

How to Deal with video marketing

                                             How to Deal with video marketing

With the above;
Maturing of the platform, a huge crowd of gold audience, a number of successful business case ... ... to all situations in Proof: video marketing can be the prime of life, companies must begin to seriously and try this new form of marketing. The large number of network platforms are eagerly looking forward to the tide of online video marketing, brought a new round of growth. "In the past the growth of Internet advertising, in fact, took more print media budget," the network video technology gives us more space and opportunities for advertisers to get the budget in his pocket. "

Video websites and companies who are preparing the arrival of a new round of market turmoil. But here, no lack of success, there are some losers. The face of new areas, business and marketing people who do? The face of dazzling video marketing, how they choose?

Five Advantages Video Marketing

"Web Video Marketing" refers to enterprises in various forms of various video clips on the Internet, to a certain marketing tool for propaganda purposes. Online video advertising in the form of TV-like video clips, the platform is on the Internet. "Video" and "Internet" with, so that this innovative form of marketing has the advantages of both: it has a TV and the various characteristics, such as infection and strong, and diverse forms of content, creativity, and so wanton, but also has Internet Marketing advantages, such as interactive, active-borne, spread fast, low cost and so on. However, the present regional businesses to national companies that are most suitable for the target range, or location restrictions obviously required a large scope of business will be done in the dissemination of control, or a more targeted creative, can be said that online video marketing, is between television advertising and Internet marketing, "pet" rolled into one.

Low cost

Many companies began to try online video advertising is an important reason is that investment in online video marketing, traditional advertising costs and the price difference is too great. A television commercial, put hundreds of thousands or even millions of things are normal, and can handle a few thousand dollars online video clips. Even a good idea, several employees can make a good video, free video sites to spread into.

At the same time, low prices has brought a very high price. According to Burst Media has completed the research results showed that 56.3% of online video viewers remember the ads inside video content. A widespread video can be a very small cost to the company to get great exposure. Precisely because of this, although the influence of Internet video advertising growing, but the company did not have the funds to pay much growth. "Online video advertising spending for TV ads Eryan hair of nine cattle can be considered, and this situation will last ten years at least." According to research firm eMarketer released last November's survey data, Internet ad spending in 2006 is only 0.6% of television advertising, while in 2010, this figure is expected to rise to 3.3%.

Undoubtedly, in this case, those preparing to cut advertising budgets to video marketing company will certainly help. A typical case: British drinks maker Britvic company cut a hundred-dimensional (Tango) brand fruit drink TV advertising budget, instead defected to the Internet. They designed a spoof of Sony's latest LCD TV ad video, which subtly into their products. After being placed on the Internet, this spoof of the much reproduced video, publicity surprise, Tango drinks have become the trend of young people drink.

Target Precision

One of the traditional marketing methods with the greatest difference, network marketing can be more precise to find the group of companies looking for potential consumers. As the newest way to network marketing, online video marketing is more accurate to play this feature.

For example, YouTube has "group (Group)" setting. This is a video on the network have the same tendency of Internet users interested in the collection. YouTube via targeted (Targeting) identify a specific audience, and through the effective impact of the possible ways they explore, develop their points of interest. Interesting content to attract audiences, while the audience continued support, reply to, upload and can produce good content. The interaction of a mass of one of the ways to promote the formation of group organizations. So, advertisers invest in a particular group of products, such as advertisers in the automotive group of video ads, or works in the collection of this group, you can achieve good results.

From this perspective, the selection process in the enterprise, the value of online video platform for the determination of the company with the traditional media are different. In the television media, more viewers, higher ratings mean more advertising revenue, more profit, the video site is not, the number of visitors does not necessarily mean more advertising revenue, and sometimes small the number of the large number of viewers than the audience is more valuable - if these small numbers of viewers to do some advertisers prefer things (such as clicking on ads, buy products, and access to other relevant web pages, etc.).

To sum up, the value of measuring the level of a factor in video sites than traditional media to measure the wealth of a much broader role of many factors to determine the value of online video company level. A few years ago to Video Egg, Starbucks invested $ 12,000,000, Video Egg is the reason why access to the favor of investors, because the audience on the Web site sponsor ads VideoEgg high click rate. According to statistics, Video Egg on the ad "click through" rate of more than 1%, while industry competitors with only a few per thousand hits.

Interactive + active

Internet marketing, interactive, video marketing, it was inherited. YouTube editors and readers will be well back between the proof of this: the user can use the new text on the publisher video response, you can also reply to the reply to the other, the viewer response is also the program momentum, there are more show high dispute rates are often high-profile hits soared. At the same time, users will be interesting to show them that the Links in their own blog or other forum, so video ads for the initiative of the "viral" spread to a wide range of videos, without any promotion companies charge cost and effort. The advantage is that television advertising does not.

