

What to do today, leaders
                                           What to do today, leade

    The leader is not a plan, but to determine the direction; leader not organizations and with staff, but the staff coordinated; leadership and control is not the answer, but motivate staff.


Leadership (Leadership) and management (Management) different, but for different reasons and most people think is not the same. Leadership is neither magical nor mysterious, it is with the "charismatic" (Charisma) or other exotic personality traits does not matter. Leading not a few of the patent. Leadership is not superior to management may not be able to replace management.


Rather, leadership and management are two complementary but not the same as the behavior of individuals, each with its own features and characteristics. In the increasingly complex and volatile business environment, both of which are prerequisites for success.


Today, most U.S. corporate governance over the lack of leadership. They need to develop leadership skills. Successful companies will not wait for the emergence of a leader, they will actively look for people who have leadership potential, and put them to play such a potential position. Indeed, after careful screening, training and motivation, many people in the enterprise can play an important leadership role.


However, the leadership in improving the ability of these people at the same time, companies should keep in mind: strong leadership and weak management capacity is not necessarily better than the opposite, in fact, sometimes even worse. The real challenge is to strong leadership and strong management ability to combine and make the two checks and balances. Of course, not everyone is good at both leadership and management skills. Some people have the ability to become an excellent manager, but can not be a good leader; others have great leadership potential, but for some reason hard to become excellent managers. Smart people are thought highly of the two companies and work so that they become part of a team.


Comes to preparing personnel for senior management positions, these companies do not agree with "People can not only manage and lead" the recent research point of view, this is right. Their efforts to develop leaders - managers (leader-manager). Once the leadership and management companies understand the fundamental difference between, we can begin developing their senior managers to enable them to be good at both leadership and management skills. The difference between management and leadership, management and treatment of complications related. Management practices and procedures are mainly of the 20th century one of the most important developments - the emergence of large organizations - a response made. Without good management, complex enterprises may be chaotic, it faced a crisis. Good management to issues such as product quality and profitability of key indicators such as bring some order and coherence.


In contrast, leadership and respond to changes related. In recent years, leadership has become so important in part because the business is now more urgent intense global competition and more volatile. Many factors led to this change, including technology updates faster, international competition, government deregulation of the market, capital-intensive industry overcapacity, lack of stability of the oil cartel, the impact of junk bonds and the labor force changes in the structure. The end result of change, extending yesterday's practice, or 5% improvement, is no longer a successful formula. In this new environment to survive and compete effectively, major changes to become more and more necessary. More change always need more leadership.


Military to make a simple analogy. In peacetime, an army general as long as up and down all levels of administration and management are sound, combined with focused leadership at the highest level, often able to survive very well. However, in wartime, an army needs at each level of strong leadership. No one has to know how to effectively manage the army to fight, fight to rely on the military leadership.


Dealing with complex situations and respond to changes in these two different functions to form a management behavior and leadership characteristics. Systems are involved in two acts: decide what to do, establish a plan to complete the required staff and network of relationships, to ensure that these employees do their job. However, the leadership and management tasks to complete the three different approaches.


The first step in management is a complex situation to plan and to budget - for the future (usually the next month or next year) to set targets or goals, develop specific steps to accomplish these goals, and then allocate resources to complete the project. In contrast, leadership for constructive change in an organization begins with determining direction - the development of future (usually in the distant future) vision, and vision to achieve all the changes needed to develop appropriate strategies.


Management through the organization and staffing to develop the ability to complete the project, which would be: the creation of organizational structure, in accordance with the requirements to achieve the establishment of a series of jobs; for those jobs with qualified personnel; with these people to communicate on the plan; decentralization implementation plan for employees; and implementation plan designed monitoring system. However, leadership is the action corresponding to the staff coordinated (aligning people), that is to create alliances and understanding of these alliances to achieve this vision and commitment of staff to understand the new direction.


Finally, management by controlling and problem solving to ensure project completion - in the form of formal or informal, such as reports, meetings and other means, mutatis mutandis, the more specific plans to monitor the results and then find out the results and between schemes deviation, and finally through the planning and organization to solve the problem. But for the leadership, the realization of a vision requires motivating and inspiring employees - through recourse to the basic but often untapped human needs, values and emotions, making staff changes, even in the face enormous obstacles when they can move in the right direction.


