



1.It’s____________(反常的,不正常的,变态的) for sb to do sth.  2.(石油价格突然降低)an __________ drop in oil price. 3.专心于/全神贯注于______________

4.(自由使用图书馆)free __________ to the library 5.考虑到,顾及,体谅___________________ 6.习惯于______________ 7.达到目的_______________;  获得成功/胜利________________  8.采取行动____________9.积极参加课外活动________________________10.沉浸于,上瘾的__________11.I’m __________(充分地)prepared 12.很多优点________________13.给某人一些忠告______________ 14.拥护,提倡,主张…..____________________15.吸烟影响健康_______________________ 16.负担的起;抽出时间_____________________

17.Are you for or ___________(反对)the plan? 18.同意某人(某人的意见,观点,看法)__________________________19.They are very much ________(相似的,相同的)20.He forgot it _________ (全完) 21.….中间,在(三个以上)之间22.(气得发抖)tremble with ________;  Don’t be __________(生气)with him.  

23. I want to go to _________(美国) for a trip, and experience___________culture.       

24.be _________(渴望的,急切的)for sth/ to do sth  25.(因某事向某人道歉)_______to sb for sth; make an __________to sb for sth. 26.申请___________

27.three different ___________(方法)to the study of mathematics 28.文章;东西,物品_______________29.He is __________(惭愧的) of his failure.30.May I __________(问你个问题)?  31.一种友好的气氛_____________________

32.认为很重要_____________________33.I want to ______________(上学) an ideal university this year. 34.Please _________________(注意)your handwriting please. 35. You can talk with the manager ,because he is _______________________(可会见的/有空)now. 36.We should raise the public____________(意识) of saving water.37.the ___________(平均) temperature.38.均衡的饮食_________________;保持生态平衡__________________________39.How much______________(行李)do you have?



1.廉价物品 _________ (n.) 2.与某人讨价还价___________ 3.障碍物 __________ (n.) 4.为基础___________ 5.美丽,美好事物__________ (n.)__________ (adj.)  6.成为一位医生___________(become/turn) 7.两瓶啤酒 _________ 8.很久以前__________ , 不久以后____________ 9…的开始_________ (begin)10.行为,举止__________ (n.) 11.信不信由你________ 12.利益,好处________ (n.) 有益的__________ 13.旁边_______(prep.),此外,而且__________ (adv.)14.(blame)归咎于_________,某人应对负责_______ 15.在甲板上__________, 出国,到国外_________,宽广的__________, 16.(bottom)从心底里,由衷地_________ 17.勇敢的_______ (adj.)勇敢_________ (n.), 18.(break)发生故障________,打断,插嘴___________,突破_________,与某人绝交___________,蹩脚英语__________19.吃一顿丰富的早餐___________ 20.深吸一口气____________ 21.呼吸__________ (v.) 22.桥,天桥_________ 23.bring)发生,导致________,归还________,使下降________,提出_________,引进_________,显现出___________,养育,呕吐____________ 24.(build)增强体质_________,树立信心__________ 25.负担________(n.) 26.(burst)突然哭起来_______ 27.(business)少管闲事__________ 28.(busy)忙于(做)某事_________ 29.(call)号召某人做某事________________,辱骂____________ 30.战役__________(n.) 31.尽可能地_________ 32.食堂___________(n.) 33.低碳的___________ 34.随便的,临时的__________ 35.化学 ________36.高兴∕振作起来__________ 37.(check)用支票___________,办理登记∕退房手续__________ 38.(cheat)欺骗某人做∕诈取某物___________ 39.在网上聊天________ 40.(charge)指控某人某事___________,负责管理_________ 41.性格,特征__________ 42.易变的,常变化的__________ 43.挑战___________ 44.世纪,百年_________ 45.庆祝________ 46.迎合,满足__________ 47.小心,谨慎___________ 48.(case)决不________ 49.粗心的________ 50.废除,删除___________



