




If universities are given financial support to develop researches, which one do you think would receive more benefits?

To predict weather more accurately

To clean rivers and oceans

To deal with outer space


本题属于三选一类型的题目,现在这一类型的题目出现的概率很大。考试的宗旨就是:哪一个好说就说哪一个。对于第三种outer space,大部分的学生是说不太好的,因为太抽象了。而治理河道可以和环境相结合。而环境问题又是老生常谈的东西,所以尽可能的往上去靠即可。所以,跟环境相关的话题,可以借鉴本题的答法。


Well, I think universities should spend money on doing research on cleaning rivers and oceans, because it is worthwhile to bring a greener and fresherworld back to us. If we come up with anewway to purify our water system, we will surely going to have ahealthier life. What’s more, cleaning rivers can help those endangered water species to survive, so as to maintain the diversity of life. A lot ofprecioussea animals like dolphins and salmon are now suffering from pollutants from human beings. If we could do something to improve their habitants, we might live happier with them.


breathe the fresh air/spectacular/pollute the air/car fumes/smog/create waste and pollution


Some people like participating in performances like theatrical ormusicalshow. Others prefer to be audiences watching those plays. Which do you prefer?




For me, I would like to get involved in performances like musical show, because it might be a great chance to be centered and spotted. The audience might get to know me, and even invite me to represent our school to hold concerts outside school. What’s more, participating in performances will help me to be more courageous and to stand in front of the public to give a show. Imagine how great it is when you give a violin concert with thousands of audiences’ attendance.


develop teamwork skills/follow the game rules/kick back and relax



If government plans to invest in the following three fields, which one of the fields do you think is most worthy of investing?

Land exploration


Health care



task1考的是”subject” + “三选一突破点是subjectpurpose/ benefits/ necessity,极为类似的是:Which is the following aspects do you think contributes most to country’s success 1. many business opportunities 2. well rounded medical care system 3. a developed educational system以及其他subject类型的题171029/170603/ 170415 etc.


Answer 1正向支持:

health care is most worthy of investing. government investment closely related to people’s daily life, and health care is such kind of field compared with the other two. It is addressing citizens’ daily concerns to develop more advanced medical techniques, to educate more skilled medical workers, and to reduce the medical cost. Investing in the health care field benefit people working in other fields! it is more worthy for the government to invest.

Answer 2反向反驳:

health care is the most worthy of government investment because health care is in more urgent need of funding than the other two. people die from lacking of treatment or lacking of money to pay expensive medical bills, people suffer from insufficient land exploration.education, nowadays there are many ways to get funding for education such as tuitions and fees, donations from alumni and public organizations.healthcare should get the investment.


address daily concern/ suffer from/ alumni


Some people think that libraries will disappear with the development of technology and Internet. Others think libraries are always necessary. Which opinion do you support andexplainwhy.


task2”social phenomenon” + “some…, some others...”答题思路是task2一如既往的抑一扬一。此题还可以用“agree/disagree的问法来问do you agree or disagree that libraries will disappear with the development of technology and internet?当然,在回答的措辞上要对应问法。极为类似的题目有Doyou agree or disagree the following statement? with the popularity thetechnologythat focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before.


Answer 1不会消失:

libraries will always be necessary. more and more families can afford e-books, computers, and Internet,still bring their to libraries to read books and often borrow copies home. Traditional libraries remain popular among children the distractions and developmental concerns that new technologies have on the little ones. they rely on libraries to find materials and simply find a quiet place to do homework.library is not only a place to spend time with their kids but also a place to participate in community activities like book readings or educational seminars. .

