

上海漕河泾桂谷大楼项目正式动工 / SHL


Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects design for the new CaoHeJing Guigu Creative Headquarters in Shanghai has broken ground on Monday 18 September. Developed by government backed CaoHeJing Hi-Tech Park, the project is aimed as CaoHeJing’s platform for innovation, The new Centre will support and nurture high-tech firms, and connect local and overseas university graduates and enterprises and act as an accelerator for new technology in China.



The project sits on the edge of Shanghai Caohejing Hi-Tech Park, a state level economic and technological development zone covering an area of 14.5 km2 south of downtown Shanghai, and home to some 1,200 domestic and overseas hi-tech companies. The project composing of three volumes split by two external landscaped terraces that contain shared meeting and support functions. The two upper volumes contain divisible incubator studio space while the lower volume contains the main lobby, exhibition and event space and a coffee bar.

▼三个体块层叠错落形成室内外结合的公共空间, the project composing of three volumes which creates public spaces for the users

“错落层叠的建筑体块,自然地提供了有遮蔽、无遮蔽的室外空间,使其能够适应上海的季节性天气变化,最大程度地利用建筑内每一处空间。”SHL合伙人Chris Hardie说道,”通过这些方式,我们将外部绿色空间与建筑内部空间有机地串联了起来,为使用者营造了终年舒适的环境。”此项目是SHL与漕河泾开发区的第三次合作,预计于2020年建成。

“The volumes are playfully staggered to create a combination of exposed and shaded external spaces that can be utilised at different times of the year in Shanghai’s variable weather conditions”, said Schmidt Hammer Lassen Partner, Chris Hardie. “By doing this we create a direct connection to exterior green space for the buildings occupants to use throughout the year.” The project is the third collaboration between Schmidt Hammer Lassen and CaoHeJing and is expected to complete in 2020.

▼错层的体块形成露台,the volumes are split by two external landscaped terraces

▼营造室内外相结合的环境,connection of interior and exterior spaces



建筑设计: 丹麦SHL建筑事务所
景观设计: 丹麦SHL建筑事务所
合作建筑设计: 联创国际设计集团
结构顾问: 联创国际设计集团
业主: 上海漕河泾新兴技术开发区
总建筑面积: 12187m2
地上总建筑面积 8704m2 (计容面积 8591m2)
视觉效果: Beatuy and the Bit, Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
团队: Chris Hardie, Rong Lu, Steven Morton, Michelle Tang , Beihong Mao, Anna Chak, Mo Yang, Lawrence Olivier Jay Mahadoo, Claudius Lange, Liang Dong, Jing Lin, Xinghua Zu

Architect: Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
Landscape Architect: Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
Collaborating Architect: UDG
Structural Engineer: UDG
Client: CaoHeJing High Tech Park
Total GFA: 12,187m2
Above ground GFA: 8,704m2
Visuals: Beatuy and the Bit, Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
Team: Chris Hardie, Rong Lu, Steven Morton, Michelle Tang , Beihong Mao, Anna Chak, Mo Yang, Lawrence Olivier Jay Mahadoo, Claudius Lange, Liang Dong, Jing Lin, Xinghua Zu

Chinese & English text: SHL

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