1. 别无选择只能做某事____________   2. 选择;决定_____________(过去式 、过去分词) 3.在圣诞节前夜___________________   4.香烟 _______________ 5.去看电影_______________________    6.市民________________7.平民;老百姓 ____________________    8. 拍手_________________9. 班级;阶层;等级________________   10. …. 分类___________11. 整理;(天气)放晴;消除疑虑_______________ 12. 登山;爬山_________________13. around the clock ____________________    14. keep a close eye on sth ______________15. 加入俱乐部_______________________    16. 两杯咖啡_____________17. 巧合_____________________________  18. 患感冒 _______________19. 同事;同僚________________________  20. 学院;高等专科学校______________21. ….结合______________________  22. 逐渐意识到______________________23. 偶然遇见________________________   24. 发生(不及物动词短语)___________

25. 他的梦想最终实现了______________________ 26.想出一个新主意________________27.生活舒适 ___________________      28. 精通英语___________________________29. 评论某事_______________________  30.犯罪___________________________31. 有许多共同点_____________________ 32. 相互交流___________________________33. 陪伴某人_________________________ 34. 因为….补偿某人_____________________

35. 与某人在哪方面竞争____________________ 36. 能力_____________________37.完成;完全的_______________________  38. 作文;作品;作曲___________________39. 妥协;折中________________________ 40. 担心考试___________________________41.就我而言____________________________ 42. 举办音乐会________________________

43. in conclusion/ in a word/ in a nutshell/ all in all/ in short_______________________44. 状况良好________________________  45. 售票员;指挥;导体______________46. 对自己有信心______________________  48. 证明;证实____________________49. 祝贺某人取得好成绩_____________________   50. conscience ______________

51. 结果;后果____________________________  52. 考虑做某事_____________________53. 对老人体贴___________________________ 54. ….考虑在内____________________55. 组成___________________________ 56. be consistent with ___________________

57. under construction______________________ 58. 请教我问题 ___________________59. …. 感到满意_______________________ 60. 相反__________________________61. contribute to doing sth ___________________ 62. ….做出贡献____________________63.某人方便做某事__________________________ 64. 常规的;传统的__________________

65. I’m convinced that________________________ 66. 表达;运送_____________________67. 考试即将来临___________________________ 68. correct the papers ________________69. correspond with sth/ sb ____________________ 70. 为代价_____________________

71. 咳嗽______________________________   72. 指望 ________________________73. a couple of hours ___________________   74. 鼓起勇气 _____________________75. 报道;够支付;覆盖;占据面积;走一段路程;看过页书___________________76.热衷于音乐_______________________   77. 创造_______________________

78. 罪犯______________________________ 79. 人群;挤满(vt_______________80. 对某人残酷_________________________ 81. 文化_________________________82.….好奇__________________________  83. 习俗;风俗___________________84. a regular customer ____________________ 85. ….. 造成伤害____________________86. 处于危险状态____________________87. (时间上)追溯到_________________(无被动)

88. turn a deaf ear to _____________________ 89. 死亡(n ______________________90. 决定(短语) _________________________ 91. 装饰;装修_______________________92. 做一件好事_________________________ 93. 在某种程度上______________________

94. 推迟做某事_________________________ 95.纤细的;精美的;易碎的______________96.让某人高兴的是_________________________ 97. 发表演讲________________________98. 美味的;可口的______________________  

99. 这个学校非常需要老师__________________________________________________

100. take one’s departure ____________________ 101. 那得看情况而定_________________102. 存放;储蓄;定金______________________ 103. 深度( n)_______________________104. 描述;描写(vt______________________ 105. 值得做某事_____________________106. 设计;绘制 __________________________ 107. 渴望做某事_____________________

108. 目的地;终点_______________________  109. destroy 的过去时________________110. 冲洗胶卷____________________________ 111. 致力于_________________________112 节食_______________________________ 113. A B不同 _____________________114. 有影响;起作用________________________



1. 做某事有困难、费力:__________________________  2. 挖:_______ 过去式_____ 过去分词_______ 3.消化___________ 4. 数字的、数码的 __________  5. 尊严 _________6. 进退两难 _________________ 7. 量度、尺寸;侧面:______________ 8. 二氧化碳:_____________ 9. 浸、蘸:________ 过去式_____ 过去分词_______ 10. 毕业证书:______11.间接的:___________ 12. 给某人指去某地的路:_____________________ 13.指示某人去干某事:___________________/____________________ 14. 方向感:________________