Answer 2将会消失:

libraries will gradually disappear. I could not remember when was the last time I went to a library to look for information needed for my work. More and more students now use Internet for information at home or at school; many of us even have our own laptop. It is so convenient to search for information online with search engines likegoogleand yahoo, and with online virtual libraries, which contains resources from all over the world. students are so busy nowadays, we can hardly have time to finish all the assignments and catch up with our hobbies and spend quality time with family and friends. going to a library for information is just too slow for the fast-paced modern society.


rely on/ participate in/ seminar/ laptop/ desktop/ search engine/ virtual library/ fast-paced



Parents should teach their kids to learn how to manage money, and what do you think is the most important thing about it? Explain why it’s important.



1. Anindependentability.

Prepare for future study and life

2. Relieve financial burden from family.

Support themselves with limited budget


Teaching children some basic knowledge to manage their money is far more important than many people think. It's a practical skill for children. They need a plan about the use of their money. Maybe listing the stuff they need most before purchases will reduce the waste. They can apply this skill to their future career.

Also they can relieve their parents of the financial burden in a long run. If they go abroad to study, they can support themselves by investing the spare money or make the best use of their limited budget.


relieve financial burden/ put strain on/ release the pressure/ practical skill/ in the long-term/ develop independent abilities


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, participating in team sports is a good way for young people to learn team cooperation?


思路-Cooperation/ Sports

1. Work under the same goal. Think and act as a team

Communicate to reach an agreement

Stronger bond.


Itotally agree teenagers can learn how to cooperate through team sports. When they team up, they are working under the same goal. Everything they think or the way they act should be the best for the whole group. Sometimes they need a meeting to communicate about their roles and strategies. Also the training and competition unite them by all the shared excitement. No matter how far they go later in their life, the experience will lead them for quite a long time. Also it puts teens in a larger picture of their life, they are more likely to think from a broad view and learn the importance of a group thinking instead of only focus on themselves.


team up/ put…in a larger picture/ share different perspectives/ collaborate with/ cooperate with/ long-term partnership



Describe a social event in your country when people will bring gifts. Explain what kind of gifts people will bring and why.


key words: occasion, gift


Other topics about gifts:

1.Are you willing to carefully choose the gift, which your friends like or choose whatever you like?

2.When you give gifts to others, do you prefer gifts that are fun or gifts that can be used?

3.Describe a gift that you want to give to someone.

4. Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and the kind of gift that is common (14.3.29NA)


An occasion in my country where people give gifts to each other is the Chinese New Year. It is a time for families to sit around round tables and enjoy the reunion dinner and time together. On this special day, people will give gifts to each other to express their wishes and blessings. For example, in a family, parents would give red envelopes, which symbolize the good fortune and prosperity to their kids or retired seniors. When I was young, my mom often bought me new clothes and toys as New Year gifts. In the companythe boss usually gives the employees bonus for their hardworking in the whole year. And all these gifts represent the care, love and hope between people.


sit around/ family reunion/ wishes and blessings/ symbolize/ good fortune and prosperity


Some people think that those children who do not want to keep learning amusicalinstrument course should be required to keep learning the course; while others think that those children should be allowed to make decisions by themselves. Which opinion do you support and explain why.




选择第一个:家长角度:more experienced学生角度:not mature enough

选择第二个:家长角度:respect children学生角度:the ability to think independently

Other topics about decision-making:

1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: You should consult your family members before making important decisions? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

2.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: parents should decide their children's career? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

3.Some people prefer to make decisions quickly. Others prefer to take their time. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.


Iprefer the second choice. To begin with, children are mature enough to make their own decisions. They know what they want since they have independent thinking ability. Even though they are young, they have the rights to choose whether to keep learning the course or not. If parents take care too much on them or arrange all the way to them, it may cause bigger problems in the future.

In addition, Children are tired of being watched over for years. When they are forced to do things they don’t want to, they will be unhappy and not study hard. Children may have no interests and motivation, and they just show the indifference to the teachers during the class. As a result, no progress could be made and it is a waste of money and time for both children and parents.


decision-making/ highly-motivated/ inspired/independentability



Describe an experience in which you hurt another person’s feeling unintentionally.




