

阿姆斯特丹大型CBD综合体Valley破土动工 / MVRDV

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八月中旬,在阿姆斯特丹中心商业区Zuidas, 综合体建筑Valley破土动工。这是一栋绿色的阶梯式建筑,总面积达75000平方米。2015年,MVRDV在OVG地产举办的设计竞赛中获得优胜,其获奖方案被阿姆斯特丹市政厅选中。项目包括公寓,办公,地下停车场,天空吧以及丰富多彩的商业和文化设施,在人、自然和现代的商务氛围之间寻求平衡。建筑将于2021年完工。


Mid-August marked the start of construction for Valley, a 75,000m2, green-terraced, mixed-use building located on the Amsterdam’s Central Business District Zuidas. MVRDV’s competition-winning design for OVG Real Estate was selected by the Municipality of Amsterdam in 2015 and will include apartments, offices, an underground parking, a sky bar and various retail and cultural facilities. The design and programme mediates between human scale, nature and the atmosphere of the business district. Completion is set for 2021.

In twenty years, the Zuidas area of Amsterdam has developed into the Netherlands main international business centre, which resulted in a reduced focus on residential interests. The development of Valley is part of the city’s ambition to correct this by transforming the area into a more liveable and complete urban quarter, welcoming large amounts of residents and additional public facilities to the area over the next decade.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building


Valley’s location is defined by transition. It sits on the border between residential and commercial functions. It forms the connection between green sports fields and the dense urban setting of the business centre and it initiates the change from the smaller scaled buildings of the inner city to the large volumes that define the South-axis. The concept of the building is rooted in this idea of transition. By placing the residential volumes on top of the multifunctional plinth and pushing them to the very edge of the envelope, the resulting volume reads as one single entity. In mirroring the corporate surroundings through of its reflecting glass exterior façade, the design acknowledges its corporate heritage and visually connects to its immediate neighbours. In direct contrast to this, the inner façade is defined by a series of rugged, stone terraces with large planters, covering the building in vegetation and bringing a sense of human scale to the volume. Through this opposing treatment of the facades, the duality of the resulting volume, which is reminiscent of a carved out block, is expressed: The corporate vs the residential. The XL vs the human scale.

▼光滑的玻璃外立面和粗糙的石材内立面形成鲜明对比,the rugged natural stone inner facade contrast with the glass outer facade

“Valley将公寓和绿色的环境融合在一起,人们可以在这里欣赏阿姆斯特丹全景。项目基座中设有种类丰富的商业活动,上方为办公室,再往上是住宅。建筑上的开口使这里不似Zuidas地区其他建筑那样封闭,它们将形成大量露台,有私人的,也有公共的,被花草、室外座椅和人群填满,生机勃勃。“MVRDVl联合创始人Winy Maas说道。

“Valley combines residential apartments with a green environment that offers panoramic views of Amsterdam”, says Winy Maas, MVRDV co-founder. “A lively plinth offering a range of commercial activities has some offices above and is topped finally with residences. The carving out of the resulting block ensures that it becomes less introverted than existing buildings in the Zuidas. There will be many terraces, both private and public, filled with people, flowers, plants and outdoor seating.”

Valley中有三个高点,最高处达100米,顶部两层为面向公众开放的天空吧,人们可以从这里一览阿姆斯特丹美景。建筑中含有196间公寓,7层办公,一个有375个车位的三层地下停车场以及一种各样的零售和文化设施。从地面层开始,一条人行道穿过商区、露台和屋顶花园,一直延伸到位于四五层楼高度,被中央塔楼环绕的中央谷区。Valley中所有的绿化均由国际知名景观建筑师Piet Oudolf设计,一年四季都绿意盎然。项目的名字便取自这片美丽的公共谷地。

Valley’s three peaks of varied heights reach up to a maximum of 100 meters at which the publicly accessible Sky-bar sits, spread out over the top two stories, offering panoramic views over Amsterdam. The building consists of 196 apartments, 7 stories of offices, a three-story underground parking with 375 parking spots and various retail and cultural facilities. From street level, a pedestrianised path, running along retails functions, terraces and roof gardens, leads up to the central valley-area spread across the 4th and 5th level and surrounds the central tower. Internationally renowned landscape architect Piet Oudolf designed all of Valley’s vegetation, focusing on a year-round green appearance. The project derives its name from this publicly accessible valley.

