

V2G Overview


V2G 代表“车辆到电网”,是一种能够将能量从电动汽车的电池推回电网的技术。借助电动汽车到电网技术(也称为汽车到电网),可以根据不同的信号(例如附近的能源生产或消耗)对汽车电池进行充电和放电。

V2X 意味着车联网它包括许多不同的用例,例如车到家 (V2H)、车到建筑物 (V2B) 和车到电网服务。根据您是想将 EV 电池的电力用于您的家庭还是建筑物的电力负载,这些用例中的每一个都有不同的缩写。您的车辆可以为您工作,即使nf回到网格对你来说不是这样的。

简而言之,车辆到电网背后的想法类似于常规智能充电智能充电,也称为V1G充电,使我们能够控制电动汽车的充电方式,允许在需要时增加和减少充电功率。Vehicle-to-grid 更进了一步,使充电的电力也可以瞬间从汽车电池推回电网,以平衡能源生产和消费的变化。


2. 为什么要关心 V2G?





与单向智能充电相比,V2G 可以更有效地利用电池容量。V2X 将 EV 充电从电力需求响应转变为电池解决方案。与单向智能充电相比,它使电池的使用效率提高 10 倍。


到 2030 年,全球将有 140-2.4 亿辆电动汽车。这意味着我们将拥有至少 1.4 亿个车轮上的微型储能装置,总存储容量为 7 TWh。










在 Virta,我们相信电动汽车是帮助可再生能源管理和生产的最明智的方式,因为电动汽车将在未来成为我们生活的一部分——无论我们选择以何种方式使用它们。



在实践中使用 V2G 时,最重要的是确保 EV 驾驶员在需要时汽车电池中有足够的能量。当他们早上出门上班时,汽车电池必须充满,以便在需要时驱动他们上下班。

V2G 和任何其他充电技术的基本要求:EV 驾驶员必须能够在他们想要拔下汽车插头时能够沟通,以及当时电池应该充满多少。

借助 Virta 的 V2G 解决方案,当驾驶员需要出行时,汽车电池始终可充电至 70-90%。

使用智能充电时,当电池充满电时,平衡电网的可能性就会结束。使用 V2G,电网平衡可以在车辆接通电源的整个过程中持续进行。




在 Virta 总部,我们目前有两个 V2G 充电站在使用中。这些充电站位于办公楼车库内,毗邻常规的公共智能充电点。
当 V2G 站放电时,Virta HQ 的电力直接转移到附近的汽车电池,在常规站充电——它们是电力需求持续的最近地点。


让我们带您在 Virta HQ 进行一次虚拟参观,以测试我们的 V2G 充电解决方案:



另一个例子是 eFuture 项目,Virta 使日产能够与 E.ON 一起启动车辆到电网 (V2G) 电动汽车充电。

Virta 为 E.ON 提供了一个数字电动汽车充电平台,该平台将根据电网需求、能源价格和能源结构的碳强度等信号自动充电和输出能源。





  • 降低车队的总拥有成本
  • 汽车原始设备制造商(制造商)能够销售具有附加值的车辆
  • 能源市场各方可以进行交易并优化其平衡
  • 网络运营商可以优化投资并稳定电网



安装充电设备时,第一步是检查建筑物的电气系统。如果连接需要升级,电气连接可能成为 EV 充电安装项目的障碍或显着增加成本。

车辆到电网以及动态负载管理 (DLM)等其他智能能源管理功能有助于使 EV 能够在任何地方充电,无论周围环境、位置或场所如何。 

当汽车电池的电力用在最需要的地方时(如前一章所述),V2G 对建筑物的好处是显而易见的。车辆到电网有助于平衡电力需求并避免建设电力系统的任何不必要的成本。 

借助 V2G,可以借助电动汽车来平衡建筑物中的瞬时用电高峰,并且不需要从电网消耗额外的能量。



当用电量增加时,可能会使该地区的电网过载。建筑物通过 V2G 充电站平衡其电力需求的能力也有助于扩大电网。 




Without control, you need to accept this given price but with V2G you are master to optimize your costs and profits. In other words, V2G enables energy companies to play ping pong with electricity in the grid.


 For consumers

Why would consumers take part in vehicle-to-grid as a demand response then? As we explained earlier, it does no harm to them, but does it any good either?

Since vehicle-to-grid solutions are expected to become a financially beneficial feature for energy companies, they have a clear incentive to encourage consumers to take part. 

