

人类图系统是您的基因蓝图Human Design is Your Genetic Code
source: https://www.jovianarchive.com/

The Human Design System is not a belief system.


It doesn't require that you believe in anything. It doesn't require that you believe in me. It is not stories. It is not philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being. It is a logical way in which we can see ourselves. Just the simple mechanics is enough to make a vast difference in somebody's life.


The irony of what it is to be a human being is that we are caught at the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the cosmos around us. We are just at the surface. It doesn't matter how intelligent we are. It doesn't matter the labels that we attach to that intelligence; whether we call it "enlightened" or we call it "genius" or we call it this or that. There is a vast underlying ignorance of how our bodies operate.

具有讽刺意味的是,作为一个人,我们对自己只有很表面的认知,我们轻易地接受了这个认知,并带着这个认知和这个宇宙互动。我们只停留在表面。我们有多聪明并不重要。我们附加到这种情报的标签并不重要; 我们称之为“开明”还是称之为“天才”,或称我们称之为“天才”。对我们的身体如何运作有着巨大的潜在无知。

The Human Design System is a reading of your genetic code. Now, with a Human Design education your genetic code can be read in detail. That is the work of a professional analyst. This ability to be able to detail our mechanics, obviously is profound. It reveals the complete nature in its subtleties. However, by simply grasping the surface mechanic, what this work aspires to communicate, you will have a grounding in this life that is immediately going to bring a difference to your process.


These essential truths are simple because they are mechanical. What is mechanical in us, the way in which our genes operate, is that the moment we try to interfere with their operation we descend into a life of confusion, chaos, and pain. In the end, they will have their way.


All learning, real learning, takes seven years. It takes seven years to change approximately all of the cells in the body. We live in a seven year cycle. The moment that you begin to come to your own nature, the moment that you allow your body to live its life without resistance, you begin a deep process of deconditioning. Seven years later, you emerge, quite literally, as a new being: yourself.


It's one of the great jokes that human beings don't get to live out their own lives. It is because of that, that they don't get to live out their own lives; that life seems to be such a difficult experience for them. We know that there is a lot of stuff around about being yourself. It is all fine and good for somebody to stand up and tell you to be yourself, but you have to know who that self is. 


In my professional work, I have given between five and six thousand individual readings, Design Analyses. Wherever that has been, and regardless of culture or country, there is one prevailing disease. It is called "self-hatred". Self-hatred varies in intensity from being just beneath the surface of the consciousness to being full-blown.


It is the most human of ironies that self-hatred is truly misplaced because these people do not know themselves. They're hating the wrong person. Disappointed with the wrong person. Dissatisfied with the wrong person.


Human beings don't like themselves. They don't like themselves because they truly do not know who they are. They never have lived the experience of being themselves nor seen the beauty of what their true life holds. It is time to see that this is not as the ancients claim, the planet of suffering, but in fact, an opportunity for a glorious awareness. This is not about guarantees or promises. This is not saying that if you live out your own nature, you're going to be the wealthiest, most beautiful. It is not about being better or best. It is about being yourself.


Life is a duality. It is revealed through our moralities. There is always going to be this and that. There is always going to be the good and the bad. There is always going to be success and there is always going to be failure. It is the nature of what it is to be human and to live out the spectrum of human experience.


The moment that you live out your own nature and you enter into life correctly, this is the moment that you get what is correct for you, the correct career and relationships. It does not matter then whether you are a success or not. There will be no suffering despite your state. You will be living out your nature and it will be clear to you that what is there for you is right for you. Whatever it might be. There will be no part of you that says, "I wish I could be this or that".


We are overwhelmed in our western culture with improvement propaganda. The hucksters cry to be thinner, wiser, faster, richer. There are all kinds of purveyors of ways who say there's this way and that way. Human beings suffer from the propaganda of generalizations. Without knowing oneself, one can so easily be lost in this propaganda. You do not have to change anything. It is simply a matter of becoming something. Becoming yourself. Becoming aware of yourself.


The Human Design System opens the door to the potential of self-love. Finding self-love is also to find a greater love, a love for life and a love for others through under-standing. Throughout "Living Your Design", in seeing yourself, in coming to recognize your Type and Profile, in coming to understand how you can live out your own nature, pay attention to the importance of that in your relationships with others.


So many of our difficulties in this life are because we have great difficulties in our relationships, whether they are our career relationships or whether they are our personal relationships. What is true for the individual, a lack of understanding about their own nature, is true for relationships. Relationships operate out of genetic imperatives and they have their own rules.


To be yourself is to bring into your life those beings that are truly for you. This knowledge is about how you do that simply, so that you too can benefit from the best possible associations. Correct associations allow you not only to be seen and understood by the other, but allow you to understand them. As a parent, it has been an essential ingredient in the well being of my children.


Human Design is logical, mechanical knowledge. It is not theorizing nor philosophizing. It is about being able to do practical things with this knowledge, which brings practical benefits. Enjoy "Living Your Design". Enjoy the fact that there really is knowledge in the world that is truly valuable. Enjoy the fact that you too can participate in becoming a healthy self-loving being.


Excerpt from a Living Your Design Class Transcript (摘自活出自我設計課程錄音謄本)

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011. 

Ra Uru Hu是人類設計系統的創始人和使者。 Ra致力於25年的生命,致力於世界各地的系統開發和教學,直到2011年去世。

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