All these activities on a more in-depth analysis will help those who need to have clear leadership skills.


Determine the direction of Vs to plan and to budget


Since the functions of leadership is to promote change, therefore, to determine the direction of change is critical for leaders. Determine the direction and formulate plans or make long-term planning has never been the same thing, although people often confuse the two. To plan a program of management is essentially deductive in nature, intended to produce orderly results, not change. Determine the direction of a more inductive, the leader extensive collection of data and find the interpretation that the pattern of things, relationships and associations. In addition, to determine the direction the leadership is not generated in the program, but the formation of vision and strategy. The description of a business vision and strategy, a technology or corporate culture in the distant future should look like, and to articulate the practical realization of this goal means.


Most of the discussion on the vision has a tendency toward mysticism, which means that vision has become a stage that even talented people do not expect to get the mysterious thing. However, a good development for the enterprise to determine the direction of not magic. This is an extremely arduous, and sometimes exhausting, the process of collecting and analyzing information. To clarify the vision of people who clearly are not magicians, but willing to take risks, and far-sighted strategic thinker.


Vision and strategy are not necessarily dazzling innovative, in fact, some of the best vision and strategy do not have this characteristic. Effective content is usually bland corporate vision, the idea contained in general has long been known. Combination of different points of view or model may be new, but sometimes even this combination is not new.


For example, when CEO Jim • Carlson (Jan Carlzon) elaborated his vision is to make the Scandinavian Airlines Systems (SAS) as the world's best airline passengers, business travelers, he said, not the air industry, something unheard of. Compared with other market segments, business passengers are more loyal passengers, but also willing to pay higher fares. Therefore, the focus on business passengers may lead to higher profits for airlines, more stable business and a more impressive growth. However, rather than the vision of a bureaucracy known for the industry, the company has never been put together these simple ideas and try to put into practice. But the SAS do, and succeeded.


Vision of the key points is not its originality, but the extent to which it is consistent with our customers, shareholders and employees and other important interest groups, and it can easily be transformed into a realistic, competitive strategy. Poor vision often overlooked some important legal requirements and power groups, such as favoring the interests of employees while ignoring the interests of customers or shareholders, or the strategy was flawed. If a weak even in a competitive industry, not as good as the company suddenly began to become the industry leader, it is nonsense, not a vision.


Lack of management over the leadership of those companies is one of the common mistakes, the long-term planning as a panacea to cure their lack of direction and can not adapt to the changing, increasingly competitive business environment of the disease. However, this practice is to determine the direction of the wrong understanding, is never successful.


Long-term planning is always time-consuming, when unforeseen circumstances, the plan must be re-enacted. In a dynamic business environment, unforeseen circumstances is often a rule, develop long-term plan will become exceptionally heavy work. This is why many successful companies have limited time for planning activities. In fact, some companies even think "long-term planning," the term itself is self-contradictory.


In a company without direction, even if short-term planning is also likely to become a black hole, consuming endless time and energy. If there is no vision and direction to restrict or guide the planning process, you'll need for every situation that may arise formulate corresponding plans. In such circumstances, it is possible contingency plans endlessly, draining to other more important work of the time and effort, but also can not provide the company needed a clear sense of direction. After a period of time, managers inevitably become cynical, the planning process may become a highly political game.


To maximize the role of the planning process, we must make it to determine the direction of the supplement, not substitute. Proper planning process can be an effective tool to determine the direction of the work of reality testing (reality Check). Similarly, a fruitful direction will also help clear the process of determining which plan is important and what plans does not matter.


Staff coordinated the organization and staffing Vs


A fundamental characteristic of modern organizations is interdependence, no one has absolute autonomy, most of the employees through their work, technology, management systems, organizational level and linked to many other employees. In the organization for change, these links become a special challenge. Unless the number of individuals are coordinated toward the same direction, otherwise people may be vying with one of confusion. For those of management too much and too little Leadership for senior managers to staff moving in one direction seems to be an organizational problem. However, in this case, managers do not need to organize people, but the staff coordinated.


