


画家任丽君 Painter Ren Lijun

   中国美术家协会会员 、纽约《世界艺术研究院-现代油画雕塑院》院士、研究员。

   A member of China Artists Association, an academician and researcher of the New York 'World Research Institute of Art-Modern Oil Paintings and Sculpture College.'

1947生于上海 ,1968毕业于上海美专,1987进修于中央美院, 1976年入上海油画雕塑院曾任油画创作室副主任。

    Born in Shanghai in 1947, graduated from Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts in 1968, engaged in advanced study at Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1987, joined the Shanghai Oil Paintings and Sculptures Academy in 1976 and held the deputy director of the oil painting creation studio there.


    'Butuo Sister' participated in the New York 'China Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition' in 1997; the works such as 'Pick Grapes' participated in the sixth to ninth National Fine Arts Exhibition; 'Banna in September' was selected into the Third China Oil Painting Exhibition; the work 'The Portrait of Chinese Judge' was collected by the International Court of Justice; the works such as 'October' were collected by Paris Opera Gallery in France.

2018年上海油画雕塑院美术馆举办[薪火相传-任丽君作品展],半世纪创作150幅作品展示,上海多家报刊、十余个网络平台和上海TV电影频道《画魂-任丽君》报导  ,出版【REN:LIJUN ART】画集。

    In 2018, the Shanghai Oil Paintings and Sculpture Gallery held 'Passing the Torch-Ren Lijun's Work Exhibition,' 150 works created within a half-century were shown, many newspapers in Shanghai, more than ten online platforms, and Shanghai TV Movie Channel 'Soul of Paintings-Ren Lijun' reported, the art album 'REN: LIJUN ART' was published


    In 2019, the oil painting work 'Five Continents and Four Oceans-Shanghai World Expo' participated the China 12th Art Festival National Outstanding Fine Art Work Exhibition.


Lonely, Magnificent 'Ode to Beautiful Ladies'-Read Ren Lijun's Oil Paintings


Ren Lijun joined the Shanghai Oil Paintings and Sculptures Academy in 1976, explored her own road in the mid-1980s, using the special keen visual inspiration of female artists to express the feeling of getting full of beauty, they are colorful, with heavy modelings but as light as dancing, the images are full of passion, as if lively part-decoration are in the abstract depiction. What she painted were poems, songs, emotions, and the call of vitality, even more, they were carols written by brushes for maternal love.

      从政宣写实(老套)到学习欧风正宗,从纪实到捕民族风捉心仪之影,她在半个世纪的绘画探索中发现自我,她的意识里潜藏着视觉形象与音乐韵律并和的美感 。      

From old-schooled to learning the European style, from documentary to catching the flashes of ethnicity, she found herself in the half-century art exploration, the beauty of the visual image and music rhyme are hidden in her mind.


The oil painting images created by Ren Lijun have a shaping strength as grand as symphonies, she broke the fixed light placement, the light and dark spots are not formed naturally by the shadows, they are used by the painter to compose the image, they are a type of freehand spots...... This contains Chinese painting's visual beauty of Chinese oil painting and absorbed the contemporary style of both the East and West and the two-dimensional semi-model space wisdom...... She does use her life to 'protect the purity of art' as said by the former Shanghai Museum's curator, Mr. Chen Xiejun.

Lawrence Liu



New York 'World Research Institute of Art' Principal

(Excerpt from Yang Yunxiang's words)

任丽君的作品 Ren Lijun's Works

《午后》布面油画 50cmx60cm(纽约友人收藏)

 'Afternoon' Canvas Oil Painting (Collected by a friend in New York)


 'Noon' Canvas Oil Painting

《橄榄坝的姐妹之二》布面油画 116cmx108cm

 'The Sisters of the Olive Dam Two' Canvas Oil Painting

《远山呼唤》之二 布面油画 81cmx65cm

 'The Call From the Distant Mountain' Two  Canvas Oil Painting

《橄榄坝姐妹》之一 布面油画 71cmx65cm(巴黎OPERA GALLERY歌剧院画廊收藏)

 'The Sisters of the Olive Dam' One  Canvas Oil Painting  (Collected by Paris Opera Gallery)

《九月的的版纳》布面油画 98cmx116cm 参加第三届中国油画展

 'Banna in September' Canvas Oil Painting Participated in the Third China Oil Painting Exhibition

《橄榄坝的姐妹》之一 布面油画 118cmx138cm

 'The Sisters of the Olive Dam' One  Canvas Oil Painting 

《大等喊寨子小吃》纸上油画 22.5cmx42cm

'Dadenghan Village's Snacks' Oil Painting on Paper

《傣族妇女》布面油画 100cmx100cm(日本友人收藏)

 'Dai Women' Canvas Oil Painting (Collected by a Japanese friend)

《佤族妇女》布面油画 107cmx100cm

 'Wa Women' Canvas Oil Painting

《葡萄熟了》布面油画 120cmx100cm

 'The Grapes are Ripe' Canvas Oil Painting

《橄榄坝的姐妹》之三 布面油画 116cmx140cm

'The Sisters of the Olive Dam' Three  Canvas Oil Painting 

1983年创作《布拖姐妹》布面油画 120cmx100cm(入选中国美协举办87年《中国当代油画展》纽约展出)

Created 'Butuo Sister' Canvas Oil Painting in 1983 (participated in the New York 'China Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition' held by China Artists Association)


'Showering' Canvas Oil Painting 


'On the Grain Field' Canvas Oil Painting 


欢迎收藏作品/ Welcome to Collect Works

艺术顾问/  Art consultant :刘树春 Lawrence

整理/ Organize:Lisa

编译/Edit & Translate:Cindy & Mary

制作/ Produce:AIPU

馆长 Art Conseltant & Curator:刘树春 Lawrence Liu

总监 Director:Mary Zheng

编辑 Editor:Cassia Cui

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