

前列腺治疗后尿失禁(​Incontinence after prostate tr...

Guideline Statements




1.Clinicians should inform patients undergoing radical prostatectomy of all known factors that could affect continence. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) 

1. 应向接受根治性前列腺切除术的患者告知所有能够影响尿控的已知因素。(中等推荐;证据等级:B)

2.Clinicians should counsel patients regarding the risk of sexual arousal incontinence and climacturia following radical prostatectomy. (Strong Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) 

2. 应与患者商议关于根治性前列腺切除术后性兴奋期及性高潮期遗尿的风险。(强烈推荐;证据等级:B)

3.Clinicians should inform patients undergoing radical prostatectomy that incontinence is expected in the short-term and generally improves to near baseline by 12 months after surgery but may persist and require treatment. (Strong Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade A) 

3. 应向接受根治性前列腺切除术的患者告知尿失禁会在术后短期存在,通常在12个月内改善至基线水平,但也可能持续存在并需要治疗。(强烈推荐;证据强度:A)

4.Prior to radical prostatectomy, patients may be offered pelvic floor muscle exercises or pelvic floor muscle training. (Conditional Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

4. 在接受根治性前列腺切除术前,患者应进行盆底肌锻炼。(有条件推荐;证据等级:C)

5.Patients undergoing transurethral resection of the prostate after radiation therapy or radical prostatectomy after radiation therapy should be informed of the high rate of urinary incontinence following these procedures. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 


Post-Prostate Treatment


6.In patients who have undergone radical prostatectomy, clinicians should offer pelvic floor muscle exercises or pelvic floor muscle training in the immediate post-operative period. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) 

6. 应在根治性前列腺切除术后即刻指导患者进行盆底肌锻炼。(中等推荐;证据等级:B)

7.In patients with bothersome stress urinary incontinence after prostate treatment, surgery may be considered as early as six months if incontinence is not improving despite conservative therapy. (Conditional Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

7. 对于严重的前列腺治疗后压力性尿失禁患者,在保守治疗6个月无效后,应考虑手术治疗。(有条件推荐;证据等级:C)

8.In patients with bothersome stress urinary incontinence after prostate treatment, despite conservative therapy, surgical treatment should be offered at one year post-prostate treatment. (Strong Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B)

8. 对于严重的前列腺治疗后压力性尿失禁患者,即使接受了保守治疗,也应在前列腺治疗后1年进行手术治疗。(强烈推荐;证据等级:B)

Evaluation of Incontinence after Prostate Treatment


9.Clinicians should evaluate patients with incontinence after prostate treatment with history, physical exam, and appropriate diagnostic modalities to categorize type and severity of incontinence and degree of bother. (Clinical Principle) 

9. 应根据病史、体格检查、适当的诊断方法对前列腺治疗后尿失禁患者进行评估,以便对尿失禁的类型及严重程度进行分类。(临床原则)

10.Patients with urgency urinary incontinence or urgency predominant mixed urinary incontinence should be offered treatment options per the American Urological Association Overactive Bladder guideline. (Clinical Principle) 

10. 对于急迫性尿失禁或以尿急为主的混合性尿失禁患者,应根据美国泌尿外科学会膀胱过度活动症指南制定治疗方案。(临床原则)

11.Prior to surgical intervention for stress urinary incontinence, stress urinary incontinence should be confirmed by history, physical exam, or ancillary testing. (Clinical Principle) 

11. 应根据病史、体格检查、辅助检查确诊压力性尿失禁后,方行手术干预。(临床原则)

12.Patients with incontinence after prostate treatment should be informed of management options for their incontinence, including surgical and non-surgical options. (Clinical Principle) 

12. 应向前列腺治疗后尿失禁患者告知治疗尿失禁的手术及非手术方案。(临床原则)

13.In patients with incontinence after prostate treatment, physicians should discuss risk, benefits, and expectations of different treatments using the shared decision-making model. (Clinical Principle) 

13. 对于前列腺治疗后尿失禁患者,应采用共同决策模式对不同治疗方案的风险、获益及预期进行讨论。(临床原则)

14.Prior to surgical intervention for stress urinary incontinence, cystourethroscopy should be per formed to assess for urethral and bladder pathology that may affect outcomes of surgery. (Expert Opinion) 

14. 由于尿道及膀胱的病理状态会对治疗效果产生影响,故在对压力性尿失禁手术干预前,应行膀胱尿道镜检查以评估病情。(专家意见)

15.Clinicians may perform urodynamic testing in a patient prior to surgical intervention for stress urinary incontinence in cases where it may facilitate diagnosis or counseling. (Conditional Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

15. 为利于诊断及商议,应对压力性尿失禁患者在手术干预前行尿动力学检查。(有条件推荐;证据等级:C)

Treatment Options


16.In patients seeking treatment for incontinence after radical prostatectomy, pelvic floor muscle exercises or pelvic floor muscle training should be offered. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B)

16. 对于根治性前列腺切除术后寻求治疗尿失禁的患者,应进行盆底肌锻炼。(中等推荐;证据等级:B)

17.Artificial urinary sphincter should be considered for patients with bothersome stress urinary incontinence after prostate treatment. (Strong Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) 

17. 对于前列腺治疗后严重的压力性尿失禁患者,应考虑使用人工尿道括约肌。(强烈推荐;证据等级:B)