Managers through the "organization" to establish as far as possible accurate and efficient personnel system implementation plan. In general, this may need to make a lot of complex decisions. A company must choose a job structure and reporting system, in various positions on the arrangements for a suitable candidate, in need of trained personnel to provide training for staff to fully understand the program and then decide how much decentralization and devolution of authority to whom. In addition, in order to complete the program also need to develop economic incentives, and establish monitoring systems implementation plan. These organizational decision-making and decision-making architecture is very similar between the two points of consideration are sought for a particular situation.


The staff is different coordinated, more of a challenge of communication, rather than design problems. Compared with the organizers, coordinators are always needed to communicate with more people. Exchange of the target population may not only include the management of subordinates, but also including supervisors, colleagues of the same level, the company of other department employees, and suppliers, government officials, and even customers. Anything that might help or hinder the implementation of the vision and strategy are all relevant personnel. Try to make people understand a new vision for the future is also a communication challenge, organized people to accomplish more than a short-term plan to much more difficult. Very significant differences between the two, the former is like the quarterback of a football team trying to explain to his teammates in the game to half of the season in the new tactics adopted, which is like a quarterback trying to tell his teammates that were In the next twenty-three how to fight.


Whether this information is used with many words or a few carefully selected symbols to communicate, people may not understand because they had to be accepted. Another major challenge leadership is to establish credibility, that is, how to make people believe this information. Can help establish the credibility of a lot of things: a good communicator record the contents of the information itself, communication in the integrity and reputation for reliable and consistent words and deeds.


Finally, the staff coordinated move toward decentralization, and organizers are very rarely do so. Some enterprises difficult to adapt to rapidly changing markets or technology, one of the reasons is that many employees of these companies relative lack of rights. Past experience to let them know, even if they are accurately observed significant changes in the external environment, and then started to take appropriate action, they will not like what they were doing some high-level people's criticisms. They may be subject to a variety of condemnation: "This is against our policy", or "so do we stand," or "shut up, so are you doing you just do it."


Coordinated so that staff can help at least two ways to solve this problem is difficult mandate. First, when the whole organization are the development direction of the company have a clear understanding of lower-level employees will not be able to take action earlier as disapproval. As long as their actions consistent with the company's vision, the boss is difficult to condemn them. Second, because everyone targeting the same goals, so a person's action due to the actions of others hampered by the possibility of conflict will be smaller.


Vs control and motivate employees to solve problems


Because change is the function of leadership, high morale can stimulate changes in behavior to cope with the inevitable obstacles is very important. As can clearly determine the direction of the appropriate line of business forward, as the effective coordination of employees to enable them to move forward along the established route to successfully motivate employees to ensure they have the strength to overcome obstacles.


According to management, logic, control mechanism is the system behavior (system Behavior) compared with the plan, if it is found deviations to take timely corrective action. For example, in a well-managed factories, as reflected in: the quality of the planning process to set a reasonable goal; organization established to accomplish these goals during the organizational structure; control process to ensure timely, rather than 30 or 60 days later and found quality problems be corrected.


Some people think that the highly motivated behavior and management is almost irrelevant, they are the grounds, with emphasis on management control are the reasons cited by some of the same. Management process must be as much as possible to prevent failure and avoid the risk, which means that each process can not rely on non-conventional factors, or difficult to achieve. The whole purpose of the system and structure is to help those law-abiding, successful completion of the general staff regular work day after day. This is neither exciting nor desirable. However, this is management.


Leadership is not the same. To achieve the grand vision often need an energy. Inspire and encourage that exciting, but not as a means to rely on control mechanisms that push people in the right direction, but to meet people's basic needs, such as maturity, sense of belonging, recognition, self-esteem, to master their own lives and realize their ideals and so on. This makes us feel deeply moved, and make a great response.


Good leaders inspire people through a variety of ways. First, they are always portrayed to the audience a clear corporate vision and values emphasize the importance of the audience. This makes this work is very important for everyone. Leaders also often let people in on how to achieve organizational vision (or with a person closely related issues) decision-making. This gives people a sense of control. Another important incentive is that, through counseling, provide feedback and set an example to support the efforts of employees to realize their vision to help career development, enhance their self-esteem. Finally, good leaders give employees recognition and rewards success, not only the staff have a sense of accomplishment, but also make them feel they belong to a caring organization. Do the above, the work itself will have an inherent incentive.


