

OSWorkflow - OSWorkflow - Testing your workflow

OSWorkflow - OSWorkflow -Testing your workflow

Now that we have a complete workflow definition, the next step is to verify that it behaves as expected.

The easiest way to do this in a rapid development environment is towrite a test case. The test case will invoke the workflow, and byexamining the results and the potential errors thrown, we can ensurethat our definition is correct.

It is assumed that you are already familiar with JUnit and writingtestcases. If not, then go to the JUnit website and go through thedocumentation there. Writing tests will soon become a very usefuladdition to your toolbox.

Before we can load in our workflow descriptor and call actions onit, we need to configure OSWorkflow to inform it of what data store touse, as well as the descriptor location and suchlike.

Configuring osworkflow.xml

The first file that needs to be created is osworkflow.xml. Below is a simple example:

<persistence class="com.opensymphony.workflow.spi.memory.MemoryWorkflowStore"/>
<factory class="com.opensymphony.workflow.loader.XMLWorkflowFactory">
<property key="resource" value="workflows.xml" />

This example specifies that we should use the memory workflow store.This saves us from the trouble of having to set up a database or someother store that might require a lot of configuration and initialising.Of course, the memory store is only really useful for testing purposes.

Workflow factories

The configuration file above also specifies that we should use theXML workflow factory. The workflow factory is responsible for managingworkflow descriptors. This includes reading them at a bare minimum, andpossibly modifying and writing them. The XML workflow factory has aspecial property called 'resource' which specifies the file where theworkflow name to descriptor XML file can be found. The resource isloaded from the classpath, so for the case above, you will need tocreate a file called workflows.xml that is in your classpath.

The contents of workflows.xml should be:

<workflow name="mytest" type="resource" location="myworkflow.xml"/>

So, you need to have the myworkflow.xml file we created earlier alongside workflows.xml, since it will likewise be loaded in as a resources.

At this point we're done with configuration, so first initialize then call our workflow.

Initialising OSWorkflow

OSWorkflow has a fairly simple invocation model. There is a mainentry point through which almost all interaction takes place. This mainentry point is the Workflow interface, and implementation-wise, is usually a subclass of AbstractWorkflow.Example implementations are EJBWorkflow and SOAPWorkflow. For the sakeof simplicity, we will use the simplest form, BasicWorkflow.

First, we create our workflow. This object should usually be storedin a global location and should be reused. Although not recommended,one way of doing so is to make it a static. Creating a new one everytime can be potentially expensive. BasicWorkflow's constructor takes inone parameter, the username of the current caller. This might seem oddgiven the earlier recommendation to reuse it, and the fact that anyserious usage will involve multiple users. However, most other workflowimplementations have their own mechanism for figuring out the currentcaller, and so are not created 'for' a particular user up front.

BasicWorkflow provides the ability to pin a workflow to a user forthe sake of simplicity and to avoid the hassle of hooking up OSWorkflowto a user lookup mechanism.

So, we create our workflow with a user caller 'testuser':

Workflow workflow = new BasicWorkflow("testuser");

The next step is to provide the workflow with a configuration touse. In most cases, it is sufficient to simply pass in aDefaultConfiguration instance, like so:

DefaultConfiguration config = new DefaultConfiguration();

We now have an initialised and configured workflow session, and canmove on to invoking a particular workflow and calling actions on it.

Starting and progressing a workflow

The first thing to do to start a workflow is to call the initializemethod. This method takes in 3 parameters. These are the workflow name(how that'll be handled depends on our workflow factory), the action ID(which initial action we want to call), and inputs to the action. Fornow, we'll simply pass in null for the inputs as we aren't using any(more on them later though).

long workflowId = workflow.initialize("mytest", 1, null);

We now have a workflow instance started. The ID returned is what wewill use to specify this workflow for all future interactions. This IDis a parameter to most of the methods in the Workflow interface.

Verifying the workflow

Now that we've initialised our workflow instance, let's confirm thatit behaves as expected. From our workflow definition, we expect thatthe current step is 1, and that we should be able to only performaction 1 (start first draft).

Collection currentSteps = workflow.getCurrentSteps(workflowId);
//verify we only have one current step
assertEquals("Unexpected number of current steps", 1, currentSteps.size());
//verify it's step 1
Step currentStep = (Step)currentSteps.iterator().next();
assertEquals("Unexpected current step", 1, currentStep.getStepId());

int[] availableActions = workflow.getAvailableActions(workflowId);
//verify we only have one available action
assertEquals("Unexpected number of available actions", 1, availableActions.length);
//verify it's action 1
assertEquals("Unexpected available action", 1, availableActions[0]);

Calling actions

Now that we've initialised our workflow and verified that it behaves as expected, let's start the first draft!

workflow.doAction(workflowId, 1, null);

We simply call the first action. The conditions we've specified onit will be evaluated, and the workflow transitions to be 'Underway',while remaining in the same step.

Similarly, we can then call the second action now that we've called the first, since the required conditions are met.

After calling the second action, we have no more available actions,and as expected, the getAvailableActions will return an empty array.

Congratulations, you have now written and called your firstworkflow! The next topic will cover more advanced descriptor elements.

Go to 3. Further descriptor concepts

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