



The Parthenon is located at the center of the Acropolis in Athens and is one of the most famous Doric buildings in ancient Greece. Its biggest architectural feature is the adoption of the "Hundred-Foot Style", with 46 tall Doric columns surrounding the periphery of the temple. Each column is 10 meters high, with the bottom diameter reaching 1.9 meters. These columns have no grooves, but have simple fluted edges, appearing more concise and elegant. The column tops are simple circular capitals, decorated with exquisite triangular leaves. The column interval is nearly 6 meters, adding a sense of majestic grandeur to the temple. The columns were made of locally-quarried white marble, with a clean, bright color. This kind of simple and unadorned column design embodies the ancient Greek architectural concept of "the beauty of order". 


The entrance of the temple has a decorated columned portico, connecting to the main interior building. On both sides are statues of slender goddesses known as the “Maidens of the Parthenon”. The main building is rectangular, with an altar in the center for the worship of Athena. The walls are decorated with friezes carved with mythological themes and stories. On the triangular east and west walls are three groups of colossal sculptures designed by the famous sculptor Phidias, vividly depicting scenes of Greek mythological heroes. These sculptures integrate and idealize the physique and clothing of Greeks, embodying the aesthetic essence of ancient Greek sculpture art.


The temple roof is a flat arched structure, originally covered with intricately crafted white marble tiles. The ceiling at the center of the interior is painted with a blue pattern symbolizing the sky, surrounded by golden celestial decorations. The overall layout of the building is rigorous, fully demonstrating the Greek architectural principles of emphasizing geometric proportions and spatial rhythm. This rational order and simple beauty became a model for Western classical architecture.

随着时间的推移,巴特农神庙也有过修缮和改建。例如罗马时期增建了入口前的高大石柱廊,又在拜占庭时期 为基督教堂使用。但其基本风格仍保留了下来。巴特农神庙作为远古智慧与文明的结晶,其独特而完美的建筑艺术,经久流芳,对后世产生深远影响。它是古希腊建筑审美理想的杰出代表,被视为“理性秩序的化身”,值得我们传世珍惜。

Over time, the Parthenon also underwent repairs and reconstructions. For example, during the Roman period, a tall stone colonnade was added in front of the entrance, and during the Byzantine period it was converted into a church for Christian use. However, its basic style remained. As a crystallization of ancient wisdom and civilization, with its unique and perfect architectural art, the Parthenon has had a lasting influence on later generations. It represents the outstanding ancient Greek architectural aesthetic ideals, viewed as the "embodiment of rational order", and is worth crishing for posterity.


The Parthenon in Literature

1. “我第一次见到巴特农神庙,是在一个明媚的春日清晨。金色的晨阳洒在雪白的大理石柱上,巍峨的神庙在朝霞中静静伫立,无声地诉说着千年的历史。我久久地凝望,尝试从繁复的雕塑细节中理解古希腊人的智慧。”(约翰·拉斯金《尘埃落定》)

"The first time I saw the Parthenon was on a bright spring morning. Golden morning sun shone on the snow-white marble columns, and the majestic temple stood silently in the sunrise, mutely telling a history of thousands of years. I gazed at it for a long time, trying to understand the wisdom of the ancient Greeks from the intricate sculptural details." (John Ruskin, The Stones of Venice)

2. “如果说人类文明是一个庞大的石窟,那么巴特农神庙就是最璀璨夺目的那面玉壁。当我歆醉大自然的美妙,又在这份美妙背后发现人类的智慧时,我便明白古希腊的文明永不过时的原因。”(拜伦《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》)

"If human civilization is a gigantic cave, then the Parthenon is the most dazzling jade wall within it. When I revel in the beauty of nature, and discover human wisdom behind this beauty, I understand why Greek civilization remains timeless." (Lord Byron, Childe Harold's Pilgrimage)

3. “巴特农神庙的每个细节都在述说一个故事,一个古代与今日、个人与社会、物质与精神的故事。行走在神庙里,我看到生命中美好与挣扎在此化为永恒,希腊人留给世界的不只是伟大建筑,更是面对存在本质的沉思。”(爱默生《希腊散记》)

 "Every detail of the Parthenon tells a story, a story of the ancients and the present, individuals and society, the material and the spiritual. Walking in the temple, I see life's splendor and struggles transformed into eternity here. What the Greeks left the world is not just great architecture, but contemplation on the essence of existence." (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journals of Ralph Waldo Emerson)

4. “巴特农神庙之美,不仅在其外在形态,更在于其内蕴精神。透过高大冷峻的石柱和严谨生动的神像,我看到一个开拓理性、探索人生的民族。这种文化魅力超越时代的束缚,直指人性的本真。”(阿诺德《批评与鉴赏》)

"The beauty of the Parthenon lies not only in its external form, but also its inner spirit. Through the imposing columns and vivid statues, I see a people exploring reason and life. This cultural charm transcends temporal shackles and points directly to the essence of humanity." (Matthew Arnold, Essays in Criticism)