Changes in business environment with more features, the greater the need for leaders inspire others to leadership. If you do this, it is possible to continue to produce throughout the organization leadership, so that people in different levels across the organization to act as multiple leadership roles. This is very important because in any complex enterprise implementation of change requires many employees taking the initiative. Otherwise, the change will not succeed.


Of course, the leadership from different aspects may not be harmony and unity, is actually very easily lead to conflicts. Make multiple leadership roles are not mutually contradictory, it must establish appropriate mechanisms to coordinate people's actions carefully. These mechanisms differ from traditional management role of coordination mechanisms.


A strong network of informal relationships that occur in a healthy culture of the company that will help coordinate leadership activities, coordinated way with the formal structure of coordination and management activities in almost the same way. The key difference is that, for the change requires more coordination and unconventional activities, coordination of the informal  network to meet their needs. A large number of communication channels and are linked to these channels of trust between individuals, as a constant process of adjustment and adaptation to create the conditions. When the roles are in conflict, those relationships help resolve disputes. Perhaps most important is that this process of dialogue and reconciliation to produce interrelated and mutually compatible vision, not the distant, long-term mutually exclusive. All this required coordination and management role of communication than the communication needs much more. However, the difference is with the formal structure, a strong informal network to do this.


In all organizations there are some informal relationships. However, in most cases, these relationships the network is not very small (close to some people, but most is not the case), is very fragmented. In marketing and R & D within the department have a strong network of relationships exist, but have not taken the two departments. Such networks can not support multiple good leadership. In fact, the extensive informal networks are important, if the enterprise does not yet exist, then such a network, a major leader in the early stages of operation, the establishment of such a network must become a priority.


Create a leadership culture


Although the leadership more and more important for business success, but most people actually seem to undermine the actual work experience for the cultivation of leadership qualities required. Nevertheless, some companies still have been training the staff to show us an outstanding leadership - the ability of managers. Recruitment of employees with leadership potential is only a first step, equally important is to manage their career development. Effective leadership roles in key individuals, often have many of the same career.


Perhaps the most typical and the most important thing is early in his career experienced a tremendous challenge. Leaders are almost always in their twenty or thirty years of age have the opportunity to try for leadership, to take risks and learn from the successes and failures. For a wide range of leadership skills training and leadership perspective, this study seems to be essential. These opportunities also allow people to understand the difficulties of leadership and its potential to mobilize for change.


In the later stages of their careers, is also important to broaden the (broadening). Able to effectively play an important leadership positions who, in the play before those important posts, most managers tend to have taken the career opportunities specific to the kind of narrow space. This is usually the lateral move, or early promotion to the very broad responsibilities in the workplace results. Sometimes also help some other means, such as a special working group leaders, or on a long-term integrated management courses. Whatever the form, this way the extensive knowledge accumulated, it seems that all aspects of leadership have helped. Equally useful is the relationship networks that often both within the company and outside the company formation. When enough people with such training opportunities, the relationship has been established also help support a variety of leadership necessary to effect the formation of a strong informal network.


Those who develop leaders is stronger than the general level of the enterprise, will emphasize the relatively young staff to create challenging opportunities. In many enterprises, decentralization (Decentralization) is the key. By definition, decentralization is the devolution of responsibility in the organization, and in the process at a lower level to create more challenging. Johnson & Johnson (Johnson & Johnson), 3M, Hewlett-Packard (Hewlett-Packard), General Electric (General Electric) and many other well-known companies, have very successfully used this approach. These companies, some of them as much as possible the establishment of small business units, thus creating a lot of challenging, lower-level general management positions.


Sometimes, these companies also by emphasizing the help of new products and services to grow, manufacture other challenging opportunities. Over the years, 3M Company has a policy that sales revenue of at least 25% must come from the past 5 years, introduced new products. This facilitated the development of small new business, and this development has provided hundreds of opportunities to test and hone leadership potential of young people.