15. 姓名地址簿:_________________ 16. 对某人不利:___________________ 17. 分歧:_____________ 18. 从视线中消失:______________________ 19. 失望的神色;__________________ 20. 大祸:__________ 21. 折扣:_____________ 22.. 打消某人做某事的念头: __________________________ 23. 作出发现: _________________ 24. 歧视:_________25. 进行热烈的讨论:________________  26. 预防疾病:_______________ 27. 令人作呕的:________________ 28. 洗碗:____________ 29. 磁盘:______/_______  30.不考虑/不屑一提:____________ 31.在远处:____________ 32疏远的,冷淡的:________ 33久远的记忆:____________34.区别;辨别;卓越;荣誉:______________ 35. 区别、分清;使出名,使出众:________36.散发;分配;分布:_____________ 37.打扰、干扰:_________ 38. 各式各样的、形形色色的:_________  39. 被划分为 be _________ into  40. 眩晕的:___________ 41. 捐献,捐赠:____________ 42. 宿舍:_____________ 43. 征召,抽调:____________ 44. 抽屉:_________ 45. drink: 过去式_______ 过去分词_______  46 drive:过去式_______ 过去分词_______ 47. energetic, lively: d __________  48. 清朝:____________________  49.渴望做某事:________________  50.地震:______________ 51. 生态,生态学:________ 52.对某事有影响:________________  53. 不遗余力做某事:________________________54. 选举:__________; 挑选:__________  55. 电的:____________; 电子的:________56.优雅的;文雅的:_____________ 57. 使尴尬:_____________  58. 大使馆:_________59. 紧急情况下:____________________ 60. 雇佣,利用:______________ 61. 鼓励某人干某事:___________________ 62.工程师:________________ 63. 报名参加:_________64. 进取心,创业精神:______________  65, 对、、、热心:_______________________66. 入口:____________; 出口: ____________  67. 参赛作品:_____________ 68. 生态环境:_________________ 69. 出于嫉妒/爱心:_____________________ 70. 能胜任的:______________/_______________ 71. 比得上,能匹敌:__________/ __________ 72. 用、、、装备、、、:________________ 73. 一件办公设备:_____________________  74. 误入歧途:_________________ 75. 喷出,爆发:__________  76. 逃脱做某事:_____________ 77. 九死一生:________________ 78. in particular; above all: _____________ 79. 一个欧洲国家:_________________ 80. 估价, 评价: ____________  81. 结果,到头来:_________82. finally, at last: ______________   83. clearly, obviously :______________/ __________84. 进化论:__________________ 85. 进行体检:______________________ 86. 经检查:_________________ 87. 为某人树立榜样:_______________; 以身作则 _____________88.: an _____________( extremely good ) student  89. 除、、、以外(but, other than):_______;期望:__________ 90. 交换生:____________ 91. 进行锻炼 _______________ ; 做早操:___________________________  92. 举办展览:_________________________ 93. 消减开支: ___________________ 94. 有经验的:________________ 95. 做实验:___/_____/____/_____/_____________________  96. 专家, 能手:___________  97. 给予解释:________________________ 98. 对、、、直言不讳:___________  ________ 99. 探索方法____________________ 100. 出口,输出:______________; 进口:__________101. 表达;表情:______相貌,长相:____________  102. 延长期;电话分机:_____________ 103. 非凡的勇气:____________________ 104. 正视某人:_______________________ 105. 有好视力:____________________; 对、、、有鉴赏力:__________________ 106. 面临着:_______________107.逐渐消失;衰弱,病重死亡:_________________ 108. 未做某事;未能做某事:_________109. Words fail me. ______________________  110. 失败是成功之母:__________________111. fair(ly) and square(ly): __________________ 112. 展销会,商品交易会: _________113.信仰:__________ 114. fall: 过去式______ 过去分词_______ 115. 熟悉某人/某物:_________________116. 吸引某人,中某人的意:____________; 喜欢上、、、:___________;想要做某事;意想不到做某事:_______________; 精美的礼物:__________  117. 怪诞的,荒诞的:_____________ 118. 幻想:____________ 119. 出租车的乘客:________ 120..

