

Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》_The world of Engl...
Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》
2009-06-04 16:02
Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之一

Susan:Okay. Yeah, I guess that could be fun. While our friends are toasting to our everlasting happiness, we can yell, "surprise! It's all a sham! Thanks for the crock-pot!"

Jackson: No, no, no. We can't tell anybody this is a fake. The whole thing could blow up.

Susan:Can't I at least tell the girls?

Jackson: No way. I mean, they don't call her "Gabby" for nothing.

Susan:Wow. Ah, fake marriages-they're complicated.

Jackson: I... I... I know I'm asking a lot, Susan.

Susan:No, no. It's okay. I wanna do this. Truth is... I miss you, and the house has been kind of lonely since you left.

Jackson: Well, I hear you loud and clear.

Susan:Not that lonely.

Lynette: What are you doing?

Tom: Thinking.

Lynette: Well, think inside. I made pork chops.

Tom: Aren't you gonna ask me about my job interview?

Lynette: Oh, right. How'd that go?

Tom: Ok... Until the 30-year-old who was interviewing me asked me if I'd ever used twittering as part of a marketing campaign.

Lynette: And what'd you say?

Tom: Nothing…Because I don't know what "twittering" is.

Lynette: It's a social networking tool where you send instant updates to anybody who signs up for them.

Tom: So you knew about this, and yet you kept it from me?

Lynette: I didn't keep it from you. It's just one of those tech things that you don't care about. It's for young people.

Tom: And I am a dinosaur marching into the tar pit.

Lynette: I didn't say that. You're not gonna get a whole lot of sympathy from me. I just went through the same thing. Remember?

Tom: Yeah, but you didn't tell me how bad it was. That's another thing you kept from me.


1.sham:虚伪的事,假的东西, 赝品。影片中Susan对Jackson说:“当我们的朋友都举杯祝我们永远幸福时,我们可以大叫 "惊喜哦! 一切都是假的!”

His anger was a mere sham. 他的愤怒只是假装的。

What he says is all sham. 他说的都是假的.

短语有:put a sham upon 设圈套诈骗(某人)

2.blow up:这里的意思指毁掉。Jackson提醒Susan道:“我们不能告诉任何人这些都是假的,否则整个计划就泡汤了。”

He blew up his career himself.他亲手毁掉了自己的事业。

3.gabby:Gabby本来是片中的女主角之一Gabrielle的昵称,Jackson这里用的是它的另一个意思,指爱说话的, 多嘴的, 饶舌的, 好辩的。“他们叫她"Gabby(饶舌妇)"也不是没道理的。”

4.loud and clear: 响亮而明了。影片中Jackson误解了Susan的话,自以为心领神会的说:“我听懂了。”

The pilot's voice came in loud and clear. 飞行员回应的声音大而清晰

Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之二


Gabrielle: Fran Schulman? Fran,huh? It's Gabrielle Solis from the tennis club.

Fran:Oh, of course.

Gabrielle: Wow, it's been years! The last time I saw you was at that charity fashion show. Wasn't that fun?

Fran:Yes. Yes, it was.

Gabrielle: So what are you doing here? Are you volunteering?

Fran:Not exactly.

Gabrielle: Me either. My daughter's gotten sosnooty. I am forcing her to spend time with the great unwashed. You wanna ditch this place for a cappuccino?

Fran:Um, actually, I'm here to eat.

Gabrielle: Oh!

Mike: It's Susan.

Catherine: Great. We don't see enough of her.

Mike: And she's not alone. Hey, Jackson, long time no see. What's going on?

Jackson: Um... We sort of have an announcement.

Susan: We're getting married.

Catherine: Oh, my god! This is such great news! Oh! So... When's the date?

Susan: Monday.

Mike: Whoa. Well, that's kind of sudden.

Catherine: Well, when you know, you know. Why wait?

Jackson: And we're having a little engagement party on Friday, and you're both invited.

Catherine: A party? Count us in. I can't think of a better reason to celebrate.

Mike: Have you told M.J. Yet?

Susan: Yeah. He was on board when he found out there was cake.


