

James Galway巴哈: 长笛奏鸣
专辑英文名: Bach: Sonatas
专辑中文名: 巴哈: 长笛奏鸣
艺术家James Galway
古典类型: 奏鸣曲
资源格式: FLAC
发行时间: 1995年



爱尔兰长笛家高威被称为「黄金长笛手」,是电影「魔笛」配乐中的长笛手,也是卡拉扬时代柏林爱乐的首席长笛手。出身法国长笛家朗帕尔和Marcel Moyse门下的他,最早英国的爱乐管弦乐团创团时被延聘,当时爱乐就是交由卡拉扬训练的,於是当卡拉扬回到柏林爱乐后,在1969年延揽了他前往,他在柏林爱乐一待六年,最后不顾卡拉扬的反对,坚持脱团发展独奏家生涯,没想到意外成功,成为缔造多项畅销纪录的长笛家,这是后来长笛家再也无法望其项背的成绩。这份录音完成於1995年,他的音色、技巧和对乐曲的忠实度正处於巔峰状态,不失为一份大师级的示范演奏。


Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750)

Flute Sonatas
[1]-[3] Sonata in B minor, BWV1030
[4]-[7] Sonata in E major, BWV1035
[8]-[11] Sonata in E minor, BWV1034
[12]-[15]Sonata in C major, BWV1033
[16]-[18]Sonata in G minor, BWV1020
[19]-[21]Sonata in E flat major, BWV1031

SONYBMG 886975873722(1CD)
留声经典盘13 - 巴哈:长笛奏鸣曲【1CD】
Essential Masterworks 13 - J.S.Bach:Flute Sonatas
詹姆斯.高威, 长笛
James Galway, Flute / Phillip Moll, Harpsichord / Sarah Cunningham, viola da gamba

Release Date 1995
Duration 01:15:14
Genre Classical
Styles Chamber Music

Release Date: 02/14/1995
Label: Rca Victor Red Seal Catalog #: 62555 Spars Code: DDD
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Performer: James Galway, Sarah Cunningham, Phillip Moll
Number of Discs: 1
Recorded in: Stereo
Length: 1 Hours 15 Mins.

Performer: James Galway, Phillip Moll, Sarah Cunningham
Composer: Johann Sebastian Bach
Audio CD (February 14, 1995)
Number of Discs: 1
Label: RCA
ASIN: B000003FP6

5.0 out of 5 stars Just Perfect! March 9, 2000
By Daniel
Format:Audio CD
This is a must recording for all bach's and flute lovers. Galway shows a technical skill that makes this interpretation even better of Rampal, Nicolet or Larrieu, with a precise timing and phrasing. The excesive sound processing and non very Barroque interpretation can be a weak point for the most classical and ortodox audience, who probably prefer Aurèl Nicolet. Anyway, this is the spatial sound i like!.
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6 of 7 people found the following review helpful
3.0 out of 5 stars Just OK June 28, 2009
By Sebastian Winston
Format:Audio CD|Amazon Verified Purchase
Galway is obviously one of the greatest flutists of this or any generation. Having said that, I must say that I find this recording only mediocre. The first problem that any modern flutist must deal with in these pieces is one of historical accuracy. OK, so the instrument he plays was not even invented until the early 19th century but nonetheless, the approach should at least tip its hat to the voluminous research of the last fifty years. Galway just blasts on through with the way that he thinks it should go, historical accuracy be damned. Second, he seems strangely disembodied from his playing on this disc. I am left wondering if he wouldn't just prefer to be playing something flashier than J.S. Bach. If you want a modern version, get your hands on Julius Baker's. For a more historically informed performance, try Janet See's excellent two disc set.
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1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Getting an excellent restoration of BWV 1032 May 3, 2011
By William J. Coburn
Format:Audio CD
When the first volume of James Galway's performances of Bach's flute sonatas was released, one of the sonatas was left out. That was BWV 1032, the sonata in C Major. That is the sonata that is missing most the part for the viola da gamba. Someone long ago ripped out of the manuscript most of the part for that instrument. What you can do is buy volume 2 from another seller at Amazon; RCA has not reissued it, or you can buy a CD issued by the Musical Heritage Society and available at Amazon that contains a restoration of BWV 1032. The sonata had originally been a concerto. In the nineteenth century, a German musician named Wilhelm Mohr restored BWV 1032. The result sounds great. Also included on this CD are fine performances by Galway of the Orchestral Suite No. 2 and the Concerto for Flute, Violin and Harpsichord.


01. Sonata, BWV 1030 in B minor, Andanta 7:25 92
02. Sonata, BWV 1030 in B minor, Largo e dolce 4:23
03. Sonata, BWV 1030 in B minor, Presto 5:21
04. Sonata, BWV 1035 in E, Adagio ma non tanto 2:43
05. Sonata, BWV 1035 in E, Allegro 2:55
06. Sonata, BWV 1035 in E, Siciliano 3:35
07. Sonata, BWV 1035 in E, Allegro assai 3:07
08. Sonata, Bwv 1034 in E Minor, Adagio Ma Non Tanto 3:47
09. Sonata, Bwv 1034 in E Minor, Allegro 4:37
10. Sonata, Bwv 1034 in E Minor, Andante 3:41
12. Sonata, BWV 1033 in C, Andante 1:41
13. Sonata, BWV 1033 in C, Allegro 2:12
14. Sonata, BWV 1033 in C, Adagio 1:59
15. Sonata, BWV 1033 in C, Menuet I & II 2:37
16. Sonata, BWV 1020 in G minor, Allegro 5:04
17. Sonata, BWV 1020 in G minor, Adagio 2:50
19. Sonata, BWV 1031 in E-flat, Allegro Moderato 3:47
20. Sonata, BWV 1031 in E-flat, Siciliana 2:11
21. Sonata, BWV 1031 in E-flat, Allegro 4:41

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