

四六级作文点津(24):范文(3)Responsibilities of businesses




Directions: Write a composition of at least 120 words on the topic: Should Students Be Allowed to Have Their Own Computers in the Dormitories?Base your opinion on the outline given below:

1. 对于是否允许大一新生宿舍里配电脑这个问题,许多人看法不一。

2. 我的观点。

Should students to be allowed to have their own computers in the dorm?  The question has drawn attention to students and teachers with the rapid advance of the higher education.  Different people hold different ideas about it, and here is my view about it.   

In my opinion, the question doesn’t have a simple answer.  In other words, the answers vary from person to person.

这位学生的语言,很好。作为老师的笔者,都佩服能以不同的语言,反反复复表达同一个意思的本领啦!仔细看,以上两段,说的都是车轱辘话,转过来,滚过去,就一个意思:Different people hold different ideas about whether students should be allowed to have their own computers in the dormitories!



People hold different views on whether freshmen should be allowed to use their own computers in their dormitories.  On the one hand, some people regard it as an absolute necessity as college students need their computers in the dorms to get access to studying resources, social events, and up-to-date science knowledge.  On the other hand, however, some people maintain that students can be absorbed in the Internet once their dorms are equipped with computers.

Basically, both sides have their convincing explanations on this matter.  From my personal perspective, however, I totally agree with the idea of allowing freshmen to use their own computers in the dormitories, given the evidence as follows.

First of all, allowing the use of computers in the dormitory contributes to improving freshmen’s sense of responsibility.  Entering college is a turning point of every student, who from then on will be master of his/her own life.  Getting to know how to handle the use of computers and preventing themselves from getting indulged in the Internet is a critical part of self-discipline.  If freshmen can achieve this without the guidance of parents or teachers, they will surely become self-controlled and responsible to themsleves. 

Another obvious fact is that having a computer in the dorms brings students much convenience in their lives and studies.  In the age of information, freshmen could be separated from the outside world without  computers.  By skimming news or searching for necessary studying materials, students’ horizons will be broadened and they will get a clearer picture of the world.

Thus, considering all these advantages, colleges should discard their concern on this matter and allow the use of computer in freshmen’s dormitories.



3. Responsibilities of businesses

As well as making money, businesses also have social responsibilities.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Businesses have always sought to make a profit, but it is becoming increasingly common to hear people talk about the social obligations that companies have. I completely agree with the idea that businesses should do more for society than simply make money.

On the one hand, I accept that businesses must make money in order to survive in a competitive world. It seems logical that the priority of any company should be to cover its running costs, such as employees’ wages and payments for buildings and utilities. On top of these costs, companies also need to invest in improvements and innovations if they wish to remain successful. If a company is unable to pay its bills or meet the changing needs of customers, any concerns about social responsibilities become irrelevant. In other words, a company can only make a positive contribution to society if it is in good financial health.

On the other hand, companies should not be run with the sole aim of maximising profit; they have a wider role to play in society. One social obligation that owners and managers have is to treat their employees well, rather than exploiting them. For example, they could pay a “living wage” to ensure that workers have a good quality of life. I also like the idea that businesses could use a proportion of their profits to support local charities, environmental projects or education initiatives. Finally, instead of trying to minimise their tax payments by using accounting loopholes, I believe that company bosses should be happy to contribute to society through the tax system.

In conclusion, I believe that companies should place as much importance on their social responsibilities as they do on their financial objectives.

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