1.Snooty: 目中无人的, 势利的。影片中Gabrielle对家道中落的Fran说:“我女儿太傲慢自满了,我正逼她接触接触贫困人们呢。”

A snooty letter 一封措辞傲慢的信

A snooty store 一家势利眼的店铺

2.the great unwashed:Unwashed的本意是,未洗的,未被冲刷的:a stack of dishes 一堆未洗的盘碟。这里的意思是,无知的人,下层民众(含贬义)。例如:

Popular support lay in the unwashed social stratum.民众的支持存在于社会底层。

3.ditch: 抛弃,丢弃,这里是指想离开某地。影片中对Fran处境毫不知情的Gabrielle建议到:“你想出去喝杯卡布奇诺吗?”例如:

To ditch the meeting 不想去开会,逃会

To ditch one’s girlfriend 甩掉女友

To ditch an old car 丢弃旧车

4. on board:成为其中一部分,同意了。Susan毫无征兆的订婚让Mike有些担忧,他对Susan说:“M.J.知道这件事吗?” Susan说:“是的,当他有发现蛋糕的时候就同意了。”来看例句:

He had been on board the President’s staff.他曾是总统班子的成员



Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之三


Tom: You thought my friend Bill looked pretty fantastic, huh?

Lynette: Okay, I went a little overboard. You know me...two margaritas, and I need a muzzle.

Tom: No, I completely agree with you. He looks really young.

Lynette: I know, right? He must take care of himself.

Tom: Actually, he told me his secret, and I'm thinking of doing the same thing.

Lynette: No, you're not having plastic surgery.

Tom: It's my face.

Lynette: Uh, we live in a community property state, so half that face is mine.

Tom: Fine, you know what? You get the half below the nose. But these wrinkles up here? All going away.

Lynette: Tom, men don't need plastic surgery. They look better as they age.

Tom: Really? Because you couldn't stop talking about how great Bill looked. "you guys were classmates? You mean the same class at the same time?"

Lynette: Okay, that's a lousy impression of me.

Tom: Look, Bill said it really gave him a leg up in job interviews, and I could use that right now.

Lynette: You don't need a face-lift. What if I went out and got a boob job and came home with big, giant sideshow boobs? How would you like that?

Tom: I'd learn to live with it somehow.

Lynette: You're not doing this. We can't afford it!

Tom: It's an investment in our future. We can't afford not to. I'm calling the doctor and making an appointment. If you want, I can also get a price check on a pair of...

Lynette: I'm not getting a boob job.

Orson: Why don't I make you a nice cup of pearl-gray...Oh, dear God.

Bree:Orson, we've been robbed!

Orson: It wasn't me. I swear.

Man:No cuts! Back of the line.

Gabrielle: Oh, relax. I already ate dinner at home... in my box under the bridge. Fran? Oh, god. I was afraid I wouldn't find you here.

Fran: Ah, lucky you, I'm still poor.

Gabrielle: I feel bad I ducked out so fast the other day.


1.go overboard:狂热追求,走极端。在本集《绝望主妇》中,Lynette担心Tom因她夸赞Bill而吃醋,说到:“我刚才有点过了,你知道我就是这样,酒后乱说话。”来看例句:

It would be very foolish of the musician to go overboard about pop music. 对那音乐家来说,过份喜欢流行音乐恐怕是太愚蠢了。

Let's not go overboard. 别做得太过火了.

2.plastic surgery: Plastic surgery is a medical specialty concerned with the correction or restoration of form and function. While famous for aesthetic surgery, plastic surgery also includes two main fields: cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. The word "plastic" derives from the Greek plastikos meaning to mold or to shape; its use here is not connected with the synthetic polymer material known as plastic.

3.community property:夫妻共有财产,见文化面面观。


His health has been lousy. 他的健康状况近来很糟。

He tried to sell me his lousy radio. 他想把他那台破收音机卖给我。

5.leg up:帮助,名词。Tom试图说服Lynette同意他去整容:“听着,Bill说在面试时 这确实有所帮助。”

I am sure that he will give us a leg up. 我相信他会助我们一臂之力的。

She is now devoting all her energies to giving him a leg up.她正在尽一切努力来帮助他。


invested in the city's face-lift 投入市容改造

7.No cuts:别插队!

8.duck out:巧妙地避开。Gabrielle抱歉的对落魄的Fran说:“我很抱歉,那天我走的太急了。”来看例句:

He can't duck out now. 他现在逃不掉了。

He tried to duck out of doing the chores. 他试图逃避做那些杂活。



Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之四



Preston: I'm gonna be 18. If I wanna go to Europe, I'll go to Europe.

Lynette: Well, good luck paying for it, because if you so much as apply for a passport, we're cuttin' you off.

Preston: Cut off from the mighty scavo family fortune? Oh, no!

Lynette: Tom, why didn't you help me out there?