▼连接地面和谷地的人行步道,pedestrian path connecting ground level and the valley

▼步道连接商业空间和葱郁的室外平台,pedestrian path goes along commercial area and public terrace with lush plants


Publicly accessible from ground floor is the Grotto, a large interior space, fully clad in natural stone and lit by two great skylights that double as water filled ponds on the valley above. The Grotto serves as both a living room for the residents of Valley as well as a Grand Foyer for all other activities in the building, ensuring a lively atmosphere throughout the day.

▼巨大的室内入口空间岩洞,large interior entrance hall which is called the Grotto

▼入口,玻璃立面反射周边环境,形成视觉联系,entrance, reflection on the glass facade creates visual connections with the neighbor


MVRDV’s design for Valley emphasises the contrast between the corporate history and the more residential future of the Zuidas. Its offices boast high floor-to-ceiling windows, large, brightly lit floor plates and full-service amenities. The residential levels have large openable windows and sliding doors for outdoor spaces integrated within the stone facades. Outdoor ceilings and terraces are clad in natural stone as well, as are the fixed, automatically hydrated planters of varying heights that facilitate Valley’s distinct green appearance. Full glass railings protect residents against wind and sound without impeding on their panoramic views.

▼有巨大落地窗的办公区,office with floor-to-ceiling windows

▼居住区尺度宜人,露台上种满植物,residential area in human scale, with plants filled in the terrace

在Arup Amsterdam的协助下,建筑师开发了一套参数化工具以确定建筑锯齿形天然石材立面的设计。这样,建筑师可以对日照,结构极限以及私密性等因素进行实时控制,最终得到的一座从上到下都在变化的建筑体块,其中的公寓互不相同,让居民可以享受平面独特的丰富房型。

The jagged, natural stone façade is defined by using a parametric tool developed in collaboration with Arup Amsterdam. This allowed for much needed real-time control over quantities of daylight and sunlight, over structural limitations and required privacy, amongst other things. The resulting overall variation of Valley’s building volume means that no two apartments are alike, creating a wide variety of housing types with unique plans for its inhabitants.

▼用参数化工具设计立面,facade designed by parametric tools

▼立面及户型的生成,generation of the facade and housing type

项目中充裕的室外空间和公共绿地同时促进了健康和福利,为绿色建筑理想做出了积极贡献。在获得EPC评分-0.3和GPR评分8的好成绩后,Valley将目标放到了世界最重要的BREEAM-NL Excellent环境评分上。

The abundance of outdoor spaces and communal green area’s promotes health and well-being whilst at the same time, contributes to the buildings green ambitions. In addition to a -0.3 EPC rating and a GPR score of 8, Valley will aim for a BREEAM-NL Excellent rating.

▼绿意盎然的建筑,green building

▼地面层平面图,ground floor

▼二层平面图,first floor plan

▼五层平面图,fourth floor plan

▼六层平面图,fifth floor plan

▼十六层平面图,fifteenth floor plan

▼花坛剖面图,planter section

Architecture Design: MVRDV worked together with
Landscape Design: Deltavormgroep & Piet Oudolf
Structural Engineering: Van Rossum
Installations (HVAC): Deerns
Building Physics and Energy Efficiency Strategy: DGMR
Construction Engineering: Inbo
Investor: RJB Group of Companies
Contractor: G&S Bouw and Boele & van Eesteren

More: MVRDV 。更多关于他们:MVRDV on gooood

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