

E002 索菲亚.别尔斯

  索菲亚·别尔斯 (英译:Sophia Behrs),1844年8月22日-1919年11月4日,是杰出的俄国作家列夫·托尔斯泰的妻子。1862年9月17日,在托尔斯泰交给了索菲亚自己手写的求婚书后,两人正式订婚了,并在一周后于莫斯科成婚。当时,托尔斯泰已凭借《哥萨克》成了著名的小说家。婚后索菲亚为丈夫的文学创作事业奉献了许多,同时据考证,托翁以索菲亚为原型,创作了《战争与和平》中的娜塔莎与《安娜·卡列尼娜》中的基蒂。


  My Diaries by Sophia Behrs




  [ 02'12" ] Hysterical (歇斯底里的), insanely jealous (疯狂地爱嫉妒), shrew (泼妇)

  [ 03'08" ] I kept silent as a condemned (被谴责的) person. "Well" said Leon Nikolaivitch to me, "if you did the honors." I obeyed and served the tea. I was upset and could not free myself from a kind of fear. I could not address Nikolaivitch by his name.

  [ 05'00" ] I always dreamed of the man I would love as a completely whole... when he kisses me I am always thinking, I'm not the first woman he has loved.

  [ 06'14" ] He will not let me go into his room, which makes me very sad. All physical things disgust (使厌恶) him.

  [ 07'49" ] He is old and self-absorbed (自我吸收), whereas I feel young and long to do something wild. I'd like to turn a somersault (翻跟斗) rather than go to bed, but with whom?

  [ 09'41" ] The moment I think fondly of something or someone I tell myself no, I love only Lyovochka. But I absolutely must learn to love something else as he loves his work... but I hate being alone without him. My need to be near him grows stronger every day.

  [ 10'30" ] Meaningless (毫无意义的), mundane (平凡无奇的)

  [ 10'39" ] My life is so mundane, and my death. But he has such a rich internal life, talent and immortality (永垂不朽).

  [ 11'08" ] You simply cannot be happy just sitting there sewing or playing the piano alone, completely alone, and gradually realizing or rather becoming convinced that even though your husband may not love you, you are stuck (卡住) there forever and there you must sit.

  [ 13'08" ] He has aged greatly over the past year; he has now passed over to the last stage. But he has aged well. His spiritual life evidentially predominates (占主要地位) now. He likes to go for drives; he likes good food and a glass of wine the St. Rapheal wine company sent him for his jubilee (周年庆祝), but his body seems to live a separate life and his spirit exists on an altogether higher plane, independent of his body and indifferent to this earthly life (尘世生活).

  [ 15'58" ] Nothing she ever did was good enough.

  [ 17'30" ] The drama of marriage is not that it does not guarantee the wife the promised happiness—there is no guarantee of happiness—it is that it mutilates (毁灭) her; it dooms her to repetition and routine. The first twenty years of a woman's life are extraordinarily rich. She experiences menstruation, sexuality, marriage, and motherhood. She discovers the world and her destiny. She is mistress of home at twenty, linked from them and onto one man, a child in her arms. Now her life is finished forever. Real activity, real work are privilege of men. Her only occupations are sometimes exhausting, but never fulfill her.

  [ 20'39" ] Reciprocal (相互的)

  "The drama of marriage is not that it does not guarantee the wife the promised happiness—there is no guarantee

  of happiness."

  Simone de Beauvoir
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