After all, the technology, devices, and vehicles compatible with the V2G technology are not enough – consumers need to take part, plug in and enable their car batteries to be used for V2G. 




V2G 解决方案已准备好投放市场并开始发挥它们的魔力。然而,在 V2G 成为主流能源管理工具之前,需要克服一些障碍。


A. V2G技术和设备

多个硬件供应商已经开发出与车辆到电网技术兼容的设备模型。就像任何其他充电设备一样,V2G 充电器已经有多种形状和尺寸。

通常,最大充电功率在 10 kW 左右——刚好足够家庭或工作场所充电。未来,将应用更广泛的充电解决方案。




B. V2G 兼容车辆

目前,CHAdeMo 车辆(例如s Nis san) 通过将 V2G 兼容车型推​​向市场,超越了其他汽车制造商。市场上所有的 Nissan Leafs 都可以通过车对电网充电站进行放电。支持 V2G 的能力对于车辆来说是真实的,许多其他制造商有望很快加入车辆到电网兼容的俱乐部例如,三菱还宣布了使用 Outlander PHEV 将 V2G 商业化的计划。


V2G 会影响汽车电池寿命吗?

附带说明:一些 V2G 反对者声称,使用车辆到电网技术会降低汽车电池的使用寿命。声明本身有点奇怪,因为汽车电池正在耗尽无论如何每天——当汽车被使用时,电池会放电,所以我们可以开车到处走。许多人认为 V2X/V2G 意味着全功率充电和放电,即电池将从零充电状态变为 100% 充电状态,然后再次变为零。事实并非如此总而言之,车辆对电网放电不会影响电池寿命,因为它每天只会发生几分钟。然而,EV 电池生命周期和 V2G 对其的影响不断被研究。
阅读有关 V2G 和电池寿命的更多信息


C. 合作:汽车制造商和能源部门必须介入

Vehicle-to-grid is only one (but very impactful) example of the energy management possibilities that EVs offer us for the future. The thing is that energy and mobility sectors will converge in the future, with or without V2G. We believe that it is with.

However, big wheels turn slowly and there is some resistance to change. Nissan is showing a great example to other car manufacturers to start cooperating with the energy sector in order to develop something new and life-changing, and to look boldly into the future. The car industry is going through a revolution like never before. Combining forces with the energy sector offers the car industry a chance to begin a new heyday.

The same goes for the energy sector: As energy efficiency increases and more renewables step in, the ongoing change will be drastic for the electrical grid. The energy sector must find new ways to balance energy production and consumption. Luckily, EVs are ready to lend a hand.


D. New European standard

The demand response markets in Europe are growing over 20 percent growth rate. V2G is one of the most promising tools in the demand response markets. No wonder then that the V2G market is projected to grow to over $ 5 billion between 2020-2024.

At the moment the V2G is still a project-based business, but this is all about to change. V2G will soon become a commercially profitable business and there will be more and more vehicle to grid companies surfacing.  

The new European ISO 15118-20 standard will be released in 2021. The new standard will accelerate the V2G market because it enables bidirectional power transfer for multiple cars. In practice, this means that EV battery capacity for energy management will grow heavily in the next couple of years., For example, European car manufactures will implement bidirectional charging. This will be the peak battery capacity for the European electricity system.


Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

The first V2G projects are running and vehicle-to-grid solutions have been implemented. V2G will become a vital solution first in locations where the energy system is the most volatile. The most important thing, despite the location, is that the installed charging devices are smart – otherwise, all of the smart energy management features will be inaccessible.

When V2G has been implemented extensively enough, EVs can also support the grid in a state of emergency. If extreme weather conditions cause breaks in electricity, electric vehicles can maintain power for basic needs until the problem is fixed. This will make the electricity system less vulnerable and less dependent on external conditions.

Now we just need all the players to start making the most of the largest and most cost-efficient energy storage that we have — electric vehicles.


6. Additional resources

Webinar: 5 Things you need to know before starting your V2G business

In this webinar we'll cover the V2G value chain and technological requirements, trends and use cases, new business opportunities, and end with a Q&A session.

Watch the webinar >>

Virta: Building a future-proof business idea

Check out 3 reasons that explain why EV charging is a future-proof business idea in the energy sector.

Read the whole article >>

Deloitte Insights: Powering the future of mobility

Electric vehicles do so much more than move people around – they can play a significant role in supporting power companies. Learn more about the potential new role of utilities.

Read the whole article >>



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