倾斜着。/Don`t~your cap sideways.不要歪带帽子。/He likes to~his head forward.他喜欢把头向前倾。
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