At the same time, different from other forms of Internet marketing, video, more appealing, thus causing the active dissemination of users is also stronger.

November 2006, one called "how to YouTube, disgraced," the video in two days to attract 40 million views. Video, with their nest of young people in front of the camera head to complete a variety of tragic performances, it seems that fate at any time against him. To watch the trend in mind, Internet users to this video "points" on the list of the first, and spread to major sites. Although this video looks simple and rough, like most of the "family funny video" in the works. However, after the end of the video, the audience will find it on the page is Panasonic "undeniable TV" (Undeniable TV) the activities of advertising. This activity allows people to use the video "to describe a piece of undeniable things", the winner will receive an LCD TV and handheld cameras. Ultimately, this event attracted more than a dozen people involved, with very good results.

Spread rapidly

This feature is video marketing in many cases have been revealed beyond doubt. Cited example of an American campaign: In August 2006, Virginia's Republican Senate candidate George - Allen, in a speech that there is an Indian audience, the audience, and he inadvertently called the listeners "Africa macaques", this argument of racial discrimination with a strong color, this video was reached YouTube, in a very short period of time, netizens are angry copy and paste, spread rapidly, leading to Allen's reputation in the rapid decline in a few months time, and ultimately unsuccessful.

Effect can be measured

In all the statements described in the online video marketing, you can see a large number of figures: "Web Search Group Ping Chu several video sites-YouTube, MSN Video, YahooVideo, AOL Video, iFilm, the site's traffic radio and television in the United States five Web site traffic double, and the user in the former residence time of 12 minutes / time, which is longer than 8 minutes / time. "" This video clip was click on 30 million times, reprinted 5000 together with 2400 Review. "

Various digital video marketing for business "per a fee can be spent to find out where." User comments collected, it can be summed up the pros and cons of this video ads, greatly improving the effect of monitoring rate.

In short, "video marketing" is "interesting, useful and effective," the "three of" principle and the "fast is king" together. This is more and more companies have chosen as their online video marketing reasons.
Currently online video marketing, there are three modes: video placement ads, video viral marketing, UGC mode and video mode of interaction. The basic business model has been used many times, and the emergence of a large number of success stories.

In addition, with video technology and the expansion of the scope of the new marketing model is also emerging, such as video search, etc., as is also exploring, in this not to repeat.

Ad placement

Patch ad refers to the credits or titles in the video broadcast advertising inserts, and background advertisements. As the first online video marketing, television advertising placement ads can be regarded as an extension of the logic behind the operation is still the medium of the second sale of works.

Internet marketing, said the Foundation of senior people, and now users have a more independent: users mouse click you can fast forward and rewind, the most horrible thing is that users can easily copy and paste. Patch pirated TV ads direct marketing model, is clearly not consistent with the spirit of Web2.0 the supremacy of the user experience, and even to make it become tasteless, be friends easily skipped.

A pioneer in many countries, some of the video site some useful aspects of this exploration. U.S. video site Videoegg provided at the end of a video called "indicator" (Ticker) transparent clickable ad selection module, when the user clicks on it, watching the video will pause, and a new screen will open, the user can watch the ad film. If the user does not click the ad, the video will show you the preview of the next video clip. This technique can be increased by 5%? 8% of the click-through rate, cost per thousand is only 10 dollars. Compare the traditional ad placement to reach thousands of people the cost to reach 20? 50 dollars. Now a lot of video sites are using similar techniques or methods.

Microsoft, with its strong accumulation of video technology, has developed a new model of video advertising: the objects appearing in video content tagging and indexing, if the user viewing the video, an object on the screen are interested, you can Click the object to stimulate the appropriate video ads. In this way from the laboratory to reality, it should be huge for the online video marketing revolution.

YouTube has created a new video within the ad: a blurred video frame animation bar at the bottom 20% in the first 15 seconds after the video starts, 10 seconds will be reduced to a small button click.

Video Viral Marketing

Video viral marketing is another important online video marketing. Good video ads with no-cost Internet spread, success stories abound in this area. How to find the right brand appeal of the "virus" is the focus of business and marketing people need to think about. We need to do and can do is try to make when making the video advertising more creative, "delicious" and "Coke" and soft technology, to better attract the attention of consumers.

Case1: "spoil you rotten": personal aspirations of creativity and subject-specific

Recently, a crazy white-haired middle-aged man always appears in the video site YouTube, the most concerned about the rankings. This is called "Tom" guy who can think of all the stuff they can stuff into a blender on the table - poker, matches, lamp ... ... and even mobile phone! The beginning of each video, the old man will come with a protective eye on the sentence: "upsets the bad? This is a problem." (Will it blend? That is a question.)

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