


Questioner: Whatever I do, I face a lot of friction. What to do about that?


Sadhguru: I see this happening every day, to a large percentage of people. Let’s say some task has to be done. If it does not happen, the initial instinct in most people is to think it is because of some other person that it did not happen. They tend to point fingers at others. A whole lot of people look for some metaphysical reason as to why something did not happen. They are even blaming me, “Sadhguru, your Grace is not working.” From day one of the Inner Engineering program, or even from the free introductory talk, we have been trying to nail this one thing into your head: If something is not working, obviously it is not done well.

Sadhguru(萨古鲁):我每天都看到这样的事情发生,对大多数人都是如此。比如,某任务必须要完成。如果这事没有发生,大部分人第一直觉会认为这是其他人的原因导致事情没能发生。他们倾向于指责他人。有很大一部分人会从玄学上探究事情没能发生的原因。他们甚至怪我 “萨古鲁,你的恩典没起作用。”从内在工程上课的第一天起,甚至是之前的免费试听部分,我们一直努力把这一点嵌入你的头脑,如果某事没有发生,很明显这件事做得不好。

Inner Engineering means just this: that you can sit here without any friction. If you can sit here without any friction, outside friction will also go down.


Maybe you are not able to figure it right now, but if something did not work the way it should, obviously something was not done right. But people look for metaphysical solutions. For a whole lot of people, this is what mysticism means: they complicate simple things in their lives and think that is mystical. No, mysticism means to make the most mystical things – things that you cannot perceive through your five senses or your fundamental logic – available in a reasonably logical way. To make simple things unavailable and metaphysical is not mysticism of any kind.


If in everything you try to do, friction is happening, obviously, you are the sandpaper. We could provide you a small piece of sandpaper. Every day, whenever you face friction with someone, scrape your skin. If you do not cure yourself quickly, you will not have any skin left. When you do not have any skin left, you will not look for any friction. You will walk gently. If you want that kind of treatment, we could do that. Otherwise, come to your senses. If wherever you go, friction is happening, obviously it is you.


One simple thing you can do to reduce friction is this: Whatever the number of words you are uttering in a day, an hour, or a minute – bring it down to fifty percent. A whole lot of friction will go down, simply because you are not blabbering. And whatever you see, whether you see a man, woman, child, cow, or donkey, you bow down. Friction will not happen that way. Bring this into you, not just symbolically ­­–­ genuinely learn to bow down to a donkey.


There are two kinds of frictions: one is within ourselves. Outside friction is just an expression and a consequence. Inner Engineering means just this: that you can sit here without any friction. If you can sit here without any friction, outside friction will also go down. Still, when you meet a sandpaper, there will be some friction. So generally, we avoid sandpaper if we can, but sometimes we have to work with them. When you have to work with sandpaper, you need tact. This is something you have to learn.

有两种摩擦:一种是我们内在的摩擦。而外在的摩擦只是一种表达和结果。内在工程的意思就是:你能毫无摩擦地坐在这儿。如果你能毫无摩擦地坐在这儿,外在的摩擦也会减少。当然,当你遇到一片砂纸,还是会产生些摩擦。所以通常呢,我们会尽可能地避开砂纸 。但有时我们必须与他们打交道。当你不得不与砂纸打交道时,你需要处世技巧。这是你需要学习的东西。

Some people are very tactful when they meet sandpapers. They are so smooth that no matter how rough the other person is, these people will get their job done and leave. Working with sandpaper takes a little bit of skill and experience. There is nothing spiritual about it – it is a social skill. When the porcupine has its quills up, you must keep away a bit. When the quills are down, you can talk to it. It does not have the strength to keep the quills up all the time.


Otherwise, you must understand, your friction is just you.








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