These practices can cultivate their own little leadership positions needs of small and medium business people. However, the development of a critical leadership positions in senior management personnel also need more effort, usually take a long time. The first step is to find early in the career development of people with leadership potential and identify training and development of these people need.


This once again shows that this process is not magic. The methods used by successful companies surprisingly straightforward. These companies specifically for senior management to observe the organization of young people and lower-level personnel. And senior managers to make their own judgments: Who has the potential of what these people need training. Executives also discussed their preliminary findings in order to make more accurate judgments.


In the know who have leadership potential, and what skills they need to improve after the senior management of these companies went on to develop training plans. Sometimes, this work is a formal succession plan or a high-potential employees as part of training process, but more often informal. In either case, the crucial point which seems sensible to assess possible opportunities for a candidate's needs.


To encourage managers to participate in these activities, leading companies generally well recognized or rewarded successfully trained a staff of leaders. This is generally not adopted a formal remuneration or bonus calculation formula, because this result is difficult to measure accurately. However, it is indeed a decisive promotion - promotion to the top management in particular - one of the factors, then it is important that capacity-building. Once that future opportunities for promotion to a certain extent depends on their ability to develop leaders, even those who believe that leadership is not training people will find ways to do it.


This strategy helps to create a corporate culture. In such cultures, people believe that strong leadership is important and trying to create leadership. Today's world is a complex organization of the world, just as we need more people to play a leadership in which, as we need more people in  the organization to develop leadership to create a culture. So that the leadership at the core of the cultural institutionalization, is the leader of the most fundamental action.




When Gerstner (Lou Gerstner) 1979 assuming the position of American Express (American Express) Travel Related Services (TRS) president and branch, this branch is facing the history of American Express in mid-130 encountered the greatest challenges. Hundreds of banks are going through the Visa or MasterCard cards and (MasterCard) to open their credit card service, which will compete with American Express cards. In addition, more than 20 financial services companies are entering the business traveler. In a mature market, this increased competition usually results in reduced profits and growth delay.


But Gerstner did not think so. Joining American Express, he has 5 years of TRS as a consultant, the Ministry of Tourism of the loss and competition becoming more fierce than the credit card operations analysis. Gerstner and his team explored the economic, market and competitive aspects of the basic problem, an insight into the business. In the process, he developed a vision of TRS, and this vision does not look like a mature industry with 130 years of history developed by the company.


Gerstner believes that despite the thousands of banks from the Visa card and MasterCard impact, TRS has the potential to become a dynamic and growing businesses. The key is to focus on the international market, especially American Express has been using the highest quality products to serve the relatively affluent customers. Further broken down by the market, active, extensive development of new products and services, and increase productivity and reduce costs to invest, TRS will have enough spare cash to buy more services from the TRS to provide customers with the best possible services.


The week after taking office, Gerstner put the management of credit-card company called up and asked them about all the basic principles of doing business. In particular, he is widely recognized both questioned the view: a company should only have one product - a green card; the other is the product development and innovation potential is limited.


Gerstner also move quickly to build a more entrepreneurial culture, employment and training to grow with the company's employees, they are clearly communicated to the company's overall direction. He and other senior managers were informed of the risk-taking behavior rewarded. In order to promote the entrepreneurial spirit, they oppose unnecessary bureaucracy. They also raise employment standards, set up a TRS graduate management project. The project is great potential to provide special training for young people, let them have a wealth of experience to enable them to frequent contacts with the most senior management. TRS staff to encourage adventure, Gerstner also created called "performance with outstanding" program to recognize and reward true excellence in customer service - the core of organization vision of a creed.


These incentives will soon bring new markets, products and services. TRS vigorously develop overseas business. By 1988, the American Express cards issued by 29 different currencies (and 10 years ago, only 11 species). The company also greatly committed to the two traditionally neglected segment of the market: college students and women. 1981, TRS combines the power of credit card and travel services for enterprise customers monitor and control travel costs of a unified system. By 1988, American Express has become the fifth-through-email vendors.


Other new products and services include: the use of all goods purchased by American Express card to provide 90 days of insurance, the American Express Platinum card and called the transport card (Optima) a loop credit card. In 1988, the company also began to use image processing technology to issue bills, both to provide customers a more convenient monthly billing, but also to reduce the cost of issuing bills by 25%.


