


Zao Wou-Ki’s travels. A Quest beyond Appearances

Yann Hendgen

Art Director of the Zao Wou-Ki Foundation, Co-Curator of Centennial Retrospective Exhibition of Zao Wou-Ki


Travels and discoveries. From New York to Hong Kong. His own abstraction. 1957-1970’s

旅行和发现 / 从纽约到香港 / 赵无极的抽象 / 1957年至20世纪70年代

In 1957, Zao Wou-Ki decided to leave France and to visit his brother Wou-Wai, in New Jersey, close to New York City. His brother settled in the United States in 1944. In New York, Zao Wou-Ki visited galleries and museums, met the main actors of abstract painting, and made deep connections with painters like Franz Kline, Philip Guston, Adolph Gottlieb, Saul Steinberg or James Brooks.


It has been a great discovery for him because at the time he left China, it was not a subject at all: New York did not exist as an art scene for him. He only wanted to go to Paris because for him the place to be was Paris, although he made friends with a lot American GI’s based there, like Sam Francis or Norman Bluhm. He was also friend with Joan Mitchell. 


In 1957, he took advantage of being in New York to sign a contract with the famous gallerist, Samuel Kootz, who will diffuse his work in American museums and collections. In New York, Zao Wou-Ki will be really impressed with the size, the gestural and chromatic freedom, as well as the freshness of the American paintings.


After New York, Zao Wou-Ki decided to make a travel with his friends Pierre and Colette Soulages all over America, from Chicago to San Francisco, then to Hawaii, and then to Japan. They stayed for a while in Japan, which leads him to consider the tradition of China ink and Far Eastern calligraphy.


Zao Wou-Ki finally decided to settle alone in Hong Kong in early 1958 for nearly 6 months, as a visiting professor at the School of Fine Arts of New Asia College. In Hong Kong, he met his second wife, May. It was his first real way back to China, even if Hong Kong was not really mainland China. 


Zao Wou-Ki and May went back to Paris in August 1958. In the autumn of 1959, he bought a new house and created a new studio that would allow him to paint larger paintings. 



1963年,布面油画,200 × 180 cm

摄影 © 中国美术学院

Zao Wou-Ki, 21.10.63, 1963, oil on canvas, 200 × 180 cm

 Photo © China Academy of Art

The 1960s have been a period of intense creation, but also of many trips with May. They came back to New York City nearly each year for exhibitions at the Kootz Gallery. Sam Kootz urging him to create larger paintings for American collectors and his new studio brought Zao Wou-Ki to make large size works. When looking at 1960’s paintings, one can see his new style and the influence of the American painting: huge formats, free movements, freshness. 


Zao Wou-Ki moved on to painting the space. He exploded or concentrated his compositions, he used relations between colors, but also played with the softness of monochrome halftones. In a way, he became freer, as we can see with the very big Hommage to Edgard Varèse, now part of the Musée cantonal des beaux-arts in Lausanne. We are not connected to the Chinese world of signs anymore: this is something completely new, a new space, a new rhythm. 


As a conclusion: the slow rediscovery of China after 1972



1970年,纸本水墨,28 × 27.5 cm


图片来源 © Adagp, Paris

Zao Wou-Ki, Untitled, 1970, India ink on paper, 28 × 27.5 cm, 

Musée Cernuschi collection, Paris. Gift of Françoise Marquet-Zao

 Image Source: © Adagp, Paris

The early 1970s had been a hard period for Zao Wou-Ki, as his wife May’s illness became increasingly serious. For some time, Zao Wou-Ki sought refuge in his studio but he could hardly keep on painting with oil. He then followed his friend’s Henri Michaux advice: to reconnect with the technique of India ink. When he arrived in Paris, he had set ink aside in order not to be considered as a Chinese painter. He wanted to be considered as a painter above all and not as an exotic curiosity. 


India ink became an essential element of his creation. He remembered the gestures learnt during his childhood with his grandfather. The more he played with ink, the more he rediscovered the power of the space and of the void. It changed his perception of space and modified his practice of oil painting.


When comparing the paintingEn mémoire de May, made just after May passed away, and some India ink of the same period, one can see the deep connection and influence of this technique. 



1975-1985年,布面油画 ,250 × 260 cm

摄影:Naomi Wenger

Zao Wou-Ki, 05.03.75-07.01.85, 1975-1985, oil on canvas, 250 × 260 cm

 Photo: Naomi Wenger

May died in March 1972. Zao Wou-Ki came back to China right after, for the first time since 1948. He visited his family, and from then on, he would frequently return, as in 1975 to conduct his mother’s funeral. 


In 1983, he had his first exhibition in mainland China in Beijing and Hangzhou, and in 1985, he gave classes here in Hangzhou. During these trips, he immersed himself in landscape, in a nature in which he found a new breath. It was for him the occasion to let China comes back again in its creation. But this would be another journey to develop. 


As you have seen with the several speeches held in this symposium and in the exhibition itself, there are many ways to read and understand Zao Wou-Ki’s work. 


One can believe he was only Chinese, one can believe he was French. One can imagine that his many trips from China to France, from France to New York City, New York City to Japan, Hong Kong, mainland China and so on, brought him to be a different painter. We can easily understand he was not only Chinese or not only French, because he did not want to be just that. 


He was far more than that, and also far less: he just wanted to be a painter. 


And to end this short presentation, I would rather prefer to use his own words: “Can you imagine that? It is through Paul Cézanne that I came to French art, through Paul Klee that I went back to abstract art. And it is Rembrandt’s washes that revived my will to take back Chinese brushes, Chinese paper, India ink. And people go on asking me if I am a Chinese painter.”


This is the third part of the speech Yann Hendgen delivered at the forum, 'The Way Is Infinite: Zao Wou-Ki's World of Art', on September 20, 2023. This article is based on the audio record and approved by himself.

Some illustrations of Zao Wou-Ki's works in this article are slightly different with those in the speaking script due to copyrights.
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