


時態一共分為四種:簡單式(simple tense)、進行式(progressive tense)、完成式(perfect tense)、完成進行式(perfect progressive tense)。每種時態又各分為三種時間狀態:過去(past)、現在(present)、未來(future),所以一共會有12種。

過去簡單式(past simple tense)
過去進行式(past progressive tense)
過去完成式(past perfect tense)
過去完成進行式(past perfect progressive tense)

現在簡單式(present simple tense)
現在進行式(present progressive tense)
現在完成式(present perfect tense)
現在完成進行式(present perfect progressive tense)

未來簡單式(future simple tense)
未來進行式(future progressive tense)
未來完成式(future perfect tense)
未來完成進行式(future perfect progressive tense)

過去簡單式(past simple tense)
S + V-ed
● 表示過去發生的動作或狀態
   Ex:I played tennis yesterday. (我昨天打網球)
        I ate lunch. (我吃過中餐了)
        It rained this morning. (今天早上有下雨)
        I loved you (我過去是愛你的) => 但現在不愛了
        He was a good man. (他過去是個好人) => 現在可能變壞了或是死了
● 表示過去的習慣動作
   Ex:I went to school by bike when I was a child. (我小時候都是騎車去上學的)
        He took a walk every morning when he lived in the country. 

過去進行式(past progressive tense)
S + was/were + V-ing
● 敘述在過去時間正在進行的動作。常與其它句子合用
   Ex:I was playing tennis when you called. (你打給我的時候我正在打網球)
        Jerry was taking a shower when his girfriend came. 
        When I saw her in the pub, It was playing this song. 

過去完成式(past perfect tense)
S + had + p.p
● 過去完成式是不能單獨用的。我們用的時候,必須有另一個事件。也就是說,假如我們有兩件事 A和 
   B,兩件事都發生在過去,但 A發生在 B以前,A應該用過去完成式,B則用過去式。
   Ex:He had studied Chinese before he came to Taiwan. (他來台灣以前,曾學過中文)
        It had already snowed before Monday. (週一以前,已經下過雪了)
        He had worked before he dicided to go to college. (他唸大學以前,曾經工作過)
● 表示過去未實現的願望或計畫。
   Ex:I had hoped to learn French. (我曾希望學習法文)

過去完成進行式(past perfect progressive tense)
S + had been + V-ing
   Ex:He had been studying before he went to class. (在他來到班上前,已經很認真讀書了)
        I had been seeing your mother before I was 14 years old. 
        I had been sleeping before you called me. (我在你打電話給我之前已經睡覺了)

現在簡單式(present simple tense)
S + V

● 表現在發生的動作或狀態
   Ex:I hear the music. (我聽到音樂)
        I am thirsty. (我很渴)
● 表習慣性的動作或狀態
   Ex:I play tennis. (我打網球) => 表示我有打網球的習慣
        It rains often here. (這裡常下雨)
● 表真理、事實或自然界的現象
   Ex:Three points define a plane. (三點決定一個平面)
        John loves July. (約翰愛茱莉)
        The sun sets in the west. (太陽從西邊落下)

現在進行式(present progressive tense)
S + V-ing

● 表示現在正在進行的動作
   Ex:I am eating lunch. (我正在吃中餐)
        I am playing tennis. (我正在打網球)
        It is raining. (現在正在下雨)
        John is loving July. (X) => love 是一種狀態,不是一種動作,所以要用現在式
● 表示在近期內即將發生的事情或計畫未來要做的事。
   Ex:I am leaving here tomorrow. (我將在明天離開)
        He is going to Hong Kong next week. (他將在下個禮拜去香港)