Through these innovations, in the period 1978 to 1987, TRS alarming increase in net income by 500%, equivalent to about 18% compound annual growth rate. The results exceeded many so-called high-tech or high growth companies. To 28% in 1988 in terms of return on equity, the company's performance has exceeded most of the low growth, high-profit company.


Coordinated so that employees: • Chuck Trowbridge and Bob Crandall at Eastman Kodak •


Eastman Kodak (Eastman Kodak) in the 20th century into the early 70s copying industry, focusing on the technical complexity, each an average price of about $ 60,000 of the machines. In the next 10 years, the development of this industry to an annual income of nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars. However, the cost is very high in this industry, it is difficult to obtain profits, the problem almost everywhere. In 1984, Kodak had to write off the $ 40,000,000 of stock. Most companies are aware a problem, but how to solve problems they can not reach a consensus. Therefore, Chuck • Trowbridge (Chuck Trowbridge) in the copy as the new product group (founded in 1984), general manager of the first two months, the group met every important figure in as well as Kodak's copier business on who may have an important role. One area of particular importance is the Bob • Crandall (Bob Crandall) led the engineering and production departments.

Trowbridge and Crandall set for the engineering and production department's vision is simple: to become a world-class manufacturing facility, creating a less bureaucratic and more decentralized organization. However, this information is difficult to convey, because regardless of the copy product group or the majority of its branch in Kodak, this vision differ materially from the previous promotion. Thus, Crandall emphasized by a number of measures to a new direction and make it consistent with them. These include: reporting directly to him with 12 people meets weekly; monthly held "Copy Products Forum", his men, a different staff for each department to meet with him; on the recent discussion of improvements and new projects, to achieve better results; held with the respective department managers meet quarterly for all employees "sector status quo" will.

Del carats and all persons reporting directly to him will be once a month with the organization in a field 80 to 100 employees met to discuss their wish to discuss anything. To him the largest supplier of Kodak equipment division (for 1 / 3 for the design and production of parts) coherence, he and his managers every Thursday and the senior manager of that department lunch. Later, he founded called "business meeting" in the form of his managers at the meeting on a specific topic, such as inventory or the main schedule, with 12 to 20 individuals to discuss. Its purpose is: to get his 1,500 employees participated in at least once a year an issue that concerns only the business meeting.

Trowbridge and Crandall also written communication into their work. Employee per month will receive a 4 to 8-page "Copy Products Journal." Employees can also be called "faith dialogue" activities, in an anonymous way to Crandall and his senior managers to ask questions, and guaranteed response. However, the most obvious and most powerful way to communicate in writing chart. In one of the main corridor near the restaurant, these huge chart clearly shows that compared with the arduous goal of each product's quality, cost and transport situation. In the manufacturing area is also scattered throughout these 100 specific version of the chart, reflecting the quality of specific working group level and cost.

The harmonization process vigorously within 6 months of initial success, one year after the effect is more evident. These successes make the information more credible long-term, but also help attract more people to join. In 1984 and 1988, the quality of a major product lines increased by nearly 100 times. The number of defects per unit dropped from 30 to 0.3. After 3 years, the cost of other product lines declined by nearly 24%. On time delivery rate of 82% in 1985 rising to 95% in 1987. In 1984 and 1988, although production is increasing, but inventory levels fell by 50%. In addition, if the production per number of production personnel to calculate, in 1985 and 1988 more than doubled productivity.


Motivate staff: Richard Nicolosi at Procter & Gamble •



Established from 1956 onwards, after about 20 years, Procter & Gamble Company (Procter & Gamble) for its consumer products business unit of paper products good quality, reasonable pricing and good marketing and fresh every opponent. However, the 20th century, late 70s, the business unit's market position has changed. Intense competition emerging in P & G has been hit hard. For example, according to industry analysts estimate the company's market share of disposable diapers from the mid-70s, 75% to 52% in 1984.


In that year, Richard • Nicolosi (Richard Nicolosi) to serve as deputy general manager of the paper products department. Previously, he worked at P & G's small, fast-growing soft drinks division for 3 years.




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