系好,扣紧,固定好:__________ 121. 对、、、吹毛求疵:______________ 122. 欠某人个情:_____________; Do me a favour!: ____________________ 123. 特别喜爱的(人或物):

_____________ 124. (宗教的)节日,节期:__________, 节日,节期,喜庆日;会演:____________ 125. 节日的,喜庆的:___________ 126. 一丘之貉:___________ 127. feed:

过去式______ 过去分词_______  128. feel: 过去式______ 过去分词_______ 129. a _____

(感觉)of pain; a ___________() of art  130. 渡船,摆渡:___________ 131. 去请医生:_________/_________ a doctor  132. 轻微发烧:________________ 133. 一条恶狗:_____________. 134 人影;重要人物;数字:__________ 135. /装满了……________________/_______________  136. 资金,财政:____________ 137. 罚款: _____  138. 指甲:_______139. 结尾,结局,最后部分: ___________ 140. 放火: ____________  141. 射击;解雇:________ 142. 烟花: _________ 143. 渔夫:__________




1.有弹性的,柔韧的____________ 2.流利的,熟练的__________n.____________3.其结果如下___________________ 4.forbid: 过去式_________ 过去分词_________5.天气预报___________________ 6.外国的____________;外国人____________  7.forget it___________ 8.新的版式___________ 9.十四天;两星期___________ 10.幸运的;吉利的____________→n.____________ 11. 碰运气____________ 12.backward(s) and forward(s)____________ 13.foster__________  14.易碎的,已损坏的,瘦弱的__________ 15.有香味的,芳香的___________ 16.冰点__________ 17.刚毕业的大学生 ______________ 18.亲切的微笑____________ 19.吓得要命____________ 20.果汁___________ 21.玩得高兴___________ 22.家具__________ 23.不劳无获_____________________ 24.车库_________ 25.大体上___________ 26.一代一代人_________________ 27.慷慨的,大方的___________ 28.有天才的,有天赋的_____________ 29.闪光的并不都是金子。_____________________ 30.as good as__________ 31.统治___________ 32.担保,保证___________ 33.养成做某事的习惯 ____________________ 34.hang about/around___________ 35.十分和谐(短语)____________ 36.三个臭皮匠赛过诸葛亮__________________________________ 37.hear过去式_________ 过去分词_________ 38.高度___________ 39.到处______________ 40. 对做某事犹豫不定_________________ 41.捉迷藏_______________ 42.出于对某人的敬意____________________ 43.身份证明,鉴别______________ 44.身份____________ 45.违法的,非法的_____________ 46.小事件____________ 47.独立,自主_____________adj.____________48.表明,暗示,指示_____________ 49.influence→v.____________  50.最初的,开始的___________ 51.无辜的,无罪的____________ 52.短信 _______________53.保险(n)____________ →v.____________ 54. 智力,脑力___________ 55.中断,打断_____________ 56.中间休息,间歇_____________ 57.面试,采访_____________ 58.一封邀请书_________________ 59.趁热打铁__________________ 60.较年幼的___________ 61. 消磨时间_____________ 62.知识就是力量________________________



1. 抚恤金;养老金_________ 2. 百分之________ 3. 永久的________ 4. 许可;同意______ 5. 私人的;亲自的_________ 6. 内科医生__________ 7. 偶尔学会___________ 8. 首创者;倡导者 _______ 9. 清楚的;朴素的;完全的_________ 10. 愉快的;友善的____________ 11. 有毒的;败德的;讨厌的______________ 12. 抛光;擦亮_______________ 13. 流行的;受欢迎的__________ 14. 位置;名词;职务____________ 15. 拥有;具有;迷住________ 16. 推迟;延迟__________ 17. 潜在的;潜能___________ 18. 练习;惯例;常规________ 19. 珍贵的,彻底的_________ 20. 精确的;极清楚的___________ 21. 偏爱;优待_______ 22. 药方;处方药__________ 23. 新闻界;报界 ________24. 以前的__________ 25. 最初的;初等的________ 26. 特权_________ 27. 程序;步骤________ 28. 诺言;有希望干_____ 29. 提升;推销;促进__________ 30. 准时的_________ 31. 质量________ 32. 数量______ 33. 四分之一_________ 34. 不可能的________ 35. 饲养;种植;提出_________ 36. 随便的 __________37. 收据_________ 38. 使精神振奋__________ 39. 登记注册____________