5. “纵观人类历史,巴特农神庙是古典精神的化身,象征着理性秩序对混沌的克制,仿佛在告诉我们秩序的重要性。但亦应注意,过度理性会限制人的创造力,理性与感性需要平衡。”(罗素《西方哲学史》) 

"Looking through human history, the Parthenon is the embodiment of the classical spirit, symbolizing rational order restraining chaos, as if telling us the importance of order. But we should also note that excessive rationality stifles human creativity, reason and emotion need balance." (Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy)


"This acropolis of Athens, the majestic Parthenon, is truly the supreme miracle. Its pure white columns reaching for the skies all manifest the glory of Athens." (Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus)

7“我站在巴特农神庙面前,目之所及,洁白的柱石连绵起伏,宛如沉睡的巨人。这座古老的建筑证明了人类文明辉煌灿烂的一面,让我不禁为之动容。” (拜伦《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》)

I stand before the Parthenon, as far as the eye can see, the pure white columns undulate like sleeping giants. This ancient architecture is proof of the brilliant side of human civilization, I can't help but be moved." ( Byron's Childe Harold's Pilgrimage)

8“我第一次见到巴特农神庙时,正是黄昏时分,神庙在夕阳的照耀下呈现出温暖的色调,让我想起了一位沉睡的希腊女神。” (海明威《流动的饮食》)

The first time I saw the Parthenon, it was at dusk, the temple took on a warm tone in the glow of the setting sun, reminding me of a sleeping Greek goddess." ( Hemingway's A Moveable Feast)

9“我们沿着石阶来到巴特农神庙顶端,伫立在这座古老建筑前,雅典的灯火在我们脚下闪烁。这一刻,我体会到了历史的沧桑与生命的美好。” (菲茨杰拉德《夜色温柔》)

We climbed the steps to the top of the Parthenon, standing in front of this ancient building, the lights of Athens flickering at our feet. At this moment, I felt the vicissitudes of history and the beauty of life." ( Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night)

10“巴特农神庙的洁白柱石在蓝天的衬托下更显壮阔,纵使已失去昔日的辉煌,它庄严肃穆的废墟仍令人心折。” (毛姆《依然凡尔赛》)

The pure white columns of the Parthenon appear even more majestic set against the blue sky. Although its former splendor is lost, its solemn ruins still break the heart." ( Maugham's Still of Versailles)


The above passages vividly depict the Parthenon from different angles through the brushstrokes of different writers, allowing readers to visually tour this historic attraction along with them.


the interesting anecdotes about the Parthenon:

1. 挥金如土建神庙     据说建造巴特农神庙耗资极为巨大,大量使用金子装饰建筑。甚至有传言工程进行到最后,雅典的金储备已所剩无几。

Lavish spending on temple construction     It is said that the construction of the Parthenon cost an enormous amount. A large quantity of gold was used to decorate the building. There were even rumors that by the end of the project, Athens' gold reserve was nearly depleted.

2. 神庙的保护神     相传每逢雅典遭受战争来袭时,巴特农神庙都能安然无恙。雅典人认为这是城邦保护神雅典娜保佑的结果。

The temple's patron god     Legend has it that whenever Athens was under attack in wars, the Parthenon would always emerge unscathed. Athenians believed this was the result of the city-state's patron goddess Athena's protection.

3. 失踪的金像     在神庙鼎盛时期,里面供奉着一个纯金制成的雅典娜神像。但不知为何在古罗马时期此像就失踪了,至今下落不明。

The missing gold statue     During the temple's prime, there was a pure gold statue of Athena inside. But for unknown reasons, the statue disappeared during the ancient Roman period and its whereabouts remain a mystery.

4. 名扬四海的女神雕像     巴特农神庙东面三角墙上的“雅典娜·彼特娜”雕像,被誉为“古希腊艺术之典范”。

The famously exquisite sculpture of the goddess    The sculpture of "Athena Parthenos" on the east triangular wall of the Parthenon was hailed as the "epitome of ancient Greek art".

5. 神秘的巴特农处女     据说在古代神庙里有6名年轻女子被选为“巴特农处女”,在那里侍奉神明,她们的生活十分神秘。

The mysterious Parthenon maidens     It was said that in ancient times, six young women were chosen as "Parthenon maidens" to serve the deities in the temple, and their lives were very mysterious.

6. 天罚的背后      部分雅典人认为,神庙被毁是因为雅典在伯罗奔尼撒战争中虐待了墨伽拉居民所致“天罚”。

Retribution behind the destruction    Some Athenians believed the temple's destruction was "retribution" from the gods because Athens mistreated Megara's residents in the Peloponnesian War.

7. 扭转乾坤的雨水     也有人认为神庙之所以保存较好,是因为其大理石材质吸收了雨水,避免了火灾。 

The rainwater that turned the tide     Others believed the temple was relatively well-preserved because its marble material absorbed rainwater and prevented fires.

8. 神秘数字     巴特农神庙的周长为215米,据说这数字含有某种神秘意义和规律。古希腊人相当重视数字的哲学意蕴。

Mystical numbers      The perimeter of the Parthenon is 215 meters. It was said this number held some mystical significance and patterns. Ancient Greeks placed great emphasis on the philosophical meaning of numbers.

