


我今年37岁了,成功嫁给了一位成功男士,我是如何实现的呢? I am 37 years old, this year, I succeeded in marrying a successful man.How could I make it?因为我是一位勤恳努力的职业女性,在我过去的十年中,我遇到了各种小人,处于嫉妒,他们采取各种手段妨碍我的工作,破坏我的生活,但每次我都能够找到办法克服这些障碍和困难。每次我遇到麻烦的时候,我总是浏览网页寻找该方面的知识,或者向家里的老人和社会上有智慧的人请教,因此随着经验积累,我变得越来越有智慧。最后处理棘手问题对我来说成为小菜一碟。
Because I am a dedicated and strinous woman.During my past ten years, I met with all kinds of dirty dogs, for their jealousy, they commited various plots to hamper my development and ruin my life, but every time I succeeded in overcoming these obstacles and difficulties. When I met with each trouble, I always surf the net for knowledge about this kind of person and trouble, or ask advice from seniors of my family and wise men in the society, so in this way as the experience acumulated, I was becoming more and more intellegent and wise.At last it's a piece of cake for me to deal with the tough problems.正在这个时候,我的老公陷入了人生最黑暗艰难的时刻,他的敌人企图抢夺他所有的财产,并且毁掉他的事业,但是虽然他一向很睿智,这个时候也很无奈。但是,他遇到了我,我利用我的知识和智慧成功帮助他解了围,让那些小人得到了应有的惩罚,并且,他的事业进入了更加辉煌的阶段。所以他视我为他的幸运之星,能够给他带来幸运,他视我为珍宝,所以最终我们结婚了,并过上了幸福的生活。
Just at this moment my husband fell into the most darkest and difficultiest plight in his life. His enemies schemed to rob him of all his money and damage his career, but though he was so clever all the time, he couldn't cope with this situation, he was so helpless.But he met me. I utilized my knowledge and wisdom to help him out , I assisted him to have defeated the evil people and make them get what they deserved , and what's more, his career entered into a more prosperous stage.So he regards me as his lucky star, who can bring good luck to him and on behalf of wisdom.He cherished me so much that we ended up got married and living a happy life.
When we met with each other at first, we felt like old friends havn't seen for many years, although we chatted for 3days and nights continuously ,we still couldn't stop.That's because our realm of life and the connotation and wisdom is in the same level, we are perfect soulmates. Even some young and beautiful girls fancied him, he would prefer to stay with me.另外,我简单介绍一下我自己。
Addition, I introduce myself in brief.我有着普通的外表,但是由于我读了好多书,我很有气质。令我非常郁闷的是,我一直不能找到一个理想的男人,与我有着同样远大的人生目标,所以我这么多年保持单身,但越来年龄越大了。许多人劝我降低标准选择另一半,甚至给我介绍一些素质很低的男人,并且说我已经没有挑剔男人的资本了,因为我已经很老了。即使他们的言语对我是一种打击,但我依然不自弃,我把更多的精力投入到自我发展和我的事业中,最终我被提拔了,并且有一天我遇到了我的老公。
I have plain and ordinary oppearance ,but for I have read lots of books, I am elegant. To my great dismay, I couldn't find an ideal man who could have the same ambitious life goals with me , so I kept single for so many years. when I got older, many people advised me to lower my standard of selecting the partner, even some introduced so low quality men to me, and said I have no choice in fussing about the men cause I have this large age.Although their words were great blow to me, I still wouldn't like to give myself up, I put more energy in my self-development and my career, finally I was promoted and one day I met my husband.所以,是努力奋斗和毅力成就了我。
So it's hardworking and perseverance making me.所以,通过我的案例,每一个女人想找到理想老公的,都应该投资自己的智慧和知识。在这个世界上,年轻的女人像春笋一样层出不穷,但是真正优秀的女人并不多。现在成功的男人更愿意选择有着较高社会地位的女士为伴侣,因为他们可以分享共同的内涵,并且这样的女人真正能够成为他事业的贤内助。如果你只有美貌而没有头脑,我认为你的好运可能不会长久,因为有一天你将老去,你的美貌也随之逝去,这时候你的魅力将不复存在。我们应该做的是丰富我们的内涵,当年龄逐渐增大时,我们可以变得优雅。这就是言谈举止、性格、教养和丰富的内心世界。
So by my case I suggest every woman who wants to have an ideal husband should invest your wisdom and knowledge.In this world, young and beautiful girls turn up innumerously like the bamboo shoots in spring , but reall excellent women is rare. Nowadays successful men would prefer to select women with high stratum as thier wife , for they could share the common rich connotation, and this kind of wife could really be a good assistant in their career.If you only have beauty but without brain, I don't think you have long-term good luck ,for one day you'll become old , and your beauty will fade off, so all your charms will not exist for ever.What we should do is to rich our connotation , as the age gradually gets old, we will become more graceful.That the temperament and personality and the breeding and the affluent inner world.

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