40. 拒绝________ 41. 有关的;贴切的_________ 42. 仍是;剩下________ 43. 记得;想起__________ 44. 名誉;名声__________ 45. 储备; 预定_________ 46. 饭店__________ 47. 荒唐可笑的___________ 48. 粗糙的;艰难的_________ 49. 惯例;常规________ 50. 牺牲_________ 51. 风景;景色__________ 52. 怀疑的________ 53. 敏感的;易怒的________ 54. 阴凉处_________ 55. 影子__________ 56. 肤浅的___________ 57. 隐蔽处___________



1.优缺点_________ 2.肩并肩__________3.show的三种形式_____,_____,_____.4.炫耀_________ 5.阵雨,淋浴__________ 6.副作用__________ 7.叹息/________ 8.初见,乍看__________ 9.去观光________ 10.信号 ________ 11.签名__________ 12.重要性,意义_________ 13.类似__________ 14.简化,使简单________ 15.真诚地___________ 16.形势,局面_________ 17.去溜冰_________ 18.苗条的________ 19.闻起来很香的花_________ 20.打喷嚏_________ 21.社会问题________  22.社交技能_______ 23. 社会/社团_______ 24.软件_________ 25. 解决办法________ 26.有时候_________ 27.只要_________ 28.灵魂,心灵________ 29.(旅游)纪念品,纪念物_________ 30.在太空________  31.不遗余力________ 32.特别的。专门的________ 33.具体的,特定的________ 34.他拼写很差。__________ 35.精神,情绪 ________ 36.口头英语___________  37.男发言人_________ 38.赞助人,发起人__________ 39.广场,正方形,平方_________ 40.稳定的_________ 41.全体职员,员工________ 42.stand by/for____________, 43.标准的________ 44.饿死________ 45.state的汉语意思________ 46.发表声明________ 47.统计数字__________ 48.地位,身份_________ 49. steal的三种形式_______,________,________. 50.stick to 的汉语意思________ 51.胖的,粗壮的________ 52.正直的,坦率的________ 53.强项和弱项 ________ 54.加强,增强_______ 55.对某人严格要求________ 56.strike的汉语意思_________ 57.顽固的, 倔强的________ 58.风格,文体_______ 59.subject的汉意 60.主观的________ 61.提交,服从,屈从_______ 62.订阅_______ 63.代替_______ 64.突然的_______ 65.地位高的,上级的________ 66.剩余,过剩________ 67.使某人惊讶的是_______ 68.周围的_________ 69.幸存者________  70. 犯罪嫌疑人______ 71.swear的三种形式____,_____,_____ 72.肿大_____ 73.象征,符号________  74.他对盲人深感同情。__________________ 75.交响乐/________ 76.症状_________ 77.复习take短语_________ 78.的天分/才能_______ 79.靶子,目标 _______ 80.暂时的,临时的_______ 81.不确定的,暂定的________ 82.去看戏 _______  83.他、她、它们自己_________ 84.理论_______  85.因此,所以__________ 86.彻底的________ 87.遍及、贯穿________ 88.throw的三种形式_________,________,_________. 89.疲劳的,累的_________ 90.无法容忍________ c 91.坚硬的, 棘手的________  92.旅游业________ 93.旅游者________ 94.传统的__________  95.拥挤的交通_______ 96.改革,改造,转变__________  97.显而易见的,透明的,易懂的_________ 98.财富,金银财宝 _______ 99.一条裤子________ 100.他实现了梦想。__________ 101.复习turn 短语 102.典型的,有代表性的_________103.雨伞________ 104.失业________ 105.不幸的_________  106.上大学__________ 107.心烦的 ,苦恼的_____ 108.城市的_________ 109.休假________ 110.有价值__________ 111.垂直的__________ 112.暴力_________ 113.美德,优点_________ 114.打排球_________ 115.志愿者__________ 116.浪费时间做事__________ 117.愿意做事___________ 118.好吃的 ,很棒的__________