18.Prior to implantation of artificial urinary sphincter, clinicians should ensure that patients have adequate physical and cognitive abilities to operate the device. (Clinical Principle) 

18. 在接受人工尿道括约肌植入术前,应确认患者有足够的身体条件及认知能力操纵该装置。(临床原则)

19.In the patient who selects artificial urinary sphincter, a single cuff perineal approach is preferred. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

19. 对选择使用人工尿道括约肌的患者,推荐采用经会阴单袖套法。(中等推荐;证据等级:C)

20.Male slings should be considered as treatment options for mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence after prostate treatment. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) 

20. 男性吊带应作为前列腺治疗后轻度至中度压力性尿失禁的治疗方法。(中等推荐;证据等级:B)

21.Male slings should not be routinely performed in patients with severe stress incontinence. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C)

21. 男性吊带不应常规应用在重度压力性尿失禁患者。(中等推荐;证据等级:C)

22.Adjustable balloon devices may be offered to patients with mild stress urinary incontinence after prostate treatment. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) 

22. 可调节球囊装置可应用在前列腺治疗后轻度压力性尿失禁患者。(中等推荐;证据等级:B)

23.Surgical management of stress urinary incontinence after treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia is the same as that for patients after radical prostatectomy. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

23. 良性前列腺增生术后压力性尿失禁的手术治疗方案,与根治性前列腺切除术后的一致。(中等推荐;证据等级:C)

24.In men with stress urinary incontinence after primary, adjuvant, or salvage radiotherapy who are seeking surgical management, artificial urinary sphincter is preferred over male slings or adjustable balloons. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

24. 在初始、辅助或挽救放疗后寻求手术治疗压力性尿失禁的患者中,人工尿道括约肌优于男性吊带及可调节球囊装置。(中等推荐;证据等级:C)

25.Patients with incontinence after prostate treatment should be counseled that efficacy is low and cure is rare with urethral bulking agents. (Strong Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) 

25. 应告知前列腺治疗后尿失禁患者,尿道周围填充术的效果有限、治愈率低。(强烈推荐;证据等级:B)

26.Other potential treatments for incontinence after prostate treatment should be considered investigational, and patients should be counseled accordingly. (Expert Opinion) 

26. 前列腺治疗后尿失禁的其他潜在治疗方法尚处于研究阶段,应向患者进行相关告知。(专家意见)

Complications after Surgery


27.Patients should be counseled that artificial urinary sphincter will likely lose effectiveness over time, and reoperations are common. (Strong Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) 

27. 应告知患者随着时间推移人工尿道括约肌可能会失效,并且再次手术常见。(强烈推荐;证据等级:B)

28.In patients with persistent or recurrent urinary incontinence after artificial urinary sphincter or sling, clinicians should again perform history, physical examination, and/or other investigations to determine the cause of incontinence. (Clinical Principle) 

28. 对于人工尿道括约肌植入术后或尿道悬吊术后持续性或复发的尿失禁患者,应再次通过病史、体格检查和(或)其他方法明确尿失禁原因。(临床原则)

29.In patients with persistent or recurrent stress urinary incontinence after sling, an artificial urinary sphincter is recommended. (Moderate Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

29. 对于尿道悬吊术后持续性或复发的压力性尿失禁患者,建议行人工尿道括约肌植入术。(中等推荐;证据等级:C)

30.In patients with persistent or recurrent stress urinary incontinence after artificial urinary sphincter, revision should be considered. (Strong Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade B) 

30. 对于人工尿道括约肌植入术后持续性或复发的压力性尿失禁患者,建议修订治疗方案。(强烈推荐;证据等级:B)

Special Situations


31.In a patient presenting with infection or erosion of an artificial urinary sphincter or sling, explantation should be performed and reimplantation should be delayed. (Clinical Principle) 

31. 当人工尿道括约肌或吊带出现感染或侵蚀时,应取出植入物,再次植入应延期进行。(临床原则)

32.A urinary diversion can be considered in patients who are unable to obtain long-term quality of life after incontinence after prostate treatment and who are appropriately motivated and counseled. (Expert Opinion) 

32. 若前列腺治疗后尿失禁患者的生活质量无法长期获益,建议行尿流改道术。(专家意见)

33.In a patient with bothersome climacturia, treatment may be offered. (Conditional Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

33. 对于严重的性高潮期遗尿患者,应进行治疗。(有条件推荐;证据等级:C)

34.Patients with stress urinary incontinence following urethral reconstructive surgery may be offered artificial urinary sphincter and should be counseled that complications rates are higher. (Conditional Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

34. 对于尿道重建术后压力性尿失禁患者,可行人工尿道括约肌植入术,应告知并发症发生率更高。(有条件推荐;证据等级:C)

35.In patients with incontinence after prostate treatment and erectile dysfunction, a concomitant or staged procedure may be offered. (Conditional Recommendation; Evidence Level: Grade C) 

35. 对于合并勃起功能障碍的前列腺治疗后尿失禁患者,可行同期或分期手术。(有条件推荐;证据等级:C)

36.Patients with symptomatic vesicourethral anastomotic stenosis or bladder neck contracture should be treated prior to surgery for incontinence after prostate treatment. (Clinical Principle) 

36. 对于合并有症状的膀胱尿道吻合口狭窄或膀胱颈挛缩患者,应在手术治疗尿失禁前,先处理狭窄或挛缩。(临床原则)

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