

Unit 2 Module 2 wish you were here

Unit 2   Module 2   wish you were here

第一部分: 重点句子

1.      I have been quite busy arranging my holiday with my older brother, Colin.

2.      you have to wear a helmet and a life jacket for protection, just in case you fall into the river.

3.      plan to spend a few weeks travelling before he goes to university.

4.      there is no shade during the day

5.      I’ll buy a large backpack to carry my supplies of food and water.

6.      during the day, we’ll walk across the land, following the tracks of wildlife…


1.      ride camels through the desert

2.      about the size of

3.      camp in tents

4.      (I)bring a flash light with( me)

5.      go white-water rafting

6.      eat and drink whatever they do

7.      for defence

8.      scare… away

9.      see and elephant up close

10.  get thinner

11.  feel sick

12.  get plenty of

13.  waterproof matches

14.  first-aid kit

15.  23 November 2010 ; 23rd November 2010 ; 23/11/2010

 The twenty-third of November 2010/  November the twenty-third 2010

16.  the travel agent

17.  take a night train to

18.  see the splendid sight of

19.  regular flights between the two cities

20.  heaven on earth

21.  three rivers join together

22.  steep mountains reach to the sky

23.  tourist spot

24.  win the name of

25.  a perfect match for

26.  cover …with

27.  leave you at a loss for words

28.  reflect on

29.  like diamonds against the rick countryside

30.  be home to

31.  live in harmony with

32.  at its mildest


1.      afterwards

2.      extraordinary

3.      dusty

4.      brilliant

5.      altogether

6.      uncomfortable

7.      rough

8.      photograph

9.      sleeve

10.  check

11.  tourism

12.  schedule

13.  explore

14.  temple

15.  bury

16.  destination

17.  cage

18.  beauty

19.  highway

20.  classic

21.  novel

22.  kingdom

23.  forever

24.  officially

25.   publish

26.  announce

27.  cattle

28.  wander

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