

做cell biology实验,细胞铺板大概是最常见的一个实验了。但是有很多人不是很得要领,铺得不是均匀: 要么中间密周围稀,要么周围密中间秃顶。
5、一瓶细胞长满后,正常处理,在培养瓶里吹匀,然后铺6孔板,每孔2毫升,铺完之后不用观察直接用酒精棉擦拭,然后放到培养箱里,轻微的左三圈 右三圈 前三圈 后三圈。基本上24小时之后观察 每孔的细胞都会很均匀。
#1: Our lab found an even plating to be accomplished by moving plates backward and forward, then right to left to right, repeat same motions x 5. Next, allow plates to sit for 3-5 minutes before placing into incubator. We found that any type of swirling would cause the cells to either congregate in the center or along the outside of the wells.
#2: never swirl to mix multi well plates. I always slide the plate back and forth, left and right about 5 - 10 times in each direction, taking care not to introduce any circular motion into the media. Swirling causes the media to move in a circular motion, and much like sand in a cup of swirling water, it moves the particles to the center. The idea is to limit any type of circular motion. t25 flasks etc with edges don't have this problem, because circular motion of the media is harder to propagate and maintain. Sometimes multi-well plates with square wells work well for this as well. Nunc makes some multiwell TC plates with rectangular wells.
#3: The outermost wells in a plate are more prone to frequent changes in conditions such as temperature. You should try preincubating the plate along with medium for 10-15 minutes before plating your cells.
#4: When you rotate plates horizontally, cells tend to gather at the center of well. It is suggested shaking a plate back and forth and right-and-left. If you use less medium, more medium stay close to the wall of a well. This could help to avoid that cells to go to the center of a well.
I usually try less medium to seed cells, I rotate plates horizontally first, and then incubate it for 1 min in an incubator. As a result, cells gather at the center of well, but I shake it again in a back-and-forth-and-right-and-left manner this time. The reason I incubate it for 1 min is that cells get down to the surface of the bottom. This means that cells are ready to attach the surface soon. When you distribute cells evenly under this condition, cells attach before circulation of media bring cells to specific locations.
#5: It is a common issue due to vibration in incubators. Easiest method to overcome this issue - after adding the cell suspension to wells (minimal volume till cells get attached) gently swirl the plate to spread the cells evenly. Keep the plate on a flat surface for 5 minutes (bench top in the tissue culture room) . Then transfer to an incubator. Also make sure the trays in the incubator are horizontal. Keeping more flasks on one side may tilt the tray towards the heavier side.
#6: When you plate your cells make movements in a figure of eight, I mean, as if you were picturing an eight...ten times. With this movement I resolved my problem...
#7: Mix cell suspension, add to the wells of 24 well plate and leave the plate at horizontal surface at room temperature for 1 hour prior to placing the plate to CO2 incubator. Following this technique should greatly improve even cells distribution across the wells.
#8: Laminar flow hood benches produce vibrations that cause cells to settle unevenly. You don't want the cells cells settling in there if you can avoid it. Incubators also have vibrations. So putting cells too soon into the incubator can be the issue. You may even be encountering convection currents in the media as the temperature equilibrates to the incubator which will move unattached cells around. This may explain the different cell patterns on the edge and center wells of the 24-well plate. These two problems can be solved by settling and attaching cells on the bench for 20 min.
Another possibility is you have poorly coated tissue culture plates. In that case change your supplier. Corning is reliable for having good coatings on tissue culture plates.
Also keep your volume around 0.5ml in 24-well plates. Minimal volumes will give you a ring of denser cells around the edge due the meniscus effect.
#9: .in a simpler manner.....you can 1st add slight medium in the well without cells.....it should cover the surface of well......and after covering the surface of well with medium ....now add your cell suspension into the medium and mix with pipette gently thrice.....it will not attach mid of the well and distribute all over the surface.
#10:  just shake the plate every 10-15 min for the first 60-90 min.
That'll improve your outcome
#11:  Doing only figures of 8 did improve the outcome but cells in some of the wells (usually the first few that were seeded) would still group in the center. What worked nicely for me; Holding both the 24 well plate and the tube of suspension in one hand, leaving the other hand free to pipette. Slowly tilting the plate back and forth continuously whilst the cells were seeded to keep them in suspension until I'd finnished. After the 24 wells are filled I leave them on the workbench outside of the hood (to avoid the vibrations) and do several gentle firgures of 8 and leave for 5-10 minutes, then check under the microscope before putting them into the incubator. The cells seemed eager to attach and not setting the plate down under the hood when seeding seemed to make a difference.
Also, putting a piece of tissue down underneath the plate when doing the figure of 8 motions not only avoided that aweful scraping noise but made the movements a lot smoother and so helped to avoid that edge effect that the figure of 8 can give you sometimes.
#12: I always slide the plate back and forth, left and right about 5 - 10 times in each direction, taking care not to introduce any circular motion into the media. Swirling causes the media to move in a circular motion, and much like sand in a cup of swirling water, it moves the particles to the center. The idea is to limit any type of circular motion. t25 flasks etc with edges don't have this problem, because circular motion of the media is harder to propagate and maintain. Sometimes multi-well plates with square wells work well for this as well. Nunc makes some multiwell TC plates with rectangular wells.
9、your tips ?
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