



It’s encouraging that there are so many people wanting to make positive changes in their lives and share it with the masses.


However, there are also a lot of platitudes out there and I’m guilty of writing a few of them here as well. But there are some things we aren’t told either because people want to be nice, they are trying to remain positive or maybe just don’t get it. So here are a few things that you may be unaware of or maybe just need a bit of a reminder.


1. No one’s life is perfect. As perfect as some people’s lives appear to be, I guarantee you that they too have their fair share of blemishes. They may seem to have it all. Large home, 2 cars, good paying jobs and they’re always entertaining large groups of people (if that what having it all really means). Perfect right? Or is it? Are they in debt up to their eyeballs and living well beyond their means? Maybe. If so, maybe the financial pressures are causing strain on their relationship. There is usually a lot more than meets the eye and what may appear to be perfect is rarely so.


2. Life is never smooth sailing. Life likes to throw you curve balls every now and then. This is normal and remember the world isn’t out to get you. You can think of these bumps in the road as tests to see how badly you want what’s on the other side. There are a lot of things that are out of your control. My advice is to go with the flow, learn from these hurdles, re-evaluate and change course if need be.


3. Nobody likes a know-it-all. Seriously. There is nothing worse than getting trapped in a conversation with someone who thinks they know everything about everything. I’m sure we’ve all met someone like this and I’m sure you couldn’t wait to escape. It’s okay to admit that you don’t know something.  Refrain from blathering on about something you really don’t have a solid understanding of. That old saying that bullshit baffles brains … not really true.


4. Humility is under rated. Some of the nicest people I know are also the most humble people I know. They have done great things with their lives and achieved great things but you would never know it. They are not the first ones to bring up any of their successes and in fact downplay a lot of what they have done. These are the people that have every right to brag and maybe be a bit arrogant, yet they remain humble.


5. Life is more about the journey than the destination. This has the makings of a platitude but hear me out. So you have a destination in mind perhaps it’s being debt free, moving to a new country, or retiring early. A little secret – no one cares as much about this end goal as you do. Once you get to the finish line if you look back and think hmmm…well that was no fun, was it really worth it? If you had taken it slower or viewed things even a tiny bit differently, maybe you could have come out the other end having learned more, or having had more fun. Sacrifice is good when it moves you closer to where you want to be but don’t sacrifice so much such that you don’t enjoy the journey there.


6. People dislike complainers. This is a biggie for me. I am convinced that some people complain just to annoy me, for something to do, or they simply enjoy complaining. When people complain about something but fail to present options on how to solve the problem I tend to get a bit frustrated. If you have no potential solutions try going with the flow and take things as they come. If something is really and truly bugging you try and come up with a few different solutions as to how to solve it. It’s so much more empowering to actually do something rather than simply complain about it.


7. Nobody knows everything about everything. This is along the same lines as point three. Granted, there are some people who are very switched on, highly intelligent and know a lot about about a lot of different things, but don’t feel you need to be one of them especially if you’re not. People in general can tell when someone truly knows what they’re talking about and when they are just trying to be a know-it-all. Be genuine and don’t try to live up to something that it is impossible.


8. Big rewards usually come after taking a big risk. You’ve likely heard of this in terms of investing. If you invest your money in stocks that are incredibly volatile (high highs and low lows) and are able to ride out the low periods you will likely come out further ahead than if you invested in something “safe”. Same goes for life rewards. If you are willing to put yourself out there, take a huge risk and make some sacrifices you may see very large rewards. This usually means stepping out of your comfort zone and taking chances and the rewards can certainly be well worth it.


9.When something doesn’t make sense you likely don’t have all the facts. This I’ve learned from experience. When you don’t understand what the heck is going on or if someone’s actions just aren’t makings sense, it’s likely you don’t have all the information. Once everything comes out or you are told exactly what is going on it all seems to come together. So before you jump to conclusions and start taking things personally try giving people the benefit of the doubt and extend a bit of patience and understanding.


10. Your turn. What other things do you think to be true but are often glossed over or rarely talked about?  I love the honesty.




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