現在完成式(present perfect tense)
S + have + p.p
● 表示發生在過去,而一直延續到現在的動作或狀態,這種句子後面常有since或for。
   Ex:I have studied English since elementary school. 
        (我從小學開始學英文) => 現在還在學
        I have played tennis since the second year in graduated school.
● 強調已經完成的事
   Ex:I have finished my work. (我已經做完我的工作了)
        I have arranged my room. (我已經整理完房間了)
● 表示一種經驗
   Ex:I have been America. (我曾到過美國)
        I have seen President Lee. (我曾見過李總統)
        I have worked in the nursing home. (我曾在養老院工作過)
        Jassica has never watched baseball game. (Jassica從未看過棒球比賽)
● 表示一件過去常發生的事
   Ex:We have already had three typhoons so far this year. (今年我國已經有三個颱風了)
        He has already published two papers this year. (他今年已經發表了兩篇論文了)
        It has already rained half month. (已經下了半個月的雨了)

現在完成進行式(present perfect progressive tense)
S + have been + V-ing
● 從調從過去到現在一直在進行某件事而沒有間斷
   Ex:I have been living here since I was a child. (我從小就一直住在這裡)
        I have been working here since I graduated from college. 
        He has been acting like a fool lately. (他最近一直在做傻事)

未來簡單式(future simple tense)
S + will/shall + V】【S + be going to + V

● 表事發生於未來的動作或狀態
   Ex:I will go home tomorrow.
        I am going to go home tomorrow. (我明天將要回家)
        She will marry next year.
        She is going to marry next year. (他明年要結婚了)
        I shall be twenty years old next month. (我下個月就要20歲了)
● 表示本人的意志時,助動詞皆用will
   Ex:No matter what you say, I will go with you. (不管你說甚麼我都將跟隨你)
        He will join our team. (他將加入我們的隊伍)

未來進行式(future progressive tense)
S + will/shall + be + V-ing

● 表示未來某一時刻或某一段時間正在進行的動作。
   Ex:What will you be doing this time tomorrow? (你明天的這個時候會做甚麼?)
        We shall be building a new library next month. (我們下個月將正在蓋一棟新的圖書館)
● 未來進行式的口氣會比未來簡單式婉轉客氣
   Ex:When will you be seeing John? (你甚麼時候會見到John)
● 可表原因,結果和可能
   Ex:If you don't work hard, you will not be passing the exam. (若你不努力,你將沒辦法通過考試)

未來完成式(future perfect tense)
S + will/shall + have + p.p
● 表示在未來某時刻前已完成的動作或經驗,常與by引導表示未來時間的時間副詞片語連用
   Ex:I shall have graduated by 2000. 我將在2000年畢業
        I will have left army on April 24th (我將在四月24號退伍)
● 敘述事情持續到未來某時,已經有若干時間
   Ex:He will have worked here for three years by next month. (到下個月他就在這裡工作三年了)
● 表示推測現在
   Ex:Mary will have received my letter now. (Mary現在應該收到我的信了)

未來完成進行式(future perfect progressive tense)
S + will/shall + have + been + V-ing
● 表示在未來某時刻開始到未來的一段時間中一直進行,並可能持續進行
   Ex:I will have been waiting 3 hours when the train arrives.


l A gerund is a verb ending in–ing and functions as a noun.Gerund(動名詞)是以-ing結尾的verb,作名詞使用。) 

l   A gerund and its related words form a gerund phrase.Gerund 及其有關字構成gerund phrase(動名詞片語)。)

l   動名詞片語是名詞片語(noun phrase)。這一點很重要,因為noun phrase的功能等於nounnoun可以作主詞和受詞。若你有gerund phrase可作subjectobject的概念,便能造較複雜的句子(見下文的例子)。

l   Sports are often referred to in gerund form. (體育活動常用動名詞說。)

l   留意:以-ing結尾的,除了gerund(動名詞),還有present participle(現在分詞)。動名詞和現在分詞合稱 -ing form

l   Take a look of the following examples:Ø   Swimming is one of my favorite activities in summer. Gerund as a subject(遊泳是我在夏季喜愛的活動之一。)

Ø   He is good at driving.Gerund as an object)(佢手車好/他精於駕駛。)

Ø   Winning the Miss Hong Kong Pageant title is very honorable indeed. Gerund phrase as subject)(赢得香港小組名銜很光榮。)

Ø   I like reading newspapers online.Gerund phrase as an object.)(我愛在網上讀報。)