Tom: Because I agree with him.

Lynette: What?

Tom: Well, he's young. He should be having fun. I mean, look--look at me. I'm a middle-aged man reading the want ads for jobs that I'll never get. I should've gone to Europe when I had the chance.

Lynette: Hey, focus. Our son is throwing his life away. We have got tokeep him on track.

Tom: What is so great about the track? I was on it. I did everything I was supposed to. It chewed me up and spit me out.

Lynette: I know you're discouraged, but letting our son make a huge mistake is not gonna help anything.

Tom: Even if it is a huge mistake, you got to let people make some decisions about their own life. Your way is not the only way.

Lynette: I am just trying to help Preston avoid the way marked "unemployable loser."

Tom: Fine. What do you want me to do?

Lynette: I want you to get this stupid Europe idea out of his head. Take him on a tour of the campus. Get him excited. Show him college could be fun.

Tom: Sure. And on the way home, I'll show my college diploma to the guy at the burger barn. Yeah. They're hiring a new fry cook for the night shift.

Lynette: If you're really stopping by there, bring home some onion rings.

Juanita: Mommy, what are you doing?

Gabrielle: We're going to a family reunion at aunt connie's on Saturday, and I want tolook my best.

Juanita: Is it gonna be fun?

Gabrielle: Well, if your idea of a good time is sitting on rusty lawn chairs in the driveway, eating lard in the shape of chicken, then yeah! It's gonna be a blast.

Juanita: The driveway?

Gabrielle: Honey, you're 6 now, so I think it's time we had a little mother/daughter talk. Your father's side of the family's trash, any questions?


1.cut off:切断, 断绝,剥夺。影片中Lynette对无心学业,一心想到巴黎观光的Preston说:“假如你胆敢去申请护照,我们就断你的经济来源。”

The telephone operator cut us off. 电话接线员把我们的线路切断了。

cut off the water 断水

2.want ads:找人的广告;招聘广告。影片中Tom自嘲道:“你看看我,人在中年,搜罗招聘启事但却没人要我。”


I have go through thousands of these want ads. 我仔细看过成千上万条这种征聘广告了。

3.night shift:夜班, 夜班工人。Tom对Lynette说:“我正好把大学文凭给汉堡店老板看看,他们在招夜班厨师。”来看例句:

I work on the night shift. 我上夜班。

Do you mind working on the night shift? 做夜班你反对吗?


a great beer blast 盛大的啤酒狂欢会



Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之五


Tom: Oh, my god. That school is amazing. The professors are so engaged, and the kids were open and friendly.

Lynette: Really?

Tom: Yeah. It was inspiring. You were so right to send us.

Lynette: Good. Good. I knew if you saw the campus, you'd have a change of heart.

Preston: Me? Nah. I'm still going to Europe.

Lynette: What was that? I thought you said the tour was fantastic.

Tom: Okay, so Preston still needs a little convincing. But I don't. I'm going back to school.

Lynette: Wh-what's that now?

Tom: Okay. I know it's a little out of left field, but walking across the quad, I felt so alive. I spoke with someone in admissions, and all I have to do is pass an entrance exam.

Lynette: So you would be a college student again, 25 years after the first time?

Tom: But this time--focused. This time, knowing exactly what I wanna major in.

Lynette: Which is?

Tom: Chinese.

Lynette: Chinese?

Housewives: Chinese?

Gabrielle: As in "moo goo gai pan" chinese?

Susan: What's he gonna do with that, watch bruce lee movies without the subtitles?

Lynette: We didn't get that far. I felt faint, and he left to go buy a backpack.

Bree: Lynette, that's bad.

Lynette: Well, it's just so random, and the worst part is if I point that out, I'm a bitch.

Susan: Why is that? When did being practical and realistic become synonymous with bitchiness?

Gabrielle: The first time a man did something stupid, and a woman pointed it out.

Lynette: I know Tom. He's going to learn how to count to ten in Chinese, then he'll get bored and move on to his new dream of becoming a beekeeper.

Gabrielle: Well, then you have no choice. Bite the bullet and bitch.

Bree: No, she has a choice. It's entirely possible to get what you want without being perceived of as a nagging shrew.

Lynette: Please, sensei, instruct me in your ancient ways.

Bree: Well, the key is to not let them know what you're doing. This requires observation, cunning and manipulation.

Gabrielle: Isn't it just easier to shut down your hoo-ha until he gives in?

