


7%-38%-55% rule

西方學者雅伯特.馬哈藍比(Albert Mehrabian)教授研究出「7/38/55」法則,說明在整體表現上,旁人對你的觀感,只有7%取決於你真正談話的內容;而有38%在於輔助表達這些話的方法,也就是口氣、手勢等等;卻有高達55%的比重決定於:你看起來夠不夠份量、夠不夠有說服力,一言以蔽之,也就是你的「外表」。可見在專業形象上,外表的重要性還比內在更勝一籌。









網路上幾乎都把這個作者的名字寫錯了,應該是Albert Mehrabian,應該是“h”而不是“b”,而且是加州大學洛杉磯分校(U. C. LA)的心理學教授,而非網路文章所言加州大學柏克萊分校(U. C. Berkerly)心理學教授Albert Mebrabian


以下則是Albert Mehrabian所作7%-38%-55% rule的原文

Albert Mehrabian

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Albert Mehrabian (born 1939 in the Armenian family, currently Professor Emeritus of Psychology, UCLA), has become known best by his publications on the relative importance of verbal and nonverbal messages. His findings on inconsistent messages of feelings and attitudes have been quoted throughout human communication seminars worldwide, and have also become known as the 7%-38%-55% rule.

Three elements of communication

In his studies, Mehrabian[1] comes to two conclusions. Firstly, that there are basically three elements in any face-to-face communication:

Secondly, the non-verbal elements are particularly important for communicating feelings and attitude, especially when they are incongruent: If words disagree with the tone of voice and nonverbal behaviour, people tend to believe the tonality and nonverbal behaviour.

It is emphatically not the case that non-verbal elements in all senses convey the bulk of the message, even though this is how his conclusions are frequently misinterpreted. For instance, when delivering a lecture or presentation, the textual content of the lecture is delivered entirely verbally, but the non-verbal cues are very important in conveying the speaker's attitude towards what they are saying, notably their belief or conviction.

Attitudes and congruence

According to Mehrabian, these three elements account differently for our liking for the person who puts forward a message concerning their feelings: words account for 7%, tone of voice accounts for 38%, and body language accounts for 55% of the liking. They are often abbreviated as the "3 Vs" for Verbal, Vocal & Visual.

For effective and meaningful communication about emotions, these three parts of the message need to support each other - they have to be "congruent". In case of any incongruence, the receiver of the message might be irritated by two messages coming from two different channels, giving cues in two different directions.

The following example should help illustrate incongruence in verbal and non-verbal communication.

  • Verbal: "I do not have a problem with you!"
  • Non-verbal: person avoids eye-contact, looks anxious, has a closed body language, etc.
It becomes more likely that the receiver will trust the predominant form of communication, which to Mehrabian's findings is non-verbal (38% + 55%),[clarification needed] rather than the literal meaning of the words (7%). This is known as "the 7%-38%-55% rule".

It is important to say that in the respective study, Mehrabian conducted experiments dealing with communications of feelings and attitudes (i.e., like-dislike), and that the above, disproportionate influence of tone of voice and body language becomes effective only when the situation is ambiguous. Such ambiguity appears mostly when the words spoken are inconsistent with the tone of voice or body language of the speaker (sender).


I do my thing and you do your thing.

I am not in this world to live up to your expectation.

And you are not in this world to live up to mine.

You are you and I am I.

And if by chance we find each other.

It's beautiful.

If not then not.


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