1.abnormal 2.abrupt 3.be absorbed in 4.access 5.take …into account/ consideration= take account of 6.be accustomed to sth/ doing sth 7.achieve one’s goal/ aim / purpose ; achieve success/ victory 8.take action 9.take an active part in after-class activites 10.be addicted tosth/doing 11.adequately 12.many advantages 13.give/offer sb some advice 14.advocate sth/ doing sth 15.Smoking affects health. 16.afford sth/ to do sth

17.against 18.agree with sb/ what sb says/ sb’s opinion/ idea/ view19.alike 20.altogether21.among22.anger ;angry23.America; American 24.anxious25.apologize ; apology 26.apply(to sb )for sth  27.approaches 28.article 29. ashamed 30.ask you a question 31.a friendly atmosphere 32.attach great importance to 33.attend 34.pay attention to 35.availabe 36.awareness 37.average38.a balance diet; keep the balance of nature.39.baggage


1. bargain, 2. bargain with sb.about/over sth. 3. barrier 4. base sth. on/upon…5.beauty, beautiful 6. become a doctor/turn doctor 7.two bottles of beer / two beers 8.long before, before long 9. at the beginning of… 10.behaviour 11. believe it or not 12.benefit , be beneficial to 13.beside , besides 14. blame sth. on sb.,sb. be to blame for 15.on board , go abroad, broad 16.from the bottom of one’s heart 17.brave, bravery 18.break down, break in , break through, break up (with sb.) ,broken English 19. have  a good/delicious breakfast 20.take a deep breath 21.breathe 22. bridge 23.bring about , bring back , bring down , bring forward bring in , being out , bring up 24. build up our body, build (up) our confidence 25. burden 26. burst into tears/ burst out crying 27. none of one’s business 28.be busy doing sth/with sth. 29.call on sb. to do sth. , call sb. names 30.campaign 31.as…as possible/ as…as one can 32.canteen 33. low-carbon 34.casual 35.chemistry 36. cheer (sb.)up 37.by check, check in / out 38.cheat sb. into doing sth./out of sth. 39.chat with sb. on line 40.charge sb. with sth. be in charge of sth. 41. character/ characteristics 42.changeable 43.challenge 44.century 45.celebrate/ observe 46. cater to 47. caution/ cautious 48.in no case 49.careless 50.cancel


1Have no choice but to do sth     2. choose/ chose/ chosen  3. on Christmas Eve  4. cigarette

5. go to the cinema    6. citizen    7. civilian   8. clap one’s hands  9. class   10. classify

11. clear up  12. go climbing/ climb the mountain  13. 昼夜地;夜以继日地  14. 密切注视

15. join the club    16. two coffees= two cups of coffee  17. coincidence  18. have/catch a cold

19. colleague    20. college  21. combine sth with sth  22. get to realize= come to realize

23. come across sb/sth    24.  come about/ take place   25. His dream finally comes true.

26. come up with a new idea  27.live in comfort     28. have a good command of English

29. make comments on sth    30. commit a crime  31. have a lot in common

32. communicate with each other  33. keep sb company  34. compensate sb for sth

35. compete with sb in sth  36. competence/ability/capacity  37. complete  38. composition

39. compromise  40. be concerned about exams 41. as far as I’m concerned 42. hold a concert

43. 总之;简言之 44. in good condition= in a good state   45.  conductor 

46. have confidence in myself= be confident of myself  47. confirm  49. congratulate sb on good exam results  50. 良心;道德感 51.as a consequence= as a result  52. consider doing sth

53. be considerate of/towards the old   54. take sth into consideration/account  55. consist of= be made up of = be composed of   56. ….. 一致  57. 在建设当中 58. consult me about questions   59. be content with sth= be satisfied with   60. on the contrary  61. 有助于;促成某事  62. make a contribution to doing sth   63. It is convenient for sb to do sth  64. conventional  65. 我相信  66. convey  67. The exam is around the corner  68.批改试卷

69. 一致;与某人通信  70. at the price of    71. have a cough  72. count on  73. 几小时  74. take up one’s courage   75. cover   76. be crazy about music= be keen on music

