



The Top Five Skills Necessary for the HR Professional

作者:Mike Haberman

翻译:Vicky 校正:人力资源怪客


【引言】当拉姆`查兰和戴夫`尤里奇两位大师就人力资源部存在的必要性进行划时代的争辩时,作为中国本土的人力资源的从业者来讲,也许看完热闹“呵呵”一声后就又会重新投入琐碎和繁杂的具体事务中了,大家都知道的是至少现在人力资源部肯定不会动,但是大家亲眼所见了诺基亚18000人的悲剧后,你肯定会再次相信“Nothing Is Impossible”,所以我们HR要加强自己的核心能力建设,把自己锻造成一个公司不可或缺的“HR专家”,只有这样才能让自己不会被公司轻而易举的扫地出门,有着30年职场经验的HR老兵Mike Haberman 告诉我们他的经验,请大家洗耳恭听吧。

【正文】前不久我作为 HR“专家”接受了采访。当然我感到非常荣幸,我特别喜欢自我展示。他们要我谈谈何谓 HR专家,如何才能成为 HR专家。他们提了很多问题,我就各个问题谈了大概 45分钟。但是有个问题困扰着我,那就是除了 HR专业知识之外,还要拥有哪些技能才能算得上是一个“HR专家”?



当众演讲对于一名成功的 HR专家而言是一项关键且必备的技能,实际上这一技能可能比其他任何技能都有助于你的职业发展。若能自信的作报告或演讲,并且避免说“嗯” 、“啊 ”和“ 呃”这些词,就会让你脱颖而出。花费时间、金钱、精力去学习如何演讲是非常值得的,因此要让自己参加一些有专业教练的演讲俱乐部,学习如何演讲,从而增强你在人力资源领域的个人核心竞争力。


识人是另一项关键HR技能,我们中大多数阅历丰富的人已经具备了识人的能力,这种能力能够帮助我们在面试过程中识别对方是否在撒谎。HR应该对“肢体语言” 很敏感,因为它能用无声的语言告诉你对方真实的想法。值得庆幸的是,我们完全可以通过培训和练习来提升这一能力,你可以学着观察和理解某个个体的一般表情、姿态和微观表情中的细微差别,这样会使你更加懂得在面试中如何运用它们。


有勇气,“没有被吓倒”是一个关键特征。 HR经常被认为是软弱的,因为当拥有控制欲且强势的业务经理、成本控制经理或总经理向他们施压时,他们就退缩了。“有勇气” 源自于你的信念和专业知识给予的力量。在面对各部门经理时,你越博学也就越自信,知识产生力量。尽管年龄是一个因素但不完全是,我知道不少软弱的 HR经理,他们已经 50多岁了。




我的列表中的最后一项HR技能是“用心倾听” 。你必须要能够抛开繁杂事务来倾听对方的讲话,听到对方在说什么,以及他们是怎么说的,你必须要让讲话者明白你听懂了他想表达的弦外之音,这样的倾听技能往往需要一颗专注的心和一张闭上的嘴巴。

从事HR 工作并把它做好是一项艰巨的任务,要成为一名真正的 HR专家,你必须具备以上五种软技能,当然,这也不是很难,用心就能做到。

【原文】《The Top Five Skills Necessary for the HR Professional》

I was interviewed the other day as an HR“expert.” Naturally I was flattered. I am a sucker for an ego play. They wantedto talk about what it is like to be in HR and what does it take to get there.There were a number of questions, and I will have the podcast published later.I talked for almost 45 minutes on a variety of questions, but the one I wantedto write about today is the area of “soft skills” that are needed to be a greatHR professional. Here is my list. After you have read them please add your ownsuggestions.

The ability to speak in front of a crowd isa key skill. In fact this skill can probably do more for you career than almostany other. To be able to make a presentation or speech with confidence andminus all the “ums” and “likes” and “ers” will set you heads above the othersaround you. It is well worth time, money and effort to learn how to do it well.Even the ones who are good at it realize that time needs to be put into thecraft of making a good presentation. So get yourself to a Toastmasters, DaleCarnegie or some other professional coach and learn how to do this well.

The ability to “read” people is another keyskill. Most of us who have been around have developed an ability to readpeople. We acquire the ability to sense if someone is lying to us or trying tohoodwink us. We have a feel for “body language” and what it may be telling usabout attitudes. This, however, is something we can all get better at withtraining. You can learn to notice and understand some universal expressions,postures and micro-expressions that reveal subtleties about an individual thatwill then allow you to better understand how to deal with them.

The ability to have a “backbone” and not beintimidated is a key trait. Too often HR professionals are seen as being weakbecause they back down when intimidated by a controlling manager or executive.A “backbone” comes from the strength of your convictions and the strength ofyour knowledge of your “craft.” The more knowledgeable you are the moreconfident you will be in your encounters with managers. With that knowledgecomes strength. Although age plays a factor it is not sufficient. I have knownmy fair share of weak HR managers who have been well into their 50s.

Empathy is the fourth soft skill I considerkey to being an HR professional. Without the ability to see another point ofview or to understand the nuances of a situation you will be robbed of theability to make the appropriate decisions at the appropriate time.

The skill that I consider the last of mylist is “listening.” You must have the ability to put aside you agenda and tolisten and “hear” what someone is saying and how they are saying it. You mustbe able to make the person understand that you have heard what they are tryingto say in addition. Generally this requires a focused mind and a disengagedmouth.

Being in HR and doing it well is a toughjob. To be a true HR Professional you must have the foresight of Nostradamus,the vision of Issac Asimov, the wisdom of Solomon, the courage of David, thespeaking ability of Cicero and the brashness of Theodore Roosevelt. Piece ofcake!


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