吉米老师发现很多人在流鼻血、受伤时的急救措施都是错误的,也许这些错误措施你也还在做,一起看看吧。英文来源:www.goodhousekeeping.com,作者:JENNIFER O'NEILL,英语口语(kouyu8)编辑翻译很多人的急救方法是完全错误的,这时一个错误可能会导致致命的后果。吉米老师整理了8种常见错误急救方法,希望能在性命攸关之时帮到他人。
当然吉米老师更希望大家永远不会用到这些方法,希望大家身体安康,一切都好。 Leaning back with a bloody noseIf blood flows down someone's trachea as they're reclining, it could make it hard to breathe or cause him or her to swallow blood, which may trigger vomiting.血液在后仰时顺着气管流下来,可能会导致呼吸困难或者伤者吞咽血液,引发呕吐。正确的做法: 把头向前倾,捏住鼻梁下方的鼻子,保持呼吸畅通。持续施压,不出意外,鼻血会在5分钟内止住。Don't slap an ice pack straight on that black-and-blue. Very cold temperatures start to freeze skin and cause damage.
不要把冰袋直接敷在青一块紫一块的伤口上,过低的温度会冻伤皮肤。正确的做法: 在冰块和皮肤之间放一层屏障,敷冰块20分钟,然后休息20分钟---- 循环往复。Giving a dehydrated person sodaBy quickly getting a parched person something, anything, to sip, you're actually making things worse. Caffeine and alcohol can both cause dehydration.让中暑的人喝碳酸饮料,只让事情变得更糟。因为咖啡因和酒精会导致脱水。正确的做法: 中暑后只能喝水或运动饮料。在阴凉处休息,每15分钟喝120ml 的水或功能饮料。如在半个小时内还没有好转,直接打119。Applying heat to a sprain
A warm cloth could dilate blood vessels so that blood rushes into the area and increases swelling.'温热的毛巾会扩张血管,导致血液涌入扭伤处,引发肿胀。正确的做法: 冷敷法冷敷20分钟,休息,然后再冷敷20分钟。在扭伤处敷够一个小时,如果疼痛没有减轻,那就要看医生了。Caffeinating someone who has faintedFainting tends to be mainly due to a drop in blood pressure. Caffeine only makes the situation worse正确的做法: 让她坐下,试着把昏厥的人的腿抬起来。这种姿势可以让血液流向头部,也可以保护她不会摔伤。Giving a choker the HeimlichJumping right in with the Heimlich maneuver's abdominal thrusts is no longer the advised action plan for a conscious choking person.正确的做法: 站在窒息者后面,让伤者身体前倾,用后手掌在他的肩胛骨之间重击五次。再让他站起来,用海姆利克法急救。循环往复5次,直到食物吐出来。Stopping the flow of blood to an injured limb can actually hurt more than it helps.正确的做法: 用纱布直接压在伤口上或旁边,防止对腿、胳膊、甚至手指的伤害。随着出血的减少,用新的纱布包扎该区域,并抬高伤口。Giving mouth-to-mouth after a heart attackIf you witness a teen or adult collapse, don't bother puckering up. 如果你看到青少年或成年人心脏病发作,不要人工呼吸。正确的做法: 简单来说,就是用力快速按压失去知觉的人的胸部,直到清醒过来。但人工呼吸和胸外按压相结合的方法仍是对婴儿、儿童以及溺水者的最佳治疗方法。以上就是8个常见的急救谎言啦,暑假将要到来,希望大家掌握了这些知识,但永远不会用到。