77. create   78. criminal  79. crowd   80. be cruel to sb   81. culture   82. be curious about

83.custom  84.老主顾  85. do/cause damage to   86. in danger  87.  date back to 88. 不理;置若罔闻 89.death  90. make a decision   91. decorate   92. do a good deed  93. to a degree/to some degree/to a certain degree 94. delay/ put off/ postpone doing sth   95. delicate

96. to one’s delight/ joy   97. deliver a speech    98. delicious 99. Teachers are in great need/demand in this school.  100. 出发;动身 101. That/ It all depends  102. deposit 103. depth

104. describe   105. deserve doing sth/ deserve to be done  106. design 107. desire to do sth

108. destination 109. destroyed   110. develop a film  111. devote oneself to doing sth 

112. go on a diet  113. A differ from B = A is different from B  114. make a difference


1. have /there is difficulty/trouble in doing sth  2. dig dug dug  3.digest  4. digital  5. dignity

6. be in a dilemma  7. dimension  8. carbon dioxide  9. dip dipped dipped  10. diploma  11.

indirect  12. direct sb to some place  13.direct sb to do sth/ direct sb that sb should do sth  14. the sense of direction 15. directory  16. to one’s disadvantage (对某人有利: to one’s favour)

17. disagreement  18. disappear from view  19. a disappointed look/ expression  20. disaster

21. discount  22. discourage sb from doing sth  23. make a discovery  24. discrimination  25. have a heated discussion  26. prevent a disease  27. disgusting  28. do/wash dishes  29. disk/disc 30. dismiss  31. in the distance  32. distant  33. a distant memory  34. distinction

35. distinguish  36. distribute  37. disturb  38. diverse  39. divided  40. dizzy  41. donate

42. dormitory/dorm  43. draft  44. drawer  45. drink drank drunk  46. drive drove driven  47. dynamic  48. the Qing Dynasty  49. be eager to do sth  50. earthquake  51. ecology  52.

have an effect/influence on   53. spare no effort to do sth  54. elect ; select/choose  55. electric; electronic 56. elegant 57. embarrass  58. embassy  59. in an emergency / in case of  emergency  60. employ  61. encourage sb to do sth  62. engineer  63. enter (sb/oneself) for 

64. enterprise  65. be enthusiastic about   66. entrance; exit  67. entry  68. the environment

69. out of envy/love  70. be equal to/ be fit for  71. equal/match  72. equip、、、with、、、 73. a piece of office equipment  74.  fall into error  75. erupt  76. escape doing sth  77. a narrow escape  78. especially  79. a European country  80.evaluate  81. in the event  82. eventually  83. in evidence / evidently  84. Theory of Evolution  85. have a medical examination  86. on examination  87. set an example to sb ; teach by example 88. excellent  89. except ; expect  90. an exchange student  91. take exercise ; do morning exercises  92. hold an exhibition  93. cut down expenses  94. experienced  95. do/make/perform/conduct/

carry out an experiment 96. expert  97. offer/provide an explanation  98. be explicit about  99. explore a way  100. export; import  101. expression; appearance  102. extension  103. extraordinary courage  104. look sb in the eye(s)/ face  105. have good eyesight; have an eye for  106 be faced with  107. fade away   108. fail to do  109. 我无法表达自己的感受。 110. Failure is the mother of success/ Failure always goes before success  111. 光明正大的、地 112. fair  113. faith   114. fell, fallen  115. be familiar with sb /sth  116. catch/take one’s fancy; take a fancy to ; fancy doing sth; a fancy gift  117. fantastic  118. fantasy  119. fare  120. fasten  121. find fault with  122. owe sb a favour ; (回答认为是愚蠢的问题) 得了吧! 123. favo(u)rite  124. feast; festival  125. festival  126. birds of a feather  127. fed, fed 128. felt, felt  129. feeling ; sense  130. ferry  131. fetch/send for a doctor  132. have/ run a slight fever 133. a fierce dog  134. figure  135. be filled wth/ be full of  136. finance  137. fine  138. fingernail  139. finish  140. set fire to sth/set sth on fire  141. fire  142. fireworks  143. fisherman


