1、选肥要对“胃口”俗话说得好果树施肥犹如人吃饭,如果如果因某种肥料施得太多或偏少而“倒胃口”,树体就会出现虚旺或偏弱等“亚健康”状态,因此要合理的施肥,补充果园严重缺乏的有机质、中量元素为根系生长创造一个良好的立地条件。有机肥以腐熟的纯鸡粪、羊粪、油饼为最佳,化肥则要根据果树不同品种对不同养分的需求,缺啥补啥。 1. Choosing fertilizer should be based on 'appetite'As the saying goes, fertilizing fruit trees is like eating. If a certain kind of fertilizer is applied too much or too little to 'turn your stomach', the tree body will be in a 'sub healthy' state, such as weak or weak. Therefore, reasonable fertilization is required to supplement the organic matter and medium elements that are seriously lacking in the orchard to create a good site condition for root growth. The best organic fertilizer is decomposed pure chicken manure, sheep manure, and oil cake. The fertilizer should be based on the demand of different varieties of fruit trees for different nutrients.2、施肥要在“饭时”同样的饭,吃在饭时人就感觉舒服,因此要在最佳时期施肥。秋季正值果树全年根系生长高峰期,对来年萌芽开花座果和新梢生长都有重要作用,因此9-10月份施肥料就是金银般的价值,而错过了那就会贬值成铜铁般的价值。2. Fertilization should be carried out at 'meal time'For the same meal, people feel comfortable when eating, so fertilization should be carried out at the best time. Autumn is the peak of root growth of fruit trees all year round, which plays an important role in sprouting, flowering, fruit setting and new shoot growth in the next year. Therefore, fertilizer application from September to October is of gold and silver value, and if it is missed, it will depreciate to copper and iron value.3、肥要喂在“嘴里”人靠嘴吃饭,树靠根吃肥,根的嘴在梢端,因此施肥时施在果树吸收根的集中分布层,这样才有利于根系吸收。一般仁果类及核果类果树80%的吸收根主要集中分布在树冠外围枝的垂直投影下10-50厘米的土层内,幼树和初结果树以环状扩盘施入最好,盛果期树可采用放射状沟施与全园撒施交替使用的方法。 3. Fat should be fed in the mouthPeople eat by mouth, while trees eat by roots. The mouth of the root is at the tip. Therefore, fertilization is applied to the concentrated distribution layer of fruit trees' absorbing roots, which is conducive to root absorption. In general, 80% of the absorbing roots of benevolent and drupe fruit trees are mainly distributed in the soil layer of 10-50 cm under the vertical projection of the peripheral branches of the crown. The best way is to apply the young trees and the first bearing trees in a ring shaped disk. In the full fruit period, the trees can be applied in a radial ditch alternately with the whole garden.4、借墒施肥“不干吃” 肥料施足了,若土壤墒情不好,根系仍然吸收不了,只有溶于水中,才能被根系和叶片吸收利用。同时也可以利用早秋叶片蒸腾拉力大和墒情好的优势,施肥后叶蒸腾就能从地下吸收大量的水分和养分,树体养分积累就多。不然肥料成效成分再高,不能溶于水和没有功能叶,肥料也就成了中看不中用的废铜烂铁,这就是借墒施肥“不干吃”的道理。 4. Borrowing soil moisture and fertilizing 'don't eat dry'If sufficient fertilizer is applied, if the soil moisture is not good, the root system still cannot absorb it. Only when it is dissolved in water, it can be absorbed and used by the root system and leaves. At the same time, it can also take advantage of the advantages of large transpiration force and good moisture content of leaves in early autumn. After fertilization, leaf transpiration can absorb a lot of water and nutrients from the ground, and the tree body can accumulate more nutrients. Otherwise, no matter how effective the fertilizer is, it can't be dissolved in water and has no functional leaves, and the fertilizer will become a waste copper and iron. This is the principle of 'not eating' when fertilizing by borrowing soil moisture.二、果树施肥五大误区 1、误区一:施肥点离树越近越好 部分果农认为施肥离树远会导致树根吸收差,因此施肥时离树很近,从而会导致伤根烧根现象常常发生。 2、 Five Mistakes of Fruit Tree Fertilization1. Myth 1: The closer the fertilization point is to the tree, the better. Some fruit farmers believe that the distance from the tree will lead to poor root absorption. Therefore, fertilization is very close to the tree, which will lead to root injury and burning. 2、误区二:施肥量越多越好 有些果农以为施肥量越多越好,从而导致树体营养供需不平衡,结果少,甚至是不结果,严重时导致果树出现烧根死树现象。2. Myth 2: The more fertilizer is applied, the better. Some fruit farmers think that the more fertilizer is applied, the better. As a result, the supply and demand of tree nutrients are unbalanced, resulting in little or no fruit. In serious cases, the fruit tree will burn its roots and die.3、误区三:施肥时间按忙闲 有些果农在施肥时,不是依据果树需肥时期施肥,而是根据劳力忙闲施肥,把在春季施肥的变成夏季施肥,秋季施肥的变成冬季施肥,花后肥变成了果后肥,错过了果树最佳需肥期。 3. Mistake 3: Fertilization time is based on free time. When some fruit farmers apply fertilizer, they do not apply fertilizer according to the time when the fruit trees need fertilizer, but according to the free time of labor. They apply fertilizer in spring instead of summer, in autumn instead of winter, and after flower fertilizer becomes after fruit fertilizer, missing the best fertilizer demand period for fruit trees. 4、误区四:施肥种类随意定 果园秋施基肥正好与麦田秋播施肥发生冲突,因此有的果农会用化肥代替基肥,或者施入未经腐熟的作物秸秆代替厩肥等农家肥,导致果园肥力下降,树势衰弱,产量降低。 4. Mistake 4: The type of fertilization is arbitrarily determined. The autumn base fertilizer application in the orchard conflicts with the autumn fertilization in the wheat field. Therefore, some fruit farmers will replace the base fertilizer with chemical fertilizer, or apply unripe crop straw instead of manure and other farm manure, resulting in the decline of orchard fertility, tree vigor and yield. 5、误区五:重地下轻地上施肥 很多果农习惯于地下施肥,从而忽略了地上施肥(叶面喷肥),导致果树黄叶病、小叶病等生理性病害发生严重,叶片光合功能降低。5. Myth 5: Many fruit farmers are used to applying fertilizer underground rather than on the ground, so they neglect to apply fertilizer on the ground (foliar spraying), which leads to serious physiological diseases such as yellow leaf disease and small leaf disease of fruit trees, and the photosynthetic function of leaves decreases.