


2024.04.20 广东



原作者:Love Who:https://www.youtube.com/@lovewho








No.1 accept your emotions, never embrace apathy

should intps make decisions from a primarily emotional place, and always trust their emotions to guide them in life?probably not. no. the stereotypes of intp is having issues with emotionality both in others and themselves is definitely true. usually you'll hear intps be described as people who don't understand emotions, and are oblivious to them. this isn't the case though. in fact, they can be exceptionally good at reading people's emotions, precisely because they're analyzing them more accurately and incisively than most people. they are not interpreting other people's emotions emotionally, so to speak. i've often seen the bigger problem be them not accepting or respecting their own emotions. they can be extremely harsh on themselves whenever they deviate from being paragons of intellectual and logical precision. for example, if intps lose their cool or get angry, then that's something probably bother them in retrospect. similarly with intensely emotional and dramatically volatile situations, it takes them a while to bounce back from those things. it's just not the way they want to operate in the world. as a result of this, there is a tendency for intps to become intentionally apathetic, or should i say, to embrace the apathy that naturally resides within them. apathy can be an excellent armor to wear in defense against the disruptiveness of emotions, but the price is too great. intps are at their best when they embrace their humanity, not there in a robot, complete objectivity and rationality should be treated as a north star instead of an impossibly high standard by which to judge yourself.



No.2 nothing is above analysis

sometimes you'll hear people say some things are just not meant to be understood, or that some things just shouldn't be analyzed. to intps, this is, and ought to be unacceptable. nothing is off the table.  nothing is immuned to inspection and examination. there are no sacred unscrutinizable cows. everything can find itself under the surgical knife of logical dissection. if intps find themselves in situations where this trait is discouraged or even stigmatized, then it's going to be very difficult for them. the best cause of action for them is probably to get away from that environment as quickly as they can. intps should embrace this desire that they have to analyze everything, all the way from the mundane to the taboo. it is the source of much of their intellectual power in life.



No.3 fight against passivity

of the deadly sins, sloth is the one that intps are most susceptible to. this can manifest in two main areas, physically and productively. intps are never going to be intellectually or ideationally lazy. some types are naturally drawn to physical outlets and hobbies, other types get their exercise in simply being on the go a lot. and some types such as intps often have to consciously try to integrate physicality into their lives. this can be really simple, such as making sure to get in a daily walk or you can be more full-on and take up some kind of physical hobby, whichever way you go about it. if you're an intp, it's very important. when it comes to productivity, this is another area where making headway for intps is going to be deeply rewardinig and satisfying. being in motion, on the move, on the go, and taking action in life is something that intp should always aim for, even if it means pushing themselves a bit. idleness, especially in the age of endless intelletual stimulation, is an easy vice. sometimes the limiting  factor is not more knowledge, or an even deeper dive down the wikipedia rabbit hole, or a caffeine-fueled all-nighter, it's simply taking action and fighting against passivity. intps, in their desire for breadth, sometimes forget to push forward. always push forward!



No.4 remember the power of play

i've often remarked upon the childlike nature of intps. they are playful, and driven by profound curiosity. despite their sometimes serious minds, the wonder of the world is never lost on them, or under-appreciated. some of the most famous intps in history, even when dealing with life and death decisions, on a regular basis, still retained this playfulness and humor. it's important to hold on to it, and as the quote goes, the secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age. if you ever feel like life is beating this trait out of you, then it's probably a sign that something big needs to change. 



No.5 avoid mental ruts and loops

sometimes intps can get hung up on details, or go too deeply down a particular rabbit hole, cycling the same thoughts over and over in their mind endlessly, and potentially going around in circles. some people would conceptualize this as a ti-si loop, constantly ruminating on specific details of things. this can often be the cause of intp's lacking of motivation and finding themselves trapped in stagnation, since during these moments, they're so wrapped up in their introverted functions, they become caught up in the past, and struggle to find ways to break free of this. the solution for getting out of these mental ruts is to inject some energy from the two extroverted functions. this can involve taking in new information and ideas, and yes, interacting with the humans. sometimes when you're stuck on something jumping into a different area of study or focus, can reframe the way you see the initial problem. for intps ne is the main tool that they use to generate alternative perspective, ideas, and creative solutions to problems. if they neglect this, then it can cause big issues.



No.6 weaponise habits and routines

this is like the opposite of the last point. it's about making use of rigidity in certain areas. intps have a yearning for endless intellectual variety simultaneous with a desire for predictability in their physical life. they are habitual people who adore their creature comforts. the less they have to think about certain in their mind mundane activities, the better. also  yes, sometimes intps see things like eating as a mundane activity. as a result, they are likely to just fall into habits without even thinking, suddenly they are eating the same thing everyday bacause it just serves its purpose. it might have been the first random meal they happened upon one day when hungry, and now it's part of their routine. so since intps have this tendency, they should weaponize it, and create positive habits consciously, instead of just falling into them and accepting them. essentially it is trying to hack your own brain, a challenge that when framed that way, intps will most likely relish. so if you are an intp, make sure that habit and routine in your life was put there intentionally by you, because it makes logical sense for your life.