1.flexible  2.fluent; fluency  3.The results are as follows. 4.forbade; forbidden 5.weather forecast  6.foreign; foreigner 7.没关系  8.a new format  9.fortnight  10.fortunate; fortune  11.try one’s fortune 12.来回地  13.培养,培养;领养 14.fragile  15.fragrant  16.freezing point 17.fresh graduate 18.friendly smile  19.frighten to death  20.fruit juice 21.have fun  22.furniture  23.No pains, no gains. 24.garage  25.in general 26.from generation to generation 27.generous 28.gifted  29.All that glitters is not gold. 30.实际上等于;和……几乎一样 31.govern 32.guarantee  33.get into the habit of doing sth. 34.闲逛 35.in harmony 36.Two heads are better than one. 37.heard;heard 38.height  39.here and there  40.hesitate to do sth. 41.hide and seek  42.in honour of sb. 43.identification 44.identity  45.illegal  46.incident  47.indipendence;indipendent 48.indicate  49.influence 50.initial  51.innocent  52.instant message 53.insurance, insure 54.intelligence  55.interrupt 56.ieterval 57.interview 58.a letter of invitation 59.Strike while the iron is hot. 60.junior 61.kill time 62.Knoeledge is power.

Answers (P112-118)

1. pension 2. percent 3. permanent 4. permit 5. personal 6. physician 7. pick up 8. pioneer 9. plain 10. pleasant 11. poisonous 12. polish 13. popular 14. position 15. possess 16. postpone 17. potential 18. practice 19. precious 20. precise 21. preference 22. prescription 23. press 24. prevoius 25. primitive 26. privilege 27. procedure 28. promise 29. promote 30. punctual 31. quality 32. quantity 33. quarter 34. out of the question 35. raise 36. random 37. receipt 38. refresh 39. register 40. reject 41. relevent 42. remain 43. remember 44. reputation 45. reserve 46. restaurant 47. ridiculous 48. rough 49. routine 50. sacrifice 51. scenery 52. sceptical 53. sensitive 54. shade 55. shadow 56. shallow 57. shelter


1 shortcomings and virtues 2. shoulder to shoulder3. showed,showed/shown,showing4. show off 5. shower 6. side effects7. sigh 8. at first sight 9. go sightseeing 10. signal 11. signature 12. significance 13. be similar to 14. simplify 15. sincerely 16. situation 17. go skating 18. slim 19. the flowers smelling sweet 20. sneeze 21. a social problem  22. social skills 23. society 24. software 25. solution 26. sometimes 27. as /so long as 28. soul 29.souvenir 30. in space  31. spare no efforts to do 32. special 33. specific 34. He is poor at spelling. 35. spirit(s) 36. spoken English   37. spokesman 38. sponsor 39. square 40. stable 41. staff 42. 43. standard 44. die of starvation/ starve to death 45. 46. make a statement 47. statistics 48. status 49. stole,stolen,stealing 50. 51. stout 52. straightforward 53. strengths and weaknesses 54. strengthen 55. be strict with sb. in sth. 56. 57. stubborn 58. style 59.60. subjective 61. submit 62. subscribe to 63. substitute 64. all of a sudden 65. be superior to 66. surplus 67. to one’s surprise 68. surrounding 69. survival 70.suspect 71. swore,sworn,swearing 72. swell 73. symbol 74. He felt much sympathy for the blind. 75. symphony 76. symptom 77. 78. have/show a talent for doing 79. target 80. temporary 81. tentative 82. go to the theatre 83. themselves 84. theory  85. therefore 86. thorough 87. throughout 88threw,thrown,throwing 89.tired 90. can’t tolerate doing sth 91. tough  92. tourism 93. tourist 94. traditional  95. heavy traffic 96. transform  97. transparent 98. treasure99. a pair of trousers100. His dream came true at last. 101. 102. typical;103. umbrella 104. umemployment 105. unfortunate  106. go to university 107. upset 108. urban109. on vacation 110. be of value/ be valuable 111. vertical 112. violence 113. virtue 114. play volleyball 115. volunteer 116. waste time on sth./ in doing sth. 117. be willing to do sth. 118. yummy





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