This summer vacation, I went to UK for summer camp, and when I first went there, I was like, overwhelmed by tons of papers, presentations, projects, and stuff. Unexpected pressure fell all down on me. However, one of my closest friends Sally who was back in Shanghai texted me about things like new released movies and TOP 10 fancy restaurants in Shanghai. To be honest I was frustrated at that time, so I totally forgot to reply her messages not until several days later. I felt that she was quite mad at me. Of course I apologized to her afterwards and we made up with each other like it never happened but I know deep down I hurt her feelings unintentionally.

相关词汇:not purposefully/ unconsciously/ frustrated/ overwhelmed/ make up with/ ice breaker/ straighten things up


Some people prefer to use their extra money to buy objects like clothes or electronic products, while others prefer to use the money to enrich their experiences like going to a concert or a vacation. Which one do you prefer and explain why.


二选一的常规题目,在tangible objectsintangible objects里面做出选择。先根据自己的真实情况答题。一般独立题建议说“两个理由加一个小例子”或者“一个理由加一个长例子”两者皆可,主要看内容和表达。相比较于纯理论的内容,有具体例子和细节的回答比较更容易得到高分。

Tangible objects like e-products好处:实用相对便宜

Intangible objects like travelling好处:增长见识增加阅历开拓眼界结识朋友

本题目里面涉及到了旅游,旅游是特别常考的话题,建议学生事先准备好素材例如favorite city/ favorite gathering place in a city等等。这样看到题目就可以马上反应出来具体的例子。


As for me, I am anavidtraveller and concertgoer. I travel abroad at least once or twice annually, let alone if I got some extra money. This summer vacation, I paid my visit to UK with the money I earned working part timely. I went to several of my favorite sightseeing spots like Sherlock Holmes museum on 221B Baker St. and platform 9 and 3 quarters on King’s Cross station. I even squeezed my time to enjoy Phantom of theOperaat Her Majesty’s Theatre. During the trip, I met a bunch of people from all over the world who shared the same interests with me and we exchanged our different perspectives on matters, which help me a lot to fully appreciate different culture backgrounds. Those precious moments are far more valuable than owning some e-products like iphones and ipads.

相关词汇:avidtraveller/intangible objects/improve social skills and abilities/ enlarge social circle/ share different perspectives/ enlarge knowledge/ broaden horizon/ appreciate culture backgrounds/preciousand valuable moments



Your city plans to build anewmuseum to attract more tourists. Which one of the following three do you think is the best?

Alocal history museum

Amodern art and film museum

Achildren science museum




As for me, a local history museum is highly recommended. First, tourists and visitors can explore the local museum in order to have a better and overall understanding of the city themselves. Take Shanghai, my hometown for instance; recently it built an urban planning museum. Visitors can know the history, population density, transportation of the city and etc. from simply touring the museum. What’s more, we can see both art & film museum and children science museum everywhere in all kinds of cities all over the world, which means they are not so unique for a specific city.

相关词汇:...is highly recommended/ explore/ overall understanding/ attract massive tourists


Some people prefer to solve problems with friends directly face to face, while others prefer to do so by e-mailing or texting. Which one do you prefer and explain why.


Emailing or texting好处:两个人各处两地或者时间安排完全不一致邮件信息更加有逻辑有条理

Face to face好处:节省时间不用等邮件回复不容易产生误会


As for me, if I have disagreement with my friends, I definitely prefer to have face-to-face conversations with them to straighten things up. First, sometimes the emotions we want to express can be distorted by poor language use. I remember when I did something and upset my friend Sally, I texted her 30ish messages toexplainyet I received few response. So, I invited her to dinner and asked for forgiveness in person. I think it was because I showed my full regrets thatshefinally broke the ice with me. What’s more, texting messages or emails can be easily ignored if people don’t check their cellphones and laptops frequently.

相关词汇:time saving method/ direct and immediate response/ instant reply/ different time tables and schedules/ logical and critical thinking/ straighten things up/ break the ice



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