



I was sitting in a hotel conference room listening to a mantra from the pages of a popular business book, “Good to Great” by Jim Collins, a book about how good companies become great ones. It was required reading for everyone in management, and on this particular day the members or our region business team seemed very excited about one line in particular. Get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus. They really loved that line. They repeated it over and over.

我当时正坐在一个宾馆的会议室里聆听一本畅销商务指南里的“教诲”,这本书叫做《从优秀到卓越》,作者是 Jim Collins。书里主要讲了如何将一个优秀的公司转变成一个卓越的公司,它被奉为每一个管理人员的“必读书目”。而那天我们地区的商务人员对书里的一句话特别感兴趣----把对的人拉上车,把错的人赶下车----他们真的对这句话情有独钟。他们不断地重复着这句话。

Get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus. In other words, hire the right people and fire the wrong people. Not exactly ground breaking, but it really seemed to excite the speakers who chanted it. 


The rest of us took it as a thinly veiled threat we could deliver to our teams or apply to ourselves, but it impacted me in an unexpected way. 


Get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus. In my mind I saw a bus filled with passengers dressed in business attire and clutching briefcases. I realized my job was a seat on that bus and I noticed how so many of the passengers around me clamored and scraped for their seats, how they played games to take them from others, and how, in order to keep them, they often held their tongues, stifled their thoughts, and pretended to be enthused about where the bus was headed. 


And after all that clamoring, maneuvering, and pretending, most of them spent much of their time complaining about their seats and dreaming of the day when the bus would finally stop and let them off at a place called retirement.


Get the right people on the bus and the wrong people off the bus. Over and over they said it, and each time I heard a voice grow louder in my head: I’m on the wrong bus. I’m on the wrong bus! I’M ON THE WRONG BUS!


I realized I’d spent a good portion of my life on one wrong bus after another, trying to fit in and keep my seat. But no bus would ever be the right one, because being a passenger on someone’s bus had never been my dream. If I were ever going to reach my destination, I’d have to stop riding around on one wrong bus after another and start driving my own dreams.


Are you on the wrong bus? Here are five telltale signs to help you decide if you’re headed in the wrong direction.


1. You purchased your ticket using price as your sole criteria.

1. 你仅仅因为票价而上了这辆车

Even though you don‘t buy a job, money’s definitely a major criterion when choosing a career. If money’s the only thing keeping you there, that’s a very strong sign you’re on the wrong bus. You wouldn’t take a bus to Toledo when you want a trip to Vegas because a Toledo ticket was half the cost. Why would you settle for work that sucks the life out of you, even for higher pay, when you deeply desire to be inspired and energized? Drudgery at double the salary is still drudgery.


2. You hopped the first bus out of town.

2. 你跳上了第一辆向你驶来的汽车

Did you take your current job because it was the first thing to come along? Maybe your circumstances didn’t allow you to be choosey, but yesterday doesn’t always dictate today. Start taking steps right now to get your own set of wheels.


3. You took this bus because everyone else was taking it.

3. 你上这辆车是因为别人都上了这辆车

Your friends were doing it, your father or mother did it, or maybe your family has been doing it for generations. But you’re all grown up now and life is not a game of Follow the Leader. Mary H. Jacobsen wrote an entire book about the perils of “Hand Me Down Dreams.” Start exploring other destinations, find out where you want to go, and look for the first safe exit. If your parents jumped in a lake . . .?

你的朋友正在从事这个职业,你的父母曾经从事这个职业,你的家族世代从事这个职业。但是现在你已经成熟了,而生活也不是一场模仿秀。Mary H. Jacobsen 曾经用一本书来讲述“遗传梦想”的风险。从现在开始追寻你的梦想吧!找出你想去的地方,找到第一个安全出口,然后起航!

4. You find yourself looking out the window and wondering.

4. 你发现自己不时向车窗外张望并感到疑惑

What lies beyond the streets you’re traveling? That bus you’re on, the job you took some time ago, may have been just the thing you needed. A job can teach you the ins and outs of a business, develop skills you never knew you had, and yes, pay the bills, but it’s okay to change. It’s okay to grow. I’m giving you permission to explore new options. If you find yourself in a daydream, stay with it and see where it takes you.


5. You just can’t wait until the stupid thing stops.

5. 你迫不及待的想让这愚蠢的工作早点儿结束

Constantly checking your watch is perhaps the number one sign you’re on the wrong bus. In all my travels (all the jobs I’ve ever held), once I got beyond the learning phase, once I’d mastered the ins and outs of the job, I was bored – painfully bored, and I watched the clock like a time keeper at a sporting event. But when I’m taking the steps to build my own vision rooted in things I truly love and serving the kind of people I love, I only check my watch to make sure I haven’t missed an entire day. And that’s a clear sign you’ve taken the wheel and started driving your own dreams.


You In the Driver's Seat


Doing work you love transcends time. You get lost in it. You’re absorbed by it. An intensity comes over you and as Barbara Sher writes, “Life is just too short to live without that kind of focus.” And it’s way too short to spend riding around in circles on a bus going nowhere.

做自己喜欢的工作可以超越时间,因为你沉迷其中,深深地被它吸引。有一种紧迫感时刻笼罩着你,正如  Barbara Sher 所写“失去了焦点的生活真是空洞无味”,如果我们总是坐在漫无目的的汽车上打转儿,那生活真的就只剩下“空洞无味”了!

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