

受限心理(Limiting belief)是许多人对现实生活感到不满和沮丧的主要原因。它也是许多人接受了单调重复的生活的主要原因。我过去经历过很多有受限心理的时候,现在也是。但是我已经学会了如何更深入了解自己的内心,并处理掉这些没用的思想。


What I am about to tell you is very important so please read very carefully (VERY USEFUL STUFF!).


[The reason you get limiting beliefs]


Many of the limiting beliefs that you have right now  are  programmed in your mind because of the past experiences that you have encountered. Some of those experiences are always appearing in your mind and they aren’t very pleasant. It may be a thought of a close friend or family member constantly crtitisizing you or a co worker or your boss giving you an identity that isn’t really alligned with who you truly are. This, of course is just one example.


Many of the limiting beliefs you encounter are also programmed in you based on the environment that you were brought up in when you were a child. You may have been brought up in an environment where there weren’t many educated and successful people around you. Unfortunately, what ends up happening is that people that are brought up in an environment where there aren’t many successful people around start believing that life is suppose to be that way and that that is how everyone is.  Beliefs than get harder to change once you reach your adulthood (although it is possible for anyone to change their thinking at any time).


Okay, enough of describing beliefs system. I am going to jump straight to the point and tell you EXACTLY how you can change your belief system RIGHT NOW. There is a world out their that you need access to and you need to know how to position your psychology to get past your barriers and just be the rock star of your life.


[State of Mind]


The state of mind you currently are in determines what you are going to attract into your life and your level of success. When you are in  a state of mind where you are constantly pessimistic, complaining, or you constantly tell yourself, “I CANT DO THIS OR THAT”, your frame of mind is in a very negative state. You are constantly waking up complaining, whining, or criticizing. When you are in this state of mind, you are immediately sending signals to your brain and stopping your creativity from working. When your brain gets negative signals it generates a belief system for you which gets programmed in you. When you get used to that belief, you keep thinking life is suppose to be the way it is at the current moment. For example, if you are around people that are always criticizing other people or are jealous, you will think that that is how everyone in life is. You will program your mind to be in that STATE. If you are not careful this can be toxic.


What you need to do is be at a state that puts you in a frame that constantly brings you success. You have to discipline your emotions, body, and mind to do this. Next time you start your day, be aware of what you are thinking and feeling. Also, be aware of how you communicate and what you say to people. Make sure that you feel the high energy deep within. When you can put your body at a state where you are full of energy inside, people will feel it outside. Your mind will also get positive signals that will keep you at a healthy state.  When you are in this healthy frame, your creativity and confidence will sky rocket. This means NO MORE LIMITING BELIEFS. Limiting beliefs constantly get to us because our body’s state is not at peak. When your body’s energy level is not at peak state, you feel insecure and doubtful about your capabilities.


[Mental Reframing]


When you mentally reframe an experience or an image, it means that you are changing the way that you perceive it. Let me give you an example; I am sure you have been through a very rough experience in the past (it happens to everyone). Maybe you experienced being criticized or someone telling you that “you are nothing and that you are worthless”. Successful people have the capability of taking negative experiences and reframing them so that they can see opportunity instead of being disappointed. When you change the perception of a negative experience and use it towards your advantage, your mind will automatically be programmed to perform at a peak level. When I cold call on my sales calls, I go through a lot of rejection. However, I have trained my mind to treat every rejection as a positive experience because I learn more about what customers want. Rejection to me means that I am growing mentally and emotionally (great for the human body by the way!). I hope you see where I am getting at here.


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