

李阳疯狂英语900句 第三部分 生存英语200句
This is survival English. This is the most basic English.
这是生存必备英语. 这是最基础的英语.
You don't need to trouble your mind thinking about functions.
你不必绞尽脑汁来 考虑功能.
You don't need to trouble your mind thinking about grammar.
你不必绞尽脑汁来考虑 语法.
You don't need to trouble you mind thinking about big vocabulary.
你不必绞尽脑汁来考虑 丰富的词汇量.
You goal is just to get by.
Your goal is to accomplish your mission.
你的目标就是要完成你 的使命.
Your goal is to survive in the English-speaking world.
你的目标就是要在讲 英语的世界里生存下 来.
Just practice these sentences over and over and over.
只要操练这些句子, 反复、反复、再反复.
You will find yourself able to blurt them out at the right time.
你会发现你终能将它们 都脱口而出.
Then you will not only survive but thrive in foreign countries!
这样你将不仅能够在 国外生存, 而且能够 飞黄腾达.
This most fundamental English is your key.
最基本的英语就是你的 成功之匙.
Our only requirement is that no matter how short the sentence may be,
我们惟一的要求就是: 不管句子有多短,
Even if it is only one word,
You MUST have beautiful and standard pronunciation!
但是你必须拥有优美 标准的发音!
The key to basic English is quality, not quantity,
掌握基础英语的关键 在于质, 而不在于量.
It is best to master a small number of short sentences perfectly
熟练地掌握少量的短句 远好过
than it is to stumble And stammer through lots of complicated sentences
结结巴巴、连滚带爬说 出的
that no one will understand!
Unit 11 Asking People to Repeat
第十一单元 要求重复
1. Pardon me?/ Can you repeat that, please?
1. 请再说一遍好吗?
2. Excuse me?/ What did you say?
2. 对不起, 你说什么?
3. Please say it again. 4. Please speak slower My English is poor.
3. 请再说一遍. 4. 请您说慢一点儿. 我的英语很差.
5. I'm sorry. What did you say? 6. Sorry, I didn't quite get that.
5. 对不起, 我没听见, 你说什么来着? 6. 对不起, 我没听 清楚.
7. I'm afraid I don't understand you.
7. 恐怕我不明白你的 意思.
8. Could you please repeat that? 9. I don't think I follow you.
8. 你能再重复一次吗? 9. 我想我没听懂.
10. I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said.
10. 对不起, 我没有 听见你说的话.
Special Tribute (1)
特别奉献     李阳疯狂英语口语句子
1. A: Pardon me?/Can you repeat that, please? B: Of course.
1. A: 请再说一遍好 吗? B: 当然可以.
2. A: Excuse me/ What did you say? B: I said, "Do you need my help?"
2. A: 对不起, 你说 什么? B: 我说:"你需要我 帮忙吗?"
3. A: Please say it again. B: OK.
3. A: 请再说一遍. B: 好的.
4. A: Please speak slower. My English is poor.
4. A: 请您说慢一点儿 我的英语很差.
B: I'm sorry. I thought you were American.
B: 对不起.我以为你 是美国人.
5. A: I'm sorry. What did you say? B: I said, "You need to zip your fly."
5. A: 对不起, 我没听 见.你说什么来着? B: 我说:"你要把拉链 拉上."
6. A: Sorry, I didn't quite get that. B: Let me explain it again.
6. A: 对不起, 我没听 清楚. B: 我再解释一遍.
7. A: I'm afraid I don't understand you.
7. A: 恐怕我不明白 你的意思.
B: No problem. Let me put it another way.
B: 没问题.那我换个 说法吧.
8. A: Could you please repeat that? B: Absolutely.
8. A: 你能再重复一次 吗? B: 当然可以.
9.A: I don't think I follow you. B: Let me explain it in another way.
9.A: 我没有听懂. B: 那我换个说法吧.
10. A: I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said.
10. A: 对不起, 我没有听见你说的话.
B: OK, Let me repeat it for you.
B: 那好, 我再重复 一遍.
Kim's tribute 1. I beg your pardon?/ Could you repeat that?
Kim奉献 1. 请再说一遍.
2. I'm afraid I didn't catch what you said.
2. 对不起, 我没有听见你的话.
3. Could you please write it down for me?
3. 请你帮我写下来好 吗?
4. Would you mind saying that again?
4. 你介意再说一遍吗?
5. Speak slowly, please!/ Please speak more slowly.
5. 请说慢一点, 请说得更慢一些.
6. Please don't speak so quickly. 7. Would you slow down, please?
6. 请您不要说得太快. 7. 您能说慢一点儿吗?
8. Could you say that one more time? 9. Please speak a little louder.
8. 您能再说一遍吗? 9. 麻烦您声音大一点 儿.
10. I'm sorry, but I need you to repeat what you said.
10. 对不起.我需要你 重复一下你所说的话.
Special Tribute two
特别奉献 二
1. A: I beg you pardon?/ Could you repeat that? B: Certainly.
1. A: 请再说一遍. B: 当然可以.
2. A: I'm afraid I didn't catch what you said.
2. A: 对不起.我没有 听见你的话.
B: I'm sorry for speaking so fast.
B: 不好意思, 我说得 太快了.
3. A: Could you please write it down for me? B: Sure. No problem.
3. A: 请你帮我写下来 好吗? B: 当然可以.没问题.
4. A: Would you mind saying that again? B: No problem.
4. A: 你介意再说一遍 吗? B: 没问题.
5. A: Speak slowly, please. /Please speak more slowly. B: OK. I'll try to.
5. A: 慢一点, 请说慢一点. B: 好的.我会尽量慢 一点.
6. A: Please don't speak so quickly. B: OK. I'll try not to speak so fast.
6. A: 请您不要说得 太快. B: 好的.我尽量不说 这么快.
7. A: Would you slow down, please? B: Sure.
7. A: 您能说慢一点儿 吗? B: 当然.
8. A: Could you say that one more time? B: Definitely.
8. A: 你能再说一遍 吗? B: 当然可以.
9. A: Please speak a little louder. B: OK.
9. A: 麻烦您声音大 一点儿. B: 好的.
10. A: I'm sorry, but I need you to repeat what you said. B: OK.
10. A: 对不起, 请你 把刚才的话再重复一遍 B: 好的.
Unit 12 Compliments 1. You have really good taste.
第十二单元 赞美 1. 你的品味真不错.
2. You're such a gentleman. You have excellent manners.
你真是一个绅士. 你的举止非常优雅.
3. Good work. 4. Nice job. 5. Very nice. 6. Very impressive.
3. 干得好. 4. 做得好. 5. 很好. 6. 干得不错.
7. You have a lot of potential.
7. 你很有潜力,
8. I've been hearing some good things about you.
8. 我总是听到关于你 的好话.
9. We're very pleased with your work.
9. 我们对你的工作很 满意.
10. You're the best in the business.
10. 你的业务做得最好
Special Tribute one
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