Ø   Tackling a project one step at a time overcomes procrastination only for those who don’t tend to procrastinate anyway.Gerund phrase as a subject.)(每一次逐一步解決問題可以克服拖延,這種說法只適用於根本不會拖延的人。)

Ø   John likes getting a migraine headache(偏頭痛) because he can leave work early enough to watch a Monday-night special television program.Gerund phrase as an object.)(John因為有偏頭痛,可以回家看星期一的特備電視節目,他反而喜歡。)

Ø   He intends to win the sales award by turning in duplicate orders.Gerund phrase as an object of the preposition by)(他想用交上重覆訂單的方法來奪取銷售獎。)

Ø   His suggestion is writing off the doubtful debt.Gerund phrase as subject complement)(他的建議是將呆帳撇帳。)

Ø   注意:We noticed John watching the girl.watching the girl 不是gerund phrase而是participial phrase,重點在John。)若用gerund phrase,上句要寫作We noticed John’s watching the girl(重點在watching the girl.  John’s watching the girl的結構等於John’s attitude的結構。

連接詞(conjunctions是連接語言單位(language units)的單詞。在以下各例,連接詞=bold; 被連接的語言單位=blue

  連接單詞(Join one word with another

l   sang and danced

l   a rough but happy journey

l   either the boss or his secretary

連接片語(Join one phrase with another

ready to go and eager to start

連接子句(Join one clause with another

I haven't seen him since he left this morning.

(注意:由since 連接的I haven't seen him he left this morning都叫對等子句(coordinate clause),意指可以分別寫成獨立句。)




And, if, or


As if, as well as, in order that, as soon as


Not only…but also, both…and…, either…or


l   連接詞分為對等連接詞(coordinating conjunctions)和從屬連接詞(subordinate conjunctions);從屬連接詞再分三類:

l   對等連接詞(coordinating conjunctions)可以連接單詞、片語和子句。例子見上文第一張表。

l   從屬連接詞(subordinate conjunctions)連接兩個不對等的子句,一個叫主要子句(main clause),一個叫從屬子句(subordinate clause),從屬子句必須「從屬」而不能寫成獨立句子。(以下不用硬記,望一望得點概念即可,望的目的是希望自己造句時能「用番出嚟」。

對等連接詞(coordinating conjunctions

And, but, so, yet, still, either, or, neither, nor, than, either…or, neither…nor, not only…but also, as well as

從屬連接詞(subordinate conjunctions

l   用作引起名詞從屬子句的連接詞(nominal conjunctions

l   名詞從屬子句可用作主語和賓語

Whoever, whatever, who, whom, which, that, when, where, how, what, why, whether

l   用作引起形容詞從屬子句的連接詞(adjectival conjunctions

l   形容詞從屬子句可用作表語和定語

Who, whom, whose, which, that, when, where

l   用作引起副詞從屬子句的連接詞副詞 adverbial conjunctions

l   形容詞從屬子句用作副詞(或稱狀語

After, as, although, because, before, if, since, though, until, when, whenever, while, wherever




l   When they did it was a mystery.

l   What matters most is good health.

l   It is true that the company has some difficulties on funding-related issues.


l   That depended on whether or not they wanted to.

l   Jolin wondered what made her boyfriend do it.


l   The question was when he did it.


l   The old man who lives in that flat is my uncle.

l   Many migrant worker(外省勞工)come to Shenzhen, where job are available.


l   She told me after her father left.

l   Although he was ill, he worked hard.

l   She is good at whatever she does


l   不少從屬連接詞(如who, whom, whose)也是關係代名詞(relative pronouns)。究竟who, whom, whose等是甚麽?它們代替名詞,所以是relative pronoun。它們將形容詞子句(relative clause)連接到主要子句(main clause),所以是連接詞,它們有雙重身份,正如大學生也可以是補習老師。

l   不少從屬連接詞也有其他詞性,例如whateverShe is good at whatever she does裡是連接詞。在Whatever happened I must be calm and quiet裡是代名詞。在For whatever reason, time heals. (因為甚麽原因都好,時間可以沖淡一切。)裡,whateveradjective。在For whatever weather, we shall start at 9 o'clockwhatever也是adjective
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