9. 天罚预言     有传说预言巴特农神庙将在“智慧的希腊衰落之时”毁于非命。后来古希腊文明衰落时,神庙果然被焚毁。

Prophecy of doom    There was a legend prophesying the Parthenon would meet an ill fate "when wise Greece declined". Later when ancient Greek civilization deteriorated, the temple was burned down.

10. 美杜莎的诅咒     神庙中有许多美杜莎头像浮雕,都被故意破坏。有传说这是美杜莎在死后咒诅破坏她肖像的人。

Medusa's curse    Many bas-relief carvings of Medusa heads in the temple were deliberately defaced. Legend has it that this was Medusa cursing those who had damaged her image after death.

11. 神秘图腾     在神庙柱顶发现过一些类似图腾的奇异雕刻,其意义未明,或许与古希腊某些秘密聚会有关。

Mysterious totems   Some peculiar totem-like carvings were discovered on the tops of the columns, whose meanings remain unclear. They were perhaps related to certain ancient Greek secret gatherings.

12. 香火不断     尽管此处已成废墟,但仍有当地人定期前来凭吊祭拜,显示其在希腊人心中的地位。

Continuing worship    Although the site is now ruins, some locals still regularly visit to pay tribute, demonstrating its standing in the Greek people's hearts.

13. 人神转世     据说建造神庙的菲迪亚就是雅典娜女神转世,他把神庙设计得如此完美是有原因的。

The reincarnated god    It was said that Phidias who designed the temple was the reincarnation of Athena, which explained why he made the temple so perfect.

Parthenon timeline:Parthenon Timeline

447 BC - 438 BC: 巴特农神庙建造期。( 这段时间是中国的春秋时期,鲁国的哀公和僖公在位。)

447 BC - 438 BC: Construction period of the Parthenon. (This was the Spring and Autumn period in China, with King Ai and King Xi of the State of Lu reigning.)

429 BC: 主祭司室(Pronaos)与后殿(Opisthodomos)完成。(这是中国春秋时期末期,鲁国的定公在位,同时是孔子的活动时期。)

429 BC: Completion of the Pronaos and Opisthodomos.  (This was near the end of the Spring and Autumn period in China, with King Ding of the State of Lu reigning, concurrent with Confucius' lifetime.)

409 BC: 巴特农神庙的雕塑装饰工程完成。( 春秋晚期,鲁国的哀公在位。)

409 BC: Completion of the sculptural decoration of the Parthenon.    (The late Spring and Autumn period, with King Ai of the State of Lu reigning.)


1687: The Parthenon was severely damaged during the war between the Republic of Venice and the Ottoman Empire.(This was the 26th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign (1687) in the Qing Dynasty. Emperor Kangxi promulgated and implemented the "Veritable Records of the Shizu Emperor". During Kangxi's reign, the Qing Dynasty reached the peak of its territorial extent.)

1800-1803: 英国驻雅典大使Lord Elgin移走了许多巴特农神庙的雕塑,这些雕塑后来被称为“埃尔金大理石”。

1800-1803: The British ambassador Lord Elgin removed many sculptures from the Parthenon, which later became known as the "Elgin Marbles".   (This was during the Jiaqing reign in the Qing Dynasty, the late period of the "Prosperous Age of Kangxi and Qianlong".)

1975-完成日期未知: 巴特农神庙进行了大规模的修复与保护工作。(这个时间段跨度较大,包括了中国文化大革命的结束,改革开放的开始,以及21世纪初中国的快速发展等多个重要历史事件。)

1975-present: Large-scale restoration and conservation work has been undertaken on the Parthenon.  (This time period covers many major events in Chinese history, including the end of the Cultural Revolution, the beginning of Reform and Opening Up, and China's rapid development in the early 21st century.)


The Parthenon, this ancient Greek architecture commenced in 447 BC, took more than two centuries to complete. It witnessed the glory and decline of Athens. White marble colonnades embrace the temple, standing tall like sleeping stone giants. At one time, the magnificence of the Parthenon astonished every visitor to Athens. Nowadays, although the Parthenon has lost its former splendor, it is still hailed as the symbol of Western civilization for its "perfect proportions".In literature, the Parthenon is either a sleeping goddess or ancient ruins testifying to the brilliance of humanism. From Shakespeare's miracle to Byron's stone giants, and then to Hemingway's warm dusk. Different writers portray the Parthenon in different brushstrokes, but they all reveal fascination with this immortal architecture. 


Looking back on the history of the Parthenon, we see the glory of a nation, the elegance of an era, and the vicissitudes of a building.Although we have not visited it in person today, we have glimpsed its beauty through texts and images. Let us use the undying awe of a thousand years to imagine the magnificence of the Parthenon's prosperous times, and to listen to its silent historical vicissitudes. The Parthenon has become a epitome of ancient Greek civilization. Its pure white silhouette will be eternally engraved in the memory of human civilization. 


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