Susan: I think that Bree is right-- that the more Tom sees you digging in your heels, the more he's gonna wanna do it.

Bree: So you wait for an opportunity that you can use to your advantage while at the same time appearing supportive.

Lynette: That's your advice? Hope an opportunity just drops in my lap? Might as well start shopping for beekeeper suits.

Susan: Oh, you guys, I'm sorry. I gotta run.


1.out of left field: 与主题无关的。影片中Lynette一心想让Preston对上大学感兴趣,Tom突然冒出他想去大学就读的想法,,他说:“我知道有点不着边际。”来看例句:

This idea is way out of left field. 这个想法实在太荒谬了。

2.bite the bullet:忍受困难或勉为其难做某事。影片中Gabrielle说:“那你别无选择 只能硬着头皮唠叨了。”来看例句:

The president called the people to bite the bullet and make personal sacrifices. 总统号召人民忍受痛苦,作出个人牺牲。

3.hoo-ha: 喧闹、吵闹、骚动。影片中Gabrielle说:“跟他大吵一架,让他放弃不是更简单。” 相关阅读:遇事别hoo-ha

What are they making such a hoo-ha about? 们这样吵吵闹闹是怎么回事?

There was a terrific hoo-ha about who should pay.对谁该付款这区区小问题争吵得不可开交。

4.dig in one's heels:采取坚定的立场,固执己见。影片中Susan说到:“你越是反对,他越是铁了心要干。”来看例句:

dig one's heels in against stimulating the economy 坚决反对对经济采取采用刺激手段

The negotiators have been instructed to dig in their heels on the last two major issues. 谈判代表受命在最后两大问题上采取寸步不让的坚定立场。

5.Might as well:最好...,还是(不妨)...的好。影片中Lynette无奈的说:“我还是先替他备好养蜂的行头吧。”来看例句:

I might as well go. 我最好还是去。

You might as well tell her the truth. 你倒不如把真相告诉她。


Desperate Housewives 《绝望主妇》精讲之六


Susan: No, I need to talk to mike. Now you could flush the toilet and try to get him out of there.

Katherine:You seem upset.Something happened?

Susan: Did mike turn Jackson in to immigration?

Katherine:No. Why would he do that?

Susan: I don't know, jealousy? Jackson thinks mike is still hung up on me.

Katherine:Trust me, susan.

Susan: Shower's off. I guess we'll know in a few seconds.

Katherine:Listen...Mike couldn't have called immigration because I never told him that Jackson was marrying you for a green card.

Susan: Well, somebody did, because he sent me a text agreeing to keep paying me alimony.

Katherine:That was me. I sent it.

Susan: Are you insane? Why would you do something--

Katherine:Mike has asked me to marry him.

Susan: What?

Katherine:And I was afraid that if he found out that you weren't really in love with Jackson, he might change his mind about me.

Susan: Okay, katherine, that is...it's totally unfair to mike. I mean, he needs to know the truth.

Katherine:I can make him happy, Susan. He just needs to get over you.

Mike: Katherine?

Katherine:Please, don't ruin this.

Mike: Hey, you wanna just order in? Oh, hey, Susan. I'm glad you're here. Um, I have something I wanna tell you.

Susan: Katherine already told me about your big news.

Mike: Okay. Well, I hope we have your blessing.

Susan: Yes, sure. Why not?

Mike: I'm sorry, Susan. I was gonna tell you myself.

Susan: Well, don't be mad at Katherine. We all know that she just can't keep a secret.


1.turn in: 告发。婚礼当天Jackson被移民局带走,Jackson把他的猜测告诉Susan后,跑去兴师问罪的Susan对Katherine说:“是不是Mike向移民局举报Jackson?来看例句:

She threatened to turn him in. 她威胁说要向警方告发他。

turn oneself in 自首

2.hang up: 烦扰,迷恋。影片中Susan说:“Jackson觉得Mike对我余情未了。”

He is hung up on a girl now. 他正迷恋着一个姑娘。

3.green card:A United States Permanent Resident Card, also known as a green card, is an identification card attesting to the permanent resident status of an alien in the United States of America.

4.get over:自……中恢复过来。影片中Katherine担心自己刻意隐瞒的事情暴露,恳求Susan说:“我会让他幸福的,他只需要对你释怀。来看例句:

I don’t think anybody really gets over his first love.我想没有人能真正对初恋释怀。

5.order in:叫外卖。

If you don't want to eat out, I could order in. 如果你不想出去,我可以叫外卖。



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