


Volume I: Psychiatric Studies

On the psychology and pathology of so-called occult phenomena
On hysterical misreading.
On manic mood disorder.
A case of hysterical stupor in a prisoner in detention.
On simulated insanity.
A medical opinion on a case of simulated insanity.
A third and final opinion on two contradictory psychiatric diagnoses.
On the psychological diagnosis of facts.

Volume II: Experimental Researches

The associations of normal subjects.
An analysis of the associations of an epileptic.
The reaction-time ratio in the association experiment.
Experimental observations on the faculty of memory.
Psychoanalysis and association experiments.
The psychological diagnosis of evidence.
Association, dream, and hysterical symptom.
The psychopathological significance of the association experiment.
Disturbances of reproduction in the association experiment.
The association method.
The family constellation.
On the psychophysical relations of the association experiment.
Psychophysical investigations with the galvanometer and pneumograph in normal and insane individuals.
Further investigations on the galvanic phenomenon and respiration in normal and insane individuals.
Statistical details of enlistment.
New aspects of criminal psychology: contribution to the method used for psychological diagnosis of evidence.
The psychological methods of investigation used in the psychiatric clinic of the University of Zurich.
On the doctrine of complexes.
On the psychological diagnosis of evidence: the evidence-experiment in the Naf trial.

Volume III: The Psychogenesis of Mental Disease

The psychology of dementia praecox
The content of the psychoses
On psychological understanding
A criticism of Bleuler's theory of schizophrenic negativism.
On the importance of the unconscious in psychopathology.
On the problem of psychogenesis in mental disease.
Mental disease and the psyche.
On the psychogenesis of schizophrenia.
Recent thoughts on schizophrenia.
Letter to the chairman, symposium on chemical concepts of psychosis.

Volume 4: Freud and Psychoanalysis

Freud's Theory of Hysteria: A Reply to Aschaffenburg
The Freudian theory of hysteria.
The analysis of dreams.
A contribution to the psychology of rumour.
On the significance of number dreams.
Morton Prince' s "The mechanism and interpretation of dreams": a critical review.
On the criticism of psychoanalysis.
Concerning psychoanalysis.
The theory of psychoanalysis.
General aspects of psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalysis and neurosis.
Some crucial points in psychoanalysis: A correspondence between Dr. Jung and Dr. Loy.
Prefaces to "Collected papers on analytical psychology."
The significance of the father in the destiny of the individual.
Introduction to Kranefeldt's "secret ways of the mind."
Freud and Jung: Contrasts.

Volume V: Symbols of Transformation

Symbols of transformation. Part I. introduction
Two kinds of thinking
The Miller fantasies: anamnesis.
The hymn of creation
The song of the moth.
Symbols of transformation. Part II. Introduction.
The concept of libido.
The transformation of libido
The origin of the hero.
Symbols of the mother and of rebirth.
The battle for deliverance from the mother.
The dual mother.
The sacrifice.
Symbols of transformation. Epilogue.
Symbols of transformation. Appendix: the Miller fantasies.

Volume VI: Psychological Types

Psychological types. Introduction.
The problem of types in the history of classical and medieval thought.
Schiller's ideas on type problem.
The Apollonian and the Dionysian.
The type problem in human character.
The type problem in poetry.
The type problem in psychopathology.
The type problem in aesthetics.
The type problem in modern philosophy.
General description of the types.
Psychological types. Definitions.
Psychological types. Epilogue.

Volume VII: Two Essays on Analytical Psychology

On the psychology of the unconscious.
The relations between the ego and the unconscious.

Volume VIII: The Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche

On psychic energy.
On the nature of the psyche.
General aspects of dream psychology.
On the nature of dreams.
The psychological foundation of belief in spirits.
Spirit and life.
Basic postulates of analytical psychology.
Analytic psychology and Weltanschauung.
The real and the surreal.
The stages of life.
The soul and death.
Synchronicity: an acausal connecting principle.
The structure of the psyche.
Instinct and the unconscious.
Psychological factors determining human behavior.
The significance of constitution and heredity in psychology.
A review of the complex theory.
The transcendent function.

Volume IX.

i: The Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious

Archetypes of the collective unconscious.
The concept of the collective unconscious.
Concerning the archetypes, with special reference to the anima concept.
Psychological aspects of the mother archetype.
Concerning rebirth.
The psychology of the child archetype.
The psychological aspects of the Kore.
The phenomenology of the spirit in fairytales.
On the psychology of the trickster-figure.
Conscious, unconscious, and individuation.
A study in the process of individuation.
Concerning mandala symbolism.

ii: Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self

The ego.
The shadow.
The syzygy: anima and animus.
The self.
Christ, a symbol of the self.
The sign of the fishes.
The prophecies of Nostradamus.
The historical significance of the fish.
The ambivalence of the fish symbol.
The fish in alchemy.
The alchemical interpretation of the fish.
Background to the psychology of Christian alchemical symbolism.
Gnostic symbols of the self.
The structure and dynamics of the self.

Volume X: Civilization in Transition

The role of the unconscious.
Mind and earth.
Archaic man.
The spiritual problem of modern man.
The love problem of a student.
Woman in Europe.
The meaning of psychology for modern man.
The state of psychotherapy today.
Preface to "Essays on contemporary events."
After the catastrophe.
The fight with the shadow.
Epilogue to "Essays on contemporary events."
The undiscovered self (present and future).
Flying saucers: a modern myth of things seen in the skies.
A psychological view of conscience.
Good and evil in analytical psychology.
Introduction to Toni Wolff's "Studies in Jungian Psychology."
The Swiss line in the European spectrum.
The rise of a new world.
La revolution mondiale.
The complications of American psychology.
The dreamlike world of India.
What India can teach us.

Volume 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East

Psychology and religion.
A psychological approach to the dogma of the Trinity.
Transformation symbolism in the Mass.
Foreword to White's "God and the unconscious."
Foreword to Werblowsky's "Lucifer and Prometheus."
Brother Klaus.
Psychotherapists or the clergy.
Psychoanalysis and the cure of souls.
Answer to Job.
Psychological commentary on "The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation."
Psychological commentary on "The Tibetan Book of the Dead."
Yoga and the West.
Foreword to Suzuki's "Introduction to Zen Buddhism."
The psychology of Eastern meditation.
The holy men of India.
Foreword to the "I-Ching."

Volume 12: Psychology and Alchemy

Introduction to the religious and psychological problems of alchemy.
Individual dream symbolism in relation to the alchemy: a study of the unconscious processes at work in dreams.
Religious ideas in alchemy: an historical survey of alchemical ideas.

Volume 13: Alchemical Studies

Commentary on "The secret of the golden flower."
The visions of Zosimos
Paracelsus as a spiritual phenomenon.
The spirit Mercurius.
The philosophical tree.

Volume 14: Mysterium Coniunctionis

The components of the coniunctio.
The paradoxa.
The personification of the opposites.
Rex and regina.
Adam and Eve.
The conjunction.

Volume 15: The Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature

Paracelsus the physician.
Sigmund Freud in his historical setting.
In memory of Sigmund Freud.
Richard Wilhelm: in memoriam.
On the relation of analytical psychology to poetry.
Psychology and literature
Ulysses: a monologue.

Volume 16: The Practice of Psychotherapy

General problems of psychotherapy.
Principles of practical psychotherapy.
What is psychotherapy.
Some aspects of modern psychotherapy.
The aims of psychotherapy.
Problems of modern psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy and a philosophy of life.
Medicine and psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy today.
Fundamental questions of psychotherapy.
Specific problems of psychotherapy.
The therapeutic value of abreaction.
The practical use of dream-analysis.
The psychology of the transference.

Volume 17: The Development of Personality

Psychic conflicts in a child.
Introduction to Wickes's "The Inner World of Childhood." Introduction to Wickes's "Analyse der Kinderseele."
《序威克斯的“童年的精神世界”和“Analyse der Kinderseele”》
Child development and education.
Analytical psychology and education.
The gifted child.
The significance of the unconscious in individual education.
The development of personality.
Marriage as a psychological relationship.

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