No.7 leave the house, or invite people to your house

This is the one most said in jest, but is also completely serious. when people think of socializing, the first thing that comes in mind is people going out and meeting up. but of course that doesn't have to be the case. if you're an intp and you're feeling isolated or lacking in human contact, then simply invite friends over can be the most convenient way to solve that problem. you might also want to have some excuses lined up for why they need to leave at a certain point as well. also trying to leave the house as much as possible, is going to be a very posistive thing, simple and stupid as it might sound, it is important to have an excuse to actually wear something other than pajamas, and instead of being pathological home bodies all the time, or inhabibting the strange recesses of the internet exclusively, try to be out there, on the go, on the move, in flesh world.



No.8 people are irrational, but they aren't random

people, on balance, can actually be quite predictable, not completely predictable of course. a human being is a deeply complex system after all. but it is still a system of sorts. one to be analyzed and understood. in some sense, this is what typology is all about. the main thing that typology teaches us is that there are people who see the world in a fundamentally different way to us, and that they are not wrong, and we are not right. in fact, there is no right way to see and approach the world. dealing with irrationality is something that intps struggle with, because they themselves value rationality and reason and logic. but it's not so black and white. for example, someone might have a job offer one where they'd get a great deal money, many opportunities, and at least by certain metrics. a great life. yet their heart isn't in it and it doesn't make them happy. that is a decision based on what a person values and likes, that is a scenario where it is easy to understand. but there's many more complex ways in which people make these value-based judgments. it's not irrationality, even though in many cases, it really does look that way. similarly, someone could be logical in their approach to an irrational goal, so it can be confusing. sometimes people are rational, sometimes not, sometimes people are logical, sometimes not, and sometimes people are logical in service of totally irrational things. people fluctuate across the spectrum. intps are sometimes tempted to see their own approach to life as being more justifiable, after all, isn't the pursuit of truth always desireble, even they are harsh truths. but it's important to bear in mind that even the intp desire for logic and reason and rationality, is sosmewhat emotional, if not fundamentally emotional in nature. being able to reason things out is something that brings intps and other types a great deal of comfort, they feel secure with that mindset. it's something they can use to contend with the uncertaintyt of the world. this is helpful to realize though, because it gives you an insight into how others feel as well. other people get the same kind of comfort from whichever way they prefer to approach the world. so to a certain extent, you can make that leap of empathy. so just because people are irrational doesn't mean that they are random or unpredictable. quite the opposite often. once you understand people in a detached way, i.e figuring out the archetype they best fit into, then fill in the specific details of the person, i.e their actual personality as an individual, then you're going to know how to deal with them in the vast majority of situations. you might not like a person's approach to life but most of the time, you can understand it, and therefore interact with them in a much better way. 



No.9 always share your thoughts

intps are well suited to being thought leaders, so to speak, both in the sense that they can gain respect and prominence from the quality of their thoughts, and because they can influence the actions of others through taking that advisory role in their lives. intps often make amazing educators and teachers, it allows them to focus on what they do best and outsource the action and implementation of any ideas, theories or advice shared to other people. the prospect of intps keeping their observatitons and thoughts about the world concealed and suppressed is a real tragedy. if people aren't receptive to things you have to say that is a sign that you need to work on communication skills or change the people that you interact with. it's definitely not a sign that you need to stop sharing. everyone will lose out when you do that.



No.10 be a jack of all trades and a master of at least one

i've spoken of before about the advantage of breadth of  knowledge, knowing a decent amount about various different topics allows you to see connections and opportunities that even experts in each field wouldn't see. you can combine knowledge from different places and arrive at unexpected  and novel insights. the most ideationally fertile ground exists on the intersection between different disciplines, that being said it's very useful for intps to have that one main thing in their lives. it can be really simple and probably should be. for example it's common for intps to be great writers, that's often down to them feeling more able to express themselves in the written word instead of verbally in real time. once that one main skill has been identified then they can make sure to lean into it and maximize it. so being eclectic polymaths is totally fine, but identifying and maximizing that one main thing or skill is an excellent way to anchor your life. it's the thing you can focus on when you don't really know what to do. also when looking for a job or career, you can orient youself towards ones that involve using this skill a lot since you know you like it and you know you're good at it.



No.11 create rules, fomulas and principles

this is something that i think everyone can learn from intps. they love to crystallize their knowledge in the form of principles, little nuggets of elegant insight. it's like the culmination and combination of each intp function, a ti logical analysis of an any idea, crystallized in a solid si mananer and expressed in a simple and digestitble fe way. so if  you are an intp and you usually keep these things stored in your head, or stored in an abstract way, i would highly recommend writing them down and getting them out of your head. also if you are a friend of intp, listening to this, then trying asking them to analyze a particular problem you might be having in your life and see what they come up with. chances are you will end up with at least one or two little formulas rules or princicples that you can make use of.



No.12 whenever possible, have something to show for the work you do

this is a recurring theme with any advice that i give to intps. they so often naturally fall into the role of observers in life in the past. i've described them as sitting in the audience of their own movie, even when they are participating in it. there is this eternally detached analytical nature that permeates through their life based on this. if you are an intp, it's important to actually make something worthwhile of your observations. your insights your thoughts your opinions even, and you advice, find a way to get it there or translate it into something tangible and